Abstract:We present an approach for generating differentially private synthetic text using large language models (LLMs), via private prediction. In the private prediction framework, we only require the output synthetic data to satisfy differential privacy guarantees. This is in contrast to approaches that train a generative model on potentially sensitive user-supplied source data and seek to ensure the model itself is safe to release. We prompt a pretrained LLM with source data, but ensure that next-token predictions are made with differential privacy guarantees. Previous work in this paradigm reported generating a small number of examples (<10) at reasonable privacy levels, an amount of data that is useful only for downstream in-context learning or prompting. In contrast, we make changes that allow us to generate thousands of high-quality synthetic data points, greatly expanding the set of potential applications. Our improvements come from an improved privacy analysis and a better private selection mechanism, which makes use of the equivalence between the softmax layer for sampling tokens in LLMs and the exponential mechanism. Furthermore, we introduce a novel use of public predictions via the sparse vector technique, in which we do not pay privacy costs for tokens that are predictable without sensitive data; we find this to be particularly effective for structured data.
Abstract:Integrated development environments (IDEs) are prevalent code-writing and debugging tools. However, they have yet to be widely adopted for launching machine learning (ML) experiments. This work aims to fill this gap by introducing JetTrain, an IDE-integrated tool that delegates specific tasks from an IDE to remote computational resources. A user can write and debug code locally and then seamlessly run it remotely using on-demand hardware. We argue that this approach can lower the entry barrier for ML training problems and increase experiment throughput.
Abstract:Distribution shifts and adversarial examples are two major challenges for deploying machine learning models. While these challenges have been studied individually, their combination is an important topic that remains relatively under-explored. In this work, we study the problem of adversarial robustness under a common setting of distribution shift - unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). Specifically, given a labeled source domain $D_S$ and an unlabeled target domain $D_T$ with related but different distributions, the goal is to obtain an adversarially robust model for $D_T$. The absence of target domain labels poses a unique challenge, as conventional adversarial robustness defenses cannot be directly applied to $D_T$. To address this challenge, we first establish a generalization bound for the adversarial target loss, which consists of (i) terms related to the loss on the data, and (ii) a measure of worst-case domain divergence. Motivated by this bound, we develop a novel unified defense framework called Divergence Aware adveRsarial Training (DART), which can be used in conjunction with a variety of standard UDA methods; e.g., DANN [Ganin and Lempitsky, 2015]. DART is applicable to general threat models, including the popular $\ell_p$-norm model, and does not require heuristic regularizers or architectural changes. We also release DomainRobust: a testbed for evaluating robustness of UDA models to adversarial attacks. DomainRobust consists of 4 multi-domain benchmark datasets (with 46 source-target pairs) and 7 meta-algorithms with a total of 11 variants. Our large-scale experiments demonstrate that on average, DART significantly enhances model robustness on all benchmarks compared to the state of the art, while maintaining competitive standard accuracy. The relative improvement in robustness from DART reaches up to 29.2% on the source-target domain pairs considered.
Abstract:Scaling laws provide important insights that can guide the design of large language models (LLMs). Existing work has primarily focused on studying scaling laws for pretraining (upstream) loss. However, in transfer learning settings, in which LLMs are pretrained on an unsupervised dataset and then finetuned on a downstream task, we often also care about the downstream performance. In this work, we study the scaling behavior in a transfer learning setting, where LLMs are finetuned for machine translation tasks. Specifically, we investigate how the choice of the pretraining data and its size affect downstream performance (translation quality) as judged by two metrics: downstream cross-entropy and BLEU score. Our experiments indicate that the size of the finetuning dataset and the distribution alignment between the pretraining and downstream data significantly influence the scaling behavior. With sufficient alignment, both downstream cross-entropy and BLEU score improve monotonically with more pretraining data. In such cases, we show that it is possible to predict the downstream BLEU score with good accuracy using a log-law. However, there are also cases where moderate misalignment causes the BLEU score to fluctuate or get worse with more pretraining, whereas downstream cross-entropy monotonically improves. By analyzing these observations, we provide new practical insights for choosing appropriate pretraining data.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown remarkable performance on graph-structured data. However, recent empirical studies suggest that GNNs are very susceptible to distribution shift. There is still significant ambiguity about why graph-based models seem more vulnerable to these shifts. In this work we provide a thorough theoretical analysis on it by quantifying the magnitude of conditional shift between the input features and the output label. Our findings show that both graph heterophily and model architecture exacerbate conditional shifts, leading to performance degradation. To address this, we propose an approach that involves estimating and minimizing the conditional shift for unsupervised domain adaptation on graphs. In our controlled synthetic experiments, our algorithm demonstrates robustness towards distribution shift, resulting in up to 10% absolute ROC AUC improvement versus the second-best algorithm. Furthermore, comprehensive experiments on both node classification and graph classification show its robust performance under various distribution shifts.
