Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have shown strong performance in understanding single images, aided by numerous high-quality instruction datasets. However, multi-image reasoning tasks are still under-explored in the open-source community due to two main challenges: (1) scaling datasets with multiple correlated images and complex reasoning instructions is resource-intensive and maintaining quality is difficult, and (2) there is a lack of robust evaluation benchmarks for multi-image tasks. To address these issues, we introduce SMIR, an efficient synthetic data-generation pipeline for multi-image reasoning, and a high-quality dataset generated using this pipeline. Our pipeline efficiently extracts highly correlated images using multimodal embeddings, combining visual and descriptive information and leverages open-source LLMs to generate quality instructions. Using this pipeline, we generated 160K synthetic training samples, offering a cost-effective alternative to expensive closed-source solutions. Additionally, we present SMIR-BENCH, a novel multi-image reasoning evaluation benchmark comprising 200 diverse examples across 7 complex multi-image reasoning tasks. SMIR-BENCH is multi-turn and utilizes a VLM judge to evaluate free-form responses, providing a comprehensive assessment of model expressiveness and reasoning capability across modalities. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SMIR dataset by fine-tuning several open-source VLMs and evaluating their performance on SMIR-BENCH. Our results show that models trained on our dataset outperform baseline models in multi-image reasoning tasks up to 8% with a much more scalable data pipeline.
Abstract:With hundreds of thousands of language models available on Huggingface today, efficiently evaluating and utilizing these models across various downstream, tasks has become increasingly critical. Many existing methods repeatedly learn task-specific representations of Large Language Models (LLMs), which leads to inefficiencies in both time and computational resources. To address this, we propose EmbedLLM, a framework designed to learn compact vector representations, of LLMs that facilitate downstream applications involving many models, such as model routing. We introduce an encoder-decoder approach for learning such embeddings, along with a systematic framework to evaluate their effectiveness. Empirical results show that EmbedLLM outperforms prior methods in model routing both in accuracy and latency. Additionally, we demonstrate that our method can forecast a model's performance on multiple benchmarks, without incurring additional inference cost. Extensive probing experiments validate that the learned embeddings capture key model characteristics, e.g. whether the model is specialized for coding tasks, even without being explicitly trained on them. We open source our dataset, code and embedder to facilitate further research and application.
Abstract:When reading temporarily ambiguous garden-path sentences, misinterpretations sometimes linger past the point of disambiguation. This phenomenon has traditionally been studied in psycholinguistic experiments using online measures such as reading times and offline measures such as comprehension questions. Here, we investigate the processing of garden-path sentences and the fate of lingering misinterpretations using four large language models (LLMs): GPT-2, LLaMA-2, Flan-T5, and RoBERTa. The overall goal is to evaluate whether humans and LLMs are aligned in their processing of garden-path sentences and in the lingering misinterpretations past the point of disambiguation, especially when extra-syntactic information (e.g., a comma delimiting a clause boundary) is present to guide processing. We address this goal using 24 garden-path sentences that have optional transitive and reflexive verbs leading to temporary ambiguities. For each sentence, there are a pair of comprehension questions corresponding to the misinterpretation and the correct interpretation. In three experiments, we (1) measure the dynamic semantic interpretations of LLMs using the question-answering task; (2) track whether these models shift their implicit parse tree at the point of disambiguation (or by the end of the sentence); and (3) visualize the model components that attend to disambiguating information when processing the question probes. These experiments show promising alignment between humans and LLMs in the processing of garden-path sentences, especially when extra-syntactic information is available to guide processing.
