Abstract:The first-in-first-out (FIFO) video diffusion, built on a pre-trained text-to-video model, has recently emerged as an effective approach for tuning-free long video generation. This technique maintains a queue of video frames with progressively increasing noise, continuously producing clean frames at the queue's head while Gaussian noise is enqueued at the tail. However, FIFO-Diffusion often struggles to keep long-range temporal consistency in the generated videos due to the lack of correspondence modeling across frames. In this paper, we propose Ouroboros-Diffusion, a novel video denoising framework designed to enhance structural and content (subject) consistency, enabling the generation of consistent videos of arbitrary length. Specifically, we introduce a new latent sampling technique at the queue tail to improve structural consistency, ensuring perceptually smooth transitions among frames. To enhance subject consistency, we devise a Subject-Aware Cross-Frame Attention (SACFA) mechanism, which aligns subjects across frames within short segments to achieve better visual coherence. Furthermore, we introduce self-recurrent guidance. This technique leverages information from all previous cleaner frames at the front of the queue to guide the denoising of noisier frames at the end, fostering rich and contextual global information interaction. Extensive experiments of long video generation on the VBench benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our Ouroboros-Diffusion, particularly in terms of subject consistency, motion smoothness, and temporal consistency.
Abstract:Diffusion models are just at a tipping point for image super-resolution task. Nevertheless, it is not trivial to capitalize on diffusion models for video super-resolution which necessitates not only the preservation of visual appearance from low-resolution to high-resolution videos, but also the temporal consistency across video frames. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, pursuing Spatial Adaptation and Temporal Coherence (SATeCo), for video super-resolution. SATeCo pivots on learning spatial-temporal guidance from low-resolution videos to calibrate both latent-space high-resolution video denoising and pixel-space video reconstruction. Technically, SATeCo freezes all the parameters of the pre-trained UNet and VAE, and only optimizes two deliberately-designed spatial feature adaptation (SFA) and temporal feature alignment (TFA) modules, in the decoder of UNet and VAE. SFA modulates frame features via adaptively estimating affine parameters for each pixel, guaranteeing pixel-wise guidance for high-resolution frame synthesis. TFA delves into feature interaction within a 3D local window (tubelet) through self-attention, and executes cross-attention between tubelet and its low-resolution counterpart to guide temporal feature alignment. Extensive experiments conducted on the REDS4 and Vid4 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:Recent advances in text-to-video generation have demonstrated the utility of powerful diffusion models. Nevertheless, the problem is not trivial when shaping diffusion models to animate static image (i.e., image-to-video generation). The difficulty originates from the aspect that the diffusion process of subsequent animated frames should not only preserve the faithful alignment with the given image but also pursue temporal coherence among adjacent frames. To alleviate this, we present TRIP, a new recipe of image-to-video diffusion paradigm that pivots on image noise prior derived from static image to jointly trigger inter-frame relational reasoning and ease the coherent temporal modeling via temporal residual learning. Technically, the image noise prior is first attained through one-step backward diffusion process based on both static image and noised video latent codes. Next, TRIP executes a residual-like dual-path scheme for noise prediction: 1) a shortcut path that directly takes image noise prior as the reference noise of each frame to amplify the alignment between the first frame and subsequent frames; 2) a residual path that employs 3D-UNet over noised video and static image latent codes to enable inter-frame relational reasoning, thereby easing the learning of the residual noise for each frame. Furthermore, both reference and residual noise of each frame are dynamically merged via attention mechanism for final video generation. Extensive experiments on WebVid-10M, DTDB and MSR-VTT datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our TRIP for image-to-video generation. Please see our project page at https://trip-i2v.github.io/TRIP/.
