Abstract:Deep Neural Networks have spearheaded remarkable advancements in time series forecasting (TSF), one of the major tasks in time series modeling. Nonetheless, the non-stationarity of time series undermines the reliability of pre-trained source time series forecasters in mission-critical deployment settings. In this study, we introduce a pioneering test-time adaptation framework tailored for TSF (TSF-TTA). TAFAS, the proposed approach to TSF-TTA, flexibly adapts source forecasters to continuously shifting test distributions while preserving the core semantic information learned during pre-training. The novel utilization of partially-observed ground truth and gated calibration module enables proactive, robust, and model-agnostic adaptation of source forecasters. Experiments on diverse benchmark datasets and cutting-edge architectures demonstrate the efficacy and generality of TAFAS, especially in long-term forecasting scenarios that suffer from significant distribution shifts. The code is available at https://github.com/kimanki/TAFAS.
Abstract:Transformers, a groundbreaking architecture proposed for Natural Language Processing (NLP), have also achieved remarkable success in Computer Vision. A cornerstone of their success lies in the attention mechanism, which models relationships among tokens. While the tokenization process in NLP inherently ensures that a single token does not contain multiple semantics, the tokenization of Vision Transformer (ViT) utilizes tokens from uniformly partitioned square image patches, which may result in an arbitrary mixing of visual concepts in a token. In this work, we propose to substitute the grid-based tokenization in ViT with superpixel tokenization, which employs superpixels to generate a token that encapsulates a sole visual concept. Unfortunately, the diverse shapes, sizes, and locations of superpixels make integrating superpixels into ViT tokenization rather challenging. Our tokenization pipeline, comprised of pre-aggregate extraction and superpixel-aware aggregation, overcomes the challenges that arise in superpixel tokenization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach, which exhibits strong compatibility with existing frameworks, enhances the accuracy and robustness of ViT on various downstream tasks.
Abstract:In our study, we explore methods for detecting unwanted content lurking in visual datasets. We provide a theoretical analysis demonstrating that a model capable of successfully partitioning visual data can be obtained using only textual data. Based on the analysis, we propose Hassle-Free Textual Training (HFTT), a streamlined method capable of acquiring detectors for unwanted visual content, using only synthetic textual data in conjunction with pre-trained vision-language models. HFTT features an innovative objective function that significantly reduces the necessity for human involvement in data annotation. Furthermore, HFTT employs a clever textual data synthesis method, effectively emulating the integration of unknown visual data distribution into the training process at no extra cost. The unique characteristics of HFTT extend its utility beyond traditional out-of-distribution detection, making it applicable to tasks that address more abstract concepts. We complement our analyses with experiments in out-of-distribution detection and hateful image detection. Our codes are available at https://github.com/Saehyung-Lee/HFTT
Abstract:Continuous efforts are being made to advance anomaly detection in various manufacturing processes to increase the productivity and safety of industrial sites. Deep learning replaced rule-based methods and recently emerged as a promising method for anomaly detection in diverse industries. However, in the real world, the scarcity of abnormal data and difficulties in obtaining labeled data create limitations in the training of detection models. In this study, we addressed these shortcomings by proposing a learnable data augmentation-based time-series anomaly detection (LATAD) technique that is trained in a self-supervised manner. LATAD extracts discriminative features from time-series data through contrastive learning. At the same time, learnable data augmentation produces challenging negative samples to enhance learning efficiency. We measured anomaly scores of the proposed technique based on latent feature similarities. As per the results, LATAD exhibited comparable or improved performance to the state-of-the-art anomaly detection assessments on several benchmark datasets and provided a gradient-based diagnosis technique to help identify root causes.
Abstract:Successful detection of Out-of-Distribution (OoD) data is becoming increasingly important to ensure safe deployment of neural networks. One of the main challenges in OoD detection is that neural networks output overconfident predictions on OoD data, make it difficult to determine OoD-ness of data solely based on their predictions. Outlier exposure addresses this issue by introducing an additional loss that encourages low-confidence predictions on OoD data during training. While outlier exposure has shown promising potential in improving OoD detection performance, all previous studies on outlier exposure have been limited to utilizing visual outliers. Drawing inspiration from the recent advancements in vision-language pre-training, this paper venture out to the uncharted territory of textual outlier exposure. First, we uncover the benefits of using textual outliers by replacing real or virtual outliers in the image-domain with textual equivalents. Then, we propose various ways of generating preferable textual outliers. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that generated textual outliers achieve competitive performance on large-scale OoD and hard OoD benchmarks. Furthermore, we conduct empirical analyses of textual outliers to provide primary criteria for designing advantageous textual outliers: near-distribution, descriptiveness, and inclusion of visual semantics.
