Abstract:Although deep models have been widely explored in solving partial differential equations (PDEs), previous works are primarily limited to data only with up to tens of thousands of mesh points, far from the million-point scale required by industrial simulations that involve complex geometries. In the spirit of advancing neural PDE solvers to real industrial applications, we present Transolver++, a highly parallel and efficient neural solver that can accurately solve PDEs on million-scale geometries. Building upon previous advancements in solving PDEs by learning physical states via Transolver, Transolver++ is further equipped with an extremely optimized parallelism framework and a local adaptive mechanism to efficiently capture eidetic physical states from massive mesh points, successfully tackling the thorny challenges in computation and physics learning when scaling up input mesh size. Transolver++ increases the single-GPU input capacity to million-scale points for the first time and is capable of continuously scaling input size in linear complexity by increasing GPUs. Experimentally, Transolver++ yields 13% relative promotion across six standard PDE benchmarks and achieves over 20% performance gain in million-scale high-fidelity industrial simulations, whose sizes are 100$\times$ larger than previous benchmarks, covering car and 3D aircraft designs.
Abstract:Heterogeneity in sensors and actuators across environments poses a significant challenge to building large-scale pre-trained world models on top of this low-dimensional sensor information. In this work, we explore pre-training world models for heterogeneous environments by addressing key transfer barriers in both data diversity and model flexibility. We introduce UniTraj, a unified dataset comprising over one million trajectories from 80 environments, designed to scale data while preserving critical diversity. Additionally, we propose TrajWorld, a novel architecture capable of flexibly handling varying sensor and actuator information and capturing environment dynamics in-context. Pre-training TrajWorld on UniTraj demonstrates significant improvements in transition prediction and achieves a new state-of-the-art for off-policy evaluation. To the best of our knowledge, this work, for the first time, demonstrates the transfer benefits of world models across heterogeneous and complex control environments.
Abstract:Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have earned high expectations in solving partial differential equations (PDEs), but their optimization usually faces thorny challenges due to the unique derivative-dependent loss function. By analyzing the loss distribution, previous research observed the propagation failure phenomenon of PINNs, intuitively described as the correct supervision for model outputs cannot ``propagate'' from initial states or boundaries to the interior domain. Going beyond intuitive understanding, this paper provides the first formal and in-depth study of propagation failure and its root cause. Based on a detailed comparison with classical finite element methods, we ascribe the failure to the conventional single-point-processing architecture of PINNs and further prove that propagation failure is essentially caused by the lower gradient correlation of PINN models on nearby collocation points. Compared to superficial loss maps, this new perspective provides a more precise quantitative criterion to identify where and why PINN fails. The theoretical finding also inspires us to present a new PINN architecture, named ProPINN, which can effectively unite the gradient of region points for better propagation. ProPINN can reliably resolve PINN failure modes and significantly surpass advanced Transformer-based models with 46% relative promotion.
Abstract:We introduce Sundial, a family of native, flexible, and scalable time series foundation models. To predict the next-patch's distribution, we propose a TimeFlow Loss based on flow-matching, which facilitates native pre-training of Transformers on time series without discrete tokenization. Conditioned on arbitrary-length time series, our model is pre-trained without specifying any prior distribution and can generate multiple probable predictions, achieving flexibility in representation learning beyond using parametric densities. Towards time series foundation models, we leverage minimal but crucial adaptations of Transformers and curate TimeBench with 1 trillion time points, comprising mostly real-world datasets and synthetic data. By mitigating mode collapse through TimeFlow Loss, we pre-train a family of Sundial models on TimeBench, which exhibit unprecedented model capacity and generalization performance on zero-shot forecasting. In addition to presenting good scaling behavior, Sundial achieves new state-of-the-art on both point forecasting and probabilistic forecasting benchmarks. We believe that Sundial's pioneering generative paradigm will facilitate a wide variety of forecasting scenarios.
Abstract:We present Timer-XL, a generative Transformer for unified time series forecasting. To uniformly predict 1D and 2D time series, we generalize next token prediction, predominantly adopted for causal generation of 1D sequences, to multivariate next token prediction. The proposed paradigm uniformly formulates various forecasting scenarios as a long-context generation problem. We opt for the generative Transformer, which can capture global-range and causal dependencies while providing contextual flexibility, to implement unified forecasting on univariate series characterized by non-stationarity, multivariate time series with complicated dynamics and correlations, and covariate-informed contexts that include both endogenous and exogenous variables. Technically, we propose a universal TimeAttention to facilitate generative Transformers on time series, which can effectively capture fine-grained intra- and inter-series dependencies of flattened time series tokens (patches) and is further strengthened by position embeddings in both temporal and variable dimensions. Timer-XL achieves state-of-the-art performance across challenging forecasting benchmarks through a unified approach. As a large time series model, it demonstrates notable model transferability by large-scale pre-training, as well as contextual flexibility in token lengths, positioning it as a one-for-all forecaster.
