Abstract:Motion deblurring addresses the challenge of image blur caused by camera or scene movement. Event cameras provide motion information that is encoded in the asynchronous event streams. To efficiently leverage the temporal information of event streams, we employ Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) for motion feature extraction and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for color information processing. Due to the non-uniform distribution and inherent redundancy of event data, existing cross-modal feature fusion methods exhibit certain limitations. Inspired by the visual attention mechanism in the human visual system, this study introduces a bioinspired dual-drive hybrid network (BDHNet). Specifically, the Neuron Configurator Module (NCM) is designed to dynamically adjusts neuron configurations based on cross-modal features, thereby focusing the spikes in blurry regions and adapting to varying blurry scenarios dynamically. Additionally, the Region of Blurry Attention Module (RBAM) is introduced to generate a blurry mask in an unsupervised manner, effectively extracting motion clues from the event features and guiding more accurate cross-modal feature fusion. Extensive subjective and objective evaluations demonstrate that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic and real-world datasets.
Abstract:Event cameras are biologically inspired sensors that emit events asynchronously with remarkable temporal resolution, garnering significant attention from both industry and academia. Mainstream methods favor frame and voxel representations, which reach a satisfactory performance while introducing time-consuming transformation, bulky models, and sacrificing fine-grained temporal information. Alternatively, Point Cloud representation demonstrates promise in addressing the mentioned weaknesses, but it ignores the polarity information, and its models have limited proficiency in abstracting long-term events' features. In this paper, we propose a frequency-aware network named FECNet that leverages Event Cloud representations. FECNet fully utilizes 2S-1T-1P Event Cloud by innovating the event-based Group and Sampling module. To accommodate the long sequence events from Event Cloud, FECNet embraces feature extraction in the frequency domain via the Fourier transform. This approach substantially extinguishes the explosion of Multiply Accumulate Operations (MACs) while effectively abstracting spatial-temporal features. We conducted extensive experiments on event-based object classification, action recognition, and human pose estimation tasks, and the results substantiate the effectiveness and efficiency of FECNet.
Abstract:Conventional frame-based cameras inevitably produce blurry effects due to motion occurring during the exposure time. Event camera, a bio-inspired sensor offering continuous visual information could enhance the deblurring performance. Effectively utilizing the high-temporal-resolution event data is crucial for extracting precise motion information and enhancing deblurring performance. However, existing event-based image deblurring methods usually utilize voxel-based event representations, losing the fine-grained temporal details that are mathematically essential for fast motion deblurring. In this paper, we first introduce point cloud-based event representation into the image deblurring task and propose a Multi-Temporal Granularity Network (MTGNet). It combines the spatially dense but temporally coarse-grained voxel-based event representation and the temporally fine-grained but spatially sparse point cloud-based event. To seamlessly integrate such complementary representations, we design a Fine-grained Point Branch. An Aggregation and Mapping Module (AMM) is proposed to align the low-level point-based features with frame-based features and an Adaptive Feature Diffusion Module (AFDM) is designed to manage the resolution discrepancies between event data and image data by enriching the sparse point feature. Extensive subjective and objective evaluations demonstrate that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art approaches on both synthetic and real-world datasets.
Abstract:Recently, there is growing demand for effective and efficient long sequence modeling, with State Space Models (SSMs) proving to be effective for long sequence tasks. To further reduce energy consumption, SSMs can be adapted to Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) using spiking functions. However, current spiking-formalized SSMs approaches still rely on float-point matrix-vector multiplication during inference, undermining SNNs' energy advantage. In this work, we address the efficiency and performance challenges of long sequence learning in SNNs simultaneously. First, we propose a decoupled reset method for parallel spiking neuron training, reducing the typical Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) model's training time from $O(L^2)$ to $O(L\log L)$, effectively speeding up the training by $6.57 \times$ to $16.50 \times$ on sequence lengths $1,024$ to $32,768$. To our best knowledge, this is the first time that parallel computation with a reset mechanism is implemented achieving equivalence to its sequential counterpart. Secondly, to capture long-range dependencies, we propose a Parallel Resonate and Fire (PRF) neuron, which leverages an oscillating membrane potential driven by a resonate mechanism from a differentiable reset function in the complex domain. The PRF enables efficient long sequence learning while maintaining parallel training. Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed spike-driven architecture using PRF achieves performance comparable to Structured SSMs (S4), with two orders of magnitude reduction in energy consumption, outperforming Transformer on Long Range Arena tasks.
Abstract:Long-horizon decision-making tasks present significant challenges for LLM-based agents due to the need for extensive planning over multiple steps. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical framework that decomposes complex tasks into manageable subgoals, utilizing separate LLMs for subgoal prediction and low-level action generation. To address the challenge of creating training signals for unannotated datasets, we develop a reward model that leverages multimodal environment feedback to automatically generate reward signals. We introduce Environment Preference Optimization (EPO), a novel method that generates preference signals from the environment's feedback and uses them to train LLM-based agents. Extensive experiments on ALFRED demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of our framework, achieving first place on the ALFRED public leaderboard and showcasing its potential to improve long-horizon decision-making in diverse environments.
