Abstract:Since its use in the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis, iterative magnitude pruning (IMP) has become a popular method for extracting sparse subnetworks that can be trained to high performance. Despite this, the underlying nature of IMP's general success remains unclear. One possibility is that IMP is especially capable of extracting and maintaining strong inductive biases. In support of this, recent work has shown that applying IMP to fully connected neural networks (FCNs) leads to the emergence of local receptive fields (RFs), an architectural feature present in mammalian visual cortex and convolutional neural networks. The question of how IMP is able to do this remains unanswered. Inspired by results showing that training FCNs on synthetic images with highly non-Gaussian statistics (e.g., sharp edges) is sufficient to drive the formation of local RFs, we hypothesize that IMP iteratively maximizes the non-Gaussian statistics present in the representations of FCNs, creating a feedback loop that enhances localization. We develop a new method for measuring the effect of individual weights on the statistics of the FCN representations ("cavity method"), which allows us to find evidence in support of this hypothesis. Our work, which is the first to study the effect IMP has on the representations of neural networks, sheds parsimonious light one way in which IMP can drive the formation of strong inductive biases.
Abstract:The remarkable capability of over-parameterised neural networks to generalise effectively has been explained by invoking a ``simplicity bias'': neural networks prevent overfitting by initially learning simple classifiers before progressing to more complex, non-linear functions. While simplicity biases have been described theoretically and experimentally in feed-forward networks for supervised learning, the extent to which they also explain the remarkable success of transformers trained with self-supervised techniques remains unclear. In our study, we demonstrate that transformers, trained on natural language data, also display a simplicity bias. Specifically, they sequentially learn many-body interactions among input tokens, reaching a saturation point in the prediction error for low-degree interactions while continuing to learn high-degree interactions. To conduct this analysis, we develop a procedure to generate \textit{clones} of a given natural language data set, which rigorously capture the interactions between tokens up to a specified order. This approach opens up the possibilities of studying how interactions of different orders in the data affect learning, in natural language processing and beyond.
Abstract:Neural networks extract features from data using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). In particular, higher-order input cumulants (HOCs) are crucial for their performance. However, extracting information from the $p$th cumulant of $d$-dimensional inputs is computationally hard: the number of samples required to recover a single direction from an order-$p$ tensor (tensor PCA) using online SGD grows as $d^{p-1}$, which is prohibitive for high-dimensional inputs. This result raises the question of how neural networks extract relevant directions from the HOCs of their inputs efficiently. Here, we show that correlations between latent variables along the directions encoded in different input cumulants speed up learning from higher-order correlations. We show this effect analytically by deriving nearly sharp thresholds for the number of samples required by a single neuron to weakly-recover these directions using online SGD from a random start in high dimensions. Our analytical results are confirmed in simulations of two-layer neural networks and unveil a new mechanism for hierarchical learning in neural networks.
Abstract:Neural networks excel at discovering statistical patterns in high-dimensional data sets. In practice, higher-order cumulants, which quantify the non-Gaussian correlations between three or more variables, are particularly important for the performance of neural networks. But how efficient are neural networks at extracting features from higher-order cumulants? We study this question in the spiked cumulant model, where the statistician needs to recover a privileged direction or "spike" from the order-$p\ge 4$ cumulants of~$d$-dimensional inputs. We first characterise the fundamental statistical and computational limits of recovering the spike by analysing the number of samples~$n$ required to strongly distinguish between inputs from the spiked cumulant model and isotropic Gaussian inputs. We find that statistical distinguishability requires $n\gtrsim d$ samples, while distinguishing the two distributions in polynomial time requires $n \gtrsim d^2$ samples for a wide class of algorithms, i.e. those covered by the low-degree conjecture. These results suggest the existence of a wide statistical-to-computational gap in this problem. Numerical experiments show that neural networks learn to distinguish the two distributions with quadratic sample complexity, while "lazy" methods like random features are not better than random guessing in this regime. Our results show that neural networks extract information from higher-order correlations in the spiked cumulant model efficiently, and reveal a large gap in the amount of data required by neural networks and random features to learn from higher-order cumulants.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have proven transformative in a range of domains. To tackle real-world domains, these systems often use neural networks to learn policies directly from pixels or other high-dimensional sensory input. By contrast, much theory of RL has focused on discrete state spaces or worst-case analysis, and fundamental questions remain about the dynamics of policy learning in high-dimensional settings. Here, we propose a solvable high-dimensional model of RL that can capture a variety of learning protocols, and derive its typical dynamics as a set of closed-form ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We derive optimal schedules for the learning rates and task difficulty - analogous to annealing schemes and curricula during training in RL - and show that the model exhibits rich behaviour, including delayed learning under sparse rewards; a variety of learning regimes depending on reward baselines; and a speed-accuracy trade-off driven by reward stringency. Experiments on variants of the Procgen game "Bossfight" and Arcade Learning Environment game "Pong" also show such a speed-accuracy trade-off in practice. Together, these results take a step towards closing the gap between theory and practice in high-dimensional RL.
