Abstract:Point cloud registration is an essential step for free-form blade reconstruction in industrial measurement. Nonetheless, measuring defects of the 3D acquisition system unavoidably result in noisy and incomplete point cloud data, which renders efficient and accurate registration challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel global registration method that is based on the minimum potential energy (MPE) method to address these problems. The basic strategy is that the objective function is defined as the minimum potential energy optimization function of the physical registration system. The function distributes more weight to the majority of inlier points and less weight to the noise and outliers, which essentially reduces the influence of perturbations in the mathematical formulation. We decompose the solution into a globally optimal approximation procedure and a fine registration process with the trimmed iterative closest point algorithm to boost convergence. The approximation procedure consists of two main steps. First, according to the construction of the force traction operator, we can simply compute the position of the potential energy minimum. Second, to find the MPE point, we propose a new theory that employs two flags to observe the status of the registration procedure. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm on four types of blades. The proposed method outperforms the other global methods in terms of both accuracy and noise resistance.
Abstract:Lossy compression methods rely on an autoencoder to transform a point cloud into latent points for storage, leaving the inherent redundancy of latent representations unexplored. To reduce redundancy in latent points, we propose a sparse priors guided method that achieves high reconstruction quality, especially at high compression ratios. This is accomplished by a dual-density scheme separately processing the latent points (intended for reconstruction) and the decoupled sparse priors (intended for storage). Our approach features an efficient dual-density data flow that relaxes size constraints on latent points, and hybridizes a progressive conditional diffusion model to encapsulate essential details for reconstruction within the conditions, which are decoupled hierarchically to intra-point and inter-point priors. Specifically, our method encodes the original point cloud into latent points and decoupled sparse priors through separate encoders. Latent points serve as intermediates, while sparse priors act as adaptive conditions. We then employ a progressive attention-based conditional denoiser to generate latent points conditioned on the decoupled priors, allowing the denoiser to dynamically attend to geometric and semantic cues from the priors at each encoding and decoding layer. Additionally, we integrate the local distribution into the arithmetic encoder and decoder to enhance local context modeling of the sparse points. The original point cloud is reconstructed through a point decoder. Compared to state-of-the-art, our method obtains superior rate-distortion trade-off, evidenced by extensive evaluations on the ShapeNet dataset and standard test datasets from MPEG group including 8iVFB, and Owlii.
Abstract:We introduce Referring Human Pose and Mask Estimation (R-HPM) in the wild, where either a text or positional prompt specifies the person of interest in an image. This new task holds significant potential for human-centric applications such as assistive robotics and sports analysis. In contrast to previous works, R-HPM (i) ensures high-quality, identity-aware results corresponding to the referred person, and (ii) simultaneously predicts human pose and mask for a comprehensive representation. To achieve this, we introduce a large-scale dataset named RefHuman, which substantially extends the MS COCO dataset with additional text and positional prompt annotations. RefHuman includes over 50,000 annotated instances in the wild, each equipped with keypoint, mask, and prompt annotations. To enable prompt-conditioned estimation, we propose the first end-to-end promptable approach named UniPHD for R-HPM. UniPHD extracts multimodal representations and employs a proposed pose-centric hierarchical decoder to process (text or positional) instance queries and keypoint queries, producing results specific to the referred person. Extensive experiments demonstrate that UniPHD produces quality results based on user-friendly prompts and achieves top-tier performance on RefHuman val and MS COCO val2017. Data and Code: https://github.com/bo-miao/RefHuman
Abstract:Recent advances in 2D/3D generative models enable the generation of dynamic 3D objects from a single-view video. Existing approaches utilize score distillation sampling to form the dynamic scene as dynamic NeRF or dense 3D Gaussians. However, these methods struggle to strike a balance among reference view alignment, spatio-temporal consistency, and motion fidelity under single-view conditions due to the implicit nature of NeRF or the intricate dense Gaussian motion prediction. To address these issues, this paper proposes an efficient, sparse-controlled video-to-4D framework named SC4D, that decouples motion and appearance to achieve superior video-to-4D generation. Moreover, we introduce Adaptive Gaussian (AG) initialization and Gaussian Alignment (GA) loss to mitigate shape degeneration issue, ensuring the fidelity of the learned motion and shape. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that our method surpasses existing methods in both quality and efficiency. In addition, facilitated by the disentangled modeling of motion and appearance of SC4D, we devise a novel application that seamlessly transfers the learned motion onto a diverse array of 4D entities according to textual descriptions.
Abstract:Generating realistic 3D scenes is challenging due to the complexity of room layouts and object geometries.We propose a sketch based knowledge enhanced diffusion architecture (SEK) for generating customized, diverse, and plausible 3D scenes. SEK conditions the denoising process with a hand-drawn sketch of the target scene and cues from an object relationship knowledge base. We first construct an external knowledge base containing object relationships and then leverage knowledge enhanced graph reasoning to assist our model in understanding hand-drawn sketches. A scene is represented as a combination of 3D objects and their relationships, and then incrementally diffused to reach a Gaussian distribution.We propose a 3D denoising scene transformer that learns to reverse the diffusion process, conditioned by a hand-drawn sketch along with knowledge cues, to regressively generate the scene including the 3D object instances as well as their layout. Experiments on the 3D-FRONT dataset show that our model improves FID, CKL by 17.41%, 37.18% in 3D scene generation and FID, KID by 19.12%, 20.06% in 3D scene completion compared to the nearest competitor DiffuScene.