Abstract:The latest X-ray photon-counting computed tomography (PCCT) for extremity allows multi-energy high-resolution (HR) imaging for tissue characterization and material decomposition. However, both radiation dose and imaging speed need improvement for contrast-enhanced and other studies. Despite the success of deep learning methods for 2D few-view reconstruction, applying them to HR volumetric reconstruction of extremity scans for clinical diagnosis has been limited due to GPU memory constraints, training data scarcity, and domain gap issues. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based approach for PCCT image reconstruction at halved dose and doubled speed in a New Zealand clinical trial. Particularly, we present a patch-based volumetric refinement network to alleviate the GPU memory limitation, train network with synthetic data, and use model-based iterative refinement to bridge the gap between synthetic and real-world data. The simulation and phantom experiments demonstrate consistently improved results under different acquisition conditions on both in- and off-domain structures using a fixed network. The image quality of 8 patients from the clinical trial are evaluated by three radiologists in comparison with the standard image reconstruction with a full-view dataset. It is shown that our proposed approach is essentially identical to or better than the clinical benchmark in terms of diagnostic image quality scores. Our approach has a great potential to improve the safety and efficiency of PCCT without compromising image quality.
Abstract:Modern platforms leverage randomized experiments to make informed decisions from a given set of items (``treatments''). As a particularly challenging scenario, these items may (i) arrive in high volume, with thousands of new items being released per hour, and (ii) have short lifetime, say, due to the item's transient nature or underlying non-stationarity that impels the platform to perceive the same item as distinct copies over time. Thus motivated, we study a Bayesian multiple-play bandit problem that encapsulates the key features of the multivariate testing (or ``multi-A/B testing'') problem with a high volume of short-lived arms. In each round, a set of $k$ arms arrive, each available for $w$ rounds. Without knowing the mean reward for each arm, the learner selects a multiset of $n$ arms and immediately observes their realized rewards. We aim to minimize the loss due to not knowing the mean rewards, averaged over instances generated from a given prior distribution. We show that when $k = O(n^\rho)$ for some constant $\rho>0$, our proposed policy has $\tilde O(n^{-\min \{\rho, \frac 12 (1+\frac 1w)^{-1}\}})$ loss on a sufficiently large class of prior distributions. We complement this result by showing that every policy suffers $\Omega (n^{-\min \{\rho, \frac 12\}})$ loss on the same class of distributions. We further validate the effectiveness of our policy through a large-scale field experiment on {\em Glance}, a content-card-serving platform that faces exactly the above challenge. A simple variant of our policy outperforms the platform's current recommender by 4.32\% in total duration and 7.48\% in total number of click-throughs.
Abstract:Consider a single-product revenue-maximization problem where the seller monotonically decreases the price in $n$ rounds with an unknown demand model coming from a given family. Without monotonicity, the minimax regret is $\tilde O(n^{2/3})$ for the Lipschitz demand family and $\tilde O(n^{1/2})$ for a general class of parametric demand models. With monotonicity, the minimax regret is $\tilde O(n^{3/4})$ if the revenue function is Lipschitz and unimodal. However, the minimax regret for parametric families remained open. In this work, we provide a complete settlement for this fundamental problem. We introduce the crossing number to measure the complexity of a family of demand functions. In particular, the family of degree-$k$ polynomials has a crossing number $k$. Based on conservatism under uncertainty, we present (i) a policy with an optimal $\Theta(\log^2 n)$ regret for families with crossing number $k=0$, and (ii) another policy with an optimal $\tilde \Theta(n^{k/(k+1)})$ regret when $k\ge 1$. These bounds are asymptotically higher than the $\tilde O(\log n)$ and $\tilde \Theta(\sqrt n)$ minimax regret for the same families without the monotonicity constraint.
