Abstract:Bilevel optimization is a key framework in hierarchical decision-making, where one problem is embedded within the constraints of another. In this work, we propose a control-theoretic approach to solving bilevel optimization problems. Our method consists of two components: a gradient flow mechanism to minimize the upper-level objective and a safety filter to enforce the constraints imposed by the lower-level problem. Together, these components form a safe gradient flow that solves the bilevel problem in a single loop. To improve scalability with respect to the lower-level problem's dimensions, we introduce a relaxed formulation and design a compact variant of the safe gradient flow. This variant minimizes the upper-level objective while ensuring the lower-level solution remains within a user-defined distance. Using Lyapunov analysis, we establish convergence guarantees for the dynamics, proving that they converge to a neighborhood of the optimal solution. Numerical experiments further validate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Our contributions provide both theoretical insights and practical tools for efficiently solving bilevel optimization problems.
Abstract:Learning-based approaches for constructing Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) are increasingly being explored for safety-critical control systems. However, these methods typically require complete retraining when applied to unseen environments, limiting their adaptability. To address this, we propose a self-supervised deep operator learning framework that learns the mapping from environmental parameters to the corresponding CBF, rather than learning the CBF directly. Our approach leverages the residual of a parametric Partial Differential Equation (PDE), where the solution defines a parametric CBF approximating the maximal control invariant set. This framework accommodates complex safety constraints, higher relative degrees, and actuation limits. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method through numerical experiments on navigation tasks involving dynamic obstacles.
Abstract:A key challenge that threatens the widespread use of neural networks in safety-critical applications is their vulnerability to adversarial attacks. In this paper, we study the second-order behavior of continuously differentiable deep neural networks, focusing on robustness against adversarial perturbations. First, we provide a theoretical analysis of robustness and attack certificates for deep classifiers by leveraging local gradients and upper bounds on the second derivative (curvature constant). Next, we introduce a novel algorithm to analytically compute provable upper bounds on the second derivative of neural networks. This algorithm leverages the compositional structure of the model to propagate the curvature bound layer-by-layer, giving rise to a scalable and modular approach. The proposed bound can serve as a differentiable regularizer to control the curvature of neural networks during training, thereby enhancing robustness. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our method on classification tasks using the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets.
Abstract:We propose a novel reachability analysis method tailored for neural networks with differentiable activations. Our idea hinges on a sound abstraction of the neural network map based on first-order Taylor expansion and bounding the remainder. To this end, we propose a method to compute analytical bounds on the network's first derivative (gradient) and second derivative (Hessian). A key aspect of our method is loop transformation on the activation functions to exploit their monotonicity effectively. The resulting end-to-end abstraction locally preserves the derivative information, yielding accurate bounds on small input sets. Finally, we employ a branch and bound framework for larger input sets to refine the abstraction recursively. We evaluate our method numerically via different examples and compare the results with relevant state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:One of the challenges for neural networks in real-life applications is the overconfident errors these models make when the data is not from the original training distribution. Addressing this issue is known as Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection. Many state-of-the-art OOD methods employ an auxiliary dataset as a surrogate for OOD data during training to achieve improved performance. However, these methods fail to fully exploit the local information embedded in the auxiliary dataset. In this work, we propose the idea of leveraging the information embedded in the gradient of the loss function during training to enable the network to not only learn a desired OOD score for each sample but also to exhibit similar behavior in a local neighborhood around each sample. We also develop a novel energy-based sampling method to allow the network to be exposed to more informative OOD samples during the training phase. This is especially important when the auxiliary dataset is large. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through extensive experiments on several OOD benchmarks, improving the existing state-of-the-art FPR95 by 4% on our ImageNet experiment. We further provide a theoretical analysis through the lens of certified robustness and Lipschitz analysis to showcase the theoretical foundation of our work. We will publicly release our code after the review process.
