Abstract:The point clouds collected by the Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) system provide accurate 3D information of urban land covers. By utilizing multi-temporal ALS point clouds, semantic changes in urban area can be captured, demonstrating significant potential in urban planning, emergency management, and infrastructure maintenance. Existing 3D change detection methods struggle to efficiently extract multi-class semantic information and change features, still facing the following challenges: (1) the difficulty of accurately modeling cross-temporal point clouds spatial relationships for effective change feature extraction; (2) class imbalance of change samples which hinders distinguishability of semantic features; (3) the lack of real-world datasets for 3D semantic change detection. To resolve these challenges, we propose the Multi-task Enhanced Cross-temporal Point Transformer (ME-CPT) network. ME-CPT establishes spatiotemporal correspondences between point cloud across different epochs and employs attention mechanisms to jointly extract semantic change features, facilitating information exchange and change comparison. Additionally, we incorporate a semantic segmentation task and through the multi-task training strategy, further enhance the distinguishability of semantic features, reducing the impact of class imbalance in change types. Moreover, we release a 22.5 $km^2$ 3D semantic change detection dataset, offering diverse scenes for comprehensive evaluation. Experiments on multiple datasets show that the proposed MT-CPT achieves superior performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. The source code and dataset will be released upon acceptance at \url{https://github.com/zhangluqi0209/ME-CPT}.
Abstract:Image to point cloud global localization is crucial for robot navigation in GNSS-denied environments and has become increasingly important for multi-robot map fusion and urban asset management. The modality gap between images and point clouds poses significant challenges for cross-modality fusion. Current cross-modality global localization solutions either require modality unification, which leads to information loss, or rely on engineered training schemes to encode multi-modality features, which often lack feature alignment and relation consistency. To address these limitations, we propose, SaliencyI2PLoc, a novel contrastive learning based architecture that fuses the saliency map into feature aggregation and maintains the feature relation consistency on multi-manifold spaces. To alleviate the pre-process of data mining, the contrastive learning framework is applied which efficiently achieves cross-modality feature mapping. The context saliency-guided local feature aggregation module is designed, which fully leverages the contribution of the stationary information in the scene generating a more representative global feature. Furthermore, to enhance the cross-modality feature alignment during contrastive learning, the consistency of relative relationships between samples in different manifold spaces is also taken into account. Experiments conducted on urban and highway scenario datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method. Specifically, our method achieves a Recall@1 of 78.92% and a Recall@20 of 97.59% on the urban scenario evaluation dataset, showing an improvement of 37.35% and 18.07%, compared to the baseline method. This demonstrates that our architecture efficiently fuses images and point clouds and represents a significant step forward in cross-modality global localization. The project page and code will be released.
Abstract:3D open-vocabulary scene understanding, which accurately perceives complex semantic properties of objects in space, has gained significant attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose GAGS, a framework that distills 2D CLIP features into 3D Gaussian splatting, enabling open-vocabulary queries for renderings on arbitrary viewpoints. The main challenge of distilling 2D features for 3D fields lies in the multiview inconsistency of extracted 2D features, which provides unstable supervision for the 3D feature field. GAGS addresses this challenge with two novel strategies. First, GAGS associates the prompt point density of SAM with the camera distances, which significantly improves the multiview consistency of segmentation results. Second, GAGS further decodes a granularity factor to guide the distillation process and this granularity factor can be learned in a unsupervised manner to only select the multiview consistent 2D features in the distillation process. Experimental results on two datasets demonstrate significant performance and stability improvements of GAGS in visual grounding and semantic segmentation, with an inference speed 2$\times$ faster than baseline methods. The code and additional results are available at https://pz0826.github.io/GAGS-Webpage/ .
