Abstract:Reverberant speech, denoting the speech signal degraded by the process of reverberation, contains crucial knowledge of both anechoic source speech and room impulse response (RIR). This work proposes a variational Bayesian inference (VBI) framework with neural speech prior (VINP) for joint speech dereverberation and blind RIR identification. In VINP, a probabilistic signal model is constructed in the time-frequency (T-F) domain based on convolution transfer function (CTF) approximation. For the first time, we propose using an arbitrary discriminative dereverberation deep neural network (DNN) to predict the prior distribution of anechoic speech within a probabilistic model. By integrating both reverberant speech and the anechoic speech prior, VINP yields the maximum a posteriori (MAP) and maximum likelihood (ML) estimations of the anechoic speech spectrum and CTF filter, respectively. After simple transformations, the waveforms of anechoic speech and RIR are estimated. Moreover, VINP is effective for automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, which sets it apart from most deep learning (DL)-based single-channel dereverberation approaches. Experiments on single-channel speech dereverberation demonstrate that VINP reaches an advanced level in most metrics related to human perception and displays unquestionable state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in ASR-related metrics. For blind RIR identification, experiments indicate that VINP attains the SOTA level in blind estimation of reverberation time at 60 dB (RT60) and direct-to-reverberation ratio (DRR). Codes and audio samples are available online.
Abstract:This work proposes a frame-wise online/streaming end-to-end neural diarization (EEND) method, which detects speaker activities in a frame-in-frame-out fashion. The proposed model mainly consists of a causal embedding encoder and an online attractor decoder. Speakers are modeled in the self-attention-based decoder along both the time and speaker dimensions, and frame-wise speaker attractors are automatically generated and updated for new speakers and existing speakers, respectively. Retention mechanism is employed and especially adapted for long-form diarization with a linear temporal complexity. A multi-step progressive training strategy is proposed for gradually learning from easy tasks to hard tasks in terms of the number of speakers and audio length. Finally, the proposed model (referred to as long-form streaming EEND, LS-EEND) is able to perform streaming diarization for a high (up to 8) and flexible number speakers and very long (say one hour) audio recordings. Experiments on various simulated and real-world datasets show that: 1) when not using oracle speech activity information, the proposed model achieves new state-of-the-art online diarization error rate on all datasets, including CALLHOME (12.11%), DIHARD II (27.58%), DIHARD III (19.61%), and AMI (20.76%); 2) Due to the frame-in-frame-out processing fashion and the linear temporal complexity, the proposed model achieves several times lower real-time-factor than comparison online diarization models.
Abstract:The training of deep learning-based multichannel speech enhancement and source localization systems relies heavily on the simulation of room impulse response and multichannel diffuse noise, due to the lack of large-scale real-recorded datasets. However, the acoustic mismatch between simulated and real-world data could degrade the model performance when applying in real-world scenarios. To bridge this simulation-to-real gap, this paper presents a new relatively large-scale Real-recorded and annotated Microphone Array speech&Noise (RealMAN) dataset. The proposed dataset is valuable in two aspects: 1) benchmarking speech enhancement and localization algorithms in real scenarios; 2) offering a substantial amount of real-world training data for potentially improving the performance of real-world applications. Specifically, a 32-channel array with high-fidelity microphones is used for recording. A loudspeaker is used for playing source speech signals. A total of 83-hour speech signals (48 hours for static speaker and 35 hours for moving speaker) are recorded in 32 different scenes, and 144 hours of background noise are recorded in 31 different scenes. Both speech and noise recording scenes cover various common indoor, outdoor, semi-outdoor and transportation environments, which enables the training of general-purpose speech enhancement and source localization networks. To obtain the task-specific annotations, the azimuth angle of the loudspeaker is annotated with an omni-direction fisheye camera by automatically detecting the loudspeaker. The direct-path signal is set as the target clean speech for speech enhancement, which is obtained by filtering the source speech signal with an estimated direct-path propagation filter.
Abstract:In end-to-end multi-channel speech enhancement, the traditional approach of designating one microphone signal as the reference for processing may not always yield optimal results. The limitation is particularly in scenarios with large distributed microphone arrays with varying speaker-to-microphone distances or compact, highly directional microphone arrays where speaker or microphone positions change over time. Current mask-based methods often fix the reference channel during training, which makes it not possible to adaptively select the reference channel for optimal performance. To address this problem, we introduce an adaptive approach for selecting the optimal reference channel. Our method leverages a multi-channel masking-based scheme, where multiple masked signals are combined to generate a single-channel output signal. This enhanced signal is then used for loss calculation, while the reference clean speech is adjusted based on the highest scale-invariant signal-to-distortion ratio (SI-SDR). The experimental results on the Spear challenge simulated dataset D4 demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over the conventional approach of using a fixed reference channel with single-channel masking
Abstract:The increasing difficulty in accurately detecting forged images generated by AIGC(Artificial Intelligence Generative Content) poses many risks, necessitating the development of effective methods to identify and further locate forged areas. In this paper, to facilitate research efforts, we construct a DA-HFNet forged image dataset guided by text or image-assisted GAN and Diffusion model. Our goal is to utilize a hierarchical progressive network to capture forged artifacts at different scales for detection and localization. Specifically, it relies on a dual-attention mechanism to adaptively fuse multi-modal image features in depth, followed by a multi-branch interaction network to thoroughly interact image features at different scales and improve detector performance by leveraging dependencies between layers. Additionally, we extract more sensitive noise fingerprints to obtain more prominent forged artifact features in the forged areas. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our approach, demonstrating significant performance improvements compared to state-of-the-art methods for forged image detection and localization.The code and dataset will be released in the future.