Abstract:The sparse Mixture-of-Experts (Sparse-MoE) framework efficiently scales up model capacity in various domains, such as natural language processing and vision. Sparse-MoEs select a subset of the "experts" (thus, only a portion of the overall network) for each input sample using a sparse, trainable gate. Existing sparse gates are prone to convergence and performance issues when training with first-order optimization methods. In this paper, we introduce two improvements to current MoE approaches. First, we propose a new sparse gate: COMET, which relies on a novel tree-based mechanism. COMET is differentiable, can exploit sparsity to speed up computation, and outperforms state-of-the-art gates. Second, due to the challenging combinatorial nature of sparse expert selection, first-order methods are typically prone to low-quality solutions. To deal with this challenge, we propose a novel, permutation-based local search method that can complement first-order methods in training any sparse gate, e.g., Hash routing, Top-k, DSelect-k, and COMET. We show that local search can help networks escape bad initializations or solutions. We performed large-scale experiments on various domains, including recommender systems, vision, and natural language processing. On standard vision and recommender systems benchmarks, COMET+ (COMET with local search) achieves up to 13% improvement in ROC AUC over popular gates, e.g., Hash routing and Top-k, and up to 9% over prior differentiable gates e.g., DSelect-k. When Top-k and Hash gates are combined with local search, we see up to $100\times$ reduction in the budget needed for hyperparameter tuning. Moreover, for language modeling, our approach improves over the state-of-the-art MoEBERT model for distilling BERT on 5/7 GLUE benchmarks as well as SQuAD dataset.
Abstract:Differentially private (DP) training methods like DP-SGD can protect sensitive training data by ensuring that ML models will not reveal private information. An alternative approach, which this paper studies, is to use a sensitive dataset to generate a new synthetic dataset which is differentially private with respect to the original data. Doing so has several advantages: synthetic data can be reused for other tasks (including for hyper parameter tuning), retained indefinitely, or shared with third parties without sacrificing privacy. However, obtaining DP data is much harder than introducing DP during training. To make it feasible for text, recent work has utilized public data by starting with a pre-trained generative language model and privately finetuning it on sensitive data. This model can be used to sample a DP synthetic dataset. While this strategy seems straightforward, executing it has proven problematic. Previous approaches either show significant performance loss, or have, as we show, critical design flaws. In this paper we demonstrate that a proper training objective along with tuning fewer parameters results in excellent DP synthetic data quality. Our approach is competitive with direct DP-training of downstream classifiers in terms of performance on downstream tasks. We also demonstrate that our DP synthetic data is not only useful for downstream classifier training, but also to tune those same models.
Abstract:We propose a novel approach for developing privacy-preserving large-scale recommender systems using differentially private (DP) large language models (LLMs) which overcomes certain challenges and limitations in DP training these complex systems. Our method is particularly well suited for the emerging area of LLM-based recommender systems, but can be readily employed for any recommender systems that process representations of natural language inputs. Our approach involves using DP training methods to fine-tune a publicly pre-trained LLM on a query generation task. The resulting model can generate private synthetic queries representative of the original queries which can be freely shared for any downstream non-private recommendation training procedures without incurring any additional privacy cost. We evaluate our method on its ability to securely train effective deep retrieval models, and we observe significant improvements in their retrieval quality without compromising query-level privacy guarantees compared to methods where the retrieval models are directly DP trained.
Abstract:ML models are ubiquitous in real world applications and are a constant focus of research. At the same time, the community has started to realize the importance of protecting the privacy of ML training data. Differential Privacy (DP) has become a gold standard for making formal statements about data anonymization. However, while some adoption of DP has happened in industry, attempts to apply DP to real world complex ML models are still few and far between. The adoption of DP is hindered by limited practical guidance of what DP protection entails, what privacy guarantees to aim for, and the difficulty of achieving good privacy-utility-computation trade-offs for ML models. Tricks for tuning and maximizing performance are scattered among papers or stored in the heads of practitioners. Furthermore, the literature seems to present conflicting evidence on how and whether to apply architectural adjustments and which components are "safe" to use with DP. This work is a self-contained guide that gives an in-depth overview of the field of DP ML and presents information about achieving the best possible DP ML model with rigorous privacy guarantees. Our target audience is both researchers and practitioners. Researchers interested in DP for ML will benefit from a clear overview of current advances and areas for improvement. We include theory-focused sections that highlight important topics such as privacy accounting and its assumptions, and convergence. For a practitioner, we provide a background in DP theory and a clear step-by-step guide for choosing an appropriate privacy definition and approach, implementing DP training, potentially updating the model architecture, and tuning hyperparameters. For both researchers and practitioners, consistently and fully reporting privacy guarantees is critical, and so we propose a set of specific best practices for stating guarantees.
Abstract:The sheer size of modern neural networks makes model serving a serious computational challenge. A popular class of compression techniques overcomes this challenge by pruning or sparsifying the weights of pretrained networks. While useful, these techniques often face serious tradeoffs between computational requirements and compression quality. In this work, we propose a novel optimization-based pruning framework that considers the combined effect of pruning (and updating) multiple weights subject to a sparsity constraint. Our approach, CHITA, extends the classical Optimal Brain Surgeon framework and results in significant improvements in speed, memory, and performance over existing optimization-based approaches for network pruning. CHITA's main workhorse performs combinatorial optimization updates on a memory-friendly representation of local quadratic approximation(s) of the loss function. On a standard benchmark of pretrained models and datasets, CHITA leads to significantly better sparsity-accuracy tradeoffs than competing methods. For example, for MLPNet with only 2% of the weights retained, our approach improves the accuracy by 63% relative to the state of the art. Furthermore, when used in conjunction with fine-tuning SGD steps, our method achieves significant accuracy gains over the state-of-the-art approaches.