Abstract:3D object detection is a fundamental task in scene understanding. Numerous research efforts have been dedicated to better incorporate Hough voting into the 3D object detection pipeline. However, due to the noisy, cluttered, and partial nature of real 3D scans, existing voting-based methods often receive votes from the partial surfaces of individual objects together with severe noises, leading to sub-optimal detection performance. In this work, we focus on the distributional properties of point clouds and formulate the voting process as generating new points in the high-density region of the distribution of object centers. To achieve this, we propose a new method to move random 3D points toward the high-density region of the distribution by estimating the score function of the distribution with a noise conditioned score network. Specifically, we first generate a set of object center proposals to coarsely identify the high-density region of the object center distribution. To estimate the score function, we perturb the generated object center proposals by adding normalized Gaussian noise, and then jointly estimate the score function of all perturbed distributions. Finally, we generate new votes by moving random 3D points to the high-density region of the object center distribution according to the estimated score function. Extensive experiments on two large scale indoor 3D scene datasets, SUN RGB-D and ScanNet V2, demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method. The code will be released at https://github.com/HHrEtvP/DiffVote.
Abstract:Directly learning to model 4D content, including shape, color and motion, is challenging. Existing methods depend on skeleton-based motion control and offer limited continuity in detail. To address this, we propose a novel framework that generates coherent 4D sequences with animation of 3D shapes under given conditions with dynamic evolution of shape and color over time through integrative latent mapping. We first employ an integrative latent unified representation to encode shape and color information of each detailed 3D geometry frame. The proposed skeleton-free latent 4D sequence joint representation allows us to leverage diffusion models in a low-dimensional space to control the generation of 4D sequences. Finally, temporally coherent 4D sequences are generated conforming well to the input images and text prompts. Extensive experiments on the ShapeNet, 3DBiCar and DeformingThings4D datasets for several tasks demonstrate that our method effectively learns to generate quality 3D shapes with color and 4D mesh animations, improving over the current state-of-the-art. Source code will be released.
Abstract:Scene text detection techniques have garnered significant attention due to their wide-ranging applications. However, existing methods have a high demand for training data, and obtaining accurate human annotations is labor-intensive and time-consuming. As a solution, researchers have widely adopted synthetic text images as a complementary resource to real text images during pre-training. Yet there is still room for synthetic datasets to enhance the performance of scene text detectors. We contend that one main limitation of existing generation methods is the insufficient integration of foreground text with the background. To alleviate this problem, we present the Diffusion Model based Text Generator (DiffText), a pipeline that utilizes the diffusion model to seamlessly blend foreground text regions with the background's intrinsic features. Additionally, we propose two strategies to generate visually coherent text with fewer spelling errors. With fewer text instances, our produced text images consistently surpass other synthetic data in aiding text detectors. Extensive experiments on detecting horizontal, rotated, curved, and line-level texts demonstrate the effectiveness of DiffText in producing realistic text images.
Abstract:Recent progress in text-to-image (T2I) models enables high-quality image generation with flexible textual control. To utilize the abundant visual priors in the off-the-shelf T2I models, a series of methods try to invert an image to proper embedding that aligns with the semantic space of the T2I model. However, these image-to-text (I2T) inversion methods typically need multiple source images containing the same concept or struggle with the imbalance between editing flexibility and visual fidelity. In this work, we point out that the critical problem lies in the foreground-background entanglement when learning an intended concept, and propose a simple and effective baseline for single-image I2T inversion, named SingleInsert. SingleInsert adopts a two-stage scheme. In the first stage, we regulate the learned embedding to concentrate on the foreground area without being associated with the irrelevant background. In the second stage, we finetune the T2I model for better visual resemblance and devise a semantic loss to prevent the language drift problem. With the proposed techniques, SingleInsert excels in single concept generation with high visual fidelity while allowing flexible editing. Additionally, SingleInsert can perform single-image novel view synthesis and multiple concepts composition without requiring joint training. To facilitate evaluation, we design an editing prompt list and introduce a metric named Editing Success Rate (ESR) for quantitative assessment of editing flexibility. Our project page is: https://jarrentwu1031.github.io/SingleInsert-web/
Abstract:Diffusion probabilistic models have achieved remarkable success in text guided image generation. However, generating 3D shapes is still challenging due to the lack of sufficient data containing 3D models along with their descriptions. Moreover, text based descriptions of 3D shapes are inherently ambiguous and lack details. In this paper, we propose a sketch and text guided probabilistic diffusion model for colored point cloud generation that conditions the denoising process jointly with a hand drawn sketch of the object and its textual description. We incrementally diffuse the point coordinates and color values in a joint diffusion process to reach a Gaussian distribution. Colored point cloud generation thus amounts to learning the reverse diffusion process, conditioned by the sketch and text, to iteratively recover the desired shape and color. Specifically, to learn effective sketch-text embedding, our model adaptively aggregates the joint embedding of text prompt and the sketch based on a capsule attention network. Our model uses staged diffusion to generate the shape and then assign colors to different parts conditioned on the appearance prompt while preserving precise shapes from the first stage. This gives our model the flexibility to extend to multiple tasks, such as appearance re-editing and part segmentation. Experimental results demonstrate that our model outperforms recent state-of-the-art in point cloud generation.