Abstract:We study partially observable assistance games (POAGs), a model of the human-AI value alignment problem which allows the human and the AI assistant to have partial observations. Motivated by concerns of AI deception, we study a qualitatively new phenomenon made possible by partial observability: would an AI assistant ever have an incentive to interfere with the human's observations? First, we prove that sometimes an optimal assistant must take observation-interfering actions, even when the human is playing optimally, and even when there are otherwise-equivalent actions available that do not interfere with observations. Though this result seems to contradict the classic theorem from single-agent decision making that the value of perfect information is nonnegative, we resolve this seeming contradiction by developing a notion of interference defined on entire policies. This can be viewed as an extension of the classic result that the value of perfect information is nonnegative into the cooperative multiagent setting. Second, we prove that if the human is simply making decisions based on their immediate outcomes, the assistant might need to interfere with observations as a way to query the human's preferences. We show that this incentive for interference goes away if the human is playing optimally, or if we introduce a communication channel for the human to communicate their preferences to the assistant. Third, we show that if the human acts according to the Boltzmann model of irrationality, this can create an incentive for the assistant to interfere with observations. Finally, we use an experimental model to analyze tradeoffs faced by the AI assistant in practice when considering whether or not to take observation-interfering actions.
Abstract:Pretrained language models (LMs) can generalize to implications of facts that they are finetuned on. For example, if finetuned on ``John Doe lives in Tokyo," LMs can correctly answer ``What language do the people in John Doe's city speak?'' with ``Japanese''. However, little is known about the mechanisms that enable this generalization or how they are learned during pretraining. We introduce extractive structures as a framework for describing how components in LMs (e.g., MLPs or attention heads) coordinate to enable this generalization. The structures consist of informative components that store training facts as weight changes, and upstream and downstream extractive components that query and process the stored information to produce the correct implication. We hypothesize that extractive structures are learned during pretraining when encountering implications of previously known facts. This yields two predictions: a data ordering effect where extractive structures can be learned only if facts precede their implications, and a weight grafting effect where extractive structures can be transferred to predict counterfactual implications. We empirically demonstrate these phenomena in the OLMo-7b, Llama 3-8b, Gemma 2-9b, and Qwen 2-7b models. Of independent interest, our results also indicate that fact learning can occur at both early and late layers, which lead to different forms of generalization.
Abstract:A wide variety of goals could cause an AI to disable its off switch because "you can't fetch the coffee if you're dead" (Russell 2019). Prior theoretical work on this shutdown problem assumes that humans know everything that AIs do. In practice, however, humans have only limited information. Moreover, in many of the settings where the shutdown problem is most concerning, AIs might have vast amounts of private information. To capture these differences in knowledge, we introduce the Partially Observable Off-Switch Game (POSG), a game-theoretic model of the shutdown problem with asymmetric information. Unlike when the human has full observability, we find that in optimal play, even AI agents assisting perfectly rational humans sometimes avoid shutdown. As expected, increasing the amount of communication or information available always increases (or leaves unchanged) the agents' expected common payoff. But counterintuitively, introducing bounded communication can make the AI defer to the human less in optimal play even though communication mitigates information asymmetry. In particular, communication sometimes enables new optimal behavior requiring strategic AI deference to achieve outcomes that were previously inaccessible. Thus, designing safe artificial agents in the presence of asymmetric information requires careful consideration of the tradeoffs between maximizing payoffs (potentially myopically) and maintaining AIs' incentives to defer to humans.
Abstract:In reinforcement learning, if the agent's reward differs from the designers' true utility, even only rarely, the state distribution resulting from the agent's policy can be very bad, in theory and in practice. When RL policies would devolve into undesired behavior, a common countermeasure is KL regularization to a trusted policy ("Don't do anything I wouldn't do"). All current cutting-edge language models are RL agents that are KL-regularized to a "base policy" that is purely predictive. Unfortunately, we demonstrate that when this base policy is a Bayesian predictive model of a trusted policy, the KL constraint is no longer reliable for controlling the behavior of an advanced RL agent. We demonstrate this theoretically using algorithmic information theory, and while systems today are too weak to exhibit this theorized failure precisely, we RL-finetune a language model and find evidence that our formal results are plausibly relevant in practice. We also propose a theoretical alternative that avoids this problem by replacing the "Don't do anything I wouldn't do" principle with "Don't do anything I mightn't do".
Abstract:Intrinsic motivation (IM) and reward shaping are common methods for guiding the exploration of reinforcement learning (RL) agents by adding pseudo-rewards. Designing these rewards is challenging, however, and they can counter-intuitively harm performance. To address this, we characterize them as reward shaping in Bayes-Adaptive Markov Decision Processes (BAMDPs), which formalizes the value of exploration by formulating the RL process as updating a prior over possible MDPs through experience. RL algorithms can be viewed as BAMDP policies; instead of attempting to find optimal algorithms by solving BAMDPs directly, we use it at a theoretical framework for understanding how pseudo-rewards guide suboptimal algorithms. By decomposing BAMDP state value into the value of the information collected plus the prior value of the physical state, we show how psuedo-rewards can help by compensating for RL algorithms' misestimation of these two terms, yielding a new typology of IM and reward shaping approaches. We carefully extend the potential-based shaping theorem to BAMDPs to prove that when pseudo-rewards are BAMDP Potential-based shaping Functions (BAMPFs), they preserve optimal, or approximately optimal, behavior of RL algorithms; otherwise, they can corrupt even optimal learners. We finally give guidance on how to design or convert existing pseudo-rewards to BAMPFs by expressing assumptions about the environment as potential functions on BAMDP states.
