Abstract:Self-supervised speech models (S3Ms) have become a common tool for the speech processing community, leveraging representations for downstream tasks. Clustering S3M representations yields discrete speech units (DSUs), which serve as compact representations for speech signals. DSUs are typically obtained by k-means clustering. Using DSUs often leads to strong performance in various tasks, including automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, even with the high dimensionality and redundancy of S3M representations, preprocessing S3M representations for better clustering remains unexplored, even though it can affect the quality of DSUs. In this paper, we investigate the potential of linear preprocessing methods for extracting DSUs. We evaluate standardization, principal component analysis, whitening, and independent component analysis (ICA) on DSU-based ASR benchmarks and demonstrate their effectiveness as preprocessing for k-means. We also conduct extensive analyses of their behavior, such as orthogonality or interpretability of individual components of ICA.
Abstract:Self-supervised speech models (S3Ms) have become an effective backbone for speech applications. Various analyses suggest that S3Ms encode linguistic properties. In this work, we seek a more fine-grained analysis of the word-level linguistic properties encoded in S3Ms. Specifically, we curate a novel dataset of near homophone (phonetically similar) and synonym (semantically similar) word pairs and measure the similarities between S3M word representation pairs. Our study reveals that S3M representations consistently and significantly exhibit more phonetic than semantic similarity. Further, we question whether widely used intent classification datasets such as Fluent Speech Commands and Snips Smartlights are adequate for measuring semantic abilities. Our simple baseline, using only the word identity, surpasses S3M-based models. This corroborates our findings and suggests that high scores on these datasets do not necessarily guarantee the presence of semantic content.
Abstract:We construct a corpus of Japanese a cappella vocal ensembles (jaCappella corpus) for vocal ensemble separation and synthesis. It consists of 35 copyright-cleared vocal ensemble songs and their audio recordings of individual voice parts. These songs were arranged from out-of-copyright Japanese children's songs and have six voice parts (lead vocal, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, and vocal percussion). They are divided into seven subsets, each of which features typical characteristics of a music genre such as jazz and enka. The variety in genre and voice part match vocal ensembles recently widespread in social media services such as YouTube, although the main targets of conventional vocal ensemble datasets are choral singing made up of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that our corpus is a challenging resource for vocal ensemble separation. Our corpus is available on our project page (https://tomohikonakamura.github.io/jaCappella_corpus/).
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a musical instrument sound synthesis (MISS) method based on a variational autoencoder (VAE) that has a hierarchy-inducing latent space for timbre. VAE-based MISS methods embed an input signal into a low-dimensional latent representation that captures the characteristics of the input. Adequately manipulating this representation leads to sound morphing and timbre replacement. Although most VAE-based MISS methods seek a disentangled representation of pitch and timbre, how to capture an underlying structure in timbre remains an open problem. To address this problem, we focus on the fact that musical instruments can be hierarchically classified on the basis of their physical mechanisms. Motivated by this hierarchy, we propose a VAE-based MISS method by introducing a hyperbolic space for timbre. The hyperbolic space can represent treelike data more efficiently than the Euclidean space owing to its exponential growth property. Results of experiments show that the proposed method provides an efficient latent representation of timbre compared with the method using the Euclidean space.
Abstract:This paper proposes a statistical approach to 2D pose estimation from human images. The main problems with the standard supervised approach, which is based on a deep recognition (image-to-pose) model, are that it often yields anatomically implausible poses, and its performance is limited by the amount of paired data. To solve these problems, we propose a semi-supervised method that can make effective use of images with and without pose annotations. Specifically, we formulate a hierarchical generative model of poses and images by integrating a deep generative model of poses from pose features with that of images from poses and image features. We then introduce a deep recognition model that infers poses from images. Given images as observed data, these models can be trained jointly in a hierarchical variational autoencoding (image-to-pose-to-feature-to-pose-to-image) manner. The results of experiments show that the proposed reflective architecture makes estimated poses anatomically plausible, and the performance of pose estimation improved by integrating the recognition and generative models and also by feeding non-annotated images.
Abstract:Several prior works have proposed various methods for the task of automatic melody harmonization, in which a model aims to generate a sequence of chords to serve as the harmonic accompaniment of a given multiple-bar melody sequence. In this paper, we present a comparative study evaluating and comparing the performance of a set of canonical approaches to this task, including a template matching based model, a hidden Markov based model, a genetic algorithm based model, and two deep learning based models. The evaluation is conducted on a dataset of 9,226 melody/chord pairs we newly collect for this study, considering up to 48 triad chords, using a standardized training/test split. We report the result of an objective evaluation using six different metrics and a subjective study with 202 participants.