Abstract:We consider regret minimization in low-rank MDPs with fixed transition and adversarial losses. Previous work has investigated this problem under either full-information loss feedback with unknown transitions (Zhao et al., 2024), or bandit loss feedback with known transition (Foster et al., 2022). First, we improve the $poly(d, A, H)T^{5/6}$ regret bound of Zhao et al. (2024) to $poly(d, A, H)T^{2/3}$ for the full-information unknown transition setting, where d is the rank of the transitions, A is the number of actions, H is the horizon length, and T is the number of episodes. Next, we initiate the study on the setting with bandit loss feedback and unknown transitions. Assuming that the loss has a linear structure, we propose both model based and model free algorithms achieving $poly(d, A, H)T^{2/3}$ regret, though they are computationally inefficient. We also propose oracle-efficient model-free algorithms with $poly(d, A, H)T^{4/5}$ regret. We show that the linear structure is necessary for the bandit case without structure on the reward function, the regret has to scale polynomially with the number of states. This is contrary to the full-information case (Zhao et al., 2024), where the regret can be independent of the number of states even for unstructured reward function.
Abstract:Real-world applications of reinforcement learning often involve environments where agents operate on complex, high-dimensional observations, but the underlying (''latent'') dynamics are comparatively simple. However, outside of restrictive settings such as small latent spaces, the fundamental statistical requirements and algorithmic principles for reinforcement learning under latent dynamics are poorly understood. This paper addresses the question of reinforcement learning under $\textit{general}$ latent dynamics from a statistical and algorithmic perspective. On the statistical side, our main negative result shows that most well-studied settings for reinforcement learning with function approximation become intractable when composed with rich observations; we complement this with a positive result, identifying latent pushforward coverability as a general condition that enables statistical tractability. Algorithmically, we develop provably efficient observable-to-latent reductions -- that is, reductions that transform an arbitrary algorithm for the latent MDP into an algorithm that can operate on rich observations -- in two settings: one where the agent has access to hindsight observations of the latent dynamics [LADZ23], and one where the agent can estimate self-predictive latent models [SAGHCB20]. Together, our results serve as a first step toward a unified statistical and algorithmic theory for reinforcement learning under latent dynamics.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce a new projection-free algorithm for Online Convex Optimization (OCO) with a state-of-the-art regret guarantee among separation-based algorithms. Existing projection-free methods based on the classical Frank-Wolfe algorithm achieve a suboptimal regret bound of $O(T^{3/4})$, while more recent separation-based approaches guarantee a regret bound of $O(\kappa \sqrt{T})$, where $\kappa$ denotes the asphericity of the feasible set, defined as the ratio of the radii of the containing and contained balls. However, for ill-conditioned sets, $\kappa$ can be arbitrarily large, potentially leading to poor performance. Our algorithm achieves a regret bound of $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{dT} + \kappa d)$, while requiring only $\tilde{O}(1)$ calls to a separation oracle per round. Crucially, the main term in the bound, $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{d T})$, is independent of $\kappa$, addressing the limitations of previous methods. Additionally, as a by-product of our analysis, we recover the $O(\kappa \sqrt{T})$ regret bound of existing OCO algorithms with a more straightforward analysis and improve the regret bound for projection-free online exp-concave optimization. Finally, for constrained stochastic convex optimization, we achieve a state-of-the-art convergence rate of $\tilde{O}(\sigma/\sqrt{T} + \kappa d/T)$, where $\sigma$ represents the noise in the stochastic gradients, while requiring only $\tilde{O}(1)$ calls to a separation oracle per iteration.
Abstract:Recent work in imitation learning has shown that having an expert controller that is both suitably smooth and stable enables stronger guarantees on the performance of the learned controller. However, constructing such smoothed expert controllers for arbitrary systems remains challenging, especially in the presence of input and state constraints. As our primary contribution, we show how such a smoothed expert can be designed for a general class of systems using a log-barrier-based relaxation of a standard Model Predictive Control (MPC) optimization problem. Improving upon our previous work, we show that barrier MPC achieves theoretically optimal error-to-smoothness tradeoff along some direction. At the core of this theoretical guarantee on smoothness is an improved lower bound we prove on the optimality gap of the analytic center associated with a convex Lipschitz function, which we believe could be of independent interest. We validate our theoretical findings via experiments, demonstrating the merits of our smoothing approach over randomized smoothing.
Abstract:Designing sample-efficient and computationally feasible reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms is particularly challenging in environments with large or infinite state and action spaces. In this paper, we advance this effort by presenting an efficient algorithm for Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) where the state-action value function of any policy is linear in a given feature map. This challenging setting can model environments with infinite states and actions, strictly generalizes classic linear MDPs, and currently lacks a computationally efficient algorithm under online access to the MDP. Specifically, we introduce a new RL algorithm that efficiently finds a near-optimal policy in this setting, using a number of episodes and calls to a cost-sensitive classification (CSC) oracle that are both polynomial in the problem parameters. Notably, our CSC oracle can be efficiently implemented when the feature dimension is constant, representing a clear improvement over state-of-the-art methods, which require solving non-convex problems with horizon-many variables and can incur computational costs that are \emph{exponential} in the horizon.
