Abstract:How effectively can LLM-based AI assistants utilize their memory (context) to perform various tasks? Traditional data benchmarks, which are often manually crafted, suffer from several limitations: they are static, susceptible to overfitting, difficult to interpret, and lack actionable insights--failing to pinpoint the specific capabilities a model lacks when it does not pass a test. In this paper, we present a framework for automatically generating a comprehensive set of tests to evaluate models' abilities to use their memory effectively. Our framework extends the range of capability tests beyond the commonly explored (passkey, key-value, needle in the haystack) search, a dominant focus in the literature. Specifically, we evaluate models on atomic tasks such as searching, recalling, editing, matching, comparing information in context memory, and performing basic operations when inputs are structured into distinct blocks, simulating real-world data. Additionally, we design composite tests to investigate the models' ability to maintain state while operating on memory. Our benchmark enables an interpretable, detailed assessment of memory capabilities of LLMs.
Abstract:Machine learning models can leak private information about their training data, but the standard methods to measure this risk, based on membership inference attacks (MIAs), have a major limitation. They only check if a given data point \textit{exactly} matches a training point, neglecting the potential of similar or partially overlapping data revealing the same private information. To address this issue, we introduce the class of range membership inference attacks (RaMIAs), testing if the model was trained on any data in a specified range (defined based on the semantics of privacy). We formulate the RaMIAs game and design a principled statistical test for its complex hypotheses. We show that RaMIAs can capture privacy loss more accurately and comprehensively than MIAs on various types of data, such as tabular, image, and language. RaMIA paves the way for a more comprehensive and meaningful privacy auditing of machine learning algorithms.
Abstract:Watermarking is a technique used to embed a hidden signal in the probability distribution of text generated by large language models (LLMs), enabling attribution of the text to the originating model. We introduce smoothing attacks and show that existing watermarking methods are not robust against minor modifications of text. An adversary can use weaker language models to smooth out the distribution perturbations caused by watermarks without significantly compromising the quality of the generated text. The modified text resulting from the smoothing attack remains close to the distribution of text that the original model (without watermark) would have produced. Our attack reveals a fundamental limitation of a wide range of watermarking techniques.
Abstract:The principle of data minimization aims to reduce the amount of data collected, processed or retained to minimize the potential for misuse, unauthorized access, or data breaches. Rooted in privacy-by-design principles, data minimization has been endorsed by various global data protection regulations. However, its practical implementation remains a challenge due to the lack of a rigorous formulation. This paper addresses this gap and introduces an optimization framework for data minimization based on its legal definitions. It then adapts several optimization algorithms to perform data minimization and conducts a comprehensive evaluation in terms of their compliance with minimization objectives as well as their impact on user privacy. Our analysis underscores the mismatch between the privacy expectations of data minimization and the actual privacy benefits, emphasizing the need for approaches that account for multiple facets of real-world privacy risks.
Abstract:We present a robust membership inference attack (RMIA) that amplifies the distinction between population data and the training data on any target model, by effectively leveraging both reference models and reference data in our likelihood ratio test. Our algorithm exhibits superior test power (true-positive rate) when compared to prior methods, even at extremely low false-positive error rates (as low as 0). Also, under computation constraints, where only a limited number of reference models (as few as 1) are available, our method performs exceptionally well, unlike some prior attacks that approach random guessing in such scenarios. Our method lays the groundwork for cost-effective and practical yet powerful and robust privacy risk analysis of machine learning algorithms.
Abstract:Differentially private (DP) machine learning algorithms incur many sources of randomness, such as random initialization, random batch subsampling, and shuffling. However, such randomness is difficult to take into account when proving differential privacy bounds because it induces mixture distributions for the algorithm's output that are difficult to analyze. This paper focuses on improving privacy bounds for shuffling models and one-iteration differentially private gradient descent (DP-GD) with random initializations using $f$-DP. We derive a closed-form expression of the trade-off function for shuffling models that outperforms the most up-to-date results based on $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP. Moreover, we investigate the effects of random initialization on the privacy of one-iteration DP-GD. Our numerical computations of the trade-off function indicate that random initialization can enhance the privacy of DP-GD. Our analysis of $f$-DP guarantees for these mixture mechanisms relies on an inequality for trade-off functions introduced in this paper. This inequality implies the joint convexity of $F$-divergences. Finally, we study an $f$-DP analog of the advanced joint convexity of the hockey-stick divergence related to $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP and apply it to analyze the privacy of mixture mechanisms.
