Abstract:Datasets play a critical role in medical imaging research, yet issues such as label quality, shortcuts, and metadata are often overlooked. This lack of attention may harm the generalizability of algorithms and, consequently, negatively impact patient outcomes. While existing medical imaging literature reviews mostly focus on machine learning (ML) methods, with only a few focusing on datasets for specific applications, these reviews remain static -- they are published once and not updated thereafter. This fails to account for emerging evidence, such as biases, shortcuts, and additional annotations that other researchers may contribute after the dataset is published. We refer to these newly discovered findings of datasets as research artifacts. To address this gap, we propose a living review that continuously tracks public datasets and their associated research artifacts across multiple medical imaging applications. Our approach includes a framework for the living review to monitor data documentation artifacts, and an SQL database to visualize the citation relationships between research artifact and dataset. Lastly, we discuss key considerations for creating medical imaging datasets, review best practices for data annotation, discuss the significance of shortcuts and demographic diversity, and emphasize the importance of managing datasets throughout their entire lifecycle. Our demo is publicly available at
Abstract:Current approaches to model-based offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) often incorporate uncertainty-based reward penalization to address the distributional shift problem. While these approaches have achieved some success, we argue that this penalization introduces excessive conservatism, potentially resulting in suboptimal policies through underestimation. We identify as an important cause of over-penalization the lack of a reliable uncertainty estimator capable of propagating uncertainties in the Bellman operator. The common approach to calculating the penalty term relies on sampling-based uncertainty estimation, resulting in high variance. To address this challenge, we propose a novel method termed Moment Matching Offline Model-Based Policy Optimization (MOMBO). MOMBO learns a Q-function using moment matching, which allows us to deterministically propagate uncertainties through the Q-function. We evaluate MOMBO's performance across various environments and demonstrate empirically that MOMBO is a more stable and sample-efficient approach.
Abstract:Off-policy actor-critic algorithms have shown promise in deep reinforcement learning for continuous control tasks. Their success largely stems from leveraging pessimistic state-action value function updates, which effectively address function approximation errors and improve performance. However, such pessimism can lead to under-exploration, constraining the agent's ability to explore/refine its policies. Conversely, optimism can counteract under-exploration, but it also carries the risk of excessive risk-taking and poor convergence if not properly balanced. Based on these insights, we introduce Utility Soft Actor-Critic (USAC), a novel framework within the actor-critic paradigm that enables independent control over the degree of pessimism/optimism for both the actor and the critic via interpretable parameters. USAC adapts its exploration strategy based on the uncertainty of critics through a utility function that allows us to balance between pessimism and optimism separately. By going beyond binary choices of optimism and pessimism, USAC represents a significant step towards achieving balance within off-policy actor-critic algorithms. Our experiments across various continuous control problems show that the degree of pessimism or optimism depends on the nature of the task. Furthermore, we demonstrate that USAC can outperform state-of-the-art algorithms for appropriately configured pessimism/optimism parameters.
Abstract:Seasonal forecasting is a crucial task when it comes to detecting the extreme heat and colds that occur due to climate change. Confidence in the predictions should be reliable since a small increase in the temperatures in a year has a big impact on the world. Calibration of the neural networks provides a way to ensure our confidence in the predictions. However, calibrating regression models is an under-researched topic, especially in forecasters. We calibrate a UNet++ based architecture, which was shown to outperform physics-based models in temperature anomalies. We show that with a slight trade-off between prediction error and calibration error, it is possible to get more reliable and sharper forecasts. We believe that calibration should be an important part of safety-critical machine learning applications such as weather forecasters.
Abstract:We introduce Probabilistic Actor-Critic (PAC), a novel reinforcement learning algorithm with improved continuous control performance thanks to its ability to mitigate the exploration-exploitation trade-off. PAC achieves this by seamlessly integrating stochastic policies and critics, creating a dynamic synergy between the estimation of critic uncertainty and actor training. The key contribution of our PAC algorithm is that it explicitly models and infers epistemic uncertainty in the critic through Probably Approximately Correct-Bayesian (PAC-Bayes) analysis. This incorporation of critic uncertainty enables PAC to adapt its exploration strategy as it learns, guiding the actor's decision-making process. PAC compares favorably against fixed or pre-scheduled exploration schemes of the prior art. The synergy between stochastic policies and critics, guided by PAC-Bayes analysis, represents a fundamental step towards a more adaptive and effective exploration strategy in deep reinforcement learning. We report empirical evaluations demonstrating PAC's enhanced stability and improved performance over the state of the art in diverse continuous control problems.
