Abstract:A novel pinching antenna system (PASS)-enabled downlink multi-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) framework is proposed. PASS consists of multiple waveguides spanning over thousands of wavelength, which equip numerous low-cost dielectric particles, named pinching antennas (PAs), to radiate signals into free space. The positions of PAs can be reconfigured to change both the large-scale path losses and phases of signals, thus facilitating the novel pinching beamforming design. A sum rate maximization problem is formulated, which jointly optimizes the transmit and pinching beamforming to adaptively achieve constructive signal enhancement and destructive interference mitigation. To solve this highly coupled and nonconvex problem, both optimization-based and learning-based methods are proposed. 1) For the optimization-based method, a majorization-minimization and penalty dual decomposition (MM-PDD) algorithm is developed, which handles the nonconvex complex exponential component using a Lipschitz surrogate function and then invokes PDD for problem decoupling. 2) For the learning-based method, a novel Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT)-guided dual learning (KDL) approach is proposed, which enables KKT solutions to be reconstructed in a data-driven manner by learning dual variables. Following this idea, a KDL-Tranformer algorithm is developed, which captures both inter-PA/inter-user dependencies and channel-state-information (CSI)-beamforming dependencies by attention mechanisms. Simulation results demonstrate that: i) The proposed PASS framework significantly outperforms conventional massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system even with a few PAs. ii) The proposed KDL-Transformer can improve over 30% system performance than MM-PDD algorithm, while achieving a millisecond-level response on modern GPUs.
Abstract:The potential of applying diffusion models (DMs) for multiple antenna communications is discussed. A unified framework of applying DM for multiple antenna tasks is first proposed. Then, the tasks are innovatively divided into two categories, i.e., decision-making tasks and generation tasks, depending on whether an optimization of system parameters is involved. For each category, it is conceived 1) how the framework can be used for each task and 2) why the DM is superior to traditional artificial intelligence (TAI) and conventional optimization tasks. It is highlighted that the DMs are well-suited for scenarios with strong interference and noise, excelling in modeling complex data distribution and exploring better actions. A case study of learning beamforming with a DM is then provided, to demonstrate the superiority of the DMs with simulation results. Finally, the applications of DM for emerging multiple antenna technologies and promising research directions are discussed.
Abstract:A novel GPASS architecture is proposed for jointly learning pinching beamforming and transmit beamforming in pinching antenna systems (PASS). The GPASS is with a staged architecture, where the positions of pinching antennas are first learned by a sub-GNN. Then, the transmit beamforming is learned by another sub-GNN based on the antenna positions. The sub-GNNs are incorporated with the permutation property of the beamforming policy, which helps improve the learning performance. The optimal solution structure of transmit beamforming is also leveraged to simplify the mappings to be learned. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed architecture can achieve a higher SE than a heuristic baseline method with low inference complexity.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Network (STIN) assisted vehicular multi-tier distributed computing (VMDC) system leveraging hybrid terahertz (THz) and radio frequency (RF) communication technologies. Task offloading for satellite edge computing is enabled by THz communication using the orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) technique. For terrestrial edge computing, we employ non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and vehicle clustering to realize task offloading. We formulate a non-convex optimization problem aimed at maximizing computation efficiency by jointly optimizing bandwidth allocation, task allocation, subchannel-vehicle matching and power allocation. To address this non-convex optimization problem, we decompose the original problem into four sub-problems and solve them using an alternating iterative optimization approach. For the subproblem of task allocation, we solve it by linear programming. To solve the subproblem of sub-channel allocation, we exploit many-to-one matching theory to obtain the result. The subproblem of bandwidth allocation of OFDMA and the subproblem of power allocation of NOMA are solved by quadratic transformation method. Finally, the simulation results show that our proposed scheme significantly enhances the computation efficiency of the STIN-based VMDC system compared with the benchmark schemes.
Abstract:The advent of next-generation ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (xURLLC) presents stringent and unprecedented requirements for key performance indicators (KPIs). As a disruptive technology, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) harbors the potential to fulfill these stringent KPIs essential for xURLLC. However, the immaturity of research on the tail distributions of these KPIs significantly impedes the application of NOMA to xURLLC. Stochastic network calculus (SNC), as a potent methodology, is leveraged to provide dependable theoretical insights into tail distribution analysis and statistical QoS provisioning (SQP). In this article, we develop a NOMA-assisted uplink xURLLC network architecture that incorporates an SNC-based SQP theoretical framework (SNC-SQP) to support tail distribution analysis in terms of delay, age-of-information (AoI), and reliability. Based on SNC-SQP, an SQP-driven power optimization problem is proposed to minimize transmit power while guaranteeing xURLLC's KPIs on delay, AoI, reliability, and power consumption. Extensive simulations validate our proposed theoretical framework and demonstrate that the proposed power allocation scheme significantly reduces uplink transmit power and outperforms conventional schemes in terms of SQP performance.
