Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Abstract:Machine unlearning, the process of selectively removing data from trained models, is increasingly crucial for addressing privacy concerns and knowledge gaps post-deployment. Despite this importance, existing approaches are often heuristic and lack formal guarantees. In this paper, we analyze the fundamental utility, time, and space complexity trade-offs of approximate unlearning, providing rigorous certification analogous to differential privacy. For in-distribution forget data -- data similar to the retain set -- we show that a surprisingly simple and general procedure, empirical risk minimization with output perturbation, achieves tight unlearning-utility-complexity trade-offs, addressing a previous theoretical gap on the separation from unlearning "for free" via differential privacy, which inherently facilitates the removal of such data. However, such techniques fail with out-of-distribution forget data -- data significantly different from the retain set -- where unlearning time complexity can exceed that of retraining, even for a single sample. To address this, we propose a new robust and noisy gradient descent variant that provably amortizes unlearning time complexity without compromising utility.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) is an appealing approach to training machine learning models without sharing raw data. However, standard FL algorithms are iterative and thus induce a significant communication cost. One-shot federated learning (OFL) trades the iterative exchange of models between clients and the server with a single round of communication, thereby saving substantially on communication costs. Not surprisingly, OFL exhibits a performance gap in terms of accuracy with respect to FL, especially under high data heterogeneity. We introduce FENS, a novel federated ensembling scheme that approaches the accuracy of FL with the communication efficiency of OFL. Learning in FENS proceeds in two phases: first, clients train models locally and send them to the server, similar to OFL; second, clients collaboratively train a lightweight prediction aggregator model using FL. We showcase the effectiveness of FENS through exhaustive experiments spanning several datasets and heterogeneity levels. In the particular case of heterogeneously distributed CIFAR-10 dataset, FENS achieves up to a 26.9% higher accuracy over state-of-the-art (SOTA) OFL, being only 3.1% lower than FL. At the same time, FENS incurs at most 4.3x more communication than OFL, whereas FL is at least 10.9x more communication-intensive than FENS.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) is an appealing paradigm that allows a group of machines (a.k.a. clients) to learn collectively while keeping their data local. However, due to the heterogeneity between the clients' data distributions, the model obtained through the use of FL algorithms may perform poorly on some client's data. Personalization addresses this issue by enabling each client to have a different model tailored to their own data while simultaneously benefiting from the other clients' data. We consider an FL setting where some clients can be adversarial, and we derive conditions under which full collaboration fails. Specifically, we analyze the generalization performance of an interpolated personalized FL framework in the presence of adversarial clients, and we precisely characterize situations when full collaboration performs strictly worse than fine-tuned personalization. Our analysis determines how much we should scale down the level of collaboration, according to data heterogeneity and the tolerable fraction of adversarial clients. We support our findings with empirical results on mean estimation and binary classification problems, considering synthetic and benchmark image classification datasets.
Abstract:AI assistants are being increasingly used by students enrolled in higher education institutions. While these tools provide opportunities for improved teaching and education, they also pose significant challenges for assessment and learning outcomes. We conceptualize these challenges through the lens of vulnerability, the potential for university assessments and learning outcomes to be impacted by student use of generative AI. We investigate the potential scale of this vulnerability by measuring the degree to which AI assistants can complete assessment questions in standard university-level STEM courses. Specifically, we compile a novel dataset of textual assessment questions from 50 courses at EPFL and evaluate whether two AI assistants, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 can adequately answer these questions. We use eight prompting strategies to produce responses and find that GPT-4 answers an average of 65.8% of questions correctly, and can even produce the correct answer across at least one prompting strategy for 85.1% of questions. When grouping courses in our dataset by degree program, these systems already pass non-project assessments of large numbers of core courses in various degree programs, posing risks to higher education accreditation that will be amplified as these models improve. Our results call for revising program-level assessment design in higher education in light of advances in generative AI.
Abstract:Batch normalization has proven to be a very beneficial mechanism to accelerate the training and improve the accuracy of deep neural networks in centralized environments. Yet, the scheme faces significant challenges in federated learning, especially under high data heterogeneity. Essentially, the main challenges arise from external covariate shifts and inconsistent statistics across clients. We introduce in this paper Federated BatchNorm (FBN), a novel scheme that restores the benefits of batch normalization in federated learning. Essentially, FBN ensures that the batch normalization during training is consistent with what would be achieved in a centralized execution, hence preserving the distribution of the data, and providing running statistics that accurately approximate the global statistics. FBN thereby reduces the external covariate shift and matches the evaluation performance of the centralized setting. We also show that, with a slight increase in complexity, we can robustify FBN to mitigate erroneous statistics and potentially adversarial attacks.
