Abstract:Models that adapt their predictions based on some given contexts, also known as in-context learning, have become ubiquitous in recent years. We propose to study the behavior of such models when data is contaminated by noise. Towards this goal we use the Neural Processes (NP) framework, as a simple and rigorous way to learn a distribution over functions, where predictions are based on a set of context points. Using this framework, we find that the models that perform best on clean data, are different than the models that perform best on noisy data. Specifically, models that process the context using attention, are more severely affected by noise, leading to in-context overfitting. We propose a simple method to train NP models that makes them more robust to noisy data. Experiments on 1D functions and 2D image datasets demonstrate that our method leads to models that outperform all other NP models for all noise levels.
Abstract:Underwater image restoration is a challenging task because of strong water effects that increase dramatically with distance. This is worsened by lack of ground truth data of clean scenes without water. Diffusion priors have emerged as strong image restoration priors. However, they are often trained with a dataset of the desired restored output, which is not available in our case. To overcome this critical issue, we show how to leverage in-air images to train diffusion priors for underwater restoration. We also observe that only color data is insufficient, and augment the prior with a depth channel. We train an unconditional diffusion model prior on the joint space of color and depth, using standard RGBD datasets of natural outdoor scenes in air. Using this prior together with a novel guidance method based on the underwater image formation model, we generate posterior samples of clean images, removing the water effects. Even though our prior did not see any underwater images during training, our method outperforms state-of-the-art baselines for image restoration on very challenging scenes. Data, models and code are published in the project page.
Abstract:Research on neural radiance fields (NeRFs) for novel view generation is exploding with new models and extensions. However, a question that remains unanswered is what happens in underwater or foggy scenes where the medium strongly influences the appearance of objects. Thus far, NeRF and its variants have ignored these cases. However, since the NeRF framework is based on volumetric rendering, it has inherent capability to account for the medium's effects, once modeled appropriately. We develop a new rendering model for NeRFs in scattering media, which is based on the SeaThru image formation model, and suggest a suitable architecture for learning both scene information and medium parameters. We demonstrate the strength of our method using simulated and real-world scenes, correctly rendering novel photorealistic views underwater. Even more excitingly, we can render clear views of these scenes, removing the medium between the camera and the scene and reconstructing the appearance and depth of far objects, which are severely occluded by the medium. Our code and unique datasets are available on the project's website.
Abstract:Neural fields, also known as implicit neural representations, have emerged as a powerful means to represent complex signals of various modalities. Based on this Dupont et al. (2022) introduce a framework that views neural fields as data, termed *functa*, and proposes to do deep learning directly on this dataset of neural fields. In this work, we show that the proposed framework faces limitations when scaling up to even moderately complex datasets such as CIFAR-10. We then propose *spatial functa*, which overcome these limitations by using spatially arranged latent representations of neural fields, thereby allowing us to scale up the approach to ImageNet-1k at 256x256 resolution. We demonstrate competitive performance to Vision Transformers (Steiner et al., 2022) on classification and Latent Diffusion (Rombach et al., 2022) on image generation respectively.
Abstract:It is common practice in deep learning to represent a measurement of the world on a discrete grid, e.g. a 2D grid of pixels. However, the underlying signal represented by these measurements is often continuous, e.g. the scene depicted in an image. A powerful continuous alternative is then to represent these measurements using an implicit neural representation, a neural function trained to output the appropriate measurement value for any input spatial location. In this paper, we take this idea to its next level: what would it take to perform deep learning on these functions instead, treating them as data? In this context we refer to the data as functa, and propose a framework for deep learning on functa. This view presents a number of challenges around efficient conversion from data to functa, compact representation of functa, and effectively solving downstream tasks on functa. We outline a recipe to overcome these challenges and apply it to a wide range of data modalities including images, 3D shapes, neural radiance fields (NeRF) and data on manifolds. We demonstrate that this approach has various compelling properties across data modalities, in particular on the canonical tasks of generative modeling, data imputation, novel view synthesis and classification.