Abstract:Quantization has become a mainstream compression technique for reducing model size, computational requirements, and energy consumption for modern deep neural networks (DNNs). With the improved numerical support in recent hardware, including multiple variants of integer and floating point, mixed-precision quantization has become necessary to achieve high-quality results with low model cost. Prior mixed-precision quantization methods have performed a post-training quantization search, which compromises on accuracy, or a differentiable quantization search, which leads to high memory usage from branching. Therefore, we propose the first one-shot mixed-precision quantization search that eliminates the need for retraining in both integer and low-precision floating point models. We evaluate our floating-point and integer quantization search (FLIQS) on multiple convolutional networks and vision transformer models to discover Pareto-optimal models. Our approach discovers models that improve upon uniform precision, manual mixed-precision, and recent integer quantization search methods. With the proposed integer quantization search, we increase the accuracy of ResNet-18 on ImageNet by 1.31% points and ResNet-50 by 0.90% points with equivalent model cost over previous methods. Additionally, for the first time, we explore a novel mixed-precision floating-point search and improve MobileNetV2 by up to 0.98% points compared to prior state-of-the-art FP8 models. Finally, we extend FLIQS to simultaneously search a joint quantization and neural architecture space and improve the ImageNet accuracy by 2.69% points with similar model cost on a MobileNetV2 search space.
Abstract:Automated generation of clinically accurate radiology reports can improve patient care. Previous report generation methods that rely on image captioning models often generate incoherent and incorrect text due to their lack of relevant domain knowledge, while retrieval-based attempts frequently retrieve reports that are irrelevant to the input image. In this work, we propose Contrastive X-Ray REport Match (X-REM), a novel retrieval-based radiology report generation module that uses an image-text matching score to measure the similarity of a chest X-ray image and radiology report for report retrieval. We observe that computing the image-text matching score with a language-image model can effectively capture the fine-grained interaction between image and text that is often lost when using cosine similarity. X-REM outperforms multiple prior radiology report generation modules in terms of both natural language and clinical metrics. Human evaluation of the generated reports suggests that X-REM increased the number of zero-error reports and decreased the average error severity compared to the baseline retrieval approach. Our code is available at: https://github.com/rajpurkarlab/X-REM
Abstract:In the problem of active sequential hypotheses testing (ASHT), a learner seeks to identify the true hypothesis $h^*$ from among a set of hypotheses $H$. The learner is given a set of actions and knows the outcome distribution of any action under any true hypothesis. While repeatedly playing the entire set of actions suffices to identify $h^*$, a cost is incurred with each action. Thus, given a target error $\delta>0$, the goal is to find the minimal cost policy for sequentially selecting actions that identify $h^*$ with probability at least $1 - \delta$. This paper provides the first approximation algorithms for ASHT, under two types of adaptivity. First, a policy is partially adaptive if it fixes a sequence of actions in advance and adaptively decides when to terminate and what hypothesis to return. Under partial adaptivity, we provide an $O\big(s^{-1}(1+\log_{1/\delta}|H|)\log (s^{-1}|H| \log |H|)\big)$-approximation algorithm, where $s$ is a natural separation parameter between the hypotheses. Second, a policy is fully adaptive if action selection is allowed to depend on previous outcomes. Under full adaptivity, we provide an $O(s^{-1}\log (|H|/\delta)\log |H|)$-approximation algorithm. We numerically investigate the performance of our algorithms using both synthetic and real-world data, showing that our algorithms outperform a previously proposed heuristic policy.
Abstract:We address the problem of teaching a deep reinforcement learning (RL) agent to follow instructions in multi-task environments. The combinatorial task sets we target consist of up to $~10^{39}$ unique tasks. We employ a well-known formal language -- linear temporal logic (LTL) -- to specify instructions, using a domain-specific vocabulary. We propose a novel approach to learning that exploits the compositional syntax and the semantics of LTL, enabling our RL agent to learn task-conditioned policies that generalize to new instructions, not observed during training. The expressive power of LTL supports the specification of a diversity of complex temporally extended behaviours that include conditionals and alternative realizations. To reduce the overhead of learning LTL semantics, we introduce an environment-agnostic LTL pretraining scheme which improves sample-efficiency in downstream environments. Experiments on discrete and continuous domains demonstrate the strength of our approach in learning to solve (unseen) tasks, given LTL instructions.