Abstract:Deep recommender systems rely heavily on large embedding tables to handle high-cardinality categorical features such as user/item identifiers, and face significant memory constraints at scale. To tackle this challenge, hashing techniques are often employed to map multiple entities to the same embedding and thus reduce the size of the embedding tables. Concurrently, graph-based collaborative signals have emerged as powerful tools in recommender systems, yet their potential for optimizing embedding table reduction remains unexplored. This paper introduces GraphHash, the first graph-based approach that leverages modularity-based bipartite graph clustering on user-item interaction graphs to reduce embedding table sizes. We demonstrate that the modularity objective has a theoretical connection to message-passing, which provides a foundation for our method. By employing fast clustering algorithms, GraphHash serves as a computationally efficient proxy for message-passing during preprocessing and a plug-and-play graph-based alternative to traditional ID hashing. Extensive experiments show that GraphHash substantially outperforms diverse hashing baselines on both retrieval and click-through-rate prediction tasks. In particular, GraphHash achieves on average a 101.52% improvement in recall when reducing the embedding table size by more than 75%, highlighting the value of graph-based collaborative information for model reduction.
Abstract:Recent work in imitation learning has shown that having an expert controller that is both suitably smooth and stable enables stronger guarantees on the performance of the learned controller. However, constructing such smoothed expert controllers for arbitrary systems remains challenging, especially in the presence of input and state constraints. As our primary contribution, we show how such a smoothed expert can be designed for a general class of systems using a log-barrier-based relaxation of a standard Model Predictive Control (MPC) optimization problem. Improving upon our previous work, we show that barrier MPC achieves theoretically optimal error-to-smoothness tradeoff along some direction. At the core of this theoretical guarantee on smoothness is an improved lower bound we prove on the optimality gap of the analytic center associated with a convex Lipschitz function, which we believe could be of independent interest. We validate our theoretical findings via experiments, demonstrating the merits of our smoothing approach over randomized smoothing.
Abstract:Residual connections and normalization layers have become standard design choices for graph neural networks (GNNs), and were proposed as solutions to the mitigate the oversmoothing problem in GNNs. However, how exactly these methods help alleviate the oversmoothing problem from a theoretical perspective is not well understood. In this work, we provide a formal and precise characterization of (linearized) GNNs with residual connections and normalization layers. We establish that (a) for residual connections, the incorporation of the initial features at each layer can prevent the signal from becoming too smooth, and determines the subspace of possible node representations; (b) batch normalization prevents a complete collapse of the output embedding space to a one-dimensional subspace through the individual rescaling of each column of the feature matrix. This results in the convergence of node representations to the top-$k$ eigenspace of the message-passing operator; (c) moreover, we show that the centering step of a normalization layer -- which can be understood as a projection -- alters the graph signal in message-passing in such a way that relevant information can become harder to extract. We therefore introduce a novel, principled normalization layer called GraphNormv2 in which the centering step is learned such that it does not distort the original graph signal in an undesirable way. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our method.
Abstract:Self-attention is the key mechanism of transformers, which are the essential building blocks of modern foundation models. Recent studies have shown that pure self-attention suffers from an increasing degree of rank collapse as depth increases, limiting model expressivity and further utilization of model depth. The existing literature on rank collapse, however, has mostly overlooked other critical components in transformers that may alleviate the rank collapse issue. In this paper, we provide a general analysis of rank collapse under self-attention, taking into account the effects of attention masks and layer normalization (LayerNorm). In particular, we find that although pure masked attention still suffers from exponential collapse to a rank one subspace, local masked attention can provably slow down the collapse rate. In the case of self-attention with LayerNorm, we first show that for certain classes of value matrices, collapse to a rank one subspace still happens exponentially. However, through construction of nontrivial counterexamples, we then establish that with proper choice of value matrices, a general class of sequences may not converge to a rank one subspace, and the self-attention dynamics with LayerNorm can simultaneously possess a rich set of equilibria with any possible rank between one and full. Our result refutes the previous hypothesis that LayerNorm plays no role in the rank collapse of self-attention and suggests that self-attention with LayerNorm constitutes a much more expressive, versatile nonlinear dynamical system than what was originally thought.
Abstract:The focus of this paper is on linear system identification in the setting where it is known that the underlying partially-observed linear dynamical system lies within a finite collection of known candidate models. We first consider the problem of identification from a given trajectory, which in this setting reduces to identifying the index of the true model with high probability. We characterize the finite-time sample complexity of this problem by leveraging recent advances in the non-asymptotic analysis of linear least-square methods in the literature. In comparison to the earlier results that assume no prior knowledge of the system, our approach takes advantage of the smaller hypothesis class and leads to the design of a learner with a dimension-free sample complexity bound. Next, we consider the switching control of linear systems, where there is a candidate controller for each of the candidate models and data is collected through interaction of the system with a collection of potentially destabilizing controllers. We develop a dimension-dependent criterion that can detect those destabilizing controllers in finite time. By leveraging these results, we propose a data-driven switching strategy that identifies the unknown parameters of the underlying system. We then provide a non-asymptotic analysis of its performance and discuss its implications on the classical method of estimator-based supervisory control.
