Abstract:The first-in-first-out (FIFO) video diffusion, built on a pre-trained text-to-video model, has recently emerged as an effective approach for tuning-free long video generation. This technique maintains a queue of video frames with progressively increasing noise, continuously producing clean frames at the queue's head while Gaussian noise is enqueued at the tail. However, FIFO-Diffusion often struggles to keep long-range temporal consistency in the generated videos due to the lack of correspondence modeling across frames. In this paper, we propose Ouroboros-Diffusion, a novel video denoising framework designed to enhance structural and content (subject) consistency, enabling the generation of consistent videos of arbitrary length. Specifically, we introduce a new latent sampling technique at the queue tail to improve structural consistency, ensuring perceptually smooth transitions among frames. To enhance subject consistency, we devise a Subject-Aware Cross-Frame Attention (SACFA) mechanism, which aligns subjects across frames within short segments to achieve better visual coherence. Furthermore, we introduce self-recurrent guidance. This technique leverages information from all previous cleaner frames at the front of the queue to guide the denoising of noisier frames at the end, fostering rich and contextual global information interaction. Extensive experiments of long video generation on the VBench benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our Ouroboros-Diffusion, particularly in terms of subject consistency, motion smoothness, and temporal consistency.
Abstract:The emergence of text-to-image generation models has led to the recognition that image enhancement, performed as post-processing, would significantly improve the visual quality of the generated images. Exploring diffusion models to enhance the generated images nevertheless is not trivial and necessitates to delicately enrich plentiful details while preserving the visual appearance of key content in the original image. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely FreeEnhance, for content-consistent image enhancement using the off-the-shelf image diffusion models. Technically, FreeEnhance is a two-stage process that firstly adds random noise to the input image and then capitalizes on a pre-trained image diffusion model (i.e., Latent Diffusion Models) to denoise and enhance the image details. In the noising stage, FreeEnhance is devised to add lighter noise to the region with higher frequency to preserve the high-frequent patterns (e.g., edge, corner) in the original image. In the denoising stage, we present three target properties as constraints to regularize the predicted noise, enhancing images with high acutance and high visual quality. Extensive experiments conducted on the HPDv2 dataset demonstrate that our FreeEnhance outperforms the state-of-the-art image enhancement models in terms of quantitative metrics and human preference. More remarkably, FreeEnhance also shows higher human preference compared to the commercial image enhancement solution of Magnific AI.
Abstract:Recent advances in text-to-video generation have demonstrated the utility of powerful diffusion models. Nevertheless, the problem is not trivial when shaping diffusion models to animate static image (i.e., image-to-video generation). The difficulty originates from the aspect that the diffusion process of subsequent animated frames should not only preserve the faithful alignment with the given image but also pursue temporal coherence among adjacent frames. To alleviate this, we present TRIP, a new recipe of image-to-video diffusion paradigm that pivots on image noise prior derived from static image to jointly trigger inter-frame relational reasoning and ease the coherent temporal modeling via temporal residual learning. Technically, the image noise prior is first attained through one-step backward diffusion process based on both static image and noised video latent codes. Next, TRIP executes a residual-like dual-path scheme for noise prediction: 1) a shortcut path that directly takes image noise prior as the reference noise of each frame to amplify the alignment between the first frame and subsequent frames; 2) a residual path that employs 3D-UNet over noised video and static image latent codes to enable inter-frame relational reasoning, thereby easing the learning of the residual noise for each frame. Furthermore, both reference and residual noise of each frame are dynamically merged via attention mechanism for final video generation. Extensive experiments on WebVid-10M, DTDB and MSR-VTT datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our TRIP for image-to-video generation. Please see our project page at https://trip-i2v.github.io/TRIP/.