Abstract:Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has revolutionized experimental protein structure determination. Despite advances in high resolution reconstruction, a majority of cryo-EM experiments provide either a single state of the studied macromolecule, or a relatively small number of its conformations. This reduces the effectiveness of the technique for proteins with flexible regions, which are known to play a key role in protein function. Recent methods for capturing conformational heterogeneity in cryo-EM data model it in volume space, making recovery of continuous atomic structures challenging. Here we present a fully deep-learning-based approach using variational auto-encoders (VAEs) to recover a continuous distribution of atomic protein structures and poses directly from picked particle images and demonstrate its efficacy on realistic simulated data. We hope that methods built on this work will allow incorporation of stronger prior information about protein structure and enable better understanding of non-rigid protein structures.
Abstract:We investigate using reinforcement learning agents as generative models of images (extending arXiv:1804.01118). A generative agent controls a simulated painting environment, and is trained with rewards provided by a discriminator network simultaneously trained to assess the realism of the agent's samples, either unconditional or reconstructions. Compared to prior work, we make a number of improvements to the architectures of the agents and discriminators that lead to intriguing and at times surprising results. We find that when sufficiently constrained, generative agents can learn to produce images with a degree of visual abstraction, despite having only ever seen real photographs (no human brush strokes). And given enough time with the painting environment, they can produce images with considerable realism. These results show that, under the right circumstances, some aspects of human drawing can emerge from simulated embodiment, without the need for external supervision, imitation or social cues. Finally, we note the framework's potential for use in creative applications.
Abstract:Neural Processes (NPs) (Garnelo et al 2018a;b) approach regression by learning to map a context set of observed input-output pairs to a distribution over regression functions. Each function models the distribution of the output given an input, conditioned on the context. NPs have the benefit of fitting observed data efficiently with linear complexity in the number of context input-output pairs, and can learn a wide family of conditional distributions; they learn predictive distributions conditioned on context sets of arbitrary size. Nonetheless, we show that NPs suffer a fundamental drawback of underfitting, giving inaccurate predictions at the inputs of the observed data they condition on. We address this issue by incorporating attention into NPs, allowing each input location to attend to the relevant context points for the prediction. We show that this greatly improves the accuracy of predictions, results in noticeably faster training, and expands the range of functions that can be modelled.
Abstract:We propose a formulation of visual localization that does not require construction of explicit maps in the form of point clouds or voxels. The goal is to learn an implicit representation of the environment at a higher, more abstract level, for instance that of objects. To study this approach we consider procedurally generated Minecraft worlds, for which we can generate visually rich images along with camera pose coordinates. We first show that Generative Query Networks (GQNs) enhanced with a novel attention mechanism can capture the visual structure of 3D scenes in Minecraft, as evidenced by their samples. We then apply the models to the localization problem, investigating both generative and discriminative approaches, and compare the different ways in which they each capture task uncertainty. Our results show that models with implicit mapping are able to capture the underlying 3D structure of visually complex scenes, and use this to accurately localize new observations, paving the way towards future applications in sequential localization. Supplementary video available at https://youtu.be/iHEXX5wXbCI.
Abstract:A neural network (NN) is a parameterised function that can be tuned via gradient descent to approximate a labelled collection of data with high precision. A Gaussian process (GP), on the other hand, is a probabilistic model that defines a distribution over possible functions, and is updated in light of data via the rules of probabilistic inference. GPs are probabilistic, data-efficient and flexible, however they are also computationally intensive and thus limited in their applicability. We introduce a class of neural latent variable models which we call Neural Processes (NPs), combining the best of both worlds. Like GPs, NPs define distributions over functions, are capable of rapid adaptation to new observations, and can estimate the uncertainty in their predictions. Like NNs, NPs are computationally efficient during training and evaluation but also learn to adapt their priors to data. We demonstrate the performance of NPs on a range of learning tasks, including regression and optimisation, and compare and contrast with related models in the literature.