Abstract:In real-world data, information is stored in extremely large feature vectors. These variables are typically correlated due to complex interactions involving many features simultaneously. Such correlations qualitatively correspond to semantic roles and are naturally recognized by both the human brain and artificial neural networks. This recognition enables, for instance, the prediction of missing parts of an image or text based on their context. We present a method to detect these correlations in high-dimensional data represented as binary numbers. We estimate the binary intrinsic dimension of a dataset, which quantifies the minimum number of independent coordinates needed to describe the data, and is therefore a proxy of semantic complexity. The proposed algorithm is largely insensitive to the so-called curse of dimensionality, and can therefore be used in big data analysis. We test this approach identifying phase transitions in model magnetic systems and we then apply it to the detection of semantic correlations of images and text inside deep neural networks.
Abstract:Feature selection is a common process in many applications, but it is accompanied by uncertainties such as: What is the optimal dimensionality of an interpretable, reduced feature space to retain a maximum amount of information? How to account for different units of measure in features? How to weight different features according to their importance? To address these challenges, we introduce the Differentiable Information Imbalance (DII), an automatic data analysis method to rank information content between sets of features. Based on the nearest neighbors according to distances in the ground truth feature space, the method finds a low-dimensional subset of the input features, within which the pairwise distance relations are most similar to the ground truth. By employing the Differentiable Information Imbalance as a loss function, the relative feature weights of the inputs are optimized, simultaneously performing unit alignment and relative importance scaling, while preserving interpretability. Furthermore, this method can generate sparse solutions and determine the optimal size of the reduced feature space. We illustrate the usefulness of this approach on two prototypical benchmark problems: (1) Identifying a small set of collective variables capable of describing the conformational space of a biomolecule, and (2) selecting a subset of features for training a machine-learning force field. The results highlight the potential of the Differentiable Information Imbalance in addressing feature selection challenges and optimizing dimensionality in various applications. The method is implemented in the Python library DADApy.
Abstract:The remarkable capability of over-parameterised neural networks to generalise effectively has been explained by invoking a ``simplicity bias'': neural networks prevent overfitting by initially learning simple classifiers before progressing to more complex, non-linear functions. While simplicity biases have been described theoretically and experimentally in feed-forward networks for supervised learning, the extent to which they also explain the remarkable success of transformers trained with self-supervised techniques remains unclear. In our study, we demonstrate that transformers, trained on natural language data, also display a simplicity bias. Specifically, they sequentially learn many-body interactions among input tokens, reaching a saturation point in the prediction error for low-degree interactions while continuing to learn high-degree interactions. To conduct this analysis, we develop a procedure to generate \textit{clones} of a given natural language data set, which rigorously capture the interactions between tokens up to a specified order. This approach opens up the possibilities of studying how interactions of different orders in the data affect learning, in natural language processing and beyond.
Abstract:We introduce the Binless Multidimensional Thermodynamic Integration (BMTI) method for nonparametric, robust, and data-efficient density estimation. BMTI estimates the logarithm of the density by initially computing log-density differences between neighbouring data points. Subsequently, such differences are integrated, weighted by their associated uncertainties, using a maximum-likelihood formulation. This procedure can be seen as an extension to a multidimensional setting of the thermodynamic integration, a technique developed in statistical physics. The method leverages the manifold hypothesis, estimating quantities within the intrinsic data manifold without defining an explicit coordinate map. It does not rely on any binning or space partitioning, but rather on the construction of a neighbourhood graph based on an adaptive bandwidth selection procedure. BMTI mitigates the limitations commonly associated with traditional nonparametric density estimators, effectively reconstructing smooth profiles even in high-dimensional embedding spaces. The method is tested on a variety of complex synthetic high-dimensional datasets, where it is shown to outperform traditional estimators, and is benchmarked on realistic datasets from the chemical physics literature.
Abstract:The Intrinsic Dimension (ID) is a key concept in unsupervised learning and feature selection, as it is a lower bound to the number of variables which are necessary to describe a system. However, in almost any real-world dataset the ID depends on the scale at which the data are analysed. Quite typically at a small scale, the ID is very large, as the data are affected by measurement errors. At large scale, the ID can also be erroneously large, due to the curvature and the topology of the manifold containing the data. In this work, we introduce an automatic protocol to select the sweet spot, namely the correct range of scales in which the ID is meaningful and useful. This protocol is based on imposing that for distances smaller than the correct scale the density of the data is constant. Since to estimate the density it is necessary to know the ID, this condition is imposed self-consistently. We illustrate the usefulness and robustness of this procedure by benchmarks on artificial and real-world datasets.