Abstract:Diffusion models are just at a tipping point for image super-resolution task. Nevertheless, it is not trivial to capitalize on diffusion models for video super-resolution which necessitates not only the preservation of visual appearance from low-resolution to high-resolution videos, but also the temporal consistency across video frames. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, pursuing Spatial Adaptation and Temporal Coherence (SATeCo), for video super-resolution. SATeCo pivots on learning spatial-temporal guidance from low-resolution videos to calibrate both latent-space high-resolution video denoising and pixel-space video reconstruction. Technically, SATeCo freezes all the parameters of the pre-trained UNet and VAE, and only optimizes two deliberately-designed spatial feature adaptation (SFA) and temporal feature alignment (TFA) modules, in the decoder of UNet and VAE. SFA modulates frame features via adaptively estimating affine parameters for each pixel, guaranteeing pixel-wise guidance for high-resolution frame synthesis. TFA delves into feature interaction within a 3D local window (tubelet) through self-attention, and executes cross-attention between tubelet and its low-resolution counterpart to guide temporal feature alignment. Extensive experiments conducted on the REDS4 and Vid4 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:The recent innovations and breakthroughs in diffusion models have significantly expanded the possibilities of generating high-quality videos for the given prompts. Most existing works tackle the single-scene scenario with only one video event occurring in a single background. Extending to generate multi-scene videos nevertheless is not trivial and necessitates to nicely manage the logic in between while preserving the consistent visual appearance of key content across video scenes. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely VideoDrafter, for content-consistent multi-scene video generation. Technically, VideoDrafter leverages Large Language Models (LLM) to convert the input prompt into comprehensive multi-scene script that benefits from the logical knowledge learnt by LLM. The script for each scene includes a prompt describing the event, the foreground/background entities, as well as camera movement. VideoDrafter identifies the common entities throughout the script and asks LLM to detail each entity. The resultant entity description is then fed into a text-to-image model to generate a reference image for each entity. Finally, VideoDrafter outputs a multi-scene video by generating each scene video via a diffusion process that takes the reference images, the descriptive prompt of the event and camera movement into account. The diffusion model incorporates the reference images as the condition and alignment to strengthen the content consistency of multi-scene videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate that VideoDrafter outperforms the SOTA video generation models in terms of visual quality, content consistency, and user preference.
Abstract:The recent advances in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers have convincingly demonstrated high learning capability for video action recognition on large datasets. Nevertheless, deep models often suffer from the overfitting effect on small-scale datasets with a limited number of training videos. A common solution is to exploit the existing image augmentation strategies for each frame individually including Mixup, Cutmix, and RandAugment, which are not particularly optimized for video data. In this paper, we propose a novel video augmentation strategy named Selective Volume Mixup (SV-Mix) to improve the generalization ability of deep models with limited training videos. SV-Mix devises a learnable selective module to choose the most informative volumes from two videos and mixes the volumes up to achieve a new training video. Technically, we propose two new modules, i.e., a spatial selective module to select the local patches for each spatial position, and a temporal selective module to mix the entire frames for each timestamp and maintain the spatial pattern. At each time, we randomly choose one of the two modules to expand the diversity of training samples. The selective modules are jointly optimized with the video action recognition framework to find the optimal augmentation strategy. We empirically demonstrate the merits of the SV-Mix augmentation on a wide range of video action recognition benchmarks and consistently boot the performances of both CNN-based and transformer-based models.
