Abstract:We present a novel approach for enhancing human-robot collaboration using physical interactions for real-time error correction of large language model (LLM) powered robots. Unlike other methods that rely on verbal or text commands, the robot leverages an LLM to proactively executes 6 DoF linear Dynamical System (DS) commands using a description of the scene in natural language. During motion, a human can provide physical corrections, used to re-estimate the desired intention, also parameterized by linear DS. This corrected DS can be converted to natural language and used as part of the prompt to improve future LLM interactions. We provide proof-of-concept result in a hybrid real+sim experiment, showcasing physical interaction as a new possibility for LLM powered human-robot interface.
Abstract:We propose an object-centric recovery policy framework to address the challenges of out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios in visuomotor policy learning. Previous behavior cloning (BC) methods rely heavily on a large amount of labeled data coverage, failing in unfamiliar spatial states. Without relying on extra data collection, our approach learns a recovery policy constructed by an inverse policy inferred from object keypoint manifold gradient in the original training data. The recovery policy serves as a simple add-on to any base visuomotor BC policy, agnostic to a specific method, guiding the system back towards the training distribution to ensure task success even in OOD situations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our object-centric framework in both simulation and real robot experiments, achieving an improvement of $\textbf{77.7\%}$ over the base policy in OOD. Project Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ocr-penn
Abstract:Constraint-aware estimation of human intent is essential for robots to physically collaborate and interact with humans. Further, to achieve fluid collaboration in dynamic tasks intent estimation should be achieved in real-time. In this paper, we present a framework that combines online estimation and control to facilitate robots in interpreting human intentions, and dynamically adjust their actions to assist in dynamic object co-manipulation tasks while considering both robot and human constraints. Central to our approach is the adoption of a Dynamic Systems (DS) model to represent human intent. Such a low-dimensional parameterized model, along with human manipulability and robot kinematic constraints, enables us to predict intent using a particle filter solely based on past motion data and tracking errors. For safe assistive control, we propose a variable impedance controller that adapts the robot's impedance to offer assistance based on the intent estimation confidence from the DS particle filter. We validate our framework on a challenging real-world human-robot co-manipulation task and present promising results over baselines. Our framework represents a significant step forward in physical human-robot collaboration (pHRC), ensuring that robot cooperative interactions with humans are both feasible and effective.
Abstract:Pursuing natural and marker-less human-robot interaction (HRI) has been a long-standing robotics research focus, driven by the vision of seamless collaboration without physical markers. Marker-less approaches promise an improved user experience, but state-of-the-art struggles with the challenges posed by intrinsic errors in human pose estimation (HPE) and depth cameras. These errors can lead to issues such as robot jittering, which can significantly impact the trust users have in collaborative systems. We propose a filtering pipeline that refines incomplete 3D human poses from an HPE backbone and a single RGB-D camera to address these challenges, solving for occlusions that can degrade the interaction. Experimental results show that using the proposed filter leads to more consistent and noise-free motion representation, reducing unexpected robot movements and enabling smoother interaction.
Abstract:Robots interacting with humans must be safe, reactive and adapt online to unforeseen environmental and task changes. Achieving these requirements concurrently is a challenge as interactive planners lack formal safety guarantees, while safe motion planners lack flexibility to adapt. To tackle this, we propose a modular control architecture that generates both safe and reactive motion plans for human-robot interaction by integrating temporal logic-based discrete task level plans with continuous Dynamical System (DS)-based motion plans. We formulate a reactive temporal logic formula that enables users to define task specifications through structured language, and propose a planning algorithm at the task level that generates a sequence of desired robot behaviors while being adaptive to environmental changes. At the motion level, we incorporate control Lyapunov functions and control barrier functions to compute stable and safe continuous motion plans for two types of robot behaviors: (i) complex, possibly periodic motions given by autonomous DS and (ii) time-critical tasks specified by Signal Temporal Logic~(STL). Our methodology is demonstrated on the Franka robot arm performing wiping tasks on a whiteboard and a mannequin that is compliant to human interactions and adaptive to environmental changes.