Abstract:OpenStreetMap (OSM), an online and versatile source of volunteered geographic information (VGI), is widely used for human self-localization by matching nearby visual observations with vectorized map data. However, due to the divergence in modalities and views, image-to-OSM (I2O) matching and localization remain challenging for robots, preventing the full utilization of VGI data in the unmanned ground vehicles and logistic industry. Inspired by the fact that the human brain relies on geometric and semantic understanding of sensory information for spatial localization tasks, we propose the OSMLoc in this paper. OSMLoc is a brain-inspired single-image visual localization method with semantic and geometric guidance to improve accuracy, robustness, and generalization ability. First, we equip the OSMLoc with the visual foundational model to extract powerful image features. Second, a geometry-guided depth distribution adapter is proposed to bridge the monocular depth estimation and camera-to-BEV transform. Thirdly, the semantic embeddings from the OSM data are utilized as auxiliary guidance for image-to-OSM feature matching. To validate the proposed OSMLoc, we collect a worldwide cross-area and cross-condition (CC) benchmark for extensive evaluation. Experiments on the MGL dataset, CC validation benchmark, and KITTI dataset have demonstrated the superiority of our method. Code, pre-trained models, CC validation benchmark, and additional results are available on: https://github.com/WHU-USI3DV/OSMLoc
Abstract:Current Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) systems have significantly enhanced 3D object detection using LiDAR and camera data. However, these methods suffer from performance degradation in adverse weather conditions. The weatherrobust 4D radar provides Doppler and additional geometric information, raising the possibility of addressing this challenge. To this end, we present V2X-R, the first simulated V2X dataset incorporating LiDAR, camera, and 4D radar. V2X-R contains 12,079 scenarios with 37,727 frames of LiDAR and 4D radar point clouds, 150,908 images, and 170,859 annotated 3D vehicle bounding boxes. Subsequently, we propose a novel cooperative LiDAR-4D radar fusion pipeline for 3D object detection and implement it with various fusion strategies. To achieve weather-robust detection, we additionally propose a Multi-modal Denoising Diffusion (MDD) module in our fusion pipeline. MDD utilizes weather-robust 4D radar feature as a condition to prompt the diffusion model to denoise noisy LiDAR features. Experiments show that our LiDAR-4D radar fusion pipeline demonstrates superior performance in the V2X-R dataset. Over and above this, our MDD module further improved the performance of basic fusion model by up to 5.73%/6.70% in foggy/snowy conditions with barely disrupting normal performance. The dataset and code will be publicly available at: https://github.com/ylwhxht/V2X-R.
Abstract:Wearable laser scanning (WLS) system has the advantages of flexibility and portability. It can be used for determining the user's path within a prior map, which is a huge demand for applications in pedestrian navigation, collaborative mapping, augmented reality, and emergency rescue. However, existing LiDAR-based global localization methods suffer from insufficient robustness, especially in complex large-scale outdoor scenes with insufficient features and incomplete coverage of the prior map. To address such challenges, we propose LiDAR-based reliable global localization (Reliable-loc) exploiting the verifiable cues in the sequential LiDAR data. First, we propose a Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) based on spatially verifiable cues, utilizing the rich information embedded in local features to adjust the particles' weights hence avoiding the particles converging to erroneous regions. Second, we propose a localization status monitoring mechanism guided by the sequential pose uncertainties and adaptively switching the localization mode using the temporal verifiable cues to avoid the crash of the localization system. To validate the proposed Reliable-loc, comprehensive experiments have been conducted on a large-scale heterogeneous point cloud dataset consisting of high-precision vehicle-mounted mobile laser scanning (MLS) point clouds and helmet-mounted WLS point clouds, which cover various street scenes with a length of over 20km. The experimental results indicate that Reliable-loc exhibits high robustness, accuracy, and efficiency in large-scale, complex street scenes, with a position accuracy of 1.66m, yaw accuracy of 3.09 degrees, and achieves real-time performance. For the code and detailed experimental results, please refer to https://github.com/zouxianghong/Reliable-loc.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose VistaDream a novel framework to reconstruct a 3D scene from a single-view image. Recent diffusion models enable generating high-quality novel-view images from a single-view input image. Most existing methods only concentrate on building the consistency between the input image and the generated images while losing the consistency between the generated images. VistaDream addresses this problem by a two-stage pipeline. In the first stage, VistaDream begins with building a global coarse 3D scaffold by zooming out a little step with inpainted boundaries and an estimated depth map. Then, on this global scaffold, we use iterative diffusion-based RGB-D inpainting to generate novel-view images to inpaint the holes of the scaffold. In the second stage, we further enhance the consistency between the generated novel-view images by a novel training-free Multiview Consistency Sampling (MCS) that introduces multi-view consistency constraints in the reverse sampling process of diffusion models. Experimental results demonstrate that without training or fine-tuning existing diffusion models, VistaDream achieves consistent and high-quality novel view synthesis using just single-view images and outperforms baseline methods by a large margin. The code, videos, and interactive demos are available at https://vistadream-project-page.github.io/.
