Abstract:Overestimation arising from selecting unseen actions during policy evaluation is a major challenge in offline reinforcement learning (RL). A minimalist approach in the single-agent setting -- adding behavior cloning (BC) regularization to existing online RL algorithms -- has been shown to be effective; however, this approach is understudied in multi-agent settings. In particular, overestimation becomes worse in multi-agent settings due to the presence of multiple actions, resulting in the BC regularization-based approach easily suffering from either over-regularization or critic divergence. To address this, we propose a simple yet effective method, Behavior Cloning regularization with Critic Clipping (B3C), which clips the target critic value in policy evaluation based on the maximum return in the dataset and pushes the limit of the weight on the RL objective over BC regularization, thereby improving performance. Additionally, we leverage existing value factorization techniques, particularly non-linear factorization, which is understudied in offline settings. Integrated with non-linear value factorization, B3C outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on various offline multi-agent benchmarks.
Abstract:Understanding and predicting human actions has been a long-standing challenge and is a crucial measure of perception in robotics AI. While significant progress has been made in anticipating the future actions of individual agents, prior work has largely overlooked a key aspect of real-world human activity -- interactions. To address this gap in human-like forecasting within multi-agent environments, we present the Hierarchical Memory-Aware Transformer (HiMemFormer), a transformer-based model for online multi-agent action anticipation. HiMemFormer integrates and distributes global memory that captures joint historical information across all agents through a transformer framework, with a hierarchical local memory decoder that interprets agent-specific features based on these global representations using a coarse-to-fine strategy. In contrast to previous approaches, HiMemFormer uniquely hierarchically applies the global context with agent-specific preferences to avoid noisy or redundant information in multi-agent action anticipation. Extensive experiments on various multi-agent scenarios demonstrate the significant performance of HiMemFormer, compared with other state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Informative path planning (IPP) is an important planning paradigm for various real-world robotic applications such as environment monitoring. IPP involves planning a path that can learn an accurate belief of the quantity of interest, while adhering to planning constraints. Traditional IPP methods typically require high computation time during execution, giving rise to reinforcement learning (RL) based IPP methods. However, the existing RL-based methods do not consider spatio-temporal environments which involve their own challenges due to variations in environment characteristics. In this paper, we propose DyPNIPP, a robust RL-based IPP framework, designed to operate effectively across spatio-temporal environments with varying dynamics. To achieve this, DyPNIPP incorporates domain randomization to train the agent across diverse environments and introduces a dynamics prediction model to capture and adapt the agent actions to specific environment dynamics. Our extensive experiments in a wildfire environment demonstrate that DyPNIPP outperforms existing RL-based IPP algorithms by significantly improving robustness and performing across diverse environment conditions.
Abstract:Informative path planning (IPP) is a crucial task in robotics, where agents must design paths to gather valuable information about a target environment while adhering to resource constraints. Reinforcement learning (RL) has been shown to be effective for IPP, however, it requires environment interactions, which are risky and expensive in practice. To address this problem, we propose an offline RL-based IPP framework that optimizes information gain without requiring real-time interaction during training, offering safety and cost-efficiency by avoiding interaction, as well as superior performance and fast computation during execution -- key advantages of RL. Our framework leverages batch-constrained reinforcement learning to mitigate extrapolation errors, enabling the agent to learn from pre-collected datasets generated by arbitrary algorithms. We validate the framework through extensive simulations and real-world experiments. The numerical results show that our framework outperforms the baselines, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Abstract:We tackle the challenges of decentralized multi-robot navigation in environments with nonconvex obstacles, where complete environmental knowledge is unavailable. While reactive methods like Artificial Potential Field (APF) offer simplicity and efficiency, they suffer from local minima, causing robots to become trapped due to their lack of global environmental awareness. Other existing solutions either rely on inter-robot communication, are limited to single-robot scenarios, or struggle to overcome nonconvex obstacles effectively. Our proposed methods enable collision-free navigation using only local sensor and state information without a map. By incorporating a wall-following (WF) behavior into the APF approach, our method allows robots to escape local minima, even in the presence of nonconvex and dynamic obstacles including other robots. We introduce two algorithms for switching between APF and WF: a rule-based system and an encoder network trained on expert demonstrations. Experimental results show that our approach achieves substantially higher success rates compared to state-of-the-art methods, highlighting its ability to overcome the limitations of local minima in complex environments
Abstract:Task-oriented grasping of unfamiliar objects is a necessary skill for robots in dynamic in-home environments. Inspired by the human capability to grasp such objects through intuition about their shape and structure, we present a novel zero-shot task-oriented grasping method leveraging a geometric decomposition of the target object into simple, convex shapes that we represent in a graph structure, including geometric attributes and spatial relationships. Our approach employs minimal essential information - the object's name and the intended task - to facilitate zero-shot task-oriented grasping. We utilize the commonsense reasoning capabilities of large language models to dynamically assign semantic meaning to each decomposed part and subsequently reason over the utility of each part for the intended task. Through extensive experiments on a real-world robotics platform, we demonstrate that our grasping approach's decomposition and reasoning pipeline is capable of selecting the correct part in 92% of the cases and successfully grasping the object in 82% of the tasks we evaluate. Additional videos, experiments, code, and data are available on our project website: https://shapegrasp.github.io/.