Abstract:Time series forecasting is prevalent in extensive real-world applications, such as financial analysis and energy planning. Previous studies primarily focus on time series modality, endeavoring to capture the intricate variations and dependencies inherent in time series. Beyond numerical time series data, we notice that metadata (e.g.~dataset and variate descriptions) also carries valuable information essential for forecasting, which can be used to identify the application scenario and provide more interpretable knowledge than digit sequences. Inspired by this observation, we propose a Metadata-informed Time Series Transformer (MetaTST), which incorporates multiple levels of context-specific metadata into Transformer forecasting models to enable informative time series forecasting. To tackle the unstructured nature of metadata, MetaTST formalizes them into natural languages by pre-designed templates and leverages large language models (LLMs) to encode these texts into metadata tokens as a supplement to classic series tokens, resulting in an informative embedding. Further, a Transformer encoder is employed to communicate series and metadata tokens, which can extend series representations by metadata information for more accurate forecasting. This design also allows the model to adaptively learn context-specific patterns across various scenarios, which is particularly effective in handling large-scale, diverse-scenario forecasting tasks. Experimentally, MetaTST achieves state-of-the-art compared to advanced time series models and LLM-based methods on widely acknowledged short- and long-term forecasting benchmarks, covering both single-dataset individual and multi-dataset joint training settings.
Abstract:Lifelong user behavior sequences, comprising up to tens of thousands of history behaviors, are crucial for capturing user interests and predicting user responses in modern recommendation systems. A two-stage paradigm is typically adopted to handle these long sequences: a few relevant behaviors are first searched from the original long sequences via an attention mechanism in the first stage and then aggregated with the target item to construct a discriminative representation for prediction in the second stage. In this work, we identify and characterize, for the first time, a neglected deficiency in existing long-sequence recommendation models: a single set of embeddings struggles with learning both attention and representation, leading to interference between these two processes. Initial attempts to address this issue using linear projections -- a technique borrowed from language processing -- proved ineffective, shedding light on the unique challenges of recommendation models. To overcome this, we propose the Decoupled Attention and Representation Embeddings (DARE) model, where two distinct embedding tables are initialized and learned separately to fully decouple attention and representation. Extensive experiments and analysis demonstrate that DARE provides more accurate search of correlated behaviors and outperforms baselines with AUC gains up to 0.9% on public datasets and notable online system improvements. Furthermore, decoupling embedding spaces allows us to reduce the attention embedding dimension and accelerate the search procedure by 50% without significant performance impact, enabling more efficient, high-performance online serving.
Abstract:Time series, characterized by a sequence of data points arranged in a discrete-time order, are ubiquitous in real-world applications. Different from other modalities, time series present unique challenges due to their complex and dynamic nature, including the entanglement of nonlinear patterns and time-variant trends. Analyzing time series data is of great significance in real-world scenarios and has been widely studied over centuries. Recent years have witnessed remarkable breakthroughs in the time series community, with techniques shifting from traditional statistical methods to advanced deep learning models. In this paper, we delve into the design of deep time series models across various analysis tasks and review the existing literature from two perspectives: basic modules and model architectures. Further, we develop and release Time Series Library (TSLib) as a fair benchmark of deep time series models for diverse analysis tasks, which implements 24 mainstream models, covers 30 datasets from different domains, and supports five prevalent analysis tasks. Based on TSLib, we thoroughly evaluate 12 advanced deep time series models on different tasks. Empirical results indicate that models with specific structures are well-suited for distinct analytical tasks, which offers insights for research and adoption of deep time series models. Code is available at https://github.com/thuml/Time-Series-Library.
Abstract:Diffusion models have significantly advanced the field of generative modeling. However, training a diffusion model is computationally expensive, creating a pressing need to adapt off-the-shelf diffusion models for downstream generation tasks. Current fine-tuning methods focus on parameter-efficient transfer learning but overlook the fundamental transfer characteristics of diffusion models. In this paper, we investigate the transferability of diffusion models and observe a monotonous chain of forgetting trend of transferability along the reverse process. Based on this observation and novel theoretical insights, we present Diff-Tuning, a frustratingly simple transfer approach that leverages the chain of forgetting tendency. Diff-Tuning encourages the fine-tuned model to retain the pre-trained knowledge at the end of the denoising chain close to the generated data while discarding the other noise side. We conduct comprehensive experiments to evaluate Diff-Tuning, including the transfer of pre-trained Diffusion Transformer models to eight downstream generations and the adaptation of Stable Diffusion to five control conditions with ControlNet. Diff-Tuning achieves a 26% improvement over standard fine-tuning and enhances the convergence speed of ControlNet by 24%. Notably, parameter-efficient transfer learning techniques for diffusion models can also benefit from Diff-Tuning.
Abstract:Deep models have recently emerged as a promising tool to solve partial differential equations (PDEs), known as neural PDE solvers. While neural solvers trained from either simulation data or physics-informed loss can solve the PDEs reasonably well, they are mainly restricted to a specific set of PDEs, e.g. a certain equation or a finite set of coefficients. This bottleneck limits the generalizability of neural solvers, which is widely recognized as its major advantage over numerical solvers. In this paper, we present the Universal PDE solver (Unisolver) capable of solving a wide scope of PDEs by leveraging a Transformer pre-trained on diverse data and conditioned on diverse PDEs. Instead of simply scaling up data and parameters, Unisolver stems from the theoretical analysis of the PDE-solving process. Our key finding is that a PDE solution is fundamentally under the control of a series of PDE components, e.g. equation symbols, coefficients, and initial and boundary conditions. Inspired by the mathematical structure of PDEs, we define a complete set of PDE components and correspondingly embed them as domain-wise (e.g. equation symbols) and point-wise (e.g. boundaries) conditions for Transformer PDE solvers. Integrating physical insights with recent Transformer advances, Unisolver achieves consistent state-of-the-art results on three challenging large-scale benchmarks, showing impressive gains and endowing favorable generalizability and scalability.