Abstract:Language models are susceptible to bias, sycophancy, backdoors, and other tendencies that lead to unfaithful responses to the input context. Interpreting internal states of language models could help monitor and correct unfaithful behavior. We hypothesize that language models represent their input contexts in a latent world model, and seek to extract this latent world state from the activations. We do so with 'propositional probes', which compositionally probe tokens for lexical information and bind them into logical propositions representing the world state. For example, given the input context ''Greg is a nurse. Laura is a physicist.'', we decode the propositions ''WorksAs(Greg, nurse)'' and ''WorksAs(Laura, physicist)'' from the model's activations. Key to this is identifying a 'binding subspace' in which bound tokens have high similarity (''Greg'' and ''nurse'') but unbound ones do not (''Greg'' and ''physicist''). We validate propositional probes in a closed-world setting with finitely many predicates and properties. Despite being trained on simple templated contexts, propositional probes generalize to contexts rewritten as short stories and translated to Spanish. Moreover, we find that in three settings where language models respond unfaithfully to the input context -- prompt injections, backdoor attacks, and gender bias -- the decoded propositions remain faithful. This suggests that language models often encode a faithful world model but decode it unfaithfully, which motivates the search for better interpretability tools for monitoring LMs.
Abstract:Do neural networks learn to implement algorithms such as look-ahead or search "in the wild"? Or do they rely purely on collections of simple heuristics? We present evidence of learned look-ahead in the policy network of Leela Chess Zero, the currently strongest neural chess engine. We find that Leela internally represents future optimal moves and that these representations are crucial for its final output in certain board states. Concretely, we exploit the fact that Leela is a transformer that treats every chessboard square like a token in language models, and give three lines of evidence (1) activations on certain squares of future moves are unusually important causally; (2) we find attention heads that move important information "forward and backward in time," e.g., from squares of future moves to squares of earlier ones; and (3) we train a simple probe that can predict the optimal move 2 turns ahead with 92% accuracy (in board states where Leela finds a single best line). These findings are an existence proof of learned look-ahead in neural networks and might be a step towards a better understanding of their capabilities.
Abstract:Large language models generate code one token at a time. Their autoregressive generation process lacks the feedback of observing the program's output. Training LLMs to suggest edits directly can be challenging due to the scarcity of rich edit data. To address these problems, we propose neural diffusion models that operate on syntax trees of any context-free grammar. Similar to image diffusion models, our method also inverts ``noise'' applied to syntax trees. Rather than generating code sequentially, we iteratively edit it while preserving syntactic validity, which makes it easy to combine this neural model with search. We apply our approach to inverse graphics tasks, where our model learns to convert images into programs that produce those images. Combined with search, our model is able to write graphics programs, see the execution result, and debug them to meet the required specifications. We additionally show how our system can write graphics programs for hand-drawn sketches.
Abstract:Existing AI alignment approaches assume that preferences are static, which is unrealistic: our preferences change, and may even be influenced by our interactions with AI systems themselves. To clarify the consequences of incorrectly assuming static preferences, we introduce Dynamic Reward Markov Decision Processes (DR-MDPs), which explicitly model preference changes and the AI's influence on them. We show that despite its convenience, the static-preference assumption may undermine the soundness of existing alignment techniques, leading them to implicitly reward AI systems for influencing user preferences in ways users may not truly want. We then explore potential solutions. First, we offer a unifying perspective on how an agent's optimization horizon may partially help reduce undesirable AI influence. Then, we formalize different notions of AI alignment that account for preference change from the outset. Comparing the strengths and limitations of 8 such notions of alignment, we find that they all either err towards causing undesirable AI influence, or are overly risk-averse, suggesting that a straightforward solution to the problems of changing preferences may not exist. As there is no avoiding grappling with changing preferences in real-world settings, this makes it all the more important to handle these issues with care, balancing risks and capabilities. We hope our work can provide conceptual clarity and constitute a first step towards AI alignment practices which explicitly account for (and contend with) the changing and influenceable nature of human preferences.
Abstract:Ensuring that AI systems reliably and robustly avoid harmful or dangerous behaviours is a crucial challenge, especially for AI systems with a high degree of autonomy and general intelligence, or systems used in safety-critical contexts. In this paper, we will introduce and define a family of approaches to AI safety, which we will refer to as guaranteed safe (GS) AI. The core feature of these approaches is that they aim to produce AI systems which are equipped with high-assurance quantitative safety guarantees. This is achieved by the interplay of three core components: a world model (which provides a mathematical description of how the AI system affects the outside world), a safety specification (which is a mathematical description of what effects are acceptable), and a verifier (which provides an auditable proof certificate that the AI satisfies the safety specification relative to the world model). We outline a number of approaches for creating each of these three core components, describe the main technical challenges, and suggest a number of potential solutions to them. We also argue for the necessity of this approach to AI safety, and for the inadequacy of the main alternative approaches.