Abstract:We analytically investigate how over-parameterization of models in randomized machine learning algorithms impacts the information leakage about their training data. Specifically, we prove a privacy bound for the KL divergence between model distributions on worst-case neighboring datasets, and explore its dependence on the initialization, width, and depth of fully connected neural networks. We find that this KL privacy bound is largely determined by the expected squared gradient norm relative to model parameters during training. Notably, for the special setting of linearized network, our analysis indicates that the squared gradient norm (and therefore the escalation of privacy loss) is tied directly to the per-layer variance of the initialization distribution. By using this analysis, we demonstrate that privacy bound improves with increasing depth under certain initializations (LeCun and Xavier), while degrades with increasing depth under other initializations (He and NTK). Our work reveals a complex interplay between privacy and depth that depends on the chosen initialization distribution. We further prove excess empirical risk bounds under a fixed KL privacy budget, and show that the interplay between privacy utility trade-off and depth is similarly affected by the initialization.
Abstract:The interactive use of large language models (LLMs) in AI assistants (at work, home, etc.) introduces a new set of inference-time privacy risks: LLMs are fed different types of information from multiple sources in their inputs and are expected to reason about what to share in their outputs, for what purpose and with whom, within a given context. In this work, we draw attention to the highly critical yet overlooked notion of contextual privacy by proposing ConfAIde, a benchmark designed to identify critical weaknesses in the privacy reasoning capabilities of instruction-tuned LLMs. Our experiments show that even the most capable models such as GPT-4 and ChatGPT reveal private information in contexts that humans would not, 39% and 57% of the time, respectively. This leakage persists even when we employ privacy-inducing prompts or chain-of-thought reasoning. Our work underscores the immediate need to explore novel inference-time privacy-preserving approaches, based on reasoning and theory of mind.
Abstract:We introduce a new analytical framework to quantify the changes in a machine learning algorithm's output distribution following the inclusion of a few data points in its training set, a notion we define as leave-one-out distinguishability (LOOD). This problem is key to measuring data **memorization** and **information leakage** in machine learning, and the **influence** of training data points on model predictions. We illustrate how our method broadens and refines existing empirical measures of memorization and privacy risks associated with training data. We use Gaussian processes to model the randomness of machine learning algorithms, and validate LOOD with extensive empirical analysis of information leakage using membership inference attacks. Our theoretical framework enables us to investigate the causes of information leakage and where the leakage is high. For example, we analyze the influence of activation functions, on data memorization. Additionally, our method allows us to optimize queries that disclose the most significant information about the training data in the leave-one-out setting. We illustrate how optimal queries can be used for accurate **reconstruction** of training data.
Abstract:Repeated parameter sharing in federated learning causes significant information leakage about private data, thus defeating its main purpose: data privacy. Mitigating the risk of this information leakage, using state of the art differentially private algorithms, also does not come for free. Randomized mechanisms can prevent convergence of models on learning even the useful representation functions, especially if there is more disagreement between local models on the classification functions (due to data heterogeneity). In this paper, we consider a representation federated learning objective that encourages various parties to collaboratively refine the consensus part of the model, with differential privacy guarantees, while separately allowing sufficient freedom for local personalization (without releasing it). We prove that in the linear representation setting, while the objective is non-convex, our proposed new algorithm \DPFEDREP\ converges to a ball centered around the \emph{global optimal} solution at a linear rate, and the radius of the ball is proportional to the reciprocal of the privacy budget. With this novel utility analysis, we improve the SOTA utility-privacy trade-off for this problem by a factor of $\sqrt{d}$, where $d$ is the input dimension. We empirically evaluate our method with the image classification task on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and EMNIST, and observe a significant performance improvement over the prior work under the same small privacy budget. The code can be found in this link: https://github.com/shenzebang/CENTAUR-Privacy-Federated-Representation-Learning.