Keio University
Abstract:In this study, we consider an optimization problem with uncertainty dependent on decision variables, which has recently attracted attention due to its importance in machine learning and pricing applications. In this problem, the gradient of the objective function cannot be obtained explicitly because the decision-dependent distribution is unknown. Therefore, several zeroth-order methods have been proposed, which obtain noisy objective values by sampling and update the iterates. Although these existing methods have theoretical convergence for optimization problems with decision-dependent uncertainty, they require strong assumptions about the function and distribution or exhibit large variances in their gradient estimators. To overcome these issues, we propose two zeroth-order methods under mild assumptions. First, we develop a zeroth-order method with a new one-point gradient estimator including a variance reduction parameter. The proposed method updates the decision variables while adjusting the variance reduction parameter. Second, we develop a zeroth-order method with a two-point gradient estimator. There are situations where only one-point estimators can be used, but if both one-point and two-point estimators are available, it is more practical to use the two-point estimator. As theoretical results, we show the convergence of our methods to stationary points and provide the worst-case iteration and sample complexity analysis. Our simulation experiments with real data on a retail service application show that our methods output solutions with lower objective values than the conventional zeroth-order methods.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities across various tasks. However, training LLMs from scratch requires significant computational power and extensive memory capacity. Recent studies have explored low-rank structures on weights for efficient fine-tuning in terms of parameters and memory, either through low-rank adaptation or factorization. While effective for fine-tuning, low-rank structures are generally less suitable for pretraining because they restrict parameters to a low-dimensional subspace. In this work, we propose to parameterize the weights as a sum of low-rank and sparse matrices for pretraining, which we call SLTrain. The low-rank component is learned via matrix factorization, while for the sparse component, we employ a simple strategy of uniformly selecting the sparsity support at random and learning only the non-zero entries with the fixed support. While being simple, the random fixed-support sparse learning strategy significantly enhances pretraining when combined with low-rank learning. Our results show that SLTrain adds minimal extra parameters and memory costs compared to pretraining with low-rank parameterization, yet achieves substantially better performance, which is comparable to full-rank training. Remarkably, when combined with quantization and per-layer updates, SLTrain can reduce memory requirements by up to 73% when pretraining the LLaMA 7B model.
Abstract:Bilevel optimization has seen an increasing presence in various domains of applications. In this work, we propose a framework for solving bilevel optimization problems where variables of both lower and upper level problems are constrained on Riemannian manifolds. We provide several hypergradient estimation strategies on manifolds and study their estimation error. We provide convergence and complexity analysis for the proposed hypergradient descent algorithm on manifolds. We also extend the developments to stochastic bilevel optimization and to the use of general retraction. We showcase the utility of the proposed framework on various applications.
Abstract:Non-convex optimization problems have various important applications, whereas many algorithms have been proven only to converge to stationary points. Meanwhile, gradient Langevin dynamics (GLD) and its variants have attracted increasing attention as a framework to provide theoretical convergence guarantees for a global solution in non-convex settings. The studies on GLD initially treated unconstrained convex problems and very recently expanded to convex constrained non-convex problems by Lamperski (2021). In this work, we can deal with non-convex problems with some kind of non-convex feasible region. This work analyzes reflected gradient Langevin dynamics (RGLD), a global optimization algorithm for smoothly constrained problems, including non-convex constrained ones, and derives a convergence rate to a solution with $\epsilon$-sampling error. The convergence rate is faster than the one given by Lamperski (2021) for convex constrained cases. Our proofs exploit the Poisson equation to effectively utilize the reflection for the faster convergence rate.
Abstract:Although application examples of multilevel optimization have already been discussed since the '90s, the development of solution methods was almost limited to bilevel cases due to the difficulty of the problem. In recent years, in machine learning, Franceschi et al. have proposed a method for solving bilevel optimization problems by replacing their lower-level problems with the $T$ steepest descent update equations with some prechosen iteration number $T$. In this paper, we have developed a gradient-based algorithm for multilevel optimization with $n$ levels based on their idea and proved that our reformulation with $n T$ variables asymptotically converges to the original multilevel problem. As far as we know, this is one of the first algorithms with some theoretical guarantee for multilevel optimization. Numerical experiments show that a trilevel hyperparameter learning model considering data poisoning produces more stable prediction results than an existing bilevel hyperparameter learning model in noisy data settings.
