Abstract:Link prediction (LP) is crucial for Knowledge Graphs (KG) completion but commonly suffers from interpretability issues. While several methods have been proposed to explain embedding-based LP models, they are generally limited to local explanations on KG and are deficient in providing human interpretable semantics. Based on real-world observations of the characteristics of KGs from multiple domains, we propose to explain LP models in KG with path-based explanations. An integrated framework, namely eXpath, is introduced which incorporates the concept of relation path with ontological closed path rules to enhance both the efficiency and effectiveness of LP interpretation. Notably, the eXpath explanations can be fused with other single-link explanation approaches to achieve a better overall solution. Extensive experiments across benchmark datasets and LP models demonstrate that introducing eXpath can boost the quality of resulting explanations by about 20% on two key metrics and reduce the required explanation time by 61.4%, in comparison to the best existing method. Case studies further highlight eXpath's ability to provide more semantically meaningful explanations through path-based evidence.
Abstract:SecureBoost is a tree-boosting algorithm that leverages homomorphic encryption (HE) to protect data privacy in vertical federated learning. SecureBoost and its variants have been widely adopted in fields such as finance and healthcare. However, the hyperparameters of SecureBoost are typically configured heuristically for optimizing model performance (i.e., utility) solely, assuming that privacy is secured. Our study found that SecureBoost and some of its variants are still vulnerable to label leakage. This vulnerability may lead the current heuristic hyperparameter configuration of SecureBoost to a suboptimal trade-off between utility, privacy, and efficiency, which are pivotal elements toward a trustworthy federated learning system. To address this issue, we propose the Constrained Multi-Objective SecureBoost (CMOSB) algorithm, which aims to approximate Pareto optimal solutions that each solution is a set of hyperparameters achieving an optimal trade-off between utility loss, training cost, and privacy leakage. We design measurements of the three objectives, including a novel label inference attack named instance clustering attack (ICA) to measure the privacy leakage of SecureBoost. Additionally, we provide two countermeasures against ICA. The experimental results demonstrate that the CMOSB yields superior hyperparameters over those optimized by grid search and Bayesian optimization regarding the trade-off between utility loss, training cost, and privacy leakage.
Abstract:SecureBoost is a tree-boosting algorithm leveraging homomorphic encryption to protect data privacy in vertical federated learning setting. It is widely used in fields such as finance and healthcare due to its interpretability, effectiveness, and privacy-preserving capability. However, SecureBoost suffers from high computational complexity and risk of label leakage. To harness the full potential of SecureBoost, hyperparameters of SecureBoost should be carefully chosen to strike an optimal balance between utility, efficiency, and privacy. Existing methods either set hyperparameters empirically or heuristically, which are far from optimal. To fill this gap, we propose a Constrained Multi-Objective SecureBoost (CMOSB) algorithm to find Pareto optimal solutions that each solution is a set of hyperparameters achieving optimal tradeoff between utility loss, training cost, and privacy leakage. We design measurements of the three objectives. In particular, the privacy leakage is measured using our proposed instance clustering attack. Experimental results demonstrate that the CMOSB yields not only hyperparameters superior to the baseline but also optimal sets of hyperparameters that can support the flexible requirements of FL participants.
Abstract:Owing to the nature of privacy protection, federated recommender systems (FedRecs) have garnered increasing interest in the realm of on-device recommender systems. However, most existing FedRecs only allow participating clients to collaboratively train a recommendation model of the same public parameter size. Training a model of the same size for all clients can lead to suboptimal performance since clients possess varying resources. For example, clients with limited training data may prefer to train a smaller recommendation model to avoid excessive data consumption, while clients with sufficient data would benefit from a larger model to achieve higher recommendation accuracy. To address the above challenge, this paper introduces HeteFedRec, a novel FedRec framework that enables the assignment of personalized model sizes to participants. In HeteFedRec, we present a heterogeneous recommendation model aggregation strategy, including a unified dual-task learning mechanism and a dimensional decorrelation regularization, to allow knowledge aggregation among recommender models of different sizes. Additionally, a relation-based ensemble knowledge distillation method is proposed to effectively distil knowledge from heterogeneous item embeddings. Extensive experiments conducted on three real-world recommendation datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of HeteFedRec in training federated recommender systems under heterogeneous settings.
Abstract:MAUP (modifiable areal unit problem) is a fundamental problem for spatial data management and analysis. As an instantiation of MAUP in online transportation platforms, region generation (i.e., specifying the areal unit for service operations) is the first and vital step for supporting spatiotemporal transportation services such as ride-sharing and freight transport. Most existing region generation methods are manually specified (e.g., fixed-size grids), suffering from poor spatial semantic meaning and inflexibility to meet service operation requirements. In this paper, we propose RegionGen, a data-driven region generation framework that can specify regions with key characteristics (e.g., good spatial semantic meaning and predictability) by modeling region generation as a multi-objective optimization problem. First, to obtain good spatial semantic meaning, RegionGen segments the whole city into atomic spatial elements based on road networks and obstacles (e.g., rivers). Then, it clusters the atomic spatial elements into regions by maximizing various operation characteristics, which is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. For this optimization problem, we propose a multi-objective co-optimization algorithm. Extensive experiments verify that RegionGen can generate more suitable regions than traditional methods for spatiotemporal service management.