Abstract:Obtaining accurate pixel-level localization from class labels is a crucial process in weakly supervised semantic segmentation and object localization. Attribution maps from a trained classifier are widely used to provide pixel-level localization, but their focus tends to be restricted to a small discriminative region of the target object. An AdvCAM is an attribution map of an image that is manipulated to increase the classification score produced by a classifier before the final softmax or sigmoid layer. This manipulation is realized in an anti-adversarial manner, so that the original image is perturbed along pixel gradients in directions opposite to those used in an adversarial attack. This process enhances non-discriminative yet class-relevant features, which make an insufficient contribution to previous attribution maps, so that the resulting AdvCAM identifies more regions of the target object. In addition, we introduce a new regularization procedure that inhibits the incorrect attribution of regions unrelated to the target object and the excessive concentration of attributions on a small region of the target object. Our method achieves a new state-of-the-art performance in weakly and semi-supervised semantic segmentation, on both the PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 datasets. In weakly supervised object localization, it achieves a new state-of-the-art performance on the CUB-200-2011 and ImageNet-1K datasets.
Abstract:In Neural Architecture Search (NAS), reducing the cost of architecture evaluation remains one of the most crucial challenges. Among a plethora of efforts to bypass training of each candidate architecture to convergence for evaluation, the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) is emerging as a promising theoretical framework that can be utilized to estimate the performance of a neural architecture at initialization. In this work, we revisit several at-initialization metrics that can be derived from the NTK and reveal their key shortcomings. Then, through the empirical analysis of the time evolution of NTK, we deduce that modern neural architectures exhibit highly non-linear characteristics, making the NTK-based metrics incapable of reliably estimating the performance of an architecture without some amount of training. To take such non-linear characteristics into account, we introduce Label-Gradient Alignment (LGA), a novel NTK-based metric whose inherent formulation allows it to capture the large amount of non-linear advantage present in modern neural architectures. With minimal amount of training, LGA obtains a meaningful level of rank correlation with the post-training test accuracy of an architecture. Lastly, we demonstrate that LGA, complemented with few epochs of training, successfully guides existing search algorithms to achieve competitive search performances with significantly less search cost. The code is available at: https://github.com/nutellamok/DemystifyingNTK.
Abstract:Spiking neural networks (SNNs) that mimic information transmission in the brain can energy-efficiently process spatio-temporal information through discrete and sparse spikes, thereby receiving considerable attention. To improve accuracy and energy efficiency of SNNs, most previous studies have focused solely on training methods, and the effect of architecture has rarely been studied. We investigate the design choices used in the previous studies in terms of the accuracy and number of spikes and figure out that they are not best-suited for SNNs. To further improve the accuracy and reduce the spikes generated by SNNs, we propose a spike-aware neural architecture search framework called AutoSNN. We define a search space consisting of architectures without undesirable design choices. To enable the spike-aware architecture search, we introduce a fitness that considers both the accuracy and number of spikes. AutoSNN successfully searches for SNN architectures that outperform hand-crafted SNNs in accuracy and energy efficiency. We thoroughly demonstrate the effectiveness of AutoSNN on various datasets including neuromorphic datasets.
Abstract:Weakly supervised semantic segmentation produces pixel-level localization from class labels; however, a classifier trained on such labels is likely to focus on a small discriminative region of the target object. We interpret this phenomenon using the information bottleneck principle: the final layer of a deep neural network, activated by the sigmoid or softmax activation functions, causes an information bottleneck, and as a result, only a subset of the task-relevant information is passed on to the output. We first support this argument through a simulated toy experiment and then propose a method to reduce the information bottleneck by removing the last activation function. In addition, we introduce a new pooling method that further encourages the transmission of information from non-discriminative regions to the classification. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate that this simple modification significantly improves the quality of localization maps on both the PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 datasets, exhibiting a new state-of-the-art performance for weakly supervised semantic segmentation. The code is available at: https://github.com/jbeomlee93/RIB.
Abstract:Deep neural networks continue to awe the world with their remarkable performance. Their predictions, however, are prone to be corrupted by adversarial examples that are imperceptible to humans. Current efforts to improve the robustness of neural networks against adversarial examples are focused on developing robust training methods, which update the weights of a neural network in a more robust direction. In this work, we take a step beyond training of the weight parameters and consider the problem of designing an adversarially robust neural architecture with high intrinsic robustness. We propose AdvRush, a novel adversarial robustness-aware neural architecture search algorithm, based upon a finding that independent of the training method, the intrinsic robustness of a neural network can be represented with the smoothness of its input loss landscape. Through a regularizer that favors a candidate architecture with a smoother input loss landscape, AdvRush successfully discovers an adversarially robust neural architecture. Along with a comprehensive theoretical motivation for AdvRush, we conduct an extensive amount of experiments to demonstrate the efficacy of AdvRush on various benchmark datasets. Notably, on CIFAR-10, AdvRush achieves 55.91% robust accuracy under FGSM attack after standard training and 50.04% robust accuracy under AutoAttack after 7-step PGD adversarial training.