Abstract:The recent innovations and breakthroughs in diffusion models have significantly expanded the possibilities of generating high-quality videos for the given prompts. Most existing works tackle the single-scene scenario with only one video event occurring in a single background. Extending to generate multi-scene videos nevertheless is not trivial and necessitates to nicely manage the logic in between while preserving the consistent visual appearance of key content across video scenes. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely VideoDrafter, for content-consistent multi-scene video generation. Technically, VideoDrafter leverages Large Language Models (LLM) to convert the input prompt into comprehensive multi-scene script that benefits from the logical knowledge learnt by LLM. The script for each scene includes a prompt describing the event, the foreground/background entities, as well as camera movement. VideoDrafter identifies the common entities throughout the script and asks LLM to detail each entity. The resultant entity description is then fed into a text-to-image model to generate a reference image for each entity. Finally, VideoDrafter outputs a multi-scene video by generating each scene video via a diffusion process that takes the reference images, the descriptive prompt of the event and camera movement into account. The diffusion model incorporates the reference images as the condition and alignment to strengthen the content consistency of multi-scene videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate that VideoDrafter outperforms the SOTA video generation models in terms of visual quality, content consistency, and user preference.
Abstract:Video temporal dynamics is conventionally modeled with 3D spatial-temporal kernel or its factorized version comprised of 2D spatial kernel and 1D temporal kernel. The modeling power, nevertheless, is limited by the fixed window size and static weights of a kernel along the temporal dimension. The pre-determined kernel size severely limits the temporal receptive fields and the fixed weights treat each spatial location across frames equally, resulting in sub-optimal solution for long-range temporal modeling in natural scenes. In this paper, we present a new recipe of temporal feature learning, namely Dynamic Temporal Filter (DTF), that novelly performs spatial-aware temporal modeling in frequency domain with large temporal receptive field. Specifically, DTF dynamically learns a specialized frequency filter for every spatial location to model its long-range temporal dynamics. Meanwhile, the temporal feature of each spatial location is also transformed into frequency feature spectrum via 1D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The spectrum is modulated by the learnt frequency filter, and then transformed back to temporal domain with inverse FFT. In addition, to facilitate the learning of frequency filter in DTF, we perform frame-wise aggregation to enhance the primary temporal feature with its temporal neighbors by inter-frame correlation. It is feasible to plug DTF block into ConvNets and Transformer, yielding DTF-Net and DTF-Transformer. Extensive experiments conducted on three datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposals. More remarkably, DTF-Transformer achieves an accuracy of 83.5% on Kinetics-400 dataset. Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/FuchenUSTC/DTF}.
Abstract:The leverage of large volumes of web videos paired with the searched queries or surrounding texts (e.g., title) offers an economic and extensible alternative to supervised video representation learning. Nevertheless, modeling such weakly visual-textual connection is not trivial due to query polysemy (i.e., many possible meanings for a query) and text isomorphism (i.e., same syntactic structure of different text). In this paper, we introduce a new design of mutual calibration between query and text to boost weakly-supervised video representation learning. Specifically, we present Bi-Calibration Networks (BCN) that novelly couples two calibrations to learn the amendment from text to query and vice versa. Technically, BCN executes clustering on all the titles of the videos searched by an identical query and takes the centroid of each cluster as a text prototype. The query vocabulary is built directly on query words. The video-to-text/video-to-query projections over text prototypes/query vocabulary then start the text-to-query or query-to-text calibration to estimate the amendment to query or text. We also devise a selection scheme to balance the two corrections. Two large-scale web video datasets paired with query and title for each video are newly collected for weakly-supervised video representation learning, which are named as YOVO-3M and YOVO-10M, respectively. The video features of BCN learnt on 3M web videos obtain superior results under linear model protocol on downstream tasks. More remarkably, BCN trained on the larger set of 10M web videos with further fine-tuning leads to 1.6%, and 1.8% gains in top-1 accuracy on Kinetics-400, and Something-Something V2 datasets over the state-of-the-art TDN, and ACTION-Net methods with ImageNet pre-training. Source code and datasets are available at \url{https://github.com/FuchenUSTC/BCN}.
