Abstract:Quantum computing and AI have found a fruitful intersection in the field of natural language processing. We focus on the recently proposed DisCoCirc framework for natural language, and propose a quantum adaptation, QDisCoCirc. This is motivated by a compositional approach to rendering AI interpretable: the behavior of the whole can be understood in terms of the behavior of parts, and the way they are put together. For the model-native primitive operation of text similarity, we derive quantum algorithms for fault-tolerant quantum computers to solve the task of question-answering within QDisCoCirc, and show that this is BQP-hard; note that we do not consider the complexity of question-answering in other natural language processing models. Assuming widely-held conjectures, implementing the proposed model classically would require super-polynomial resources. Therefore, it could provide a meaningful demonstration of the power of practical quantum processors. The model construction builds on previous work in compositional quantum natural language processing. Word embeddings are encoded as parameterized quantum circuits, and compositionality here means that the quantum circuits compose according to the linguistic structure of the text. We outline a method for evaluating the model on near-term quantum processors, and elsewhere we report on a recent implementation of this on quantum hardware. In addition, we adapt a quantum algorithm for the closest vector problem to obtain a Grover-like speedup in the fault-tolerant regime for our model. This provides an unconditional quadratic speedup over any classical algorithm in certain circumstances, which we will verify empirically in future work.
Abstract:A key challenge in realizing fault-tolerant quantum computers is circuit optimization. Focusing on the most expensive gates in fault-tolerant quantum computation (namely, the T gates), we address the problem of T-count optimization, i.e., minimizing the number of T gates that are needed to implement a given circuit. To achieve this, we develop AlphaTensor-Quantum, a method based on deep reinforcement learning that exploits the relationship between optimizing T-count and tensor decomposition. Unlike existing methods for T-count optimization, AlphaTensor-Quantum can incorporate domain-specific knowledge about quantum computation and leverage gadgets, which significantly reduces the T-count of the optimized circuits. AlphaTensor-Quantum outperforms the existing methods for T-count optimization on a set of arithmetic benchmarks (even when compared without making use of gadgets). Remarkably, it discovers an efficient algorithm akin to Karatsuba's method for multiplication in finite fields. AlphaTensor-Quantum also finds the best human-designed solutions for relevant arithmetic computations used in Shor's algorithm and for quantum chemistry simulation, thus demonstrating it can save hundreds of hours of research by optimizing relevant quantum circuits in a fully automated way.
Abstract:We conduct an extensive study on using near-term quantum computers for a task in the domain of computational biology. By constructing quantum models based on parameterised quantum circuits we perform sequence classification on a task relevant to the design of therapeutic proteins, and find competitive performance with classical baselines of similar scale. To study the effect of noise, we run some of the best-performing quantum models with favourable resource requirements on emulators of state-of-the-art noisy quantum processors. We then apply error mitigation methods to improve the signal. We further execute these quantum models on the Quantinuum H1-1 trapped-ion quantum processor and observe very close agreement with noiseless exact simulation. Finally, we perform feature attribution methods and find that the quantum models indeed identify sensible relationships, at least as well as the classical baselines. This work constitutes the first proof-of-concept application of near-term quantum computing to a task critical to the design of therapeutic proteins, opening the route toward larger-scale applications in this and related fields, in line with the hardware development roadmaps of near-term quantum technologies.
Abstract:We investigate quantum circuits for graph representation learning, and propose equivariant quantum graph circuits (EQGCs), as a class of parameterized quantum circuits with strong relational inductive bias for learning over graph-structured data. Conceptually, EQGCs serve as a unifying framework for quantum graph representation learning, allowing us to define several interesting subclasses subsuming existing proposals. In terms of the representation power, we prove that the subclasses of interest are universal approximators for functions over the bounded graph domain, and provide experimental evidence. Our theoretical perspective on quantum graph machine learning methods opens many directions for further work, and could lead to models with capabilities beyond those of classical approaches.
Abstract:There has been tremendous progress in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for music, in particular for musical composition and access to large databases for commercialisation through the Internet. We are interested in further advancing this field, focusing on composition. In contrast to current black-box AI methods, we are championing an interpretable compositional outlook on generative music systems. In particular, we are importing methods from the Distributional Compositional Categorical (DisCoCat) modelling framework for Natural Language Processing (NLP), motivated by musical grammars. Quantum computing is a nascent technology, which is very likely to impact the music industry in time to come. Thus, we are pioneering a Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) approach to develop a new generation of intelligent musical systems. This work follows from previous experimental implementations of DisCoCat linguistic models on quantum hardware. In this chapter, we present Quanthoven, the first proof-of-concept ever built, which (a) demonstrates that it is possible to program a quantum computer to learn to classify music that conveys different meanings and (b) illustrates how such a capability might be leveraged to develop a system to compose meaningful pieces of music. After a discussion about our current understanding of music as a communication medium and its relationship to natural language, the chapter focuses on the techniques developed to (a) encode musical compositions as quantum circuits, and (b) design a quantum classifier. The chapter ends with demonstrations of compositions created with the system.