Abstract:Data collected by IoT devices are often private and have a large diversity across users. Therefore, learning requires pre-training a model with available representative data samples, deploying the pre-trained model on IoT devices, and adapting the deployed model on the device with local data. Such an on-device adaption for deep learning empowered applications demands data and memory efficiency. However, existing gradient-based meta learning schemes fail to support memory-efficient adaptation. To this end, we propose p-Meta, a new meta learning method that enforces structure-wise partial parameter updates while ensuring fast generalization to unseen tasks. Evaluations on few-shot image classification and reinforcement learning tasks show that p-Meta not only improves the accuracy but also substantially reduces the peak dynamic memory by a factor of 2.5 on average compared to state-of-the-art few-shot adaptation methods.
Abstract:Robotized warehouses are deployed to automatically distribute millions of items brought by the massive logistic orders from e-commerce. A key to automated item distribution is to plan paths for robots, also known as task planning, where each task is to deliver racks with items to pickers for processing and then return the rack back. Prior solutions are unfit for large-scale robotized warehouses due to the inflexibility to time-varying item arrivals and the low efficiency for high throughput. In this paper, we propose a new task planning problem called TPRW, which aims to minimize the end-to-end makespan that incorporates the entire item distribution pipeline, known as a fulfilment cycle. Direct extensions from state-of-the-art path finding methods are ineffective to solve the TPRW problem because they fail to adapt to the bottleneck variations of fulfillment cycles. In response, we propose Efficient Adaptive Task Planning, a framework for large-scale robotized warehouses with time-varying item arrivals. It adaptively selects racks to fulfill at each timestamp via reinforcement learning, accounting for the time-varying bottleneck of the fulfillment cycles. Then it finds paths for robots to transport the selected racks. The framework adopts a series of efficient optimizations on both time and memory to handle large-scale item throughput. Evaluations on both synthesized and real data show an improvement of $37.1\%$ in effectiveness and $75.5\%$ in efficiency over the state-of-the-arts.
Abstract:Recently published graph neural networks (GNNs) show promising performance at social event detection tasks. However, most studies are oriented toward monolingual data in languages with abundant training samples. This has left the more common multilingual settings and lesser-spoken languages relatively unexplored. Thus, we present a GNN that incorporates cross-lingual word embeddings for detecting events in multilingual data streams. The first exploit is to make the GNN work with multilingual data. For this, we outline a construction strategy that aligns messages in different languages at both the node and semantic levels. Relationships between messages are established by merging entities that are the same but are referred to in different languages. Non-English message representations are converted into English semantic space via the cross-lingual word embeddings. The resulting message graph is then uniformly encoded by a GNN model. In special cases where a lesser-spoken language needs to be detected, a novel cross-lingual knowledge distillation framework, called CLKD, exploits prior knowledge learned from similar threads in English to make up for the paucity of annotated data. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets show the framework to be highly effective at detection in both multilingual data and in languages where training samples are scarce.
Abstract:Large ride-hailing platforms, such as DiDi, Uber and Lyft, connect tens of thousands of vehicles in a city to millions of ride demands throughout the day, providing great promises for improving transportation efficiency through the tasks of order dispatching and vehicle repositioning. Existing studies, however, usually consider the two tasks in simplified settings that hardly address the complex interactions between the two, the real-time fluctuations between supply and demand, and the necessary coordinations due to the large-scale nature of the problem. In this paper we propose a unified value-based dynamic learning framework (V1D3) for tackling both tasks. At the center of the framework is a globally shared value function that is updated continuously using online experiences generated from real-time platform transactions. To improve the sample-efficiency and the robustness, we further propose a novel periodic ensemble method combining the fast online learning with a large-scale offline training scheme that leverages the abundant historical driver trajectory data. This allows the proposed framework to adapt quickly to the highly dynamic environment, to generalize robustly to recurrent patterns and to drive implicit coordinations among the population of managed vehicles. Extensive experiments based on real-world datasets show considerably improvements over other recently proposed methods on both tasks. Particularly, V1D3 outperforms the first prize winners of both dispatching and repositioning tracks in the KDD Cup 2020 RL competition, achieving state-of-the-art results on improving both total driver income and user experience related metrics.
Abstract:Can prior network pruning strategies eliminate redundancy in multiple correlated pre-trained deep neural networks? It seems a positive answer if multiple networks are first combined and then pruned. However, we argue that an arbitrarily combined network may lead to sub-optimal pruning performance because their intra- and inter-redundancy may not be minimised at the same time while retaining the inference accuracy in each task. In this paper, we define and analyse the redundancy in multi-task networks from an information theoretic perspective, and identify challenges for existing pruning methods to function effectively for multi-task pruning. We propose Redundancy-Disentangled Networks (RDNets), which decouples intra- and inter-redundancy such that all redundancy can be suppressed via previous network pruning schemes. A pruned RDNet also ensures minimal computation in any subset of tasks, a desirable feature for selective task execution. Moreover, a heuristic is devised to construct an RDNet from multiple pre-trained networks. Experiments on CelebA show that the same pruning method on an RDNet achieves at least 1:8x lower memory usage and 1:4x lower computation cost than on a multi-task network constructed by the state-of-the-art network merging scheme.