Abstract:Retrieved documents containing noise will hinder Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) from detecting answer clues, necessitating noise filtering mechanisms to enhance accuracy. Existing methods use re-ranking or summarization to identify the most relevant sentences, but directly and accurately locating answer clues from these large-scale and complex documents remains challenging. Unlike these document-level operations, we treat noise filtering as a sentence-level MinMax optimization problem: first identifying the potential clues from multiple documents using contextual information, then ranking them by relevance, and finally retaining the least clues through truncation. In this paper, we propose FineFilter, a novel fine-grained noise filtering mechanism for RAG consisting of a clue extractor, a re-ranker, and a truncator. We optimize each module to tackle complex reasoning challenges: (1) Clue extractor firstly uses sentences containing the answer and similar ones as fine-tuned targets, aiming at extracting sufficient potential clues; (2) Re-ranker is trained to prioritize effective clues based on the real feedback from generation module, with clues capable of generating correct answer as positive samples and others as negative; (3) Truncator takes the minimum clues needed to answer the question (truncation point) as fine-tuned targets, and performs truncation on the re-ranked clues to achieve fine-grained noise filtering. Experiments on three QA datasets demonstrate that FineFilter significantly outperforms baselines in terms of performance and inference cost. Further analysis on each module shows the effectiveness of our optimizations for complex reasoning.
Abstract:Retrieved documents containing noise will hinder RAG from detecting answer clues and make the inference process slow and expensive. Therefore, context compression is necessary to enhance its accuracy and efficiency. Existing context compression methods use extractive or generative models to retain the most query-relevant sentences or apply the information bottleneck theory to preserve sufficient information. However, these methods may face issues such as over-compression or high computational costs. We observe that the retriever often ranks relevant documents at the top, but the exact number of documents needed to answer the query is uncertain due to the impact of query complexity and retrieval quality: complex queries like multi-hop questions may require retaining more documents than simpler queries, and a low-quality retrieval may need to rely on more documents to generate accurate outputs. Therefore, determining the minimum number of required documents (compression rate) is still a challenge for RAG. In this paper, we introduce AdaComp, a low-cost extractive context compression method that adaptively determines the compression rate based on both query complexity and retrieval quality. Specifically, we first annotate the minimum top-k documents necessary for the RAG system to answer the current query as the compression rate and then construct triplets of the query, retrieved documents, and its compression rate. Then, we use this triplet dataset to train a compression-rate predictor. Experiments on three QA datasets and one conversational Muiti-doc QA dataset show that AdaComp significantly reduces inference costs while maintaining performance nearly identical to uncompressed models, achieving a balance between efficiency and performance.
Abstract:With the growing deployment of LLMs in daily applications like chatbots and content generation, efforts to ensure outputs align with human values and avoid harmful content have intensified. However, increasingly sophisticated jailbreak attacks threaten this alignment, aiming to induce unsafe outputs. Current defense efforts either focus on prompt rewriting or detection, which are limited in effectiveness due to the various design of jailbreak prompts, or on output control and detection, which are computationally expensive as they require LLM inference. Therefore, designing a pre-inference defense method that resists diverse jailbreak prompts is crucial for preventing LLM jailbreak attacks. We observe that jailbreak attacks, safe queries, and harmful queries exhibit different clustering patterns within the LLM's hidden state representation space. This suggests that by leveraging the LLM's hidden state representational capabilities, we can analyze the LLM's forthcoming behavior and proactively intervene for defense. In this paper, we propose a jailbreak attack defense strategy based on a Hidden State Filter (HSF), a lossless architectural defense mechanism that enables the model to preemptively identify and reject adversarial inputs before the inference process begins. We activate its defensive potential through an additional plugin module, effectively framing the defense task as a classification problem. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets, utilizing three different LLMs, show that HSF significantly enhances resilience against six cutting-edge jailbreak attacks. It significantly reduces the success rate of jailbreak attacks while minimally impacting responses to benign user queries, with negligible inference overhead, and outperforming defense baselines.Our code and data are available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/Hidden-State-Filtering-8652/
Abstract:In a real-world RAG system, the current query often involves spoken ellipses and ambiguous references from dialogue contexts, necessitating query rewriting to better describe user's information needs. However, traditional context-based rewriting has minimal enhancement on downstream generation tasks due to the lengthy process from query rewriting to response generation. Some researchers try to utilize reinforcement learning with generation feedback to assist the rewriter, but these sparse rewards provide little guidance in most cases, leading to unstable training and generation results. We find that user's needs are also reflected in the gold document, retrieved documents and ground truth. Therefore, by feeding back these multi-aspect dense rewards to query rewriting, more stable and satisfactory responses can be achieved. In this paper, we propose a novel query rewriting method MaFeRw, which improves RAG performance by integrating multi-aspect feedback from both the retrieval process and generated results. Specifically, we first use manual data to train a T5 model for the rewriter initialization. Next, we design three metrics as reinforcement learning feedback: the similarity between the rewritten query and the gold document, the ranking metrics, and ROUGE between the generation and the ground truth. Inspired by RLAIF, we train three kinds of reward models for the above metrics to achieve more efficient training. Finally, we combine the scores of these reward models as feedback, and use PPO algorithm to explore the optimal query rewriting strategy. Experimental results on two conversational RAG datasets demonstrate that MaFeRw achieves superior generation metrics and more stable training compared to baselines.