Abstract:We provide an online learning algorithm that obtains regret $G\|w_\star\|\sqrt{T\log(\|w_\star\|G\sqrt{T})} + \|w_\star\|^2 + G^2$ on $G$-Lipschitz convex losses for any comparison point $w_\star$ without knowing either $G$ or $\|w_\star\|$. Importantly, this matches the optimal bound $G\|w_\star\|\sqrt{T}$ available with such knowledge (up to logarithmic factors), unless either $\|w_\star\|$ or $G$ is so large that even $G\|w_\star\|\sqrt{T}$ is roughly linear in $T$. Thus, it matches the optimal bound in all cases in which one can achieve sublinear regret, which arguably most "interesting" scenarios.
Abstract:Simulators are a pervasive tool in reinforcement learning, but most existing algorithms cannot efficiently exploit simulator access -- particularly in high-dimensional domains that require general function approximation. We explore the power of simulators through online reinforcement learning with {local simulator access} (or, local planning), an RL protocol where the agent is allowed to reset to previously observed states and follow their dynamics during training. We use local simulator access to unlock new statistical guarantees that were previously out of reach: - We show that MDPs with low coverability (Xie et al. 2023) -- a general structural condition that subsumes Block MDPs and Low-Rank MDPs -- can be learned in a sample-efficient fashion with only $Q^{\star}$-realizability (realizability of the optimal state-value function); existing online RL algorithms require significantly stronger representation conditions. - As a consequence, we show that the notorious Exogenous Block MDP problem (Efroni et al. 2022) is tractable under local simulator access. The results above are achieved through a computationally inefficient algorithm. We complement them with a more computationally efficient algorithm, RVFS (Recursive Value Function Search), which achieves provable sample complexity guarantees under a strengthened statistical assumption known as pushforward coverability. RVFS can be viewed as a principled, provable counterpart to a successful empirical paradigm that combines recursive search (e.g., MCTS) with value function approximation.
Abstract:A major challenge in reinforcement learning is to develop practical, sample-efficient algorithms for exploration in high-dimensional domains where generalization and function approximation is required. Low-Rank Markov Decision Processes -- where transition probabilities admit a low-rank factorization based on an unknown feature embedding -- offer a simple, yet expressive framework for RL with function approximation, but existing algorithms are either (1) computationally intractable, or (2) reliant upon restrictive statistical assumptions such as latent variable structure, access to model-based function approximation, or reachability. In this work, we propose the first provably sample-efficient algorithm for exploration in Low-Rank MDPs that is both computationally efficient and model-free, allowing for general function approximation and requiring no additional structural assumptions. Our algorithm, VoX, uses the notion of a generalized optimal design for the feature embedding as an efficiently computable basis for exploration, performing efficient optimal design computation by interleaving representation learning and policy optimization. Our analysis -- which is appealingly simple and modular -- carefully combines several techniques, including a new reduction from optimal design computation to policy optimization based on the Frank-Wolfe method, and an improved analysis of a certain minimax representation learning objective found in prior work.
Abstract:This paper presents new projection-free algorithms for Online Convex Optimization (OCO) over a convex domain $\mathcal{K} \subset \mathbb{R}^d$. Classical OCO algorithms (such as Online Gradient Descent) typically need to perform Euclidean projections onto the convex set $\cK$ to ensure feasibility of their iterates. Alternative algorithms, such as those based on the Frank-Wolfe method, swap potentially-expensive Euclidean projections onto $\mathcal{K}$ for linear optimization over $\mathcal{K}$. However, such algorithms have a sub-optimal regret in OCO compared to projection-based algorithms. In this paper, we look at a third type of algorithms that output approximate Newton iterates using a self-concordant barrier for the set of interest. The use of a self-concordant barrier automatically ensures feasibility without the need for projections. However, the computation of the Newton iterates requires a matrix inverse, which can still be expensive. As our main contribution, we show how the stability of the Newton iterates can be leveraged to compute the inverse Hessian only a vanishing fraction of the rounds, leading to a new efficient projection-free OCO algorithm with a state-of-the-art regret bound.
Abstract:We study the design of sample-efficient algorithms for reinforcement learning in the presence of rich, high-dimensional observations, formalized via the Block MDP problem. Existing algorithms suffer from either 1) computational intractability, 2) strong statistical assumptions that are not necessarily satisfied in practice, or 3) suboptimal sample complexity. We address these issues by providing the first computationally efficient algorithm that attains rate-optimal sample complexity with respect to the desired accuracy level, with minimal statistical assumptions. Our algorithm, MusIK, combines systematic exploration with representation learning based on multi-step inverse kinematics, a learning objective in which the aim is to predict the learner's own action from the current observation and observations in the (potentially distant) future. MusIK is simple and flexible, and can efficiently take advantage of general-purpose function approximation. Our analysis leverages several new techniques tailored to non-optimistic exploration algorithms, which we anticipate will find broader use.