Abstract:Video temporal dynamics is conventionally modeled with 3D spatial-temporal kernel or its factorized version comprised of 2D spatial kernel and 1D temporal kernel. The modeling power, nevertheless, is limited by the fixed window size and static weights of a kernel along the temporal dimension. The pre-determined kernel size severely limits the temporal receptive fields and the fixed weights treat each spatial location across frames equally, resulting in sub-optimal solution for long-range temporal modeling in natural scenes. In this paper, we present a new recipe of temporal feature learning, namely Dynamic Temporal Filter (DTF), that novelly performs spatial-aware temporal modeling in frequency domain with large temporal receptive field. Specifically, DTF dynamically learns a specialized frequency filter for every spatial location to model its long-range temporal dynamics. Meanwhile, the temporal feature of each spatial location is also transformed into frequency feature spectrum via 1D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The spectrum is modulated by the learnt frequency filter, and then transformed back to temporal domain with inverse FFT. In addition, to facilitate the learning of frequency filter in DTF, we perform frame-wise aggregation to enhance the primary temporal feature with its temporal neighbors by inter-frame correlation. It is feasible to plug DTF block into ConvNets and Transformer, yielding DTF-Net and DTF-Transformer. Extensive experiments conducted on three datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposals. More remarkably, DTF-Transformer achieves an accuracy of 83.5% on Kinetics-400 dataset. Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/FuchenUSTC/DTF}.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel deep architecture tailored for 3D point cloud applications, named as SPE-Net. The embedded ``Selective Position Encoding (SPE)'' procedure relies on an attention mechanism that can effectively attend to the underlying rotation condition of the input. Such encoded rotation condition then determines which part of the network parameters to be focused on, and is shown to efficiently help reduce the degree of freedom of the optimization during training. This mechanism henceforth can better leverage the rotation augmentations through reduced training difficulties, making SPE-Net robust against rotated data both during training and testing. The new findings in our paper also urge us to rethink the relationship between the extracted rotation information and the actual test accuracy. Intriguingly, we reveal evidences that by locally encoding the rotation information through SPE-Net, the rotation-invariant features are still of critical importance in benefiting the test samples without any actual global rotation. We empirically demonstrate the merits of the SPE-Net and the associated hypothesis on four benchmarks, showing evident improvements on both rotated and unrotated test data over SOTA methods. Source code is available at https://github.com/ZhaofanQiu/SPE-Net.
Abstract:The recent advances in deep learning predominantly construct models in their internal representations, and it is opaque to explain the rationale behind and decisions to human users. Such explainability is especially essential for domain adaptation, whose challenges require developing more adaptive models across different domains. In this paper, we ask the question: how much each sample in source domain contributes to the network's prediction on the samples from target domain. To address this, we devise a novel Interpretable Deep Classifier (IDC) that learns the nearest source samples of a target sample as evidence upon which the classifier makes the decision. Technically, IDC maintains a differentiable memory bank for each category and the memory slot derives a form of key-value pair. The key records the features of discriminative source samples and the value stores the corresponding properties, e.g., representative scores of the features for describing the category. IDC computes the loss between the output of IDC and the labels of source samples to back-propagate to adjust the representative scores and update the memory banks. Extensive experiments on Office-Home and VisDA-2017 datasets demonstrate that our IDC leads to a more explainable model with almost no accuracy degradation and effectively calibrates classification for optimum reject options. More remarkably, when taking IDC as a prior interpreter, capitalizing on 0.1% source training data selected by IDC still yields superior results than that uses full training set on VisDA-2017 for unsupervised domain adaptation.
Abstract:Multi-scale learning frameworks have been regarded as a capable class of models to boost semantic segmentation. The problem nevertheless is not trivial especially for the real-world deployments, which often demand high efficiency in inference latency. In this paper, we thoroughly analyze the design of convolutional blocks (the type of convolutions and the number of channels in convolutions), and the ways of interactions across multiple scales, all from lightweight standpoint for semantic segmentation. With such in-depth comparisons, we conclude three principles, and accordingly devise Lightweight and Progressively-Scalable Networks (LPS-Net) that novelly expands the network complexity in a greedy manner. Technically, LPS-Net first capitalizes on the principles to build a tiny network. Then, LPS-Net progressively scales the tiny network to larger ones by expanding a single dimension (the number of convolutional blocks, the number of channels, or the input resolution) at one time to meet the best speed/accuracy tradeoff. Extensive experiments conducted on three datasets consistently demonstrate the superiority of LPS-Net over several efficient semantic segmentation methods. More remarkably, our LPS-Net achieves 73.4% mIoU on Cityscapes test set, with the speed of 413.5FPS on an NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti, leading to a performance improvement by 1.5% and a 65% speed-up against the state-of-the-art STDC. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/YihengZhang-CV/LPS-Net}.