Abstract:Graph computational tasks are inherently challenging and often demand the development of advanced algorithms for effective solutions. With the emergence of large language models (LLMs), researchers have begun investigating their potential to address these tasks. However, existing approaches are constrained by LLMs' limited capability to comprehend complex graph structures and their high inference costs, rendering them impractical for handling large-scale graphs. Inspired by human approaches to graph problems, we introduce a novel framework, PIE (Pseudocode-Injection-Enhanced LLM Reasoning for Graph Computational Tasks), which consists of three key steps: problem understanding, prompt design, and code generation. In this framework, LLMs are tasked with understanding the problem and extracting relevant information to generate correct code. The responsibility for analyzing the graph structure and executing the code is delegated to the interpreter. We inject task-related pseudocodes into the prompts to further assist the LLMs in generating efficient code. We also employ cost-effective trial-and-error techniques to ensure that the LLM-generated code executes correctly. Unlike other methods that require invoking LLMs for each individual test case, PIE only calls the LLM during the code generation phase, allowing the generated code to be reused and significantly reducing inference costs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PIE outperforms existing baselines in terms of both accuracy and computational efficiency.
Abstract:Pseudo log-likelihood is a type of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method used in various fields including contextual bandits, influence maximization of social networks, and causal bandits. However, in previous literature \citep{li2017provably, zhang2022online, xiong2022combinatorial, feng2023combinatorial1, feng2023combinatorial2}, the log-likelihood function may not be bounded, which may result in the algorithm they proposed not well-defined. In this paper, we give a counterexample that the maximum pseudo log-likelihood estimation fails and then provide a solution to correct the algorithms in \citep{li2017provably, zhang2022online, xiong2022combinatorial, feng2023combinatorial1, feng2023combinatorial2}.
Abstract:Compressive sensing (CS) has been widely applied in signal and image processing fields. Traditional CS reconstruction algorithms have a complete theoretical foundation but suffer from the high computational complexity, while fashionable deep network-based methods can achieve high-accuracy reconstruction of CS but are short of interpretability. These facts motivate us to develop a deep unfolding network named the penalty-based independent parameters optimization network (PIPO-Net) to combine the merits of the above mentioned two kinds of CS methods. Each module of PIPO-Net can be viewed separately as an optimization problem with respective penalty function. The main characteristic of PIPO-Net is that, in each round of training, the learnable parameters in one module are updated independently from those of other modules. This makes the network more flexible to find the optimal solutions of the corresponding problems. Moreover, the mean-subtraction sampling and the high-frequency complementary blocks are developed to improve the performance of PIPO-Net. Experiments on reconstructing CS images demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed PIPO-Net.
Abstract:We investigate the online bandit learning of the monotone multi-linear DR-submodular functions, designing the algorithm $\mathtt{BanditMLSM}$ that attains $O(T^{2/3}\log T)$ of $(1-1/e)$-regret. Then we reduce submodular bandit with partition matroid constraint and bandit sequential monotone maximization to the online bandit learning of the monotone multi-linear DR-submodular functions, attaining $O(T^{2/3}\log T)$ of $(1-1/e)$-regret in both problems, which improve the existing results. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to give a sublinear regret algorithm for the submodular bandit with partition matroid constraint. A special case of this problem is studied by Streeter et al.(2009). They prove a $O(T^{4/5})$ $(1-1/e)$-regret upper bound. For the bandit sequential submodular maximization, the existing work proves an $O(T^{2/3})$ regret with a suboptimal $1/2$ approximation ratio (Niazadeh et al. 2021).
Abstract:Multi-arm bandit (MAB) and stochastic linear bandit (SLB) are important models in reinforcement learning, and it is well-known that classical algorithms for bandits with time horizon $T$ suffer $\Omega(\sqrt{T})$ regret. In this paper, we study MAB and SLB with quantum reward oracles and propose quantum algorithms for both models with $O(\mbox{poly}(\log T))$ regrets, exponentially improving the dependence in terms of $T$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first provable quantum speedup for regrets of bandit problems and in general exploitation in reinforcement learning. Compared to previous literature on quantum exploration algorithms for MAB and reinforcement learning, our quantum input model is simpler and only assumes quantum oracles for each individual arm.
Abstract:Gaze object prediction (GOP) is a newly proposed task that aims to discover the objects being stared at by humans. It is of great application significance but still lacks a unified solution framework. An intuitive solution is to incorporate an object detection branch into an existing gaze prediction method. However, previous gaze prediction methods usually use two different networks to extract features from scene image and head image, which would lead to heavy network architecture and prevent each branch from joint optimization. In this paper, we build a novel framework named GaTector to tackle the gaze object prediction problem in a unified way. Particularly, a specific-general-specific (SGS) feature extractor is firstly proposed to utilize a shared backbone to extract general features for both scene and head images. To better consider the specificity of inputs and tasks, SGS introduces two input-specific blocks before the shared backbone and three task-specific blocks after the shared backbone. Specifically, a novel defocus layer is designed to generate object-specific features for object detection task without losing information or requiring extra computations. Moreover, the energy aggregation loss is introduced to guide the gaze heatmap to concentrate on the stared box. In the end, we propose a novel mDAP metric that can reveal the difference between boxes even when they share no overlapping area. Extensive experiments on the GOO dataset verify the superiority of our method in all three tracks, i.e. object detection, gaze estimation, and gaze object prediction.