Abstract:A language model (LM) is a mapping from a linguistic context to an output token. However, much remains to be known about this mapping, including how its geometric properties relate to its function. We take a high-level geometric approach to its analysis, observing, across five pre-trained transformer-based LMs and three input datasets, a distinct phase characterized by high intrinsic dimensionality. During this phase, representations (1) correspond to the first full linguistic abstraction of the input; (2) are the first to viably transfer to downstream tasks; (3) predict each other across different LMs. Moreover, we find that an earlier onset of the phase strongly predicts better language modelling performance. In short, our results suggest that a central high-dimensionality phase underlies core linguistic processing in many common LM architectures.
Abstract:Transformers are the type of neural networks that has revolutionised natural language processing and protein science. Their key building block is a mechanism called self-attention which is trained to predict missing words in sentences. Despite the practical success of transformers in applications it remains unclear what self-attention learns from data, and how. Here, we give a precise analytical and numerical characterisation of transformers trained on data drawn from a generalised Potts model with interactions between sites and Potts colours. While an off-the-shelf transformer requires several layers to learn this distribution, we show analytically that a single layer of self-attention with a small modification can learn the Potts model exactly in the limit of infinite sampling. We show that this modified self-attention, that we call ``factored'', has the same functional form as the conditional probability of a Potts spin given the other spins, compute its generalisation error using the replica method from statistical physics, and derive an exact mapping to pseudo-likelihood methods for solving the inverse Ising and Potts problem.
Abstract:Transfer learning is a powerful tool enabling model training with limited amounts of data. This technique is particularly useful in real-world problems where data availability is often a serious limitation. The simplest transfer learning protocol is based on ``freezing" the feature-extractor layers of a network pre-trained on a data-rich source task, and then adapting only the last layers to a data-poor target task. This workflow is based on the assumption that the feature maps of the pre-trained model are qualitatively similar to the ones that would have been learned with enough data on the target task. In this work, we show that this protocol is often sub-optimal, and the largest performance gain may be achieved when smaller portions of the pre-trained network are kept frozen. In particular, we make use of a controlled framework to identify the optimal transfer depth, which turns out to depend non-trivially on the amount of available training data and on the degree of source-target task correlation. We then characterize transfer optimality by analyzing the internal representations of two networks trained from scratch on the source and the target task through multiple established similarity measures.
Abstract:Large transformers are powerful architectures for self-supervised analysis of data of various nature, ranging from protein sequences to text to images. In these models, the data representation in the hidden layers live in the same space, and the semantic structure of the dataset emerges by a sequence of functionally identical transformations between one representation and the next. We here characterize the geometric and statistical properties of these representations, focusing on the evolution of such proprieties across the layers. By analyzing geometric properties such as the intrinsic dimension (ID) and the neighbor composition we find that the representations evolve in a strikingly similar manner in transformers trained on protein language tasks and image reconstruction tasks. In the first layers, the data manifold expands, becoming high-dimensional, and then it contracts significantly in the intermediate layers. In the last part of the model, the ID remains approximately constant or forms a second shallow peak. We show that the semantic complexity of the dataset emerges at the end of the first peak. This phenomenon can be observed across many models trained on diverse datasets. Based on these observations, we suggest using the ID profile as an unsupervised proxy to identify the layers which are more suitable for downstream learning tasks.
Abstract:Real world-datasets characterized by discrete features are ubiquitous: from categorical surveys to clinical questionnaires, from unweighted networks to DNA sequences. Nevertheless, the most common unsupervised dimensional reduction methods are designed for continuous spaces, and their use for discrete spaces can lead to errors and biases. In this letter we introduce an algorithm to infer the intrinsic dimension (ID) of datasets embedded in discrete spaces. We demonstrate its accuracy on benchmark datasets, and we apply it to analyze a metagenomic dataset for species fingerprinting, finding a surprisingly small ID, of order 2. This suggests that evolutive pressure acts on a low-dimensional manifold despite the high-dimensionality of sequences' space.