Abstract:Sampling-based motion planning algorithms, like the Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT) and its widely used variant, RRT-Connect, provide efficient solutions for high-dimensional planning problems faced by real-world robots. However, these methods remain computationally intensive, particularly in complex environments that require many collision checks. As such, to improve performance, recent efforts have explored parallelizing specific components of RRT, such as collision checking or running multiple planners independently, but no prior work has integrated parallelism at multiple levels of the algorithm for robotic manipulation. In this work, we present pRRTC, a GPU-accelerated implementation of RRT-Connect that achieves parallelism across the entire algorithm through multithreaded expansion and connection, SIMT-optimized collision checking, and hierarchical parallelism optimization, improving efficiency, consistency, and initial solution cost. We evaluate the effectiveness of pRRTC on the MotionBenchMaker dataset using robots with 7, 8, and 14 degrees-of-freedom, demonstrating up to 6x average speedup on constrained reaching tasks at high collision checking resolution compared to state-of-the-art. pRRTC also demonstrates a 5x reduction in solution time variance and 1.5x improvement in initial path costs compared to state-of-the-art motion planners in complex environments across all robots.
Abstract:The end of Moore's Law and Dennard Scaling has combined with advances in agile hardware design to foster a golden age of domain-specific acceleration. However, this new frontier of computing opportunities is not without pitfalls. As computer architects approach unfamiliar domains, we have seen common themes emerge in the challenges that can hinder progress in the development of useful acceleration. In this work, we present the Magnificent Seven Challenges in domain-specific accelerator design that can guide adventurous architects to contribute meaningfully to novel application domains. Although these challenges appear across domains ranging from ML to genomics, we examine them through the lens of autonomous systems as a motivating example in this work. To that end, we identify opportunities for the path forward in a successful domain-specific accelerator design from these challenges.
Abstract:Conic constraints appear in many important control applications like legged locomotion, robotic manipulation, and autonomous rocket landing. However, current solvers for conic optimization problems have relatively heavy computational demands in terms of both floating-point operations and memory footprint, making them impractical for use on small embedded devices. We extend TinyMPC, an open-source, high-speed solver targeting low-power embedded control applications, to handle second-order cone constraints. We also present code-generation software to enable deployment of TinyMPC on a variety of microcontrollers. We benchmark our generated code against state-of-the-art embedded QP and SOCP solvers, demonstrating a two-order-of-magnitude speed increase over ECOS while consuming less memory. Finally, we demonstrate TinyMPC's efficacy on the Crazyflie, a lightweight, resource-constrained quadrotor with fast dynamics. TinyMPC and its code-generation tools are publicly available at https://tinympc.org.
Abstract:Model-predictive control (MPC) is a powerful tool for controlling highly dynamic robotic systems subject to complex constraints. However, MPC is computationally demanding, and is often impractical to implement on small, resource-constrained robotic platforms. We present TinyMPC, a high-speed MPC solver with a low memory footprint targeting the microcontrollers common on small robots. Our approach is based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and leverages the structure of the MPC problem for efficiency. We demonstrate TinyMPC both by benchmarking against the state-of-the-art solver OSQP, achieving nearly an order of magnitude speed increase, as well as through hardware experiments on a 27 g quadrotor, demonstrating high-speed trajectory tracking and dynamic obstacle avoidance.
Abstract:Perceptive deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has lead to many recent breakthroughs for complex AI systems leveraging image-based input data. Applications of these results range from super-human level video game agents to dexterous, physically intelligent robots. However, training these perceptive DRL-enabled systems remains incredibly compute and memory intensive, often requiring huge training datasets and large experience replay buffers. This poses a challenge for the next generation of field robots that will need to be able to learn on the edge in order to adapt to their environments. In this paper, we begin to address this issue through differentially encoded observation spaces. By reinterpreting stored image-based observations as a video, we leverage lossless differential video encoding schemes to compress the replay buffer without impacting training performance. We evaluate our approach with three state-of-the-art DRL algorithms and find that differential image encoding reduces the memory footprint by as much as 14.2x and 16.7x across tasks from the Atari 2600 benchmark and the DeepMind Control Suite (DMC) respectively. These savings also enable large-scale perceptive DRL that previously required paging between flash and RAM to be run entirely in RAM, improving the latency of DMC tasks by as much as 32%.