Abstract:We present lambeq, the first high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP). The open-source toolkit offers a detailed hierarchy of modules and classes implementing all stages of a pipeline for converting sentences to string diagrams, tensor networks, and quantum circuits ready to be used on a quantum computer. lambeq supports syntactic parsing, rewriting and simplification of string diagrams, ansatz creation and manipulation, as well as a number of compositional models for preparing quantum-friendly representations of sentences, employing various degrees of syntax sensitivity. We present the generic architecture and describe the most important modules in detail, demonstrating the usage with illustrative examples. Further, we test the toolkit in practice by using it to perform a number of experiments on simple NLP tasks, implementing both classical and quantum pipelines.
Abstract:This is a story about making quantum computers speak, and doing so in a quantum-native, compositional and meaning-aware manner. Recently we did question-answering with an actual quantum computer. We explain what we did, stress that this was all done in terms of pictures, and provide many pointers to the related literature. In fact, besides natural language, many other things can be implemented in a quantum-native, compositional and meaning-aware manner, and we provide the reader with some indications of that broader pictorial landscape, including our account on the notion of compositionality. We also provide some guidance for the actual execution, so that the reader can give it a go as well.
Abstract:Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) deals with the design and implementation of NLP models intended to be run on quantum hardware. In this paper, we present results on the first NLP experiments conducted on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers for datasets of size >= 100 sentences. Exploiting the formal similarity of the compositional model of meaning by Coecke et al. (2010) with quantum theory, we create representations for sentences that have a natural mapping to quantum circuits. We use these representations to implement and successfully train two NLP models that solve simple sentence classification tasks on quantum hardware. We describe in detail the main principles, the process and challenges of these experiments, in a way accessible to NLP researchers, thus paving the way for practical Quantum Natural Language Processing.
Abstract:Natural language processing (NLP) is at the forefront of great advances in contemporary AI, and it is arguably one of the most challenging areas of the field. At the same time, with the steady growth of quantum hardware and notable improvements towards implementations of quantum algorithms, we are approaching an era when quantum computers perform tasks that cannot be done on classical computers with a reasonable amount of resources. This provides a new range of opportunities for AI, and for NLP specifically. Earlier work has already demonstrated a potential quantum advantage for NLP in a number of manners: (i) algorithmic speedups for search-related or classification tasks, which are the most dominant tasks within NLP, (ii) exponentially large quantum state spaces allow for accommodating complex linguistic structures, (iii) novel models of meaning employing density matrices naturally model linguistic phenomena such as hyponymy and linguistic ambiguity, among others. In this work, we perform the first implementation of an NLP task on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) hardware. Sentences are instantiated as parameterised quantum circuits. We encode word-meanings in quantum states and we explicitly account for grammatical structure, which even in mainstream NLP is not commonplace, by faithfully hard-wiring it as entangling operations. This makes our approach to quantum natural language processing (QNLP) particularly NISQ-friendly. Our novel QNLP model shows concrete promise for scalability as the quality of the quantum hardware improves in the near future.
Abstract:We provide conceptual and mathematical foundations for near-term quantum natural language processing (QNLP), and do so in quantum computer scientist friendly terms. We opted for an expository presentation style, and provide references for supporting empirical evidence and formal statements concerning mathematical generality. We recall how the quantum model for natural language that we employ canonically combines linguistic meanings with rich linguistic structure, most notably grammar. In particular, the fact that it takes a quantum-like model to combine meaning and structure, establishes QNLP as quantum-native, on par with simulation of quantum systems. Moreover, the now leading Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) paradigm for encoding classical data on quantum hardware, variational quantum circuits, makes NISQ exceptionally QNLP-friendly: linguistic structure can be encoded as a free lunch, in contrast to the apparently exponentially expensive classical encoding of grammar. Quantum speed-up for QNLP tasks has already been established in previous work with Will Zeng. Here we provide a broader range of tasks which all enjoy the same advantage. Diagrammatic reasoning is at the heart of QNLP. Firstly, the quantum model interprets language as quantum processes via the diagrammatic formalism of categorical quantum mechanics. Secondly, these diagrams are via ZX-calculus translated into quantum circuits. Parameterisations of meanings then become the circuit variables to be learned. Our encoding of linguistic structure within quantum circuits also embodies a novel approach for establishing word-meanings that goes beyond the current standards in mainstream AI, by placing linguistic structure at the heart of Wittgenstein's meaning-is-context.