Abstract:Knowledge driven discovery of novel materials necessitates the development of the causal models for the property emergence. While in classical physical paradigm the causal relationships are deduced based on the physical principles or via experiment, rapid accumulation of observational data necessitates learning causal relationships between dissimilar aspects of materials structure and functionalities based on observations. For this, it is essential to integrate experimental data with prior domain knowledge. Here we demonstrate this approach by combining high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) data with insights derived from large language models (LLMs). By fine-tuning ChatGPT on domain-specific literature, such as arXiv papers on ferroelectrics, and combining obtained information with data-driven causal discovery, we construct adjacency matrices for Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) that map the causal relationships between structural, chemical, and polarization degrees of freedom in Sm-doped BiFeO3 (SmBFO). This approach enables us to hypothesize how synthesis conditions influence material properties, particularly the coercive field (E0), and guides experimental validation. The ultimate objective of this work is to develop a unified framework that integrates LLM-driven literature analysis with data-driven discovery, facilitating the precise engineering of ferroelectric materials by establishing clear connections between synthesis conditions and their resulting material properties.
Abstract:Analyzing imaging and hyperspectral data is crucial across scientific fields, including biology, medicine, chemistry, and physics. The primary goal is to transform high-resolution or high-dimensional data into an interpretable format to generate actionable insights, aiding decision-making and advancing knowledge. Currently, this task relies on complex, human-designed workflows comprising iterative steps such as denoising, spatial sampling, keypoint detection, feature generation, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and physics-based deconvolutions. The introduction of machine learning over the past decade has accelerated tasks like image segmentation and object detection via supervised learning, and dimensionality reduction via unsupervised methods. However, both classical and NN-based approaches still require human input, whether for hyperparameter tuning, data labeling, or both. The growing use of automated imaging tools, from atomically resolved imaging to biological applications, demands unsupervised methods that optimize data representation for human decision-making or autonomous experimentation. Here, we discuss advances in reward-based workflows, which adopt expert decision-making principles and demonstrate strong transfer learning across diverse tasks. We represent image analysis as a decision-making process over possible operations and identify desiderata and their mappings to classical decision-making frameworks. Reward-driven workflows enable a shift from supervised, black-box models sensitive to distribution shifts to explainable, unsupervised, and robust optimization in image analysis. They can function as wrappers over classical and DCNN-based methods, making them applicable to both unsupervised and supervised workflows (e.g., classification, regression for structure-property mapping) across imaging and hyperspectral data.
Abstract:Rapid progress in aberration corrected electron microscopy necessitates development of robust methods for the identification of phases, ferroic variants, and other pertinent aspects of materials structure from imaging data. While unsupervised methods for clustering and classification are widely used for these tasks, their performance can be sensitive to hyperparameter selection in the analysis workflow. In this study, we explore the effects of descriptors and hyperparameters on the capability of unsupervised ML methods to distill local structural information, exemplified by discovery of polarization and lattice distortion in Sm doped BiFeO3 (BFO) thin films. We demonstrate that a reward-driven approach can be used to optimize these key hyperparameters across the full workflow, where rewards were designed to reflect domain wall continuity and straightness, ensuring that the analysis aligns with the material's physical behavior. This approach allows us to discover local descriptors that are best aligned with the specific physical behavior, providing insight into the fundamental physics of materials. We further extend the reward driven workflows to disentangle structural factors of variation via optimized variational autoencoder (VAE). Finally, the importance of well-defined rewards was explored as a quantifiable measure of success of the workflow.
Abstract:The rise of electron microscopy has expanded our ability to acquire nanometer and atomically resolved images of complex materials. The resulting vast datasets are typically analyzed by human operators, an intrinsically challenging process due to the multiple possible analysis steps and the corresponding need to build and optimize complex analysis workflows. We present a methodology based on the concept of a Reward Function coupled with Bayesian Optimization, to optimize image analysis workflows dynamically. The Reward Function is engineered to closely align with the experimental objectives and broader context and is quantifiable upon completion of the analysis. Here, cross-section, high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) images of ion-irradiated $(Y, Dy)Ba_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}$ thin-films were used as a model system. The reward functions were formed based on the expected materials density and atomic spacings and used to drive multi-objective optimization of the classical Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG) method. These results can be benchmarked against the DCNN segmentation. This optimized LoG* compares favorably against DCNN in the presence of the additional noise. We further extend the reward function approach towards the identification of partially-disordered regions, creating a physics-driven reward function and action space of high-dimensional clustering. We pose that with correct definition, the reward function approach allows real-time optimization of complex analysis workflows at much higher speeds and lower computational costs than classical DCNN-based inference, ensuring the attainment of results that are both precise and aligned with the human-defined objectives.