Abstract:Extracting direct-path spatial feature is crucial for sound source localization in adverse acoustic environments. This paper proposes the IPDnet, a neural network that estimates direct-path inter-channel phase difference (DP-IPD) of sound sources from microphone array signals. The estimated DP-IPD can be easily translated to source location based on the known microphone array geometry. First, a full-band and narrow-band fusion network is proposed for DP-IPD estimation, in which alternating narrow-band and full-band layers are responsible for estimating the rough DP-IPD information in one frequency band and capturing the frequency correlations of DP-IPD, respectively. Second, a new multi-track DP-IPD learning target is proposed for the localization of flexible number of sound sources. Third, the IPDnet is extend to handling variable microphone arrays, once trained which is able to process arbitrary microphone arrays with different number of channels and array topology. Experiments of multiple-moving-speaker localization are conducted on both simulated and real-world data, which show that the proposed full-band and narrow-band fusion network and the proposed multi-track DP-IPD learning target together achieves excellent sound source localization performance. Moreover, the proposed variable-array model generalizes well to unseen microphone arrays.
Abstract:In this work, we extend our previously proposed offline SpatialNet for long-term streaming multichannel speech enhancement in both static and moving speaker scenarios. SpatialNet exploits spatial information, such as the spatial/steering direction of speech, for discriminating between target speech and interferences, and achieved outstanding performance. The core of SpatialNet is a narrow-band self-attention module used for learning the temporal dynamic of spatial vectors. Towards long-term streaming speech enhancement, we propose to replace the offline self-attention network with online networks that have linear inference complexity w.r.t signal length and meanwhile maintain the capability of learning long-term information. Three variants are developed based on (i) masked self-attention, (ii) Retention, a self-attention variant with linear inference complexity, and (iii) Mamba, a structured-state-space-based RNN-like network. Moreover, we investigate the length extrapolation ability of different networks, namely test on signals that are much longer than training signals, and propose a short-signal training plus long-signal fine-tuning strategy, which largely improves the length extrapolation ability of the networks within limited training time. Overall, the proposed online SpatialNet achieves outstanding speech enhancement performance for long audio streams, and for both static and moving speakers. The proposed method will be open-sourced in https://github.com/Audio-WestlakeU/NBSS.
Abstract:In this work, we propose Mel-FullSubNet, a single-channel Mel-spectrogram denoising and dereverberation network for improving both speech quality and automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance. Mel-FullSubNet takes as input the noisy and reverberant Mel-spectrogram and predicts the corresponding clean Mel-spectrogram. The enhanced Mel-spectrogram can be either transformed to speech waveform with a neural vocoder or directly used for ASR. Mel-FullSubNet encapsulates interleaved full-band and sub-band networks, for learning the full-band spectral pattern of signals and the sub-band/narrow-band properties of signals, respectively. Compared to linear-frequency domain or time-domain speech enhancement, the major advantage of Mel-spectrogram enhancement is that Mel-frequency presents speech in a more compact way and thus is easier to learn, which will benefit both speech quality and ASR. Experimental results demonstrate a significant improvement in both speech quality and ASR performance achieved by the proposed model.
Abstract:Having shown early promise, free-space optical communications (FSO) face formidable challenges in the age of information explosion. The ever-growing demand for greater channel communication capacity is one of the challenges. The inter-channel crosstalk, which severely degrades the quality of transmitted information, creates another roadblock in the way of efficient FSO implementation. Here we advance theoretically and realize experimentally a potentially high-capacity FSO protocol that enables high-fidelity transfer of an image, or set of images through a complex environment. In our protocol, we complement random light structuring at the transmitter with a deep learning image classification platform at the receiver. Multiplexing novel, independent, mutually orthogonal degrees of freedom available to structured random light can potentially significantly boost the channel communication capacity of our protocol without introducing any deleterious crosstalk. Specifically, we show how one can multiplex the degrees of freedom associated with the source coherence radius and a spatial position of a beamlet within an array of structured random beams to greatly enhance the capacity of our communication link. The superb resilience of structured random light to environmental noise, as well as extreme efficiency of deep learning networks at classifying images guarantees high-fidelity image transfer within the framework of our protocol.
Abstract:Supervised learning methods have shown effectiveness in estimating spatial acoustic parameters such as time difference of arrival, direct-to-reverberant ratio and reverberation time. However, they still suffer from the simulation-to-reality generalization problem due to the mismatch between simulated and real-world acoustic characteristics and the deficiency of annotated real-world data. To this end, this work proposes a self-supervised method that takes full advantage of unlabeled data for spatial acoustic parameter estimation. First, a new pretext task, i.e. cross-channel signal reconstruction (CCSR), is designed to learn a universal spatial acoustic representation from unlabeled multi-channel microphone signals. We mask partial signals of one channel and ask the model to reconstruct them, which makes it possible to learn spatial acoustic information from unmasked signals and extract source information from the other microphone channel. An encoder-decoder structure is used to disentangle the two kinds of information. By fine-tuning the pre-trained spatial encoder with a small annotated dataset, this encoder can be used to estimate spatial acoustic parameters. Second, a novel multi-channel audio Conformer (MC-Conformer) is adopted as the encoder model architecture, which is suitable for both the pretext and downstream tasks. It is carefully designed to be able to capture the local and global characteristics of spatial acoustics exhibited in the time-frequency domain. Experimental results of five acoustic parameter estimation tasks on both simulated and real-world data show the effectiveness of the proposed method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first self-supervised learning method in the field of spatial acoustic representation learning and multi-channel audio signal processing.