Abstract:As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly integrated into critical applications, aligning their behavior with human values presents significant challenges. Current methods, such as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), often focus on a limited set of values and can be resource-intensive. Furthermore, the correlation between values has been largely overlooked and remains underutilized. Our framework addresses this limitation by mining a causal graph that elucidates the implicit relationships among various values within the LLMs. Leveraging the causal graph, we implement two lightweight mechanisms for value steering: prompt template steering and Sparse Autoencoder feature steering, and analyze the effects of altering one value dimension on others. Extensive experiments conducted on Gemma-2B-IT and Llama3-8B-IT demonstrate the effectiveness and controllability of our steering methods.
Abstract:Model collapse in synthetic data indicates that iterative training on self-generated data leads to a gradual decline in performance. With the proliferation of AI models, synthetic data will fundamentally reshape the web data ecosystem. Future GPT-$\{n\}$ models will inevitably be trained on a blend of synthetic and human-produced data. In this paper, we focus on two questions: what is the impact of synthetic data on language model training, and how to synthesize data without model collapse? We first pre-train language models across different proportions of synthetic data, revealing a negative correlation between the proportion of synthetic data and model performance. We further conduct statistical analysis on synthetic data to uncover distributional shift phenomenon and over-concentration of n-gram features. Inspired by the above findings, we propose token editing on human-produced data to obtain semi-synthetic data. As a proof of concept, we theoretically demonstrate that token-level editing can prevent model collapse, as the test error is constrained by a finite upper bound. We conduct extensive experiments on pre-training from scratch, continual pre-training, and supervised fine-tuning. The results validate our theoretical proof that token-level editing improves data quality and enhances model performance.
Abstract:Pragmatic reasoning plays a pivotal role in deciphering implicit meanings that frequently arise in real-life conversations and is essential for the development of communicative social agents. In this paper, we introduce a novel challenge, DiPlomat, aiming at benchmarking machines' capabilities on pragmatic reasoning and situated conversational understanding. Compared with previous works that treat different figurative expressions (e.g. metaphor, sarcasm) as individual tasks, DiPlomat provides a cohesive framework towards general pragmatic understanding. Our dataset is created through the utilization of Amazon Mechanical Turk ( AMT ), resulting in a total of 4, 177 multi-turn dialogues. In conjunction with the dataset, we propose two tasks, Pragmatic Identification and Reasoning (PIR) and Conversational Question Answering (CQA). Experimental results with state-of-the-art (SOTA) neural architectures reveal several significant findings: 1) large language models ( LLMs) exhibit poor performance in tackling this subjective domain; 2) comprehensive comprehension of context emerges as a critical factor for establishing benign human-machine interactions; 3) current models defect in the application of pragmatic reasoning. As a result, we call on more attention to improve the ability of context understanding, reasoning, and implied meaning modeling.