Abstract:Generating collision-free motions in dynamic environments is a challenging problem for high-dimensional robotics, particularly under real-time constraints. Control Barrier Functions (CBFs), widely utilized in safety-critical control, have shown significant potential for motion generation. However, for high-dimensional robot manipulators, existing QP formulations and CBF-based methods rely on positional information, overlooking higher-order derivatives such as velocities. This limitation may lead to reduced success rates, decreased performance, and inadequate safety constraints. To address this, we construct time-varying CBFs (TVCBFs) that consider velocity conditions for obstacles. Our approach leverages recent developments on distance fields for articulated manipulators, a differentiable representation that enables the mapping of objects' position and velocity into the robot's joint space, offering a comprehensive understanding of the system's interactions. This allows the manipulator to be treated as a point-mass system thus simplifying motion generation tasks. Additionally, we introduce a time-varying control Lyapunov function (TVCLF) to enable whole-body contact motions. Our approach integrates the TVCBF, TVCLF, and manipulator physical constraints within a unified QP framework. We validate our method through simulations and comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches, demonstrating its effectiveness on a 7-axis Franka robot in real-world experiments.
Abstract:Optimization-based approaches are widely employed to generate optimal robot motions while considering various constraints, such as robot dynamics, collision avoidance, and physical limitations. It is crucial to efficiently solve the optimization problems in practice, yet achieving rapid computations remains a great challenge for optimization-based approaches with nonlinear constraints. In this paper, we propose a geometric projector for dynamic obstacle avoidance based on velocity obstacle (GeoPro-VO) by leveraging the projection feature of the velocity cone set represented by VO. Furthermore, with the proposed GeoPro-VO and the augmented Lagrangian spectral projected gradient descent (ALSPG) algorithm, we transform an initial mixed integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP) in the form of constrained model predictive control (MPC) into a sub-optimization problem and solve it efficiently. Numerical simulations are conducted to validate the fast computing speed of our approach and its capability for reliable dynamic obstacle avoidance.
Abstract:Recently, there has been increasing attention in robot research towards the whole-body collision avoidance. In this paper, we propose a safety-critical controller that utilizes time-varying control barrier functions (time varying CBFs) constructed by Robo-centric Euclidean Signed Distance Field (RC-ESDF) to achieve dynamic collision avoidance. The RC-ESDF is constructed in the robot body frame and solely relies on the robot's shape, eliminating the need for real-time updates to save computational resources. Additionally, we design two control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) to ensure that the robot can reach its destination. To enable real-time application, our safety-critical controller which incorporates CLFs and CBFs as constraints is formulated as a quadratic program (QP) optimization problem. We conducted numerical simulations on two different dynamics of an L-shaped robot to verify the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
Abstract:We present a fast planning architecture called Hamilton-Jacobi-based bidirectional A* (HJBA*) to solve general tight parking scenarios. The algorithm is a two-layer composed of a high-level HJ-based reachability analysis and a lower-level bidirectional A* search algorithm. In high-level reachability analysis, a backward reachable tube (BRT) concerning vehicle dynamics is computed by the HJ analysis and it intersects with a safe set to get a safe reachable set. The safe set is defined by constraints of positive signed distances for obstacles in the environment and computed by solving QP optimization problems offline. For states inside the intersection set, i.e., the safe reachable set, the computed backward reachable tube ensures they are reachable subjected to system dynamics and input bounds, and the safe set guarantees they satisfy parking safety with respect to obstacles in different shapes. For online computation, randomized states are sampled from the safe reachable set, and used as heuristic guide points to be considered in the bidirectional A* search. The bidirectional A* search is paralleled for each randomized state from the safe reachable set. We show that the proposed two-level planning algorithm is able to solve different parking scenarios effectively and computationally fast for typical parking requests. We validate our algorithm through simulations in large-scale randomized parking scenarios and demonstrate it to be able to outperform other state-of-the-art parking planning algorithms.