Abstract:Designing control policies for stabilization tasks with provable guarantees is a long-standing problem in nonlinear control. A crucial performance metric is the size of the resulting region of attraction, which essentially serves as a robustness "margin" of the closed-loop system against uncertainties. In this paper, we propose a new method to train a stabilizing neural network controller along with its corresponding Lyapunov certificate, aiming to maximize the resulting region of attraction while respecting the actuation constraints. Crucial to our approach is the use of Zubov's Partial Differential Equation (PDE), which precisely characterizes the true region of attraction of a given control policy. Our framework follows an actor-critic pattern where we alternate between improving the control policy (actor) and learning a Zubov function (critic). Finally, we compute the largest certifiable region of attraction by invoking an SMT solver after the training procedure. Our numerical experiments on several design problems show consistent and significant improvements in the size of the resulting region of attraction.
Abstract:Barrier functions are a general framework for establishing a safety guarantee for a system. However, there is no general method for finding these functions. To address this shortcoming, recent approaches use self-supervised learning techniques to learn these functions using training data that are periodically generated by a verification procedure, leading to a verification-aided learning framework. Despite its immense potential in automating barrier function synthesis, the verification-aided learning framework does not have termination guarantees and may suffer from a low success rate of finding a valid barrier function in practice. In this paper, we propose a holistic approach to address these drawbacks. With a convex formulation of the barrier function synthesis, we propose to first learn an empirically well-behaved NN basis function and then apply a fine-tuning algorithm that exploits the convexity and counterexamples from the verification failure to find a valid barrier function with finite-step termination guarantees: if there exist valid barrier functions, the fine-tuning algorithm is guaranteed to find one in a finite number of iterations. We demonstrate that our fine-tuning method can significantly boost the performance of the verification-aided learning framework on examples of different scales and using various neural network verifiers.
Abstract:Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) provide an elegant framework for designing safety filters for nonlinear control systems by constraining their trajectories to an invariant subset of a prespecified safe set. However, the task of finding a CBF that concurrently maximizes the volume of the resulting control invariant set while accommodating complex safety constraints, particularly in high relative degree systems with actuation constraints, continues to pose a substantial challenge. In this work, we propose a novel self-supervised learning framework that holistically addresses these hurdles. Given a Boolean composition of multiple state constraints that define the safe set, our approach starts with building a single continuously differentiable function whose 0-superlevel set provides an inner approximation of the safe set. We then use this function together with a smooth neural network to parameterize the CBF candidate. Finally, we design a training loss function based on a Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation to train the CBF while enlarging the volume of the induced control invariant set. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach via numerical experiments.
Abstract:To improve the robustness of deep classifiers against adversarial perturbations, many approaches have been proposed, such as designing new architectures with better robustness properties (e.g., Lipschitz-capped networks), or modifying the training process itself (e.g., min-max optimization, constrained learning, or regularization). These approaches, however, might not be effective at increasing the margin in the input (feature) space. As a result, there has been an increasing interest in developing training procedures that can directly manipulate the decision boundary in the input space. In this paper, we build upon recent developments in this category by developing a robust training algorithm whose objective is to increase the margin in the output (logit) space while regularizing the Lipschitz constant of the model along vulnerable directions. We show that these two objectives can directly promote larger margins in the input space. To this end, we develop a scalable method for calculating guaranteed differentiable upper bounds on the Lipschitz constant of neural networks accurately and efficiently. The relative accuracy of the bounds prevents excessive regularization and allows for more direct manipulation of the decision boundary. Furthermore, our Lipschitz bounding algorithm exploits the monotonicity and Lipschitz continuity of the activation layers, and the resulting bounds can be used to design new layers with controllable bounds on their Lipschitz constant. Experiments on the MNIST, CIFAR-10, and Tiny-ImageNet data sets verify that our proposed algorithm obtains competitively improved results compared to the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Neural networks are notoriously vulnerable to adversarial attacks -- small imperceptible perturbations that can change the network's output drastically. In the reverse direction, there may exist large, meaningful perturbations that leave the network's decision unchanged (excessive invariance, nonivertibility). We study the latter phenomenon in two contexts: (a) discrete-time dynamical system identification, as well as (b) calibration of the output of one neural network to the output of another (neural network matching). For ReLU networks and $L_p$ norms ($p=1,2,\infty$), we formulate these optimization problems as mixed-integer programs (MIPs) that apply to neural network approximators of dynamical systems. We also discuss the applicability of our results to invertibility certification in transformations between neural networks (e.g. at different levels of pruning).