Abstract:Robust distributed learning consists in achieving good learning performance despite the presence of misbehaving workers. State-of-the-art (SOTA) robust distributed gradient descent (Robust-DGD) methods, relying on robust aggregation, have been proven to be optimal: Their learning error matches the lower bound established under the standard heterogeneity model of $(G, B)$-gradient dissimilarity. The learning guarantee of SOTA Robust-DGD cannot be further improved when model initialization is done arbitrarily. However, we show that it is possible to circumvent the lower bound, and improve the learning performance, when the workers' gradients at model initialization are assumed to be bounded. We prove this by proposing pre-aggregation clipping of workers' gradients, using a novel scheme called adaptive robust clipping (ARC). Incorporating ARC in Robust-DGD provably improves the learning, under the aforementioned assumption on model initialization. The factor of improvement is prominent when the tolerable fraction of misbehaving workers approaches the breakdown point. ARC induces this improvement by constricting the search space, while preserving the robustness property of the original aggregation scheme at the same time. We validate this theoretical finding through exhaustive experiments on benchmark image classification tasks.
Abstract:Decentralized learning is appealing as it enables the scalable usage of large amounts of distributed data and resources (without resorting to any central entity), while promoting privacy since every user minimizes the direct exposure of their data. Yet, without additional precautions, curious users can still leverage models obtained from their peers to violate privacy. In this paper, we propose Decor, a variant of decentralized SGD with differential privacy (DP) guarantees. Essentially, in Decor, users securely exchange randomness seeds in one communication round to generate pairwise-canceling correlated Gaussian noises, which are injected to protect local models at every communication round. We theoretically and empirically show that, for arbitrary connected graphs, Decor matches the central DP optimal privacy-utility trade-off. We do so under SecLDP, our new relaxation of local DP, which protects all user communications against an external eavesdropper and curious users, assuming that every pair of connected users shares a secret, i.e., an information hidden to all others. The main theoretical challenge is to control the accumulation of non-canceling correlated noise due to network sparsity. We also propose a companion SecLDP privacy accountant for public use.
Abstract:The success of machine learning (ML) has been intimately linked with the availability of large amounts of data, typically collected from heterogeneous sources and processed on vast networks of computing devices (also called {\em workers}). Beyond accuracy, the use of ML in critical domains such as healthcare and autonomous driving calls for robustness against {\em data poisoning}and some {\em faulty workers}. The problem of {\em Byzantine ML} formalizes these robustness issues by considering a distributed ML environment in which workers (storing a portion of the global dataset) can deviate arbitrarily from the prescribed algorithm. Although the problem has attracted a lot of attention from a theoretical point of view, its practical importance for addressing realistic faults (where the behavior of any worker is locally constrained) remains unclear. It has been argued that the seemingly weaker threat model where only workers' local datasets get poisoned is more reasonable. We prove that, while tolerating a wider range of faulty behaviors, Byzantine ML yields solutions that are, in a precise sense, optimal even under the weaker data poisoning threat model. Then, we study a generic data poisoning model wherein some workers have {\em fully-poisonous local data}, i.e., their datasets are entirely corruptible, and the remainders have {\em partially-poisonous local data}, i.e., only a fraction of their local datasets is corruptible. We prove that Byzantine-robust schemes yield optimal solutions against both these forms of data poisoning, and that the former is more harmful when workers have {\em heterogeneous} local data.
Abstract:The success of machine learning (ML) applications relies on vast datasets and distributed architectures, which, as they grow, present challenges for ML. In real-world scenarios, where data often contains sensitive information, issues like data poisoning and hardware failures are common. Ensuring privacy and robustness is vital for the broad adoption of ML in public life. This paper examines the costs associated with achieving these objectives in distributed architectures. We overview the meanings of privacy and robustness in distributed ML, and clarify how they can be achieved efficiently in isolation. However, we contend that the integration of these objectives entails a notable compromise in computational efficiency. We delve into this intricate balance, exploring the challenges and solutions for privacy, robustness, and computational efficiency in ML applications.
Abstract:We present Epidemic Learning (EL), a simple yet powerful decentralized learning (DL) algorithm that leverages changing communication topologies to achieve faster model convergence compared to conventional DL approaches. At each round of EL, each node sends its model updates to a random sample of $s$ other nodes (in a system of $n$ nodes). We provide an extensive theoretical analysis of EL, demonstrating that its changing topology culminates in superior convergence properties compared to the state-of-the-art (static and dynamic) topologies. Considering smooth non-convex loss functions, the number of transient iterations for EL, i.e., the rounds required to achieve asymptotic linear speedup, is in $\mathcal{O}(\frac{n^3}{s^2})$ which outperforms the best-known bound $\mathcal{O}({n^3})$ by a factor of $ s^2 $, indicating the benefit of randomized communication for DL. We empirically evaluate EL in a 96-node network and compare its performance with state-of-the-art DL approaches. Our results illustrate that EL converges up to $ 1.6\times $ quicker than baseline DL algorithms and attains 1.8% higher accuracy for the same communication volume.