Abstract:Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and its variants are the main workhorses for solving large-scale optimization problems with nonconvex objective functions. Although the convergence of SGDs in the (strongly) convex case is well-understood, their convergence for nonconvex functions stands on weak mathematical foundations. Most existing studies on the nonconvex convergence of SGD show the complexity results based on either the minimum of the expected gradient norm or the functional sub-optimality gap (for functions with extra structural property) by searching the entire range of iterates. Hence the last iterations of SGDs do not necessarily maintain the same complexity guarantee. This paper shows that an $\epsilon$-stationary point exists in the final iterates of SGDs, given a large enough total iteration budget, $T$, not just anywhere in the entire range of iterates -- a much stronger result than the existing one. Additionally, our analyses allow us to measure the density of the $\epsilon$-stationary points in the final iterates of SGD, and we recover the classical $O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}})$ asymptotic rate under various existing assumptions on the objective function and the bounds on the stochastic gradient. As a result of our analyses, we addressed certain myths and legends related to the nonconvex convergence of SGD and posed some thought-provoking questions that could set new directions for research.
Abstract:Codebook collapse is a common problem in training deep generative models with discrete representation spaces like Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoders (VQ-VAEs). We observe that the same problem arises for the alternatively designed discrete variational autoencoders (dVAEs) whose encoder directly learns a distribution over the codebook embeddings to represent the data. We hypothesize that using the softmax function to obtain a probability distribution causes the codebook collapse by assigning overconfident probabilities to the best matching codebook elements. In this paper, we propose a novel way to incorporate evidential deep learning (EDL) instead of softmax to combat the codebook collapse problem of dVAE. We evidentially monitor the significance of attaining the probability distribution over the codebook embeddings, in contrast to softmax usage. Our experiments using various datasets show that our model, called EdVAE, mitigates codebook collapse while improving the reconstruction performance, and enhances the codebook usage compared to dVAE and VQ-VAE based models.
Abstract:We present improved algorithms with worst-case regret guarantees for the stochastic linear bandit problem. The widely used "optimism in the face of uncertainty" principle reduces a stochastic bandit problem to the construction of a confidence sequence for the unknown reward function. The performance of the resulting bandit algorithm depends on the size of the confidence sequence, with smaller confidence sets yielding better empirical performance and stronger regret guarantees. In this work, we use a novel tail bound for adaptive martingale mixtures to construct confidence sequences which are suitable for stochastic bandits. These confidence sequences allow for efficient action selection via convex programming. We prove that a linear bandit algorithm based on our confidence sequences is guaranteed to achieve competitive worst-case regret. We show that our confidence sequences are tighter than competitors, both empirically and theoretically. Finally, we demonstrate that our tighter confidence sequences give improved performance in several hyperparameter tuning tasks.
Abstract:Counterfactual analysis is intuitively performed by humans on a daily basis eg. "What should I have done differently to get the loan approved?". Such counterfactual questions also steer the formulation of scientific hypotheses. More formally it provides insights about potential improvements of a system by inferring the effects of hypothetical interventions into a past observation of the system's behaviour which plays a prominent role in a variety of industrial applications. Due to the hypothetical nature of such analysis, counterfactual distributions are inherently ambiguous. This ambiguity is particularly challenging in continuous settings in which a continuum of explanations exist for the same observation. In this paper, we address this problem by following a hierarchical Bayesian approach which explicitly models such uncertainty. In particular, we derive counterfactual distributions for a Bayesian Warped Gaussian Process thereby allowing for non-Gaussian distributions and non-additive noise. We illustrate the properties our approach on a synthetic and on a semi-synthetic example and show its performance when used within an algorithmic recourse downstream task.
Abstract:Many real-world dynamical systems can be described as State-Space Models (SSMs). In this formulation, each observation is emitted by a latent state, which follows first-order Markovian dynamics. A Probabilistic Deep SSM (ProDSSM) generalizes this framework to dynamical systems of unknown parametric form, where the transition and emission models are described by neural networks with uncertain weights. In this work, we propose the first deterministic inference algorithm for models of this type. Our framework allows efficient approximations for training and testing. We demonstrate in our experiments that our new method can be employed for a variety of tasks and enjoys a superior balance between predictive performance and computational budget.