Abstract:Regulation is increasingly cited as the most important and pressing concern in machine learning. However, it is currently unknown how to implement this, and perhaps more importantly, how it would effect model performance alongside human collaboration if actually realized. In this paper, we attempt to answer these questions by building a regulatable large-language model (LLM), and then quantifying how the additional constraints involved affect (1) model performance, alongside (2) human collaboration. Our empirical results reveal that it is possible to force an LLM to use human-defined features in a transparent way, but a "regulation performance trade-off" previously not considered reveals itself in the form of a 7.34% classification performance drop. Surprisingly however, we show that despite this, such systems actually improve human task performance speed and appropriate confidence in a realistic deployment setting compared to no AI assistance, thus paving a way for fair, regulatable AI, which benefits users.
Abstract:Self-driving cars increasingly rely on deep neural networks to achieve human-like driving. However, the opacity of such black-box motion planners makes it challenging for the human behind the wheel to accurately anticipate when they will fail, with potentially catastrophic consequences. Here, we introduce concept-wrapper network (i.e., CW-Net), a method for explaining the behavior of black-box motion planners by grounding their reasoning in human-interpretable concepts. We deploy CW-Net on a real self-driving car and show that the resulting explanations refine the human driver's mental model of the car, allowing them to better predict its behavior and adjust their own behavior accordingly. Unlike previous work using toy domains or simulations, our study presents the first real-world demonstration of how to build authentic autonomous vehicles (AVs) that give interpretable, causally faithful explanations for their decisions, without sacrificing performance. We anticipate our method could be applied to other safety-critical systems with a human in the loop, such as autonomous drones and robotic surgeons. Overall, our study suggests a pathway to explainability for autonomous agents as a whole, which can help make them more transparent, their deployment safer, and their usage more ethical.
Abstract:Common narratives about automation often pit new technologies against workers. The introduction of advanced machine tools, industrial robots, and AI have all been met with concern that technological progress will mean fewer jobs. However, workers themselves offer a more optimistic, nuanced perspective. Drawing on a far-reaching 2024 survey of more than 9,000 workers across nine countries, this paper finds that more workers report potential benefits from new technologies like robots and AI for their safety and comfort at work, their pay, and their autonomy on the job than report potential costs. Workers with jobs that ask them to solve complex problems, workers who feel valued by their employers, and workers who are motivated to move up in their careers are all more likely to see new technologies as beneficial. In contrast to assumptions in previous research, more formal education is in some cases associated with more negative attitudes toward automation and its impact on work. In an experimental setting, the prospect of financial incentives for workers improve their perceptions of automation technologies, whereas the prospect of increased input about how new technologies are used does not have a significant effect on workers' attitudes toward automation.
Abstract:Many approaches to robot learning begin by inferring a reward function from a set of human demonstrations. To learn a good reward, it is necessary to determine which features of the environment are relevant before determining how these features should be used to compute reward. End-to-end methods for joint feature and reward learning (e.g., using deep networks or program synthesis techniques) often yield brittle reward functions that are sensitive to spurious state features. By contrast, humans can often generalizably learn from a small number of demonstrations by incorporating strong priors about what features of a demonstration are likely meaningful for a task of interest. How do we build robots that leverage this kind of background knowledge when learning from new demonstrations? This paper describes a method named ALGAE (Adaptive Language-Guided Abstraction from [Contrastive] Explanations) which alternates between using language models to iteratively identify human-meaningful features needed to explain demonstrated behavior, then standard inverse reinforcement learning techniques to assign weights to these features. Experiments across a variety of both simulated and real-world robot environments show that ALGAE learns generalizable reward functions defined on interpretable features using only small numbers of demonstrations. Importantly, ALGAE can recognize when features are missing, then extract and define those features without any human input -- making it possible to quickly and efficiently acquire rich representations of user behavior.
Abstract:Binary human choice feedback is widely used in interactive preference learning for its simplicity, but it provides limited information about preference strength. To overcome this limitation, we leverage human response times, which inversely correlate with preference strength, as complementary information. Our work integrates the EZ-diffusion model, which jointly models human choices and response times, into preference-based linear bandits. We introduce a computationally efficient utility estimator that reformulates the utility estimation problem using both choices and response times as a linear regression problem. Theoretical and empirical comparisons with traditional choice-only estimators reveal that for queries with strong preferences ("easy" queries), choices alone provide limited information, while response times offer valuable complementary information about preference strength. As a result, incorporating response times makes easy queries more useful. We demonstrate this advantage in the fixed-budget best-arm identification problem, with simulations based on three real-world datasets, consistently showing accelerated learning when response times are incorporated.