Abstract:We introduce RobotPerf, a vendor-agnostic benchmarking suite designed to evaluate robotics computing performance across a diverse range of hardware platforms using ROS 2 as its common baseline. The suite encompasses ROS 2 packages covering the full robotics pipeline and integrates two distinct benchmarking approaches: black-box testing, which measures performance by eliminating upper layers and replacing them with a test application, and grey-box testing, an application-specific measure that observes internal system states with minimal interference. Our benchmarking framework provides ready-to-use tools and is easily adaptable for the assessment of custom ROS 2 computational graphs. Drawing from the knowledge of leading robot architects and system architecture experts, RobotPerf establishes a standardized approach to robotics benchmarking. As an open-source initiative, RobotPerf remains committed to evolving with community input to advance the future of hardware-accelerated robotics.
Abstract:Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) is a state-of-the-art approach for locomotion and manipulation which leverages trajectory optimization at each control step. While the performance of this approach is computationally bounded, implementations of direct trajectory optimization that use iterative methods to solve the underlying moderately-large and sparse linear systems, are a natural fit for parallel hardware acceleration. In this work, we introduce MPCGPU, a GPU-accelerated, real-time NMPC solver that leverages an accelerated preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) linear system solver at its core. We show that MPCGPU increases the scalability and real-time performance of NMPC, solving larger problems, at faster rates. In particular, for tracking tasks using the Kuka IIWA manipulator, MPCGPU is able to scale to kilohertz control rates with trajectories as long as 512 knot points. This is driven by a custom PCG solver which outperforms state-of-the-art, CPU-based, linear system solvers by at least 10x for a majority of solves and 3.6x on average.
Abstract:There has been a growing interest in parallel strategies for solving trajectory optimization problems. One key step in many algorithmic approaches to trajectory optimization is the solution of moderately-large and sparse linear systems. Iterative methods are particularly well-suited for parallel solves of such systems. However, fast and stable convergence of iterative methods is reliant on the application of a high-quality preconditioner that reduces the spread and increase the clustering of the eigenvalues of the target matrix. To improve the performance of these approaches, we present a new parallel-friendly symmetric stair preconditioner. We prove that our preconditioner has advantageous theoretical properties when used in conjunction with iterative methods for trajectory optimization such as a more clustered eigenvalue spectrum. Numerical experiments with typical trajectory optimization problems reveal that as compared to the best alternative parallel preconditioner from the literature, our symmetric stair preconditioner provides up to a 34% reduction in condition number and up to a 25% reduction in the number of resulting linear system solver iterations.
Abstract:Machine learning (ML) sensors offer a new paradigm for sensing that enables intelligence at the edge while empowering end-users with greater control of their data. As these ML sensors play a crucial role in the development of intelligent devices, clear documentation of their specifications, functionalities, and limitations is pivotal. This paper introduces a standard datasheet template for ML sensors and discusses its essential components including: the system's hardware, ML model and dataset attributes, end-to-end performance metrics, and environmental impact. We provide an example datasheet for our own ML sensor and discuss each section in detail. We highlight how these datasheets can facilitate better understanding and utilization of sensor data in ML applications, and we provide objective measures upon which system performance can be evaluated and compared. Together, ML sensors and their datasheets provide greater privacy, security, transparency, explainability, auditability, and user-friendliness for ML-enabled embedded systems. We conclude by emphasizing the need for standardization of datasheets across the broader ML community to ensure the responsible and effective use of sensor data.
Abstract:The sustained growth of carbon emissions and global waste elicits significant sustainability concerns for our environment's future. The growing Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to exacerbate this issue. However, an emerging area known as Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) has the opportunity to help address these environmental challenges through sustainable computing practices. TinyML, the deployment of machine learning (ML) algorithms onto low-cost, low-power microcontroller systems, enables on-device sensor analytics that unlocks numerous always-on ML applications. This article discusses the potential of these TinyML applications to address critical sustainability challenges. Moreover, the footprint of this emerging technology is assessed through a complete life cycle analysis of TinyML systems. From this analysis, TinyML presents opportunities to offset its carbon emissions by enabling applications that reduce the emissions of other sectors. Nevertheless, when globally scaled, the carbon footprint of TinyML systems is not negligible, necessitating that designers factor in environmental impact when formulating new devices. Finally, research directions for enabling further opportunities for TinyML to contribute to a sustainable future are outlined.