Abstract:We study the classical problem of approximating a non-decreasing function $f: \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y}$ in $L^p(\mu)$ norm by sequentially querying its values, for known compact real intervals $\mathcal{X}$, $\mathcal{Y}$ and a known probability measure $\mu$ on $\cX$. For any function~$f$ we characterize the minimum number of evaluations of $f$ that algorithms need to guarantee an approximation $\hat{f}$ with an $L^p(\mu)$ error below $\epsilon$ after stopping. Unlike worst-case results that hold uniformly over all $f$, our complexity measure is dependent on each specific function $f$. To address this problem, we introduce GreedyBox, a generalization of an algorithm originally proposed by Novak (1992) for numerical integration. We prove that GreedyBox achieves an optimal sample complexity for any function $f$, up to logarithmic factors. Additionally, we uncover results regarding piecewise-smooth functions. Perhaps as expected, the $L^p(\mu)$ error of GreedyBox decreases much faster for piecewise-$C^2$ functions than predicted by the algorithm (without any knowledge on the smoothness of $f$). A simple modification even achieves optimal minimax approximation rates for such functions, which we compute explicitly. In particular, our findings highlight multiple performance gaps between adaptive and non-adaptive algorithms, smooth and piecewise-smooth functions, as well as monotone or non-monotone functions. Finally, we provide numerical experiments to support our theoretical results.
Abstract:We consider the problem of multi-fidelity zeroth-order optimization, where one can evaluate a function $f$ at various approximation levels (of varying costs), and the goal is to optimize $f$ with the cheapest evaluations possible. In this paper, we study \emph{certified} algorithms, which are additionally required to output a data-driven upper bound on the optimization error. We first formalize the problem in terms of a min-max game between an algorithm and an evaluation environment. We then propose a certified variant of the MFDOO algorithm and derive a bound on its cost complexity for any Lipschitz function $f$. We also prove an $f$-dependent lower bound showing that this algorithm has a near-optimal cost complexity. We close the paper by addressing the special case of noisy (stochastic) evaluations as a direct example.
Abstract:We study the fundamental limits to the expressive power of neural networks. Given two sets $F$, $G$ of real-valued functions, we first prove a general lower bound on how well functions in $F$ can be approximated in $L^p(\mu)$ norm by functions in $G$, for any $p \geq 1$ and any probability measure $\mu$. The lower bound depends on the packing number of $F$, the range of $F$, and the fat-shattering dimension of $G$. We then instantiate this bound to the case where $G$ corresponds to a piecewise-polynomial feed-forward neural network, and describe in details the application to two sets $F$: H{\"o}lder balls and multivariate monotonic functions. Beside matching (known or new) upper bounds up to log factors, our lower bounds shed some light on the similarities or differences between approximation in $L^p$ norm or in sup norm, solving an open question by DeVore et al. (2021). Our proof strategy differs from the sup norm case and uses a key probability result of Mendelson (2002).
Abstract:In theory, the choice of ReLU'(0) in [0, 1] for a neural network has a negligible influence both on backpropagation and training. Yet, in the real world, 32 bits default precision combined with the size of deep learning problems makes it a hyperparameter of training methods. We investigate the importance of the value of ReLU'(0) for several precision levels (16, 32, 64 bits), on various networks (fully connected, VGG, ResNet) and datasets (MNIST, CIFAR10, SVHN). We observe considerable variations of backpropagation outputs which occur around half of the time in 32 bits precision. The effect disappears with double precision, while it is systematic at 16 bits. For vanilla SGD training, the choice ReLU'(0) = 0 seems to be the most efficient. We also evidence that reconditioning approaches as batch-norm or ADAM tend to buffer the influence of ReLU'(0)'s value. Overall, the message we want to convey is that algorithmic differentiation of nonsmooth problems potentially hides parameters that could be tuned advantageously.
Abstract:Machine Learning (ML) seems to be one of the most promising solution to automate partially or completely some of the complex tasks currently realized by humans, such as driving vehicles, recognizing voice, etc. It is also an opportunity to implement and embed new capabilities out of the reach of classical implementation techniques. However, ML techniques introduce new potential risks. Therefore, they have only been applied in systems where their benefits are considered worth the increase of risk. In practice, ML techniques raise multiple challenges that could prevent their use in systems submitted to certification constraints. But what are the actual challenges? Can they be overcome by selecting appropriate ML techniques, or by adopting new engineering or certification practices? These are some of the questions addressed by the ML Certification 3 Workgroup (WG) set-up by the Institut de Recherche Technologique Saint Exup\'ery de Toulouse (IRT), as part of the DEEL Project.
Abstract:We study the problem of approximating the level set of an unknown function by sequentially querying its values. We introduce a family of algorithms called Bisect and Approximate through which we reduce the level set approximation problem to a local function approximation problem. We then show how this approach leads to rate-optimal sample complexity guarantees for H{\"o}lder functions, and we investigate how such rates improve when additional smoothness or other structural assumptions hold true.
Abstract:We consider the bandit-based framework for diversity-preserving recommendations introduced by Celis et al. (2019), who approached it mainly by a reduction to the setting of linear bandits. We design a UCB algorithm using the specific structure of the setting and show that it enjoys a bounded distribution-dependent regret in the natural cases when the optimal mixed actions put some probability mass on all actions (i.e., when diversity is desirable). Simulations illustrate this fact. We also provide regret lower bounds and briefly discuss distribution-free regret bounds.
Abstract:We consider the problem of maximizing a non-concave Lipschitz multivariate function f over a compact domain. We provide regret guarantees (i.e., optimization error bounds) for a very natural algorithm originally designed by Piyavskii and Shubert in 1972. Our results hold in a general setting in which values of f can only be accessed approximately. In particular, they yield state-of-the-art regret bounds both when f is observed exactly and when evaluations are perturbed by an independent subgaussian noise.
Abstract:Over the last decade, digital media (web or app publishers) generalized the use of real time ad auctions to sell their ad spaces. Multiple auction platforms, also called Supply-Side Platforms (SSP), were created. Because of this multiplicity, publishers started to create competition between SSPs. In this setting, there are two successive auctions: a second price auction in each SSP and a secondary, first price auction, called header bidding auction, between SSPs.In this paper, we consider an SSP competing with other SSPs for ad spaces. The SSP acts as an intermediary between an advertiser wanting to buy ad spaces and a web publisher wanting to sell its ad spaces, and needs to define a bidding strategy to be able to deliver to the advertisers as many ads as possible while spending as little as possible. The revenue optimization of this SSP can be written as a contextual bandit problem, where the context consists of the information available about the ad opportunity, such as properties of the internet user or of the ad placement.Using classical multi-armed bandit strategies (such as the original versions of UCB and EXP3) is inefficient in this setting and yields a low convergence speed, as the arms are very correlated. In this paper we design and experiment a version of the Thompson Sampling algorithm that easily takes this correlation into account. We combine this bayesian algorithm with a particle filter, which permits to handle non-stationarity by sequentially estimating the distribution of the highest bid to beat in order to win an auction. We apply this methodology on two real auction datasets, and show that it significantly outperforms more classical approaches.The strategy defined in this paper is being developed to be deployed on thousands of publishers worldwide.
Abstract:We consider the setting of online linear regression for arbitrary deterministic sequences, with the square loss. We are interested in regret bounds that hold uniformly over all vectors in $u $\in$ R^d$. Vovk (2001) showed a d ln T lower bound on this uniform regret. We exhibit forecasters with closed-form regret bounds that match this d ln T quantity. To the best of our knowledge, earlier works only provided closed-form regret bounds of 2d ln T + O(1).