Abstract:Due to the superior ability of global dependency, transformer and its variants have become the primary choice in Masked Time-series Modeling (MTM) towards time-series classification task. In this paper, we experimentally analyze that existing transformer-based MTM methods encounter with two under-explored issues when dealing with time series data: (1) they encode features by performing long-dependency ensemble averaging, which easily results in rank collapse and feature homogenization as the layer goes deeper; (2) they exhibit distinct priorities in fitting different frequency components contained in the time-series, inevitably leading to spectrum energy imbalance of encoded feature. To tackle these issues, we propose an auxiliary content-aware balanced decoder (CBD) to optimize the encoding quality in the spectrum space within masked modeling scheme. Specifically, the CBD iterates on a series of fundamental blocks, and thanks to two tailored units, each block could progressively refine the masked representation via adjusting the interaction pattern based on local content variations of time-series and learning to recalibrate the energy distribution across different frequency components. Moreover, a dual-constraint loss is devised to enhance the mutual optimization of vanilla decoder and our CBD. Extensive experimental results on ten time-series classification datasets show that our method nearly surpasses a bunch of baselines. Meanwhile, a series of explanatory results are showcased to sufficiently demystify the behaviors of our method.
Abstract:Text-to-image diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable progress in synthesizing high-quality images from text prompts, which boosts researches on prompt-based image editing that edits a source image according to a target prompt. Despite their advances, existing methods still encounter three key issues: 1) limited capacity of the text prompt in guiding target image generation, 2) insufficient mining of word-to-patch and patch-to-patch relationships for grounding editing areas, and 3) unified editing strength for all regions during each denoising step. To address these issues, we present a Vision-guided and Mask-enhanced Adaptive Editing (ViMAEdit) method with three key novel designs. First, we propose to leverage image embeddings as explicit guidance to enhance the conventional textual prompt-based denoising process, where a CLIP-based target image embedding estimation strategy is introduced. Second, we devise a self-attention-guided iterative editing area grounding strategy, which iteratively exploits patch-to-patch relationships conveyed by self-attention maps to refine those word-to-patch relationships contained in cross-attention maps. Last, we present a spatially adaptive variance-guided sampling, which highlights sampling variances for critical image regions to promote the editing capability. Experimental results demonstrate the superior editing capacity of ViMAEdit over all existing methods.
Abstract:Composed Image Retrieval (CIR) is a challenging task that aims to retrieve the target image based on a multimodal query, i.e., a reference image and its corresponding modification text. While previous supervised or zero-shot learning paradigms all fail to strike a good trade-off between time-consuming annotation cost and retrieval performance, recent researchers introduced the task of few-shot CIR (FS-CIR) and proposed a textual inversion-based network based on pretrained CLIP model to realize it. Despite its promising performance, the approach suffers from two key limitations: insufficient multimodal query composition training and indiscriminative training triplet selection. To address these two limitations, in this work, we propose a novel two-stage pseudo triplet guided few-shot CIR scheme, dubbed PTG-FSCIR. In the first stage, we employ a masked training strategy and advanced image caption generator to construct pseudo triplets from pure image data to enable the model to acquire primary knowledge related to multimodal query composition. In the second stage, based on active learning, we design a pseudo modification text-based query-target distance metric to evaluate the challenging score for each unlabeled sample. Meanwhile, we propose a robust top range-based random sampling strategy according to the 3-$\sigma$ rule in statistics, to sample the challenging samples for fine-tuning the pretrained model. Notably, our scheme is plug-and-play and compatible with any existing supervised CIR models. We tested our scheme across three backbones on three public datasets (i.e., FashionIQ, CIRR, and Birds-to-Words), achieving maximum improvements of 26.4%, 25.5% and 21.6% respectively, demonstrating our scheme's effectiveness.
Abstract:Multimodal recommendation aims to recommend user-preferred candidates based on her/his historically interacted items and associated multimodal information. Previous studies commonly employ an embed-and-retrieve paradigm: learning user and item representations in the same embedding space, then retrieving similar candidate items for a user via embedding inner product. However, this paradigm suffers from inference cost, interaction modeling, and false-negative issues. Toward this end, we propose a new MMGRec model to introduce a generative paradigm into multimodal recommendation. Specifically, we first devise a hierarchical quantization method Graph RQ-VAE to assign Rec-ID for each item from its multimodal and CF information. Consisting of a tuple of semantically meaningful tokens, Rec-ID serves as the unique identifier of each item. Afterward, we train a Transformer-based recommender to generate the Rec-IDs of user-preferred items based on historical interaction sequences. The generative paradigm is qualified since this model systematically predicts the tuple of tokens identifying the recommended item in an autoregressive manner. Moreover, a relation-aware self-attention mechanism is devised for the Transformer to handle non-sequential interaction sequences, which explores the element pairwise relation to replace absolute positional encoding. Extensive experiments evaluate MMGRec's effectiveness compared with state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Recommending fashion items often leverages rich user profiles and makes targeted suggestions based on past history and previous purchases. In this paper, we work under the assumption that no prior knowledge is given about a user. We propose to build a user profile on the fly by integrating user reactions as we recommend complementary items to compose an outfit. We present a reinforcement learning agent capable of suggesting appropriate garments and ingesting user feedback so to improve its recommendations and maximize user satisfaction. To train such a model, we resort to a proxy model to be able to simulate having user feedback in the training loop. We experiment on the IQON3000 fashion dataset and we find that a reinforcement learning-based agent becomes capable of improving its recommendations by taking into account personal preferences. Furthermore, such task demonstrated to be hard for non-reinforcement models, that cannot exploit exploration during training.
