Abstract:Remote sensing (RS) visual tasks have gained significant academic and practical importance. However, they encounter numerous challenges that hinder effective feature extraction, including the detection and recognition of multiple objects exhibiting substantial variations in scale within a single image. While prior dual-branch or multi-branch architectural strategies have been effective in managing these object variances, they have concurrently resulted in considerable increases in computational demands and parameter counts. Consequently, these architectures are rendered less viable for deployment on resource-constrained devices. Contemporary lightweight backbone networks, designed primarily for natural images, frequently encounter difficulties in effectively extracting features from multi-scale objects, which compromises their efficacy in RS visual tasks. This article introduces LWGANet, a specialized lightweight backbone network tailored for RS visual tasks, incorporating a novel lightweight group attention (LWGA) module designed to address these specific challenges. LWGA module, tailored for RS imagery, adeptly harnesses redundant features to extract a wide range of spatial information, from local to global scales, without introducing additional complexity or computational overhead. This facilitates precise feature extraction across multiple scales within an efficient framework.LWGANet was rigorously evaluated across twelve datasets, which span four crucial RS visual tasks: scene classification, oriented object detection, semantic segmentation, and change detection. The results confirm LWGANet's widespread applicability and its ability to maintain an optimal balance between high performance and low complexity, achieving SOTA results across diverse datasets. LWGANet emerged as a novel solution for resource-limited scenarios requiring robust RS image processing capabilities.
Abstract:Alignment-free RGB-Thermal (RGB-T) salient object detection (SOD) aims to achieve robust performance in complex scenes by directly leveraging the complementary information from unaligned visible-thermal image pairs, without requiring manual alignment. However, the labor-intensive process of collecting and annotating image pairs limits the scale of existing benchmarks, hindering the advancement of alignment-free RGB-T SOD. In this paper, we construct a large-scale and high-diversity unaligned RGB-T SOD dataset named UVT20K, comprising 20,000 image pairs, 407 scenes, and 1256 object categories. All samples are collected from real-world scenarios with various challenges, such as low illumination, image clutter, complex salient objects, and so on. To support the exploration for further research, each sample in UVT20K is annotated with a comprehensive set of ground truths, including saliency masks, scribbles, boundaries, and challenge attributes. In addition, we propose a Progressive Correlation Network (PCNet), which models inter- and intra-modal correlations on the basis of explicit alignment to achieve accurate predictions in unaligned image pairs. Extensive experiments conducted on unaligned and aligned datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.Code and dataset are available at https://github.com/Angknpng/PCNet.
Abstract:Text logo design heavily relies on the creativity and expertise of professional designers, in which arranging element layouts is one of the most important procedures. However, few attention has been paid to this specific task which needs to take precise textural details and user constraints into consideration, but only on the broader tasks such as document/poster layout generation. In this paper, we propose a VLM-based framework that generates content-aware text logo layouts by integrating multi-modal inputs with user constraints, supporting a more flexible and stable layout design in real-world applications. We introduce two model techniques to reduce the computation for processing multiple glyph images simultaneously, while does not face performance degradation. To support instruction-tuning of out model, we construct two extensive text logo datasets, which are 5x more larger than the existing public dataset. Except for the geometric annotations (e.g. text masks and character recognition), we also compliment with comprehensive layout descriptions in natural language format, for more effective training to have reasoning ability when dealing with complex layouts and custom user constraints. Experimental studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model and datasets, when comparing with previous methods in various benchmarks to evaluate geometric aesthetics and human preferences. The code and datasets will be publicly available.