Abstract:Motion, as the uniqueness of a video, has been critical to the development of video understanding models. Modern deep learning models leverage motion by either executing spatio-temporal 3D convolutions, factorizing 3D convolutions into spatial and temporal convolutions separately, or computing self-attention along temporal dimension. The implicit assumption behind such successes is that the feature maps across consecutive frames can be nicely aggregated. Nevertheless, the assumption may not always hold especially for the regions with large deformation. In this paper, we present a new recipe of inter-frame attention block, namely Stand-alone Inter-Frame Attention (SIFA), that novelly delves into the deformation across frames to estimate local self-attention on each spatial location. Technically, SIFA remoulds the deformable design via re-scaling the offset predictions by the difference between two frames. Taking each spatial location in the current frame as the query, the locally deformable neighbors in the next frame are regarded as the keys/values. Then, SIFA measures the similarity between query and keys as stand-alone attention to weighted average the values for temporal aggregation. We further plug SIFA block into ConvNets and Vision Transformer, respectively, to devise SIFA-Net and SIFA-Transformer. Extensive experiments conducted on four video datasets demonstrate the superiority of SIFA-Net and SIFA-Transformer as stronger backbones. More remarkably, SIFA-Transformer achieves an accuracy of 83.1% on Kinetics-400 dataset. Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/FuchenUSTC/SIFA}.
Abstract:This paper presents an overview and comparative analysis of our systems designed for the following two tracks in SAPIEN ManiSkill Challenge 2021: No Interaction Track: The No Interaction track targets for learning policies from pre-collected demonstration trajectories. We investigate both imitation learning-based approach, i.e., imitating the observed behavior using classical supervised learning techniques, and offline reinforcement learning-based approaches, for this track. Moreover, the geometry and texture structures of objects and robotic arms are exploited via Transformer-based networks to facilitate imitation learning. No Restriction Track: In this track, we design a Heuristic Rule-based Method (HRM) to trigger high-quality object manipulation by decomposing the task into a series of sub-tasks. For each sub-task, the simple rule-based controlling strategies are adopted to predict actions that can be applied to robotic arms. To ease the implementations of our systems, all the source codes and pre-trained models are available at \url{https://github.com/caiqi/Silver-Bullet-3D/}.
Abstract:With the knowledge of action moments (i.e., trimmed video clips that each contains an action instance), humans could routinely localize an action temporally in an untrimmed video. Nevertheless, most practical methods still require all training videos to be labeled with temporal annotations (action category and temporal boundary) and develop the models in a fully-supervised manner, despite expensive labeling efforts and inapplicable to new categories. In this paper, we introduce a new design of transfer learning type to learn action localization for a large set of action categories, but only on action moments from the categories of interest and temporal annotations of untrimmed videos from a small set of action classes. Specifically, we present Action Herald Networks (AherNet) that integrate such design into an one-stage action localization framework. Technically, a weight transfer function is uniquely devised to build the transformation between classification of action moments or foreground video segments and action localization in synthetic contextual moments or untrimmed videos. The context of each moment is learnt through the adversarial mechanism to differentiate the generated features from those of background in untrimmed videos. Extensive experiments are conducted on the learning both across the splits of ActivityNet v1.3 and from THUMOS14 to ActivityNet v1.3. Our AherNet demonstrates the superiority even comparing to most fully-supervised action localization methods. More remarkably, we train AherNet to localize actions from 600 categories on the leverage of action moments in Kinetics-600 and temporal annotations from 200 classes in ActivityNet v1.3. Source code and data are available at \url{https://github.com/FuchenUSTC/AherNet}.
Abstract:Temporally localizing actions in a video is a fundamental challenge in video understanding. Most existing approaches have often drawn inspiration from image object detection and extended the advances, e.g., SSD and Faster R-CNN, to produce temporal locations of an action in a 1D sequence. Nevertheless, the results can suffer from robustness problem due to the design of predetermined temporal scales, which overlooks the temporal structure of an action and limits the utility on detecting actions with complex variations. In this paper, we propose to address the problem by introducing Gaussian kernels to dynamically optimize temporal scale of each action proposal. Specifically, we present Gaussian Temporal Awareness Networks (GTAN) --- a new architecture that novelly integrates the exploitation of temporal structure into an one-stage action localization framework. Technically, GTAN models the temporal structure through learning a set of Gaussian kernels, each for a cell in the feature maps. Each Gaussian kernel corresponds to a particular interval of an action proposal and a mixture of Gaussian kernels could further characterize action proposals with various length. Moreover, the values in each Gaussian curve reflect the contextual contributions to the localization of an action proposal. Extensive experiments are conducted on both THUMOS14 and ActivityNet v1.3 datasets, and superior results are reported when comparing to state-of-the-art approaches. More remarkably, GTAN achieves 1.9% and 1.1% improvements in mAP on testing set of the two datasets.