Abstract:This chapter explores the efficacy of using social media data to examine changing linguistic behaviour of a place. We focus our investigation on Aotearoa New Zealand where official statistics from the census is the only source of language use data. We use published census data as the ground truth and the social media sub-corpus from the Corpus of Global Language Use as our alternative data source. We use place as the common denominator between the two data sources. We identify the language conditions of each tweet in the social media data set and validated our results with two language identification models. We then compare levels of linguistic diversity at national, regional, and local geographies. The results suggest that social media language data has the possibility to provide a rich source of spatial and temporal insights on the linguistic profile of a place. We show that social media is sensitive to demographic and sociopolitical changes within a language and at low-level regional and local geographies.
Abstract:This paper analyses the degree to which dialect classifiers based on syntactic representations remain stable over space and time. While previous work has shown that the combination of grammar induction and geospatial text classification produces robust dialect models, we do not know what influence both changing grammars and changing populations have on dialect models. This paper constructs a test set for 12 dialects of English that spans three years at monthly intervals with a fixed spatial distribution across 1,120 cities. Syntactic representations are formulated within the usage-based Construction Grammar paradigm (CxG). The decay rate of classification performance for each dialect over time allows us to identify regions undergoing syntactic change. And the distribution of classification accuracy within dialect regions allows us to identify the degree to which the grammar of a dialect is internally heterogeneous. The main contribution of this paper is to show that a rigorous evaluation of dialect classification models can be used to find both variation over space and change over time.