Abstract:Recently, graph prompt learning has garnered increasing attention in adapting pre-trained GNN models for downstream graph learning tasks. However, existing works generally conduct prompting over all graph elements (e.g., nodes, edges, node attributes, etc.), which is suboptimal and obviously redundant. To address this issue, we propose exploiting sparse representation theory for graph prompting and present Graph Sparse Prompting (GSP). GSP aims to adaptively and sparsely select the optimal elements (e.g., certain node attributes) to achieve compact prompting for downstream tasks. Specifically, we propose two kinds of GSP models, termed Graph Sparse Feature Prompting (GSFP) and Graph Sparse multi-Feature Prompting (GSmFP). Both GSFP and GSmFP provide a general scheme for tuning any specific pre-trained GNNs that can achieve attribute selection and compact prompt learning simultaneously. A simple yet effective algorithm has been designed for solving GSFP and GSmFP models. Experiments on 16 widely-used benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed GSFPs.
Abstract:Modality gap between RGB and thermal infrared (TIR) images is a crucial issue but often overlooked in existing RGBT tracking methods. It can be observed that modality gap mainly lies in the image style difference. In this work, we propose a novel Coupled Knowledge Distillation framework called CKD, which pursues common styles of different modalities to break modality gap, for high performance RGBT tracking. In particular, we introduce two student networks and employ the style distillation loss to make their style features consistent as much as possible. Through alleviating the style difference of two student networks, we can break modality gap of different modalities well. However, the distillation of style features might harm to the content representations of two modalities in student networks. To handle this issue, we take original RGB and TIR networks as the teachers, and distill their content knowledge into two student networks respectively by the style-content orthogonal feature decoupling scheme. We couple the above two distillation processes in an online optimization framework to form new feature representations of RGB and thermal modalities without modality gap. In addition, we design a masked modeling strategy and a multi-modal candidate token elimination strategy into CKD to improve tracking robustness and efficiency respectively. Extensive experiments on five standard RGBT tracking datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method against state-of-the-art methods while achieving the fastest tracking speed of 96.4 FPS. Code available at https://github.com/Multi-Modality-Tracking/CKD.
Abstract:Change Detection (CD) enables the identification of alterations between images of the same area captured at different times. However, existing CD methods still struggle to address pseudo changes resulting from domain information differences in multi-temporal images and instances of detail errors caused by the loss and contamination of detail features during the upsampling process in the network. To address this, we propose a bi-temporal Gaussian distribution feature-dependent network (BGFD). Specifically, we first introduce the Gaussian noise domain disturbance (GNDD) module, which approximates distribution using image statistical features to characterize domain information, samples noise to perturb the network for learning redundant domain information, addressing domain information differences from a more fundamental perspective. Additionally, within the feature dependency facilitation (FDF) module, we integrate a novel mutual information difference loss ($L_{MI}$) and more sophisticated attention mechanisms to enhance the capabilities of the network, ensuring the acquisition of essential domain information. Subsequently, we have designed a novel detail feature compensation (DFC) module, which compensates for detail feature loss and contamination introduced during the upsampling process from the perspectives of enhancing local features and refining global features. The BGFD has effectively reduced pseudo changes and enhanced the detection capability of detail information. It has also achieved state-of-the-art performance on four publicly available datasets - DSIFN-CD, SYSU-CD, LEVIR-CD, and S2Looking, surpassing baseline models by +8.58%, +1.28%, +0.31%, and +3.76% respectively, in terms of the F1-Score metric.