Abstract:Linear Parameter Varying Dynamical Systems (LPV-DS) encode trajectories into an autonomous first-order DS that enables reactive responses to perturbations, while ensuring globally asymptotic stability at the target. However, the current LPV-DS framework is established on Euclidean data only and has not been applicable to broader robotic applications requiring pose control. In this paper we present an extension to the current LPV-DS framework, named Quaternion-DS, which efficiently learns a DS-based motion policy for orientation. Leveraging techniques from differential geometry and Riemannian statistics, our approach properly handles the non-Euclidean orientation data in quaternion space, enabling the integration with positional control, namely SE(3) LPV-DS, so that the synergistic behaviour within the full SE(3) pose is preserved. Through simulation and real robot experiments, we validate our method, demonstrating its ability to efficiently and accurately reproduce the original SE(3) trajectory while exhibiting strong robustness to perturbations in task space.
Abstract:Passivity is necessary for robots to fluidly collaborate and interact with humans physically. Nevertheless, due to the unconstrained nature of passivity-based impedance control laws, the robot is vulnerable to infeasible and unsafe configurations upon physical perturbations. In this paper, we propose a novel control architecture that allows a torque-controlled robot to guarantee safety constraints such as kinematic limits, self-collisions, external collisions and singularities and is passive only when feasible. This is achieved by constraining a dynamical system based impedance control law with a relaxed hierarchical control barrier function quadratic program subject to multiple concurrent, possibly contradicting, constraints. Joint space constraints are formulated from efficient data-driven self- and external C^2 collision boundary functions. We theoretically prove constraint satisfaction and show that the robot is passive when feasible. Our approach is validated in simulation and real robot experiments on a 7DoF Franka Research 3 manipulator.
Abstract:This paper explores the feasibility of employing EEG-based intention detection for real-time robot assistive control. We focus on predicting and distinguishing motor intentions of left/right arm movements by presenting: i) an offline data collection and training pipeline, used to train a classifier for left/right motion intention prediction, and ii) an online real-time prediction pipeline leveraging the trained classifier and integrated with an assistive robot. Central to our approach is a rich feature representation composed of the tangent space projection of time-windowed sample covariance matrices from EEG filtered signals and derivatives; allowing for a simple SVM classifier to achieve unprecedented accuracy and real-time performance. In pre-recorded real-time settings (160 Hz), a peak accuracy of 86.88% is achieved, surpassing prior works. In robot-in-the-loop settings, our system successfully detects intended motion solely from EEG data with 70% accuracy, triggering a robot to execute an assistive task. We provide a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed classifier.
Abstract:Object permanence, which refers to the concept that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer perceivable through the senses, is a crucial aspect of human cognitive development. In this work, we seek to incorporate this understanding into interactive robots by proposing a set of assumptions and rules to represent object permanence in multi-object, multi-agent interactive scenarios. We integrate these rules into the particle filter, resulting in the Object Permanence Filter (OPF). For multi-object scenarios, we propose an ensemble of K interconnected OPFs, where each filter predicts plausible object tracks that are resilient to missing, noisy, and kinematically or dynamically infeasible measurements, thus bringing perceptional robustness. Through several interactive scenarios, we demonstrate that the proposed OPF approach provides robust tracking in human-robot interactive tasks agnostic to measurement type, even in the presence of prolonged and complete occlusion. Webpage: https://opfilter.github.io/.
Abstract:Stability guarantees are crucial when ensuring a fully autonomous robot does not take undesirable or potentially harmful actions. Unfortunately, global stability guarantees are hard to provide in dynamical systems learned from data, especially when the learned dynamics are governed by neural networks. We propose a novel methodology to learn neural contractive dynamical systems, where our neural architecture ensures contraction, and hence, global stability. To efficiently scale the method to high-dimensional dynamical systems, we develop a variant of the variational autoencoder that learns dynamics in a low-dimensional latent representation space while retaining contractive stability after decoding. We further extend our approach to learning contractive systems on the Lie group of rotations to account for full-pose end-effector dynamic motions. The result is the first highly flexible learning architecture that provides contractive stability guarantees with capability to perform obstacle avoidance. Empirically, we demonstrate that our approach encodes the desired dynamics more accurately than the current state-of-the-art, which provides less strong stability guarantees.