Abstract:Despite the remarkable success of diffusion models (DMs) in data generation, they exhibit specific failure cases with unsatisfactory outputs. We focus on one such limitation: the ability of DMs to learn hidden rules between image features. Specifically, for image data with dependent features ($\mathbf{x}$) and ($\mathbf{y}$) (e.g., the height of the sun ($\mathbf{x}$) and the length of the shadow ($\mathbf{y}$)), we investigate whether DMs can accurately capture the inter-feature rule ($p(\mathbf{y}|\mathbf{x})$). Empirical evaluations on mainstream DMs (e.g., Stable Diffusion 3.5) reveal consistent failures, such as inconsistent lighting-shadow relationships and mismatched object-mirror reflections. Inspired by these findings, we design four synthetic tasks with strongly correlated features to assess DMs' rule-learning abilities. Extensive experiments show that while DMs can identify coarse-grained rules, they struggle with fine-grained ones. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that DMs trained via denoising score matching (DSM) exhibit constant errors in learning hidden rules, as the DSM objective is not compatible with rule conformity. To mitigate this, we introduce a common technique - incorporating additional classifier guidance during sampling, which achieves (limited) improvements. Our analysis reveals that the subtle signals of fine-grained rules are challenging for the classifier to capture, providing insights for future exploration.
Abstract:The predominant success of diffusion models in generative modeling has spurred significant interest in understanding their theoretical foundations. In this work, we propose a feature learning framework aimed at analyzing and comparing the training dynamics of diffusion models with those of traditional classification models. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that, under identical settings, diffusion models, due to the denoising objective, are encouraged to learn more balanced and comprehensive representations of the data. In contrast, neural networks with a similar architecture trained for classification tend to prioritize learning specific patterns in the data, often focusing on easy-to-learn components. To support these theoretical insights, we conduct several experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, which empirically validate our findings and highlight the distinct feature learning dynamics in diffusion models compared to classification.
Abstract:Multi-modal contrastive learning with language supervision has presented a paradigm shift in modern machine learning. By pre-training on a web-scale dataset, multi-modal contrastive learning can learn high-quality representations that exhibit impressive robustness and transferability. Despite its empirical success, the theoretical understanding is still in its infancy, especially regarding its comparison with single-modal contrastive learning. In this work, we introduce a feature learning theory framework that provides a theoretical foundation for understanding the differences between multi-modal and single-modal contrastive learning. Based on a data generation model consisting of signal and noise, our analysis is performed on a ReLU network trained with the InfoMax objective function. Through a trajectory-based optimization analysis and generalization characterization on downstream tasks, we identify the critical factor, which is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), that impacts the generalizability in downstream tasks of both multi-modal and single-modal contrastive learning. Through the cooperation between the two modalities, multi-modal learning can achieve better feature learning, leading to improvements in performance in downstream tasks compared to single-modal learning. Our analysis provides a unified framework that can characterize the optimization and generalization of both single-modal and multi-modal contrastive learning. Empirical experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets further consolidate our theoretical findings.
Abstract:Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) have displayed remarkable creative prowess and emergence capabilities. Existing empirical studies have revealed a strong connection between these LLMs' impressive emergence abilities and their in-context learning (ICL) capacity, allowing them to solve new tasks using only task-specific prompts without further fine-tuning. On the other hand, existing empirical and theoretical studies also show that there is a linear regularity of the multi-concept encoded semantic representation behind transformer-based LLMs. However, existing theoretical work fail to build up an understanding of the connection between this regularity and the innovative power of ICL. Additionally, prior work often focuses on simplified, unrealistic scenarios involving linear transformers or unrealistic loss functions, and they achieve only linear or sub-linear convergence rates. In contrast, this work provides a fine-grained mathematical analysis to show how transformers leverage the multi-concept semantics of words to enable powerful ICL and excellent out-of-distribution ICL abilities, offering insights into how transformers innovate solutions for certain unseen tasks encoded with multiple cross-concept semantics. Inspired by empirical studies on the linear latent geometry of LLMs, the analysis is based on a concept-based low-noise sparse coding prompt model. Leveraging advanced techniques, this work showcases the exponential 0-1 loss convergence over the highly non-convex training dynamics, which pioneeringly incorporates the challenges of softmax self-attention, ReLU-activated MLPs, and cross-entropy loss. Empirical simulations corroborate the theoretical findings.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as fundamental tools for a wide range of prediction tasks on graph-structured data. Recent studies have drawn analogies between GNN feature propagation and diffusion processes, which can be interpreted as dynamical systems. In this paper, we delve deeper into this perspective by connecting the dynamics in GNNs to modern Koopman theory and its numerical method, Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD). We illustrate how DMD can estimate a low-rank, finite-dimensional linear operator based on multiple states of the system, effectively approximating potential nonlinear interactions between nodes in the graph. This approach allows us to capture complex dynamics within the graph accurately and efficiently. We theoretically establish a connection between the DMD-estimated operator and the original dynamic operator between system states. Building upon this foundation, we introduce a family of DMD-GNN models that effectively leverage the low-rank eigenfunctions provided by the DMD algorithm. We further discuss the potential of enhancing our approach by incorporating domain-specific constraints such as symmetry into the DMD computation, allowing the corresponding GNN models to respect known physical properties of the underlying system. Our work paves the path for applying advanced dynamical system analysis tools via GNNs. We validate our approach through extensive experiments on various learning tasks, including directed graphs, large-scale graphs, long-range interactions, and spatial-temporal graphs. We also empirically verify that our proposed models can serve as powerful encoders for link prediction tasks. The results demonstrate that our DMD-enhanced GNNs achieve state-of-the-art performance, highlighting the effectiveness of integrating DMD into GNN frameworks.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are proficient in graph representation learning and achieve promising performance on versatile tasks such as node classification and link prediction. Usually, a comprehensive hyperparameter tuning is essential for fully unlocking GNN's top performance, especially for complicated tasks such as node classification on large graphs and long-range graphs. This is usually associated with high computational and time costs and careful design of appropriate search spaces. This work introduces a graph-conditioned latent diffusion framework (GNN-Diff) to generate high-performing GNNs based on the model checkpoints of sub-optimal hyperparameters selected by a light-tuning coarse search. We validate our method through 166 experiments across four graph tasks: node classification on small, large, and long-range graphs, as well as link prediction. Our experiments involve 10 classic and state-of-the-art target models and 20 publicly available datasets. The results consistently demonstrate that GNN-Diff: (1) boosts the performance of GNNs with efficient hyperparameter tuning; and (2) presents high stability and generalizability on unseen data across multiple generation runs. The code is available at https://github.com/lequanlin/GNN-Diff.
