Abstract:Predictive coding (PC) is an energy-based learning algorithm that performs iterative inference over network activities before weight updates. Recent work suggests that PC can converge in fewer learning steps than backpropagation thanks to its inference procedure. However, these advantages are not always observed, and the impact of PC inference on learning is theoretically not well understood. Here, we study the geometry of the PC energy landscape at the (inference) equilibrium of the network activities. For deep linear networks, we first show that the equilibrated energy is simply a rescaled mean squared error loss with a weight-dependent rescaling. We then prove that many highly degenerate (non-strict) saddles of the loss including the origin become much easier to escape (strict) in the equilibrated energy. Our theory is validated by experiments on both linear and non-linear networks. Based on these results, we conjecture that all the saddles of the equilibrated energy are strict. Overall, this work suggests that PC inference makes the loss landscape more benign and robust to vanishing gradients, while also highlighting the challenge of speeding up PC inference on large-scale models.
Abstract:We study the fundamental limits to the expressive power of neural networks. Given two sets $F$, $G$ of real-valued functions, we first prove a general lower bound on how well functions in $F$ can be approximated in $L^p(\mu)$ norm by functions in $G$, for any $p \geq 1$ and any probability measure $\mu$. The lower bound depends on the packing number of $F$, the range of $F$, and the fat-shattering dimension of $G$. We then instantiate this bound to the case where $G$ corresponds to a piecewise-polynomial feed-forward neural network, and describe in details the application to two sets $F$: H{\"o}lder balls and multivariate monotonic functions. Beside matching (known or new) upper bounds up to log factors, our lower bounds shed some light on the similarities or differences between approximation in $L^p$ norm or in sup norm, solving an open question by DeVore et al. (2021). Our proof strategy differs from the sup norm case and uses a key probability result of Mendelson (2002).