Abstract:Post-hoc calibration of pre-trained models is critical for ensuring reliable inference, especially in safety-critical domains such as healthcare. Conformal Prediction (CP) offers a robust post-hoc calibration framework, providing distribution-free statistical coverage guarantees for prediction sets by leveraging held-out datasets. In this work, we address a decentralized setting where each device has limited calibration data and can communicate only with its neighbors over an arbitrary graph topology. We propose two message-passing-based approaches for achieving reliable inference via CP: quantile-based distributed conformal prediction (Q-DCP) and histogram-based distributed conformal prediction (H-DCP). Q-DCP employs distributed quantile regression enhanced with tailored smoothing and regularization terms to accelerate convergence, while H-DCP uses a consensus-based histogram estimation approach. Through extensive experiments, we investigate the trade-offs between hyperparameter tuning requirements, communication overhead, coverage guarantees, and prediction set sizes across different network topologies.
Abstract:Over-the-air federated learning (FL), i.e., AirFL, leverages computing primitively over multiple access channels. A long-standing challenge in AirFL is to achieve coherent signal alignment without relying on expensive channel estimation and feedback. This paper proposes NCAirFL, a CSI-free AirFL scheme based on unbiased non-coherent detection at the edge server. By exploiting binary dithering and a long-term memory based error-compensation mechanism, NCAirFL achieves a convergence rate of order $\mathcal{O}(1/\sqrt{T})$ in terms of the average square norm of the gradient for general non-convex and smooth objectives, where $T$ is the number of communication rounds. Experiments demonstrate the competitive performance of NCAirFL compared to vanilla FL with ideal communications and to coherent transmission-based benchmarks.
Abstract:This article targets at unlocking the potentials of a class of prominent generative artificial intelligence (GAI) method, namely diffusion model (DM), for mobile communications. First, a DM-driven communication architecture is proposed, which introduces two key paradigms, i.e., conditional DM and DMdriven deep reinforcement learning (DRL), for wireless data generation and communication management, respectively. Then, we discuss the key advantages of DM-driven communication paradigms. To elaborate further, we explore DM-driven channel generation mechanisms for channel estimation, extrapolation, and feedback in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We showcase the numerical performance of conditional DM using the accurate DeepMIMO channel datasets, revealing its superiority in generating high-fidelity channels and mitigating unforeseen distribution shifts in sophisticated scenes. Furthermore, several DM-driven communication management designs are conceived, which is promising to deal with imperfect channels and taskoriented communications. To inspire future research developments, we highlight the potential applications and open research challenges of DM-driven communications. Code is available at https://github.com/xiaoxiaxusummer/GAI_COMM/
Abstract:Recently, there is growing demand for effective and efficient long sequence modeling, with State Space Models (SSMs) proving to be effective for long sequence tasks. To further reduce energy consumption, SSMs can be adapted to Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) using spiking functions. However, current spiking-formalized SSMs approaches still rely on float-point matrix-vector multiplication during inference, undermining SNNs' energy advantage. In this work, we address the efficiency and performance challenges of long sequence learning in SNNs simultaneously. First, we propose a decoupled reset method for parallel spiking neuron training, reducing the typical Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) model's training time from $O(L^2)$ to $O(L\log L)$, effectively speeding up the training by $6.57 \times$ to $16.50 \times$ on sequence lengths $1,024$ to $32,768$. To our best knowledge, this is the first time that parallel computation with a reset mechanism is implemented achieving equivalence to its sequential counterpart. Secondly, to capture long-range dependencies, we propose a Parallel Resonate and Fire (PRF) neuron, which leverages an oscillating membrane potential driven by a resonate mechanism from a differentiable reset function in the complex domain. The PRF enables efficient long sequence learning while maintaining parallel training. Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed spike-driven architecture using PRF achieves performance comparable to Structured SSMs (S4), with two orders of magnitude reduction in energy consumption, outperforming Transformer on Long Range Arena tasks.
Abstract:A novel accelerated mobile edge generation (MEG) framework is proposed for generating high-resolution images on mobile devices. Exploiting a large-scale latent diffusion model (LDM) distributed across edge server (ES) and user equipment (UE), cost-efficient artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC) is achieved by transmitting low-dimensional features between ES and UE. To reduce overheads of both distributed computations and transmissions, a dynamic diffusion and feature merging scheme is conceived. By jointly optimizing the denoising steps and feature merging ratio, the image generation quality is maximized subject to latency and energy consumption constraints. To address this problem and tailor LDM sub-models, a low-complexity MEG acceleration protocol is developed. Particularly, a backbone meta-architecture is trained via offline distillation. Then, dynamic diffusion and feature merging are determined in online channel environment, which can be viewed as a constrained Markov Decision Process (MDP). A constrained variational policy optimization (CVPO) based MEG algorithm is further proposed for constraint-guaranteed learning, namely MEG-CVPO. Numerical results verify that: 1) The proposed framework can generate 1024$\times$1024 high-quality images over noisy channels while reducing over $40\%$ latency compared to conventional generation schemes. 2) The developed MEG-CVPO effectively mitigates constraint violations, thus flexibly controlling the trade-off between image distortion and generation costs.