Abstract:Object detection has achieved promising success, but requires large-scale fully-annotated data, which is time-consuming and labor-extensive. Therefore, we consider object detection with mixed supervision, which learns novel object categories using weak annotations with the help of full annotations of existing base object categories. Previous works using mixed supervision mainly learn the class-agnostic objectness from fully-annotated categories, which can be transferred to upgrade the weak annotations to pseudo full annotations for novel categories. In this paper, we further transfer mask prior and semantic similarity to bridge the gap between novel categories and base categories. Specifically, the ability of using mask prior to help detect objects is learned from base categories and transferred to novel categories. Moreover, the semantic similarity between objects learned from base categories is transferred to denoise the pseudo full annotations for novel categories. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method over existing methods. Codes are available at https://github.com/bcmi/TraMaS-Weak-Shot-Object-Detection.
Abstract:We study the online influence maximization (OIM) problem in social networks, where in multiple rounds the learner repeatedly chooses seed nodes to generate cascades, observes the cascade feedback, and gradually learns the best seeds that generate the largest cascade. We focus on two major challenges in this paper. First, we work with node-level feedback instead of edge-level feedback. The edge-level feedback reveals all edges that pass through information in a cascade, where the node-level feedback only reveals the activated nodes with timestamps. The node-level feedback is arguably more realistic since in practice it is relatively easy to observe who is influenced but very difficult to observe from which relationship (edge) the influence comes from. Second, we use standard offline oracle instead of offline pair-oracle. To compute a good seed set for the next round, an offline pair-oracle finds the best seed set and the best parameters within the confidence region simultaneously, and such an oracle is difficult to compute due to the combinatorial core of OIM problem. So we focus on how to use the standard offline influence maximization oracle which finds the best seed set given the edge parameters as input. In this paper, we resolve these challenges for the two most popular diffusion models, the independent cascade (IC) and the linear threshold (LT) model. For the IC model, the past research only achieves edge-level feedback, while we present the first $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$-regret algorithm for the node-level feedback. Besides, the algorithm only invokes standard offline oracles. For the LT model, a recent study only provides an OIM solution that meets the first challenge but still requires a pair-oracle. In this paper, we apply a similar technique as in the IC model to replace the pair-oracle with a standard oracle while maintaining $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$-regret.
Abstract:Vision transformers have recently received explosive popularity, but the huge computational cost is still a severe issue. Recent efficient designs for vision transformers follow two pipelines, namely, structural compression based on local spatial prior and non-structural token pruning. However, token pruning breaks the spatial structure that is indispensable for local spatial prior. To take advantage of both two pipelines, this work seeks to dynamically identify uninformative tokens for each instance and trim down both the training and inference complexity while maintaining complete spatial structure and information flow. To achieve this goal, we propose Evo-ViT, a self-motivated slow-fast token evolution method for vision transformers. Specifically, we conduct unstructured instance-wise token selection by taking advantage of the global class attention that is unique to vision transformers. Then, we propose to update informative tokens and placeholder tokens that contribute little to the final prediction with different computational priorities, namely, slow-fast updating. Thanks to the slow-fast updating mechanism that guarantees information flow and spatial structure, our Evo-ViT can accelerate vanilla transformers of both flat and deep-narrow structures from the very beginning of the training process. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly reduce the computational costs of vision transformers while maintaining comparable performance on image classification. For example, our method accelerates DeiTS by over 60% throughput while only sacrificing 0.4% top-1 accuracy.
Abstract:Influence maximization is the task of selecting a small number of seed nodes in a social network to maximize the spread of the influence from these seeds, and it has been widely investigated in the past two decades. In the canonical setting, the whole social network as well as its diffusion parameters is given as input. In this paper, we consider the more realistic sampling setting where the network is unknown and we only have a set of passively observed cascades that record the set of activated nodes at each diffusion step. We study the task of influence maximization from these cascade samples (IMS), and present constant approximation algorithms for this task under mild conditions on the seed set distribution. To achieve the optimization goal, we also provide a novel solution to the network inference problem, that is, learning diffusion parameters and the network structure from the cascade data. Comparing with prior solutions, our network inference algorithm requires weaker assumptions and does not rely on maximum-likelihood estimation and convex programming. Our IMS algorithms enhance the learning-and-then-optimization approach by allowing a constant approximation ratio even when the diffusion parameters are hard to learn, and we do not need any assumption related to the network structure or diffusion parameters.