Abstract:In reinforcement learning for legged robot locomotion, crafting effective reward strategies is crucial. Pre-defined gait patterns and complex reward systems are widely used to stabilize policy training. Drawing from the natural locomotion behaviors of humans and animals, which adapt their gaits to minimize energy consumption, we propose a simplified, energy-centric reward strategy to foster the development of energy-efficient locomotion across various speeds in quadruped robots. By implementing an adaptive energy reward function and adjusting the weights based on velocity, we demonstrate that our approach enables ANYmal-C and Unitree Go1 robots to autonomously select appropriate gaits, such as four-beat walking at lower speeds and trotting at higher speeds, resulting in improved energy efficiency and stable velocity tracking compared to previous methods using complex reward designs and prior gait knowledge. The effectiveness of our policy is validated through simulations in the IsaacGym simulation environment and on real robots, demonstrating its potential to facilitate stable and adaptive locomotion.
Abstract:We present in-hand manipulation tasks where a robot moves an object in grasp, maintains its external contact mode with the environment, and adjusts its in-hand pose simultaneously. The proposed manipulation task leads to complex contact interactions which can be very susceptible to uncertainties in kinematic and physical parameters. Therefore, we propose a robust in-hand manipulation method, which consists of two parts. First, an in-gripper mechanics model that computes a na\"ive motion cone assuming all parameters are precise. Then, a robust planning method refines the motion cone to maintain desired contact mode regardless of parametric errors. Real-world experiments were conducted to illustrate the accuracy of the mechanics model and the effectiveness of the robust planning framework in the presence of kinematics parameter errors.
Abstract:Most research on deformable linear object (DLO) manipulation assumes rigid grasping. However, beyond rigid grasping and re-grasping, in-hand following is also an essential skill that humans use to dexterously manipulate DLOs, which requires continuously changing the grasp point by in-hand sliding while holding the DLO to prevent it from falling. Achieving such a skill is very challenging for robots without using specially designed but not versatile end-effectors. Previous works have attempted using generic parallel grippers, but their robustness is unsatisfactory owing to the conflict between following and holding, which is hard to balance with a one-degree-of-freedom gripper. In this work, inspired by how humans use fingers to follow DLOs, we explore the usage of a generic dexterous hand with tactile sensing to imitate human skills and achieve robust in-hand DLO following. To enable the hardware system to function in the real world, we develop a framework that includes Cartesian-space arm-hand control, tactile-based in-hand 3-D DLO pose estimation, and task-specific motion design. Experimental results demonstrate the significant superiority of our method over using parallel grippers, as well as its great robustness, generalizability, and efficiency.