Abstract:Although most existing multi-modal salient object detection (SOD) methods demonstrate effectiveness through training models from scratch, the limited multi-modal data hinders these methods from reaching optimality. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to explore and exploit the powerful feature representation and zero-shot generalization ability of the pre-trained Segment Anything Model (SAM) for multi-modal SOD. Despite serving as a recent vision fundamental model, driving the class-agnostic SAM to comprehend and detect salient objects accurately is non-trivial, especially in challenging scenes. To this end, we develop \underline{SAM} with se\underline{m}antic f\underline{e}ature fu\underline{s}ion guidanc\underline{e} (Sammese), which incorporates multi-modal saliency-specific knowledge into SAM to adapt SAM to multi-modal SOD tasks. However, it is difficult for SAM trained on single-modal data to directly mine the complementary benefits of multi-modal inputs and comprehensively utilize them to achieve accurate saliency prediction.To address these issues, we first design a multi-modal complementary fusion module to extract robust multi-modal semantic features by integrating information from visible and thermal or depth image pairs. Then, we feed the extracted multi-modal semantic features into both the SAM image encoder and mask decoder for fine-tuning and prompting, respectively. Specifically, in the image encoder, a multi-modal adapter is proposed to adapt the single-modal SAM to multi-modal information. In the mask decoder, a semantic-geometric prompt generation strategy is proposed to produce corresponding embeddings with various saliency cues. Extensive experiments on both RGB-D and RGB-T SOD benchmarks show the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
Abstract:Existing RGBT tracking methods often design various interaction models to perform cross-modal fusion of each layer, but can not execute the feature interactions among all layers, which plays a critical role in robust multimodal representation, due to large computational burden. To address this issue, this paper presents a novel All-layer multimodal Interaction Network, named AINet, which performs efficient and effective feature interactions of all modalities and layers in a progressive fusion Mamba, for robust RGBT tracking. Even though modality features in different layers are known to contain different cues, it is always challenging to build multimodal interactions in each layer due to struggling in balancing interaction capabilities and efficiency. Meanwhile, considering that the feature discrepancy between RGB and thermal modalities reflects their complementary information to some extent, we design a Difference-based Fusion Mamba (DFM) to achieve enhanced fusion of different modalities with linear complexity. When interacting with features from all layers, a huge number of token sequences (3840 tokens in this work) are involved and the computational burden is thus large. To handle this problem, we design an Order-dynamic Fusion Mamba (OFM) to execute efficient and effective feature interactions of all layers by dynamically adjusting the scan order of different layers in Mamba. Extensive experiments on four public RGBT tracking datasets show that AINet achieves leading performance against existing state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:In long-distance fiber optic transmission, the optic fiber link and erbium-doped fiber amplifiers can introduce excessive noise, which reduces the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). The narrow-band optical filters can be used to eliminate noise and thereby improve OSNR. However, there is a relative frequency drift between the signal and the narrow-band filter, which leads to filtered signal instability. This paper proposes an adaptive OSNR recovery scheme based on a Fabry-Perot (F-P) cavity with mode width of 6 MHz. Utilizing the comb filtering of F-P cavity, the noise around the carrier and sidebands of the signal is filtered out simultaneously. To avoid frequency mismatch, we propose a double-servo scheme to suppress relative frequency drift between the signal and the F-P cavity. We constructed a stable radio frequency transfer system based on passive phase compensation and compared our scheme with other OSNR recovery schemes based on optical filters. Compared to the schemes based on dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) and Waveshaper, our scheme demonstrates an improvement in OSNR of carrier by at least 12 dB and sidebands by at least 23.5 dB. The short-term transfer stability (1 s) is improved by one order of magnitude compared to DWDM and half an order of magnitude compared to Waveshper. This scheme can be applied to the recovery of signals with low OSNR in long-distance fiber optic transmission, improving signal quaility and extending the transmission distance limit.
Abstract:We present REMM, a rotation-equivariant framework for end-to-end multimodal image matching, which fully encodes rotational differences of descriptors in the whole matching pipeline. Previous learning-based methods mainly focus on extracting modal-invariant descriptors, while consistently ignoring the rotational invariance. In this paper, we demonstrate that our REMM is very useful for multimodal image matching, including multimodal feature learning module and cyclic shift module. We first learn modal-invariant features through the multimodal feature learning module. Then, we design the cyclic shift module to rotationally encode the descriptors, greatly improving the performance of rotation-equivariant matching, which makes them robust to any angle. To validate our method, we establish a comprehensive rotation and scale-matching benchmark for evaluating the anti-rotation performance of multimodal images, which contains a combination of multi-angle and multi-scale transformations from four publicly available datasets. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms existing methods in benchmarking and generalizes well to independent datasets. Additionally, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the key components of the REMM to validate the improvements brought about by the cyclic shift module. Code and dataset at https://github.com/HanNieWHU/REMM.