Abstract:For modern artificial intelligence (AI) applications such as large language models (LLMs), the training paradigm has recently shifted to pre-training followed by fine-tuning. Furthermore, owing to dwindling open repositories of data and thanks to efforts to democratize access to AI models, pre-training is expected to increasingly migrate from the current centralized deployments to federated learning (FL) implementations. Meta-learning provides a general framework in which pre-training and fine-tuning can be formalized. Meta-learning-based personalized FL (meta-pFL) moves beyond basic personalization by targeting generalization to new agents and tasks. This paper studies the generalization performance of meta-pFL for a wireless setting in which the agents participating in the pre-training phase, i.e., meta-learning, are connected via a shared wireless channel to the server. Adopting over-the-air computing, we study the trade-off between generalization to new agents and tasks, on the one hand, and convergence, on the other hand. The trade-off arises from the fact that channel impairments may enhance generalization, while degrading convergence. Extensive numerical results validate the theory.
Abstract:Addressing the communication bottleneck inherent in federated learning (FL), over-the-air FL (AirFL) has emerged as a promising solution, which is, however, hampered by deep fading conditions. In this paper, we propose AirFL-Mem, a novel scheme designed to mitigate the impact of deep fading by implementing a \emph{long-term} memory mechanism. Convergence bounds are provided that account for long-term memory, as well as for existing AirFL variants with short-term memory, for general non-convex objectives. The theory demonstrates that AirFL-Mem exhibits the same convergence rate of federated averaging (FedAvg) with ideal communication, while the performance of existing schemes is generally limited by error floors. The theoretical results are also leveraged to propose a novel convex optimization strategy for the truncation threshold used for power control in the presence of Rayleigh fading channels. Experimental results validate the analysis, confirming the advantages of a long-term memory mechanism for the mitigation of deep fading.
Abstract:With the advent of emerging IoT applications such as autonomous driving, digital-twin and metaverse etc. featuring massive data sensing, analyzing and inference as well critical latency in beyond 5G (B5G) networks, edge artificial intelligence (AI) has been proposed to provide high-performance computation of a conventional cloud down to the network edge. Recently, convergence of wireless sensing, computation and communication (SC${}^2$) for specific edge AI tasks, has aroused paradigm shift by enabling (partial) sharing of the radio-frequency (RF) transceivers and information processing pipelines among these three fundamental functionalities of IoT. However, most existing design frameworks separate these designs incurring unnecessary signaling overhead and waste of energy, and it is therefore of paramount importance to advance fully integrated sensing, computation and communication (ISCC) to achieve ultra-reliable and low-latency edge intelligence acquisition. In this article, we provide an overview of principles of enabling ISCC technologies followed by two concrete use cases of edge AI tasks demonstrating the advantage of task-oriented ISCC, and pointed out some practical challenges in edge AI design with advanced ISCC solutions.
Abstract:One of the key challenges towards the deployment of over-the-air federated learning (AirFL) is the design of mechanisms that can comply with the power and bandwidth constraints of the shared channel, while causing minimum deterioration to the learning performance as compared to baseline noiseless implementations. For additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels with instantaneous per-device power constraints, prior work has demonstrated the optimality of a power control mechanism based on norm clipping. This was done through the minimization of an upper bound on the optimality gap for smooth learning objectives satisfying the Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz (PL) condition. In this paper, we make two contributions to the development of AirFL based on norm clipping, which we refer to as AirFL-Clip. First, we provide a convergence bound for AirFLClip that applies to general smooth and non-convex learning objectives. Unlike existing results, the derived bound is free from run-specific parameters, thus supporting an offline evaluation. Second, we extend AirFL-Clip to include Top-k sparsification and linear compression. For this generalized protocol, referred to as AirFL-Clip-Comp, we derive a convergence bound for general smooth and non-convex learning objectives. We argue, and demonstrate via experiments, that the only time-varying quantities present in the bound can be efficiently estimated offline by leveraging the well-studied properties of sparse recovery algorithms.
Abstract:With the growing demand for latency-critical and computation-intensive Internet of Things (IoT) services, mobile edge computing (MEC) has emerged as a promising technique to reinforce the computation capability of the resource-constrained mobile devices. To exploit the cloud-like functions at the network edge, service caching has been implemented to (partially) reuse the computation tasks, thus effectively reducing the delay incurred by data retransmissions and/or the computation burden due to repeated execution of the same task. In a multiuser cache-assisted MEC system, designs for service caching depend on users' preference for different types of services, which is at times highly correlated to the locations where the requests are made. In this paper, we exploit users' location-dependent service preference profiles to formulate a cache placement optimization problem in a multiuser MEC system. Specifically, we consider multiple representative locations, where users at the same location share the same preference profile for a given set of services. In a frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) setup, we jointly optimize the binary cache placement, edge computation resources and bandwidth allocation to minimize the expected weighted-sum energy of the edge server and the users with respect to the users' preference profile, subject to the bandwidth and the computation limitations, and the latency constraints. To effectively solve the mixed-integer non-convex problem, we propose a deep learning based offline cache placement scheme using a novel stochastic quantization based discrete-action generation method. In special cases, we also attain suboptimal caching decisions with low complexity leveraging the structure of the optimal solution. The simulations verify the performance of the proposed scheme and the effectiveness of service caching in general.