Abstract:Sarcasm Explanation in Dialogue (SED) is a new yet challenging task, which aims to generate a natural language explanation for the given sarcastic dialogue that involves multiple modalities (i.e., utterance, video, and audio). Although existing studies have achieved great success based on the generative pretrained language model BART, they overlook exploiting the sentiments residing in the utterance, video and audio, which are vital clues for sarcasm explanation. In fact, it is non-trivial to incorporate sentiments for boosting SED performance, due to three main challenges: 1) diverse effects of utterance tokens on sentiments; 2) gap between video-audio sentiment signals and the embedding space of BART; and 3) various relations among utterances, utterance sentiments, and video-audio sentiments. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel sEntiment-enhanceD Graph-based multimodal sarcasm Explanation framework, named EDGE. In particular, we first propose a lexicon-guided utterance sentiment inference module, where a heuristic utterance sentiment refinement strategy is devised. We then develop a module named Joint Cross Attention-based Sentiment Inference (JCA-SI) by extending the multimodal sentiment analysis model JCA to derive the joint sentiment label for each video-audio clip. Thereafter, we devise a context-sentiment graph to comprehensively model the semantic relations among the utterances, utterance sentiments, and video-audio sentiments, to facilitate sarcasm explanation generation. Extensive experiments on the publicly released dataset WITS verify the superiority of our model over cutting-edge methods.
Abstract:Multi-interest learning method for sequential recommendation aims to predict the next item according to user multi-faceted interests given the user historical interactions. Existing methods mainly consist of two modules: the multi-interest extraction module that learns user multi-interest embeddings to capture the user multi-interests, and the multi-interest weight prediction module that learns the weight of each interest for aggregating the learned multi-interest embeddings to derive the user embedding, used for predicting the user rating to an item. Despite their effectiveness, existing methods have two key limitations: 1) they directly feed the user interactions into the two modules, while ignoring their different learning objectives, and 2) they merely consider the centrality of the user interactions to learn the user multi-interests, while overlooking their dispersion. To tackle these limitations, we propose a prompt-based multi-interest learning method (PoMRec), where specific prompts are inserted into user interactions to make them adaptive to different learning objectives of the two modules. Moreover, we utilize both the mean and variance embeddings of user interactions to derive the user multi-interest embeddings for comprehensively model the user multi-interests. We conduct extensive experiments on two public datasets, and the results verify that our proposed PoMRec outperforms the state-of-the-art multi-interest learning methods.
Abstract:Existing sign language translation methods follow a two-stage pipeline: first converting the sign language video to a gloss sequence (i.e. Sign2Gloss) and then translating the generated gloss sequence into a spoken language sentence (i.e. Gloss2Text). While previous studies have focused on boosting the performance of the Sign2Gloss stage, we emphasize the optimization of the Gloss2Text stage. However, this task is non-trivial due to two distinct features of Gloss2Text: (1) isolated gloss input and (2) low-capacity gloss vocabulary. To address these issues, we propose a vision and context knowledge enhanced Gloss2Text model, named VK-G2T, which leverages the visual content of the sign language video to learn the properties of the target sentence and exploit the context knowledge to facilitate the adaptive translation of gloss words. Extensive experiments conducted on a Chinese benchmark validate the superiority of our model.
Abstract:Multimodal Sarcasm Explanation (MuSE) is a new yet challenging task, which aims to generate a natural language sentence for a multimodal social post (an image as well as its caption) to explain why it contains sarcasm. Although the existing pioneer study has achieved great success with the BART backbone, it overlooks the gap between the visual feature space and the decoder semantic space, the object-level metadata of the image, as well as the potential external knowledge. To solve these limitations, in this work, we propose a novel mulTi-source sEmantic grAph-based Multimodal sarcasm explanation scheme, named TEAM. In particular, TEAM extracts the object-level semantic meta-data instead of the traditional global visual features from the input image. Meanwhile, TEAM resorts to ConceptNet to obtain the external related knowledge concepts for the input text and the extracted object meta-data. Thereafter, TEAM introduces a multi-source semantic graph that comprehensively characterize the multi-source (i.e., caption, object meta-data, external knowledge) semantic relations to facilitate the sarcasm reasoning. Extensive experiments on a public released dataset MORE verify the superiority of our model over cutting-edge methods.
Abstract:Textual response generation is an essential task for multimodal task-oriented dialog systems.Although existing studies have achieved fruitful progress, they still suffer from two critical limitations: 1) focusing on the attribute knowledge but ignoring the relation knowledge that can reveal the correlations between different entities and hence promote the response generation}, and 2) only conducting the cross-entropy loss based output-level supervision but lacking the representation-level regularization. To address these limitations, we devise a novel multimodal task-oriented dialog system (named MDS-S2). Specifically, MDS-S2 first simultaneously acquires the context related attribute and relation knowledge from the knowledge base, whereby the non-intuitive relation knowledge is extracted by the n-hop graph walk. Thereafter, considering that the attribute knowledge and relation knowledge can benefit the responding to different levels of questions, we design a multi-level knowledge composition module in MDS-S2 to obtain the latent composed response representation. Moreover, we devise a set of latent query variables to distill the semantic information from the composed response representation and the ground truth response representation, respectively, and thus conduct the representation-level semantic regularization. Extensive experiments on a public dataset have verified the superiority of our proposed MDS-S2. We have released the codes and parameters to facilitate the research community.