Abstract:Revolutionary sixth-generation wireless communications technologies and applications, notably digital twin networks (DTN), connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs), space-air-ground integrated networks (SAGINs), zero-touch networks, industry 5.0, and healthcare 5.0, are driving next-generation wireless networks (NGWNs). These technologies generate massive data, requiring swift transmission and trillions of device connections, fueling the need for sophisticated next-generation multiple access (NGMA) schemes. NGMA enables massive connectivity in the 6G era, optimizing NGWN operations beyond current multiple access (MA) schemes. This survey showcases non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) as NGMA's frontrunner, exploring What has NOMA delivered?, What is NOMA providing?, and What lies ahead?. We present NOMA variants, fundamental operations, and applicability in multi-antenna systems, machine learning, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS), cognitive radio networks (CRN), integrated sensing and communications (ISAC), terahertz networks, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Additionally, we explore NOMA's interplay with state-of-the-art wireless technologies, highlighting its advantages and technical challenges. Finally, we unveil NOMA research trends in the 6G era and provide design recommendations and future perspectives for NOMA as the leading NGMA solution for NGWNs.
Abstract:A Cram\'er-Rao bound (CRB) optimization framework for near-field sensing (NISE) with continuous-aperture arrays (CAPAs) is proposed. In contrast to conventional spatially discrete arrays (SPDAs), CAPAs emit electromagnetic (EM) probing signals through continuous source currents for target sensing, thereby exploiting the full spatial degrees of freedom (DoFs). The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method for estimating target locations in the near-field region is developed. To evaluate the NISE performance with CAPAs, the CRB for estimating target locations is derived based on continuous transmit and receive array responses of CAPAs. Subsequently, a CRB minimization problem is formulated to optimize the continuous source current of CAPAs. This results in a non-convex, integral-based functional optimization problem. To address this challenge, the optimal structure of the source current is derived and proven to be spanned by a series of basis functions determined by the system geometry. To solve the CRB minimization problem, a low-complexity subspace manifold gradient descent (SMGD) method is proposed, leveraging the derived optimal structure of the source current. Our simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed SMGD method and further demonstrate that i)~the proposed SMGD method can effectively solve the CRB minimization problem with reduced computational complexity, and ii)~CAPA achieves a tenfold improvement in sensing performance compared to its SPDA counterpart, due to full exploitation of spatial DoFs.
Abstract:A DeepCAPA (Deep Learning for Continuous Aperture Array (CAPA)) framework is proposed to learn beamforming in CAPA systems. The beamforming optimization problem is firstly formulated, and it is mathematically proved that the optimal beamforming lies in the subspace spanned by users' conjugate channel responses. Two challenges are encountered when directly applying deep neural networks (DNNs) for solving the formulated problem, i) both the input and output spaces are infinite-dimensional, which are not compatible with DNNs. The finite-dimensional representations of inputs and outputs are derived to address this challenge. ii) A closed-form loss function is unavailable for training the DNN. To tackle this challenge, two additional DNNs are trained to approximate the operations without closed-form expressions for expediting gradient back-propagation. To improve learning performance and reduce training complexity, the permutation equivariance properties of the mappings to be learned are mathematically proved. As a further advance, the DNNs are designed as graph neural networks to leverage the properties. Numerical results demonstrate that: i) the proposed DeepCAPA framework achieves higher spectral efficiency and lower inference complexity compared to match-filtering and state-of-art Fourier-based discretization method, and ii) DeepCAPA approaches the performance upper bound of optimizing beamforming in the spatially discrete array-based system as the number of antennas in a fixed-sized area tends toward infinity.
Abstract:This article targets at unlocking the potentials of a class of prominent generative artificial intelligence (GAI) method, namely diffusion model (DM), for mobile communications. First, a DM-driven communication architecture is proposed, which introduces two key paradigms, i.e., conditional DM and DMdriven deep reinforcement learning (DRL), for wireless data generation and communication management, respectively. Then, we discuss the key advantages of DM-driven communication paradigms. To elaborate further, we explore DM-driven channel generation mechanisms for channel estimation, extrapolation, and feedback in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We showcase the numerical performance of conditional DM using the accurate DeepMIMO channel datasets, revealing its superiority in generating high-fidelity channels and mitigating unforeseen distribution shifts in sophisticated scenes. Furthermore, several DM-driven communication management designs are conceived, which is promising to deal with imperfect channels and taskoriented communications. To inspire future research developments, we highlight the potential applications and open research challenges of DM-driven communications. Code is available at https://github.com/xiaoxiaxusummer/GAI_COMM/
Abstract:The continuous aperture array (CAPA) can provide higher degree-of-freedom and spatial resolution than the spatially discrete array (SDPA), where optimizing multi-user current distributions in CAPA systems is crucial but challenging. The challenge arises from solving non-convex functional optimization problems without closed-form objective functions and constraints. In this paper, we propose a deep learning framework called L-CAPA to learn current distribution policies. In the framework, we find finite-dimensional representations of channel functions and current distributions, allowing them to be inputted into and outputted from a deep neural network (DNN) for learning the policy. To address the issue that the integrals in the loss function without closed-form expressions hinder training the DNN in an unsupervised manner, we propose to design another two DNNs for learning the integrals. The DNNs are designed as graph neural networks to incorporate with the permutation properties of the mappings to be learned, thereby improving learning performance. Simulation results show that L-CAPA can achieve the performance upper-bound of optimizing precoding in the SDPA system as the number of antennas approaches infinity, and it is with low inference complexity.