Abstract:Model extraction attacks have become serious issues for service providers using machine learning. We consider an adversarial setting to prevent model extraction under the assumption that attackers will make their best guess on the service provider's model using query accesses, and propose to build a surrogate model that significantly keeps away the predictions of the attacker's model from those of the true model. We formulate the problem as a non-convex constrained bilevel optimization problem and show that for kernel models, it can be transformed into a non-convex 1-quadratically constrained quadratic program with a polynomial-time algorithm to find the global optimum. Moreover, we give a tractable transformation and an algorithm for more complicated models that are learned by using stochastic gradient descent-based algorithms. Numerical experiments show that the surrogate model performs well compared with existing defense models when the difference between the attacker's and service provider's distributions is large. We also empirically confirm the generalization ability of the surrogate model.
Abstract:We propose a new formulation of Multiple-Instance Learning (MIL), in which a unit of data consists of a set of instances called a bag. The goal is to find a good classifier of bags based on the similarity with a "shapelet" (or pattern), where the similarity of a bag with a shapelet is the maximum similarity of instances in the bag. In previous work, some of the training instances are chosen as shapelets with no theoretical justification. In our formulation, we use all possible, and thus infinitely many shapelets, resulting in a richer class of classifiers. We show that the formulation is tractable, that is, it can be reduced through Linear Programming Boosting (LPBoost) to Difference of Convex (DC) programs of finite (actually polynomial) size. Our theoretical result also gives justification to the heuristics of some of the previous work. The time complexity of the proposed algorithm highly depends on the size of the set of all instances in the training sample. To apply to the data containing a large number of instances, we also propose a heuristic option of the algorithm without the loss of the theoretical guarantee. Our empirical study demonstrates that our algorithm uniformly works for Shapelet Learning tasks on time-series classification and various MIL tasks with comparable accuracy to the existing methods. Moreover, we show that the proposed heuristics allow us to achieve the result with reasonable computational time.
Abstract:Recent years have seen much research on fairness in machine learning. Here, mean difference (MD) or demographic parity is one of the most popular measures of fairness. However, MD quantifies not only discrimination but also explanatory bias which is the difference of outcomes justified by explanatory features. In this paper, we devise novel models, called FairCEEs, which remove discrimination while keeping explanatory bias. The models are based on estimators of causal effect utilizing propensity score analysis. We prove that FairCEEs with the squared loss theoretically outperform a naive MD constraint model. We provide an efficient algorithm for solving FairCEEs in regression and binary classification tasks. In our experiment on synthetic and real-world data in these two tasks, FairCEEs outperformed an existing model that considers explanatory bias in specific cases.
Abstract:We propose a new formulation of Multiple-Instance Learning (MIL). In typical MIL settings, a unit of data is given as a set of instances called a bag and the goal is to find a good classifier of bags based on similarity from a single or finitely many "shapelets" (or patterns), where the similarity of the bag from a shapelet is the maximum similarity of instances in the bag. Classifiers based on a single shapelet are not sufficiently strong for certain applications. Additionally, previous work with multiple shapelets has heuristically chosen some of the instances as shapelets with no theoretical guarantee of its generalization ability. Our formulation provides a richer class of the final classifiers based on infinitely many shapelets. We provide an efficient algorithm for the new formulation, in addition to generalization bound. Our empirical study demonstrates that our approach is effective not only for MIL tasks but also for Shapelet Learning for time-series classification.
Abstract:Variable clustering is important for explanatory analysis. However, only few dedicated methods for variable clustering with the Gaussian graphical model have been proposed. Even more severe, small insignificant partial correlations due to noise can dramatically change the clustering result when evaluating for example with the Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC). In this work, we try to address this issue by proposing a Bayesian model that accounts for negligible small, but not necessarily zero, partial correlations. Based on our model, we propose to evaluate a variable clustering result using the marginal likelihood. To address the intractable calculation of the marginal likelihood, we propose two solutions: one based on a variational approximation, and another based on MCMC. Experiments on simulated data shows that the proposed method is similarly accurate as BIC in the no noise setting, but considerably more accurate when there are noisy partial correlations. Furthermore, on real data the proposed method provides clustering results that are intuitively sensible, which is not always the case when using BIC or its extensions.