Abstract:Generating motion for robots that interact with objects of various shapes is a complex challenge, further complicated when the robot's own geometry and multiple desired behaviors are considered. To address this issue, we introduce a new framework based on Geometric Projectors (GeoPro) for constrained optimization. This novel framework allows for the generation of task-agnostic behaviors that are compliant with geometric constraints. GeoPro streamlines the design of behaviors in both task and configuration spaces, offering diverse functionalities such as collision avoidance and goal-reaching, while maintaining high computational efficiency. We validate the efficacy of our work through simulations and Franka Emika robotic experiments, comparing its performance against state-of-the-art methodologies. This comprehensive evaluation highlights GeoPro's versatility in accommodating robots with varying dynamics and precise geometric shapes. For additional materials, please visit: https://www.xueminchi.com/publications/geopro
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a safety-critical controller based on time-varying control barrier functions (CBFs) for a robot with an unicycle model in the continuous-time domain to achieve navigation and dynamic collision avoidance. Unlike previous works, our proposed approach can control both linear and angular velocity to avoid collision with obstacles, overcoming the limitation of confined control performance due to the lack of control variable. To ensure that the robot reaches its destination, we also design a control Lyapunov function (CLF). Our safety-critical controller is formulated as a quadratic program (QP) optimization problem that incorporates CLF and CBFs as constraints, enabling real-time application for navigation and dynamic collision avoidance. Numerical simulations are conducted to verify the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
Abstract:3D cross-modal retrieval is gaining attention in the multimedia community. Central to this topic is learning a joint embedding space to represent data from different modalities, such as images, 3D point clouds, and polygon meshes, to extract modality-invariant and discriminative features. Hence, the performance of cross-modal retrieval methods heavily depends on the representational capacity of this embedding space. Existing methods treat all instances equally, applying the same penalty strength to instances with varying degrees of difficulty, ignoring the differences between instances. This can result in ambiguous convergence or local optima, severely compromising the separability of the feature space. To address this limitation, we propose an Instance-Variant loss to assign different penalty strengths to different instances, improving the space separability. Specifically, we assign different penalty weights to instances positively related to their intra-class distance. Simultaneously, we reduce the cross-modal discrepancy between features by learning a shared weight vector for the same class data from different modalities. By leveraging the Gaussian RBF kernel to evaluate sample similarity, we further propose an Intra-Class loss function that minimizes the intra-class distance among same-class instances. Extensive experiments on three 3D cross-modal datasets show that our proposed method surpasses recent state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Obstacle avoidance for multi-robot navigation with polytopic shapes is challenging. Existing works simplify the system dynamics or consider it as a convex or non-convex optimization problem with positive distance constraints between robots, which limits real-time performance and scalability. Additionally, generating collision-free behavior for polytopic-shaped robots is harder due to implicit and non-differentiable distance functions between polytopes. In this paper, we extend the concept of velocity obstacle (VO) principle for polytopic-shaped robots and propose a novel approach to construct the VO in the function of vertex coordinates and other robot's states. Compared with existing work about obstacle avoidance between polytopic-shaped robots, our approach is much more computationally efficient as the proposed approach for construction of VO between polytopes is optimization-free. Based on VO representation for polytopic shapes, we later propose a navigation approach for distributed multi-robot systems. We validate our proposed VO representation and navigation approach in multiple challenging scenarios including large-scale randomized tests, and our approach outperforms the state of art in many evaluation metrics, including completion rate, deadlock rate, and the average travel distance.
Abstract:We present a hierarchical framework based on graph search and model predictive control (MPC) for electric autonomous vehicle (EAV) parking maneuvers in a tight environment. At high-level, only static obstacles are considered, and the scenario-based hybrid A* (SHA*), which is faster than the traditional hybrid A*, is designed to provide an initial guess (also known as a global path) for the parking task. To extract the velocity and acceleration profile from an initial guess, an optimal control problem (OCP) is built. At the low level, an NMPC-based strategy is used to avoid dynamic obstacles (also known as local planning). The efficacy of SHA* is evaluated through 148 different simulation schemes and the proposed hierarchical parking framework is demonstrated through a real-time parallel parking simulation.
Abstract:This paper proposed a novel method for autonomous parking. Autonomous parking has received a lot of attention because of its convenience, but due to the complex environment and the non-holonomic constraints of vehicle, it is difficult to get a collision-free and feasible path in a short time. To solve this problem, this paper introduced a novel algorithm called Multi-Heuristic Hybrid A* (MHHA*) which incorporates the characteristic of Multi-Heuristic A* and Hybrid A*. So it could provide the guarantee for completeness, the avoidance of local minimum and sub-optimality, and generate a feasible path in a short time. And this paper also proposed a new collision check method based on coordinate transformation which could improve the computational efficiency. The performance of the proposed method was compared with Hybrid A* in simulation experiments and its superiority has been proved.