Queen Mary University of London
Abstract:We conduct an extensive study on using near-term quantum computers for a task in the domain of computational biology. By constructing quantum models based on parameterised quantum circuits we perform sequence classification on a task relevant to the design of therapeutic proteins, and find competitive performance with classical baselines of similar scale. To study the effect of noise, we run some of the best-performing quantum models with favourable resource requirements on emulators of state-of-the-art noisy quantum processors. We then apply error mitigation methods to improve the signal. We further execute these quantum models on the Quantinuum H1-1 trapped-ion quantum processor and observe very close agreement with noiseless exact simulation. Finally, we perform feature attribution methods and find that the quantum models indeed identify sensible relationships, at least as well as the classical baselines. This work constitutes the first proof-of-concept application of near-term quantum computing to a task critical to the design of therapeutic proteins, opening the route toward larger-scale applications in this and related fields, in line with the hardware development roadmaps of near-term quantum technologies.
Abstract:We present lambeq, the first high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP). The open-source toolkit offers a detailed hierarchy of modules and classes implementing all stages of a pipeline for converting sentences to string diagrams, tensor networks, and quantum circuits ready to be used on a quantum computer. lambeq supports syntactic parsing, rewriting and simplification of string diagrams, ansatz creation and manipulation, as well as a number of compositional models for preparing quantum-friendly representations of sentences, employing various degrees of syntax sensitivity. We present the generic architecture and describe the most important modules in detail, demonstrating the usage with illustrative examples. Further, we test the toolkit in practice by using it to perform a number of experiments on simple NLP tasks, implementing both classical and quantum pipelines.
Abstract:While the DisCoCat model (Coecke et al., 2010) has been proved a valuable tool for studying compositional aspects of language at the level of semantics, its strong dependency on pregroup grammars poses important restrictions: first, it prevents large-scale experimentation due to the absence of a pregroup parser; and second, it limits the expressibility of the model to context-free grammars. In this paper we solve these problems by reformulating DisCoCat as a passage from Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) to a category of semantics. We start by showing that standard categorial grammars can be expressed as a biclosed category, where all rules emerge as currying/uncurrying the identity; we then proceed to model permutation-inducing rules by exploiting the symmetry of the compact closed category encoding the word meaning. We provide a proof of concept for our method, converting "Alice in Wonderland" into DisCoCat form, a corpus that we make available to the community.
Abstract:Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) deals with the design and implementation of NLP models intended to be run on quantum hardware. In this paper, we present results on the first NLP experiments conducted on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers for datasets of size >= 100 sentences. Exploiting the formal similarity of the compositional model of meaning by Coecke et al. (2010) with quantum theory, we create representations for sentences that have a natural mapping to quantum circuits. We use these representations to implement and successfully train two NLP models that solve simple sentence classification tasks on quantum hardware. We describe in detail the main principles, the process and challenges of these experiments, in a way accessible to NLP researchers, thus paving the way for practical Quantum Natural Language Processing.
Abstract:We consider a new perspective on dialog state tracking (DST), the task of estimating a user's goal through the course of a dialog. By formulating DST as a semantic parsing task over hierarchical representations, we can incorporate semantic compositionality, cross-domain knowledge sharing and co-reference. We present TreeDST, a dataset of 27k conversations annotated with tree-structured dialog states and system acts. We describe an encoder-decoder framework for DST with hierarchical representations, which leads to 20% improvement over state-of-the-art DST approaches that operate on a flat meaning space of slot-value pairs.
Abstract:Word embedding techniques heavily rely on the abundance of training data for individual words. Given the Zipfian distribution of words in natural language texts, a large number of words do not usually appear frequently or at all in the training data. In this paper we put forward a technique that exploits the knowledge encoded in lexical resources, such as WordNet, to induce embeddings for unseen words. Our approach adapts graph embedding and cross-lingual vector space transformation techniques in order to merge lexical knowledge encoded in ontologies with that derived from corpus statistics. We show that the approach can provide consistent performance improvements across multiple evaluation benchmarks: in-vitro, on multiple rare word similarity datasets, and in-vivo, in two downstream text classification tasks.