Abstract:The Adam optimizer is widely used for transformer optimization in practice, which makes understanding the underlying optimization mechanisms an important problem. However, due to the Adam's complexity, theoretical analysis of how it optimizes transformers remains a challenging task. Fortunately, Sign Gradient Descent (SignGD) serves as an effective surrogate for Adam. Despite its simplicity, theoretical understanding of how SignGD optimizes transformers still lags behind. In this work, we study how SignGD optimizes a two-layer transformer -- consisting of a softmax attention layer with trainable query-key parameterization followed by a linear layer -- on a linearly separable noisy dataset. We identify four stages in the training dynamics, each exhibiting intriguing behaviors. Based on the training dynamics, we prove the fast convergence but poor generalization of the learned transformer on the noisy dataset. We also show that Adam behaves similarly to SignGD in terms of both optimization and generalization in this setting. Additionally, we find that the poor generalization of SignGD is not solely due to data noise, suggesting that both SignGD and Adam requires high-quality data for real-world tasks. Finally, experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets empirically support our theoretical results.
Abstract:The advent of deep learning has introduced efficient approaches for de novo protein sequence design, significantly improving success rates and reducing development costs compared to computational or experimental methods. However, existing methods face challenges in generating proteins with diverse lengths and shapes while maintaining key structural features. To address these challenges, we introduce CPDiffusion-SS, a latent graph diffusion model that generates protein sequences based on coarse-grained secondary structural information. CPDiffusion-SS offers greater flexibility in producing a variety of novel amino acid sequences while preserving overall structural constraints, thus enhancing the reliability and diversity of generated proteins. Experimental analyses demonstrate the significant superiority of the proposed method in producing diverse and novel sequences, with CPDiffusion-SS surpassing popular baseline methods on open benchmarks across various quantitative measurements. Furthermore, we provide a series of case studies to highlight the biological significance of the generation performance by the proposed method. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/riacd/CPDiffusion-SS
Abstract:Many machine learning applications are naturally formulated as optimization problems on Riemannian manifolds. The main idea behind Riemannian optimization is to maintain the feasibility of the variables while moving along a descent direction on the manifold. This results in updating all the variables at every iteration. In this work, we provide a general framework for developing computationally efficient coordinate descent (CD) algorithms on matrix manifolds that allows updating only a few variables at every iteration while adhering to the manifold constraint. In particular, we propose CD algorithms for various manifolds such as Stiefel, Grassmann, (generalized) hyperbolic, symplectic, and symmetric positive (semi)definite. While the cost per iteration of the proposed CD algorithms is low, we further develop a more efficient variant via a first-order approximation of the objective function. We analyze their convergence and complexity, and empirically illustrate their efficacy in several applications.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities across various tasks. However, training LLMs from scratch requires significant computational power and extensive memory capacity. Recent studies have explored low-rank structures on weights for efficient fine-tuning in terms of parameters and memory, either through low-rank adaptation or factorization. While effective for fine-tuning, low-rank structures are generally less suitable for pretraining because they restrict parameters to a low-dimensional subspace. In this work, we propose to parameterize the weights as a sum of low-rank and sparse matrices for pretraining, which we call SLTrain. The low-rank component is learned via matrix factorization, while for the sparse component, we employ a simple strategy of uniformly selecting the sparsity support at random and learning only the non-zero entries with the fixed support. While being simple, the random fixed-support sparse learning strategy significantly enhances pretraining when combined with low-rank learning. Our results show that SLTrain adds minimal extra parameters and memory costs compared to pretraining with low-rank parameterization, yet achieves substantially better performance, which is comparable to full-rank training. Remarkably, when combined with quantization and per-layer updates, SLTrain can reduce memory requirements by up to 73% when pretraining the LLaMA 7B model.