Abstract:Event cameras, drawing inspiration from biological systems, efficiently detect changes in ambient light with low latency and high dynamic range while consuming minimal power. The most current approach to processing event data often involves converting it into frame-based representations, which is well-established in traditional vision. However, this approach neglects the sparsity of event data, loses fine-grained temporal information during the transformation process, and increases the computational burden, making it ineffective for characterizing event camera properties. In contrast, Point Cloud is a popular representation for 3D processing and is better suited to match the sparse and asynchronous nature of the event camera. Nevertheless, despite the theoretical compatibility of point-based methods with event cameras, the results show a performance gap that is not yet satisfactory compared to frame-based methods. In order to bridge the performance gap, we propose EventMamba, an efficient and effective Point Cloud framework that achieves competitive results even compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) frame-based method in both classification and regression tasks. This notable accomplishment is facilitated by our rethinking of the distinction between Event Cloud and Point Cloud, emphasizing effective temporal information extraction through optimized network structures. Specifically, EventMamba leverages temporal aggregation and State Space Model (SSM) based Mamba boasting enhanced temporal information extraction capabilities. Through a hierarchical structure, EventMamba is adept at abstracting local and global spatial features and implicit and explicit temporal features. By adhering to the lightweight design principle, EventMamba delivers impressive results with minimal computational resource utilization, demonstrating its efficiency and effectiveness.
Abstract:We propose a novel model-based reinforcement learning algorithm -- Dynamics Learning and predictive control with Parameterized Actions (DLPA) -- for Parameterized Action Markov Decision Processes (PAMDPs). The agent learns a parameterized-action-conditioned dynamics model and plans with a modified Model Predictive Path Integral control. We theoretically quantify the difference between the generated trajectory and the optimal trajectory during planning in terms of the value they achieved through the lens of Lipschitz Continuity. Our empirical results on several standard benchmarks show that our algorithm achieves superior sample efficiency and asymptotic performance than state-of-the-art PAMDP methods.
Abstract:We present an algorithm for skill discovery from expert demonstrations. The algorithm first utilizes Large Language Models (LLMs) to propose an initial segmentation of the trajectories. Following that, a hierarchical variational inference framework incorporates the LLM-generated segmentation information to discover reusable skills by merging trajectory segments. To further control the trade-off between compression and reusability, we introduce a novel auxiliary objective based on the Minimum Description Length principle that helps guide this skill discovery process. Our results demonstrate that agents equipped with our method are able to discover skills that help accelerate learning and outperform baseline skill learning approaches on new long-horizon tasks in BabyAI, a grid world navigation environment, as well as ALFRED, a household simulation environment.
Abstract:Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are promising brain-inspired energy-efficient models. Compared to conventional deep Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), SNNs exhibit superior efficiency and capability to process temporal information. However, it remains a challenge to train SNNs due to their undifferentiable spiking mechanism. The surrogate gradients method is commonly used to train SNNs, but often comes with an accuracy disadvantage over ANNs counterpart. We link the degraded accuracy to the vanishing of gradient on the temporal dimension through the analytical and experimental study of the training process of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) Neuron-based SNNs. Moreover, we propose the Complementary Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (CLIF) Neuron. CLIF creates extra paths to facilitate the backpropagation in computing temporal gradient while keeping binary output. CLIF is hyperparameter-free and features broad applicability. Extensive experiments on a variety of datasets demonstrate CLIF's clear performance advantage over other neuron models. Moreover, the CLIF's performance even slightly surpasses superior ANNs with identical network structure and training conditions.
Abstract:Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that respond to local changes in light intensity and feature low latency, high energy efficiency, and high dynamic range. Meanwhile, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have gained significant attention due to their remarkable efficiency and fault tolerance. By synergistically harnessing the energy efficiency inherent in event cameras and the spike-based processing capabilities of SNNs, their integration could enable ultra-low-power application scenarios, such as action recognition tasks. However, existing approaches often entail converting asynchronous events into conventional frames, leading to additional data mapping efforts and a loss of sparsity, contradicting the design concept of SNNs and event cameras. To address this challenge, we propose SpikePoint, a novel end-to-end point-based SNN architecture. SpikePoint excels at processing sparse event cloud data, effectively extracting both global and local features through a singular-stage structure. Leveraging the surrogate training method, SpikePoint achieves high accuracy with few parameters and maintains low power consumption, specifically employing the identity mapping feature extractor on diverse datasets. SpikePoint achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on four event-based action recognition datasets using only 16 timesteps, surpassing other SNN methods. Moreover, it also achieves SOTA performance across all methods on three datasets, utilizing approximately 0.3\% of the parameters and 0.5\% of power consumption employed by artificial neural networks (ANNs). These results emphasize the significance of Point Cloud and pave the way for many ultra-low-power event-based data processing applications.