Abstract:Detecting vehicles in aerial images can be very challenging due to complex backgrounds, small resolution, shadows, and occlusions. Despite the effectiveness of SOTA detectors such as YOLO, they remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks (AAs), compromising their reliability. Traditional AA strategies often overlook the practical constraints of physical implementation, focusing solely on attack performance. Our work addresses this issue by proposing practical implementation constraints for AA in texture and/or shape. These constraints include pixelation, masking, limiting the color palette of the textures, and constraining the shape modifications. We evaluated the proposed constraints through extensive experiments using three widely used object detector architectures, and compared them to previous works. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our solutions and reveal a trade-off between practicality and performance. Additionally, we introduce a labeled dataset of overhead images featuring vehicles of various categories. We will make the code/dataset public upon paper acceptance.
Abstract:Change detection in remote sensing images is an essential tool for analyzing a region at different times. It finds varied applications in monitoring environmental changes, man-made changes as well as corresponding decision-making and prediction of future trends. Deep learning methods like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers have achieved remarkable success in detecting significant changes, given two images at different times. In this paper, we propose a Mamba-based Change Detector (M-CD) that segments out the regions of interest even better. Mamba-based architectures demonstrate linear-time training capabilities and an improved receptive field over transformers. Our experiments on four widely used change detection datasets demonstrate significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. Our code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/JayParanjape/M-CD
Abstract:We propose a method to infer semantic segmentation maps from images captured under adverse weather conditions. We begin by examining existing models on images degraded by weather conditions such as rain, fog, or snow, and found that they exhibit a large performance drop as compared to those captured under clear weather. To control for changes in scene structures, we propose WeatherProof, the first semantic segmentation dataset with accurate clear and adverse weather image pairs that share an underlying scene. Through this dataset, we analyze the error modes in existing models and found that they were sensitive to the highly complex combination of different weather effects induced on the image during capture. To improve robustness, we propose a way to use language as guidance by identifying contributions of adverse weather conditions and injecting that as "side information". Models trained using our language guidance exhibit performance gains by up to 10.2% in mIoU on WeatherProof, up to 8.44% in mIoU on the widely used ACDC dataset compared to standard training techniques, and up to 6.21% in mIoU on the ACDC dataset as compared to previous SOTA methods.
Abstract:We propose a large-scale dataset of real-world rainy and clean image pairs and a method to remove degradations, induced by rain streaks and rain accumulation, from the image. As there exists no real-world dataset for deraining, current state-of-the-art methods rely on synthetic data and thus are limited by the sim2real domain gap; moreover, rigorous evaluation remains a challenge due to the absence of a real paired dataset. We fill this gap by collecting the first real paired deraining dataset through meticulous control of non-rain variations. Our dataset enables paired training and quantitative evaluation for diverse real-world rain phenomena (e.g. rain streaks and rain accumulation). To learn a representation invariant to rain phenomena, we propose a deep neural network that reconstructs the underlying scene by minimizing a rain-invariant loss between rainy and clean images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed dataset benefits existing derainers, and our model can outperform the state-of-the-art deraining methods on real rainy images under various conditions.