Abstract:In this paper, we consider the problem of social learning, where a group of agents embedded in a social network are interested in learning an underlying state of the world. Agents have incomplete, noisy, and heterogeneous sources of information, providing them with recurring private observations of the underlying state of the world. Agents can share their learning experience with their peers by taking actions observable to them, with values from a finite feasible set of states. Actions can be interpreted as samples from the beliefs which agents may form and update on what the true state of the world is. Sharing samples, in place of full beliefs, is motivated by the limited communication, cognitive, and information-processing resources available to agents especially in large populations. Previous work (Salhab et al.) poses the question as to whether learning with probability one is still achievable if agents are only allowed to communicate samples from their beliefs. We provide a definite positive answer to this question, assuming a strongly connected network and a ``collective distinguishability'' assumption, which are both required for learning even in full-belief-sharing settings. In our proposed belief update mechanism, each agent's belief is a normalized weighted geometric interpolation between a fully Bayesian private belief -- aggregating information from the private source -- and an ensemble of empirical distributions of the samples shared by her neighbors over time. By carefully constructing asymptotic almost-sure lower/upper bounds on the frequency of shared samples matching the true state/or not, we rigorously prove the convergence of all the beliefs to the true state, with probability one.
Abstract:Transformer training is notoriously difficult, requiring a careful design of optimizers and use of various heuristics. We make progress towards understanding the subtleties of training transformers by carefully studying a simple yet canonical linearized shallow transformer model. Specifically, we train linear transformers to solve regression tasks, inspired by J. von Oswald et al. (ICML 2023), and K. Ahn et al. (NeurIPS 2023). Most importantly, we observe that our proposed linearized models can reproduce several prominent aspects of transformer training dynamics. Consequently, the results obtained in this paper suggest that a simple linearized transformer model could actually be a valuable, realistic abstraction for understanding transformer optimization.
Abstract:Statistical learning theory and high dimensional statistics have had a tremendous impact on Machine Learning theory and have impacted a variety of domains including systems and control theory. Over the past few years we have witnessed a variety of applications of such theoretical tools to help answer questions such as: how many state-action pairs are needed to learn a static control policy to a given accuracy? Recent results have shown that continuously differentiable and stabilizing control policies can be well-approximated using neural networks with hard guarantees on performance, yet often even the simplest constrained control problems are not smooth. To address this void, in this paper we study smooth approximations of linear Model Predictive Control (MPC) policies, in which hard constraints are replaced by barrier functions, a.k.a. barrier MPC. In particular, we show that barrier MPC inherits the exponential stability properties of the original non-smooth MPC policy. Using a careful analysis of the proposed barrier MPC, we show that its smoothness constant can be carefully controlled, thereby paving the way for new sample complexity results for approximating MPC policies from sampled state-action pairs.
Abstract:Classical analysis of convex and non-convex optimization methods often requires the Lipshitzness of the gradient, which limits the analysis to functions bounded by quadratics. Recent work relaxed this requirement to a non-uniform smoothness condition with the Hessian norm bounded by an affine function of the gradient norm, and proved convergence in the non-convex setting via gradient clipping, assuming bounded noise. In this paper, we further generalize this non-uniform smoothness condition and develop a simple, yet powerful analysis technique that bounds the gradients along the trajectory, thereby leading to stronger results for both convex and non-convex optimization problems. In particular, we obtain the classical convergence rates for (stochastic) gradient descent and Nesterov's accelerated gradient method in the convex and/or non-convex setting under this general smoothness condition. The new analysis approach does not require gradient clipping and allows heavy-tailed noise with bounded variance in the stochastic setting.
Abstract:Modern machine learning applications have seen a remarkable success of optimization algorithms that are designed to find flat minima. Motivated by this paradigm, this work formulates and studies the algorithmic question of how to find flat minima. As an initial effort, this work adopts the trace of hessian of the cost function as the measure of flatness, and formally defines the notion of approximate flat minima. Under this notion, we then design algorithms that find approximate flat minima efficiently. For general cost functions, we present a gradient-based algorithm that finds an approximate flat local minimum efficiently. The main component of the algorithm is to use gradients computed from randomly perturbed iterates to estimate a direction that leads to flatter minima. For the setting where the cost function is an empirical risk over training data, we present a faster algorithm that is inspired by a recently proposed practical algorithm called sharpness-aware minimization, supporting its success in practice.