Abstract:Object permanence, which refers to the concept that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer perceivable through the senses, is a crucial aspect of human cognitive development. In this work, we seek to incorporate this understanding into interactive robots by proposing a set of assumptions and rules to represent object permanence in multi-object, multi-agent interactive scenarios. We integrate these rules into the particle filter, resulting in the Object Permanence Filter (OPF). For multi-object scenarios, we propose an ensemble of K interconnected OPFs, where each filter predicts plausible object tracks that are resilient to missing, noisy, and kinematically or dynamically infeasible measurements, thus bringing perceptional robustness. Through several interactive scenarios, we demonstrate that the proposed OPF approach provides robust tracking in human-robot interactive tasks agnostic to measurement type, even in the presence of prolonged and complete occlusion. Webpage: https://opfilter.github.io/.
Abstract:We describe a framework for using natural language to design state abstractions for imitation learning. Generalizable policy learning in high-dimensional observation spaces is facilitated by well-designed state representations, which can surface important features of an environment and hide irrelevant ones. These state representations are typically manually specified, or derived from other labor-intensive labeling procedures. Our method, LGA (language-guided abstraction), uses a combination of natural language supervision and background knowledge from language models (LMs) to automatically build state representations tailored to unseen tasks. In LGA, a user first provides a (possibly incomplete) description of a target task in natural language; next, a pre-trained LM translates this task description into a state abstraction function that masks out irrelevant features; finally, an imitation policy is trained using a small number of demonstrations and LGA-generated abstract states. Experiments on simulated robotic tasks show that LGA yields state abstractions similar to those designed by humans, but in a fraction of the time, and that these abstractions improve generalization and robustness in the presence of spurious correlations and ambiguous specifications. We illustrate the utility of the learned abstractions on mobile manipulation tasks with a Spot robot.
Abstract:Learning from demonstrations is a common way for users to teach robots, but it is prone to spurious feature correlations. Recent work constructs state abstractions, i.e. visual representations containing task-relevant features, from language as a way to perform more generalizable learning. However, these abstractions also depend on a user's preference for what matters in a task, which may be hard to describe or infeasible to exhaustively specify using language alone. How do we construct abstractions to capture these latent preferences? We observe that how humans behave reveals how they see the world. Our key insight is that changes in human behavior inform us that there are differences in preferences for how humans see the world, i.e. their state abstractions. In this work, we propose using language models (LMs) to query for those preferences directly given knowledge that a change in behavior has occurred. In our framework, we use the LM in two ways: first, given a text description of the task and knowledge of behavioral change between states, we query the LM for possible hidden preferences; second, given the most likely preference, we query the LM to construct the state abstraction. In this framework, the LM is also able to ask the human directly when uncertain about its own estimate. We demonstrate our framework's ability to construct effective preference-conditioned abstractions in simulated experiments, a user study, as well as on a real Spot robot performing mobile manipulation tasks.
Abstract:Consistent state estimation is challenging, especially under the epistemic uncertainties arising from learned (nonlinear) dynamic and observation models. In this work, we develop a set-based estimation algorithm, that produces zonotopic state estimates that respect the epistemic uncertainties in the learned models, in addition to the aleatoric uncertainties. Our algorithm guarantees probabilistic consistency, in the sense that the true state is always bounded by the zonotopes, with a high probability. We formally relate our set-based approach with the corresponding probabilistic approach (GP-EKF) in the case of learned (nonlinear) models. In particular, when linearization errors and aleatoric uncertainties are omitted, and epistemic uncertainties are simplified, our set-based approach reduces to its probabilistic counterpart. Our method's improved consistency is empirically demonstrated in both a simulated pendulum domain and a real-world robot-assisted dressing domain, where the robot estimates the configuration of the human arm utilizing the force measurements at its end effector.
Abstract:We present a task-and-motion planning (TAMP) algorithm robust against a human operator's cooperative or adversarial interventions. Interventions often invalidate the current plan and require replanning on the fly. Replanning can be computationally expensive and often interrupts seamless task execution. We introduce a dynamically reconfigurable planning methodology with behavior tree-based control strategies toward reactive TAMP, which takes the advantage of previous plans and incremental graph search during temporal logic-based reactive synthesis. Our algorithm also shows efficient recovery functionalities that minimize the number of replanning steps. Finally, our algorithm produces a robust, efficient, and complete TAMP solution. Our experimental results show the algorithm results in superior manipulation performance in both simulated and real-world tasks.