Abstract:Pruning deep neural networks is a widely used strategy to alleviate the computational burden in machine learning. Overwhelming empirical evidence suggests that pruned models retain very high accuracy even with a tiny fraction of parameters. However, relatively little work has gone into characterising the small pruned networks obtained, beyond a measure of their accuracy. In this paper, we use the sparse double descent approach to identify univocally and characterise pruned models associated with classification tasks. We observe empirically that, for a given task, iterative magnitude pruning (IMP) tends to converge to networks of comparable sizes even when starting from full networks with sizes ranging over orders of magnitude. We analyse the best pruned models in a controlled experimental setup and show that their number of parameters reflects task difficulty and that they are much better than full networks at capturing the true conditional probability distribution of the labels. On real data, we similarly observe that pruned models are less prone to overconfident predictions. Our results suggest that pruned models obtained via IMP not only have advantageous computational properties but also provide a better representation of uncertainty in learning.
Abstract:Machine learning models are famously vulnerable to adversarial attacks: small ad-hoc perturbations of the data that can catastrophically alter the model predictions. While a large literature has studied the case of test-time attacks on pre-trained models, the important case of attacks in an online learning setting has received little attention so far. In this work, we use a control-theoretical perspective to study the scenario where an attacker may perturb data labels to manipulate the learning dynamics of an online learner. We perform a theoretical analysis of the problem in a teacher-student setup, considering different attack strategies, and obtaining analytical results for the steady state of simple linear learners. These results enable us to prove that a discontinuous transition in the learner's accuracy occurs when the attack strength exceeds a critical threshold. We then study empirically attacks on learners with complex architectures using real data, confirming the insights of our theoretical analysis. Our findings show that greedy attacks can be extremely efficient, especially when data stream in small batches.
Abstract:Transformers are the type of neural networks that has revolutionised natural language processing and protein science. Their key building block is a mechanism called self-attention which is trained to predict missing words in sentences. Despite the practical success of transformers in applications it remains unclear what self-attention learns from data, and how. Here, we give a precise analytical and numerical characterisation of transformers trained on data drawn from a generalised Potts model with interactions between sites and Potts colours. While an off-the-shelf transformer requires several layers to learn this distribution, we show analytically that a single layer of self-attention with a small modification can learn the Potts model exactly in the limit of infinite sampling. We show that this modified self-attention, that we call ``factored'', has the same functional form as the conditional probability of a Potts spin given the other spins, compute its generalisation error using the replica method from statistical physics, and derive an exact mapping to pseudo-likelihood methods for solving the inverse Ising and Potts problem.
Abstract:The ability of deep neural networks to generalise well even when they interpolate their training data has been explained using various "simplicity biases". These theories postulate that neural networks avoid overfitting by first learning simple functions, say a linear classifier, before learning more complex, non-linear functions. Meanwhile, data structure is also recognised as a key ingredient for good generalisation, yet its role in simplicity biases is not yet understood. Here, we show that neural networks trained using stochastic gradient descent initially classify their inputs using lower-order input statistics, like mean and covariance, and exploit higher-order statistics only later during training. We first demonstrate this distributional simplicity bias (DSB) in a solvable model of a neural network trained on synthetic data. We empirically demonstrate DSB in a range of deep convolutional networks and visual transformers trained on CIFAR10, and show that it even holds in networks pre-trained on ImageNet. We discuss the relation of DSB to other simplicity biases and consider its implications for the principle of Gaussian universality in learning.
Abstract:The recent success of neural networks in machine translation and other fields has drawn renewed attention to learning sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) tasks. While there exists a rich literature that studies classification and regression using solvable models of neural networks, learning seq2seq tasks is significantly less studied from this perspective. Here, we propose a simple model for a seq2seq task that gives us explicit control over the degree of memory, or non-Markovianity, in the sequences -- the stochastic switching-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (SSOU) model. We introduce a measure of non-Markovianity to quantify the amount of memory in the sequences. For a minimal auto-regressive (AR) learning model trained on this task, we identify two learning regimes corresponding to distinct phases in the stationary state of the SSOU process. These phases emerge from the interplay between two different time scales that govern the sequence statistics. Moreover, we observe that while increasing the memory of the AR model always improves performance, increasing the non-Markovianity of the input sequences can improve or degrade performance. Finally, our experiments with recurrent and convolutional neural networks show that our observations carry over to more complicated neural network architectures.