Abstract:Plane instance segmentation from RGB-D data is a crucial research topic for many downstream tasks. However, most existing deep-learning-based methods utilize only information within the RGB bands, neglecting the important role of the depth band in plane instance segmentation. Based on EfficientSAM, a fast version of SAM, we propose a plane instance segmentation network called PlaneSAM, which can fully integrate the information of the RGB bands (spectral bands) and the D band (geometric band), thereby improving the effectiveness of plane instance segmentation in a multimodal manner. Specifically, we use a dual-complexity backbone, with primarily the simpler branch learning D-band features and primarily the more complex branch learning RGB-band features. Consequently, the backbone can effectively learn D-band feature representations even when D-band training data is limited in scale, retain the powerful RGB-band feature representations of EfficientSAM, and allow the original backbone branch to be fine-tuned for the current task. To enhance the adaptability of our PlaneSAM to the RGB-D domain, we pretrain our dual-complexity backbone using the segment anything task on large-scale RGB-D data through a self-supervised pretraining strategy based on imperfect pseudo-labels. To support the segmentation of large planes, we optimize the loss function combination ratio of EfficientSAM. In addition, Faster R-CNN is used as a plane detector, and its predicted bounding boxes are fed into our dual-complexity network as prompts, thereby enabling fully automatic plane instance segmentation. Experimental results show that the proposed PlaneSAM sets a new SOTA performance on the ScanNet dataset, and outperforms previous SOTA approaches in zero-shot transfer on the 2D-3D-S, Matterport3D, and ICL-NUIM RGB-D datasets, while only incurring a 10% increase in computational overhead compared to EfficientSAM.
Abstract:Dashboard cameras (dashcams) record millions of driving videos daily, offering a valuable potential data source for various applications, including driving map production and updates. A necessary step for utilizing these dashcam data involves the estimation of camera poses. However, the low-quality images captured by dashcams, characterized by motion blurs and dynamic objects, pose challenges for existing image-matching methods in accurately estimating camera poses. In this study, we propose a precise pose estimation method for dashcam images, leveraging the inherent camera motion prior. Typically, image sequences captured by dash cameras exhibit pronounced motion prior, such as forward movement or lateral turns, which serve as essential cues for correspondence estimation. Building upon this observation, we devise a pose regression module aimed at learning camera motion prior, subsequently integrating these prior into both correspondences and pose estimation processes. The experiment shows that, in real dashcams dataset, our method is 22% better than the baseline for pose estimation in AUC5\textdegree, and it can estimate poses for 19% more images with less reprojection error in Structure from Motion (SfM).
Abstract:Corresponding author}In this paper, we explore a novel framework, EGIInet (Explicitly Guided Information Interaction Network), a model for View-guided Point cloud Completion (ViPC) task, which aims to restore a complete point cloud from a partial one with a single view image. In comparison with previous methods that relied on the global semantics of input images, EGIInet efficiently combines the information from two modalities by leveraging the geometric nature of the completion task. Specifically, we propose an explicitly guided information interaction strategy supported by modal alignment for point cloud completion. First, in contrast to previous methods which simply use 2D and 3D backbones to encode features respectively, we unified the encoding process to promote modal alignment. Second, we propose a novel explicitly guided information interaction strategy that could help the network identify critical information within images, thus achieving better guidance for completion. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, and we achieved a new state-of-the-art (+16\% CD over XMFnet) in benchmark datasets despite using fewer parameters than the previous methods. The pre-trained model and code and are available at https://github.com/WHU-USI3DV/EGIInet.