Abstract:The ability to compose parts to form a more complex whole, and to analyze a whole as a combination of elements, is desirable across disciplines. This workshop bring together researchers applying compositional approaches to physics, NLP, cognitive science, and game theory. Within NLP, a long-standing aim is to represent how words can combine to form phrases and sentences. Within the framework of distributional semantics, words are represented as vectors in vector spaces. The categorical model of Coecke et al. [2010], inspired by quantum protocols, has provided a convincing account of compositionality in vector space models of NLP. There is furthermore a history of vector space models in cognitive science. Theories of categorization such as those developed by Nosofsky [1986] and Smith et al. [1988] utilise notions of distance between feature vectors. More recently G\"ardenfors [2004, 2014] has developed a model of concepts in which conceptual spaces provide geometric structures, and information is represented by points, vectors and regions in vector spaces. The same compositional approach has been applied to this formalism, giving conceptual spaces theory a richer model of compositionality than previously [Bolt et al., 2018]. Compositional approaches have also been applied in the study of strategic games and Nash equilibria. In contrast to classical game theory, where games are studied monolithically as one global object, compositional game theory works bottom-up by building large and complex games from smaller components. Such an approach is inherently difficult since the interaction between games has to be considered. Research into categorical compositional methods for this field have recently begun [Ghani et al., 2018]. Moreover, the interaction between the three disciplines of cognitive science, linguistics and game theory is a fertile ground for research. Game theory in cognitive science is a well-established area [Camerer, 2011]. Similarly game theoretic approaches have been applied in linguistics [J\"ager, 2008]. Lastly, the study of linguistics and cognitive science is intimately intertwined [Smolensky and Legendre, 2006, Jackendoff, 2007]. Physics supplies compositional approaches via vector spaces and categorical quantum theory, allowing the interplay between the three disciplines to be examined.
Abstract:Distributional semantic models provide vector representations for words by gathering co-occurrence frequencies from corpora of text. Compositional distributional models extend these from words to phrases and sentences. In categorical compositional distributional semantics, phrase and sentence representations are functions of their grammatical structure and representations of the words therein. In this setting, grammatical structures are formalised by morphisms of a compact closed category and meanings of words are formalised by objects of the same category. These can be instantiated in the form of vectors or density matrices. This paper concerns the applications of this model to phrase and sentence level entailment. We argue that entropy-based distances of vectors and density matrices provide a good candidate to measure word-level entailment, show the advantage of density matrices over vectors for word level entailments, and prove that these distances extend compositionally from words to phrases and sentences. We exemplify our theoretical constructions on real data and a toy entailment dataset and provide preliminary experimental evidence.
Abstract:Rare word representation has recently enjoyed a surge of interest, owing to the crucial role that effective handling of infrequent words can play in accurate semantic understanding. However, there is a paucity of reliable benchmarks for evaluation and comparison of these techniques. We show in this paper that the only existing benchmark (the Stanford Rare Word dataset) suffers from low-confidence annotations and limited vocabulary; hence, it does not constitute a solid comparison framework. In order to fill this evaluation gap, we propose CAmbridge Rare word Dataset (Card-660), an expert-annotated word similarity dataset which provides a highly reliable, yet challenging, benchmark for rare word representation techniques. Through a set of experiments we show that even the best mainstream word embeddings, with millions of words in their vocabularies, are unable to achieve performances higher than 0.43 (Pearson correlation) on the dataset, compared to a human-level upperbound of 0.90. We release the dataset and the annotation materials at https://pilehvar.github.io/card-660/.
Abstract:This paper addresses the problem of mapping natural language text to knowledge base entities. The mapping process is approached as a composition of a phrase or a sentence into a point in a multi-dimensional entity space obtained from a knowledge graph. The compositional model is an LSTM equipped with a dynamic disambiguation mechanism on the input word embeddings (a Multi-Sense LSTM), addressing polysemy issues. Further, the knowledge base space is prepared by collecting random walks from a graph enhanced with textual features, which act as a set of semantic bridges between text and knowledge base entities. The ideas of this work are demonstrated on large-scale text-to-entity mapping and entity classification tasks, with state of the art results.