Abstract:Offline reinforcement learning (RL) has seen notable advancements through return-conditioned supervised learning (RCSL) and value-based methods, yet each approach comes with its own set of practical challenges. Addressing these, we propose Value-Aided Conditional Supervised Learning (VCS), a method that effectively synergizes the stability of RCSL with the stitching ability of value-based methods. Based on the Neural Tangent Kernel analysis to discern instances where value function may not lead to stable stitching, VCS injects the value aid into the RCSL's loss function dynamically according to the trajectory return. Our empirical studies reveal that VCS not only significantly outperforms both RCSL and value-based methods but also consistently achieves, or often surpasses, the highest trajectory returns across diverse offline RL benchmarks. This breakthrough in VCS paves new paths in offline RL, pushing the limits of what can be achieved and fostering further innovations.
Abstract:In this paper, we consider domain-adaptive imitation learning with visual observation, where an agent in a target domain learns to perform a task by observing expert demonstrations in a source domain. Domain adaptive imitation learning arises in practical scenarios where a robot, receiving visual sensory data, needs to mimic movements by visually observing other robots from different angles or observing robots of different shapes. To overcome the domain shift in cross-domain imitation learning with visual observation, we propose a novel framework for extracting domain-independent behavioral features from input observations that can be used to train the learner, based on dual feature extraction and image reconstruction. Empirical results demonstrate that our approach outperforms previous algorithms for imitation learning from visual observation with domain shift.
Abstract:Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has achieved remarkable success in solving complex tasks through its integration with deep neural networks (DNNs) as function approximators. However, the reliance on DNNs has introduced a new challenge called primacy bias, whereby these function approximators tend to prioritize early experiences, leading to overfitting. To mitigate this primacy bias, a reset method has been proposed, which performs periodic resets of a portion or the entirety of a deep RL agent while preserving the replay buffer. However, the use of the reset method can result in performance collapses after executing the reset, which can be detrimental from the perspective of safe RL and regret minimization. In this paper, we propose a new reset-based method that leverages deep ensemble learning to address the limitations of the vanilla reset method and enhance sample efficiency. The proposed method is evaluated through various experiments including those in the domain of safe RL. Numerical results show its effectiveness in high sample efficiency and safety considerations.
Abstract:The recent success of Transformer in natural language processing has sparked its use in various domains. In offline reinforcement learning (RL), Decision Transformer (DT) is emerging as a promising model based on Transformer. However, we discovered that the attention module of DT is not appropriate to capture the inherent local dependence pattern in trajectories of RL modeled as a Markov decision process. To overcome the limitations of DT, we propose a novel action sequence predictor, named Decision ConvFormer (DC), based on the architecture of MetaFormer, which is a general structure to process multiple entities in parallel and understand the interrelationship among the multiple entities. DC employs local convolution filtering as the token mixer and can effectively capture the inherent local associations of the RL dataset. In extensive experiments, DC achieved state-of-the-art performance across various standard RL benchmarks while requiring fewer resources. Furthermore, we show that DC better understands the underlying meaning in data and exhibits enhanced generalization capability.