Abstract:Federated learning is highly susceptible to model poisoning attacks, especially those meticulously crafted for servers. Traditional defense methods mainly focus on updating assessments or robust aggregation against manually crafted myopic attacks. When facing advanced attacks, their defense stability is notably insufficient. Therefore, it is imperative to develop adaptive defenses against such advanced poisoning attacks. We find that benign clients exhibit significantly higher data distribution stability than malicious clients in federated learning in both CV and NLP tasks. Therefore, the malicious clients can be recognized by observing the stability of their data distribution. In this paper, we propose AdaAggRL, an RL-based Adaptive Aggregation method, to defend against sophisticated poisoning attacks. Specifically, we first utilize distribution learning to simulate the clients' data distributions. Then, we use the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) to calculate the pairwise similarity of the current local model data distribution, its historical data distribution, and global model data distribution. Finally, we use policy learning to adaptively determine the aggregation weights based on the above similarities. Experiments on four real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed defense model significantly outperforms widely adopted defense models for sophisticated attacks.
Abstract:Product copywriting is a critical component of e-commerce recommendation platforms. It aims to attract users' interest and improve user experience by highlighting product characteristics with textual descriptions. In this paper, we report our experience deploying the proposed Automatic Product Copywriting Generation (APCG) system into the JD.com e-commerce product recommendation platform. It consists of two main components: 1) natural language generation, which is built from a transformer-pointer network and a pre-trained sequence-to-sequence model based on millions of training data from our in-house platform; and 2) copywriting quality control, which is based on both automatic evaluation and human screening. For selected domains, the models are trained and updated daily with the updated training data. In addition, the model is also used as a real-time writing assistant tool on our live broadcast platform. The APCG system has been deployed in JD.com since Feb 2021. By Sep 2021, it has generated 2.53 million product descriptions, and improved the overall averaged click-through rate (CTR) and the Conversion Rate (CVR) by 4.22% and 3.61%, compared to baselines, respectively on a year-on-year basis. The accumulated Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) made by our system is improved by 213.42%, compared to the number in Feb 2021.
Abstract:Although exposure bias has been widely studied in some NLP tasks, it faces its unique challenges in dialogue response generation, the representative one-to-various generation scenario. In real human dialogue, there are many appropriate responses for the same context, not only with different expressions, but also with different topics. Therefore, due to the much bigger gap between various ground-truth responses and the generated synthetic response, exposure bias is more challenging in dialogue generation task. What's more, as MLE encourages the model to only learn the common words among different ground-truth responses, but ignores the interesting and specific parts, exposure bias may further lead to the common response generation problem, such as "I don't know" and "HaHa?" In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive switching mechanism, which learns to automatically transit between ground-truth learning and generated learning regarding the word-level matching score, such as the cosine similarity. Experimental results on both Chinese STC dataset and English Reddit dataset, show that our adaptive method achieves a significant improvement in terms of metric-based evaluation and human evaluation, as compared with the state-of-the-art exposure bias approaches. Further analysis on NMT task also shows that our model can achieve a significant improvement.
Abstract:Despite the success of neural dialogue systems in achieving high performance on the leader-board, they cannot meet users' requirements in practice, due to their poor reasoning skills. The underlying reason is that most neural dialogue models only capture the syntactic and semantic information, but fail to model the logical consistency between the dialogue history and the generated response. Recently, a new multi-turn dialogue reasoning task has been proposed, to facilitate dialogue reasoning research. However, this task is challenging, because there are only slight differences between the illogical response and the dialogue history. How to effectively solve this challenge is still worth exploring. This paper proposes a Fine-grained Comparison Model (FCM) to tackle this problem. Inspired by human's behavior in reading comprehension, a comparison mechanism is proposed to focus on the fine-grained differences in the representation of each response candidate. Specifically, each candidate representation is compared with the whole history to obtain a history consistency representation. Furthermore, the consistency signals between each candidate and the speaker's own history are considered to drive a model to prefer a candidate that is logically consistent with the speaker's history logic. Finally, the above consistency representations are employed to output a ranking list of the candidate responses for multi-turn dialogue reasoning. Experimental results on two public dialogue datasets show that our method obtains higher ranking scores than the baseline models.
Abstract:Unlike well-structured text, such as news reports and encyclopedia articles, dialogue content often comes from two or more interlocutors, exchanging information with each other. In such a scenario, the topic of a conversation can vary upon progression and the key information for a certain topic is often scattered across multiple utterances of different speakers, which poses challenges to abstractly summarize dialogues. To capture the various topic information of a conversation and outline salient facts for the captured topics, this work proposes two topic-aware contrastive learning objectives, namely coherence detection and sub-summary generation objectives, which are expected to implicitly model the topic change and handle information scattering challenges for the dialogue summarization task. The proposed contrastive objectives are framed as auxiliary tasks for the primary dialogue summarization task, united via an alternative parameter updating strategy. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed simple method significantly outperforms strong baselines and achieves new state-of-the-art performance. The code and trained models are publicly available via \href{https://github.com/Junpliu/ConDigSum}{https://github.com/Junpliu/ConDigSum}.
Abstract:In product description generation (PDG), the user-cared aspect is critical for the recommendation system, which can not only improve user's experiences but also obtain more clicks. High-quality customer reviews can be considered as an ideal source to mine user-cared aspects. However, in reality, a large number of new products (known as long-tailed commodities) cannot gather sufficient amount of customer reviews, which brings a big challenge in the product description generation task. Existing works tend to generate the product description solely based on item information, i.e., product attributes or title words, which leads to tedious contents and cannot attract customers effectively. To tackle this problem, we propose an adaptive posterior network based on Transformer architecture that can utilize user-cared information from customer reviews. Specifically, we first extend the self-attentive Transformer encoder to encode product titles and attributes. Then, we apply an adaptive posterior distillation module to utilize useful review information, which integrates user-cared aspects to the generation process. Finally, we apply a Transformer-based decoding phase with copy mechanism to automatically generate the product description. Besides, we also collect a large-scare Chinese product description dataset to support our work and further research in this field. Experimental results show that our model is superior to traditional generative models in both automatic indicators and human evaluation.