We present a fast planning architecture called Hamilton-Jacobi-based bidirectional A* (HJBA*) to solve general tight parking scenarios. The algorithm is a two-layer composed of a high-level HJ-based reachability analysis and a lower-level bidirectional A* search algorithm. In high-level reachability analysis, a backward reachable tube (BRT) concerning vehicle dynamics is computed by the HJ analysis and it intersects with a safe set to get a safe reachable set. The safe set is defined by constraints of positive signed distances for obstacles in the environment and computed by solving QP optimization problems offline. For states inside the intersection set, i.e., the safe reachable set, the computed backward reachable tube ensures they are reachable subjected to system dynamics and input bounds, and the safe set guarantees they satisfy parking safety with respect to obstacles in different shapes. For online computation, randomized states are sampled from the safe reachable set, and used as heuristic guide points to be considered in the bidirectional A* search. The bidirectional A* search is paralleled for each randomized state from the safe reachable set. We show that the proposed two-level planning algorithm is able to solve different parking scenarios effectively and computationally fast for typical parking requests. We validate our algorithm through simulations in large-scale randomized parking scenarios and demonstrate it to be able to outperform other state-of-the-art parking planning algorithms.