Abstract:Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are extreme ocean-temperature events with significant impacts on marine ecosystems and related industries. Accurate forecasts (one to six months ahead) of MHWs would aid in mitigating these impacts. However, forecasting MHWs presents a challenging imbalanced regression task due to the rarity of extreme temperature anomalies in comparison to more frequent moderate conditions. In this study, we examine monthly MHW forecasts for 12 locations around New Zealand. We use a fully-connected neural network and compare standard and specialized regression loss functions, including the mean squared error (MSE), the mean absolute error (MAE), the Huber, the weighted MSE, the focal-R, the balanced MSE, and a proposed scaling-weighted MSE. Results show that (i) short lead times (one month) are considerably more predictable than three- and six-month leads, (ii) models trained with the standard MSE or MAE losses excel at forecasting average conditions but struggle to capture extremes, and (iii) specialized loss functions such as the balanced MSE and our scaling-weighted MSE substantially improve forecasting of MHW and suspected MHW events. These findings underscore the importance of tailored loss functions for imbalanced regression, particularly in forecasting rare but impactful events such as MHWs.
Abstract:CapyMOA is an open-source library designed for efficient machine learning on streaming data. It provides a structured framework for real-time learning and evaluation, featuring a flexible data representation. CapyMOA includes an extensible architecture that allows integration with external frameworks such as MOA and PyTorch, facilitating hybrid learning approaches that combine traditional online algorithms with deep learning techniques. By emphasizing adaptability, scalability, and usability, CapyMOA allows researchers and practitioners to tackle dynamic learning challenges across various domains.
Abstract:This overview paper details the findings from the Diving Deep: Forecasting Sea Surface Temperatures and Anomalies Challenge at the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) 2024. The challenge focused on the data-driven predictability of global sea surface temperatures (SSTs), a key factor in climate forecasting, ecosystem management, fisheries management, and climate change monitoring. The challenge involved forecasting SST anomalies (SSTAs) three months in advance using historical data and included a special task of predicting SSTAs nine months ahead for the Baltic Sea. Participants utilized various machine learning approaches to tackle the task, leveraging data from ERA5. This paper discusses the methodologies employed, the results obtained, and the lessons learned, offering insights into the future of climate-related predictive modeling.
Abstract:Graphs inherently capture dependencies between nodes or variables through their topological structure, with paths between any two nodes indicating a sequential dependency on the nodes traversed. Message Passing Neural Networks (MPNNs) leverage these latent relationships embedded in graph structures, and have become widely adopted across diverse applications. However, many existing methods predominantly rely on local information within the $1$-hop neighborhood. This approach has notable limitations; for example, $1$-hop aggregation schemes inherently lose long-distance information, and are limited in expressive power as defined by the $k$-Weisfeiler-Leman ($k$-WL) isomorphism test. To address these issues, we propose the Higher Order Graphical Attention (HoGA) module, which assigns weights to variable-length paths sampled based on feature-vector diversity, effectively reconstructing the $k$-hop neighborhood. HoGA represents higher-order relationships as a robust form of self-attention, applicable to any single-hop attention mechanism. In empirical studies, applying HoGA to existing attention-based models consistently leads to significant accuracy improvements on benchmark node classification datasets. Furthermore, we observe that the performance degradation typically associated with additional message-passing steps may be mitigated.
Abstract:Reliable re-identification of individuals within large wildlife populations is crucial for biological studies, ecological research, and wildlife conservation. Classic computer vision techniques offer a promising direction for Animal Re-identification (Animal ReID), but their backbones' close-set nature limits their applicability and generalizability. Despite the demonstrated effectiveness of vision-language models like CLIP in re-identifying persons and vehicles, their application to Animal ReID remains limited due to unique challenges, such as the various visual representations of animals, including variations in poses and forms. To address these limitations, we leverage CLIP's cross-modal capabilities to introduce a two-stage framework, the \textbf{Indiv}idual \textbf{A}nimal \textbf{ID}entity-Driven (IndivAID) framework, specifically designed for Animal ReID. In the first stage, IndivAID trains a text description generator by extracting individual semantic information from each image, generating both image-specific and individual-specific textual descriptions that fully capture the diverse visual concepts of each individual across animal images. In the second stage, IndivAID refines its learning of visual concepts by dynamically incorporating individual-specific textual descriptions with an integrated attention module to further highlight discriminative features of individuals for Animal ReID. Evaluation against state-of-the-art methods across eight benchmark datasets and a real-world Stoat dataset demonstrates IndivAID's effectiveness and applicability. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/ywu840/IndivAID}.
Abstract:Knowledge transfer in multi-task learning is typically viewed as a dichotomy; positive transfer, which improves the performance of all tasks, or negative transfer, which hinders the performance of all tasks. In this paper, we investigate the understudied problem of asymmetric task relationships, where knowledge transfer aids the learning of certain tasks while hindering the learning of others. We propose an optimisation strategy that includes additional cloned tasks named self-auxiliaries into the learning process to flexibly transfer knowledge between tasks asymmetrically. Our method can exploit asymmetric task relationships, benefiting from the positive transfer component while avoiding the negative transfer component. We demonstrate that asymmetric knowledge transfer provides substantial improvements in performance compared to existing multi-task optimisation strategies on benchmark computer vision problems.
Abstract:The distribution of streaming data often changes over time as conditions change, a phenomenon known as concept drift. Only a subset of previous experience, collected in similar conditions, is relevant to learning an accurate classifier for current data. Learning from irrelevant experience describing a different concept can degrade performance. A system learning from streaming data must identify which recent experience is irrelevant when conditions change and which past experience is relevant when concepts reoccur, \textit{e.g.,} when weather events or financial patterns repeat. Existing streaming approaches either do not consider experience to change in relevance over time and thus cannot handle concept drift, or only consider the recency of experience and thus cannot handle recurring concepts, or only sparsely evaluate relevance and thus fail when concept drift is missed. To enable learning in changing conditions, we propose SELeCT, a probabilistic method for continuously evaluating the relevance of past experience. SELeCT maintains a distinct internal state for each concept, representing relevant experience with a unique classifier. We propose a Bayesian algorithm for estimating state relevance, combining the likelihood of drawing recent observations from a given state with a transition pattern prior based on the system's current state.
Abstract:Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) is an efficient strategy for adapting latent diffusion models (LDMs) on a training dataset to generate specific objects by minimizing the adaptation loss. However, adapted LDMs via LoRA are vulnerable to membership inference (MI) attacks that can judge whether a particular data point belongs to private training datasets, thus facing severe risks of privacy leakage. To defend against MI attacks, we make the first effort to propose a straightforward solution: privacy-preserving LoRA (PrivateLoRA). PrivateLoRA is formulated as a min-max optimization problem where a proxy attack model is trained by maximizing its MI gain while the LDM is adapted by minimizing the sum of the adaptation loss and the proxy attack model's MI gain. However, we empirically disclose that PrivateLoRA has the issue of unstable optimization due to the large fluctuation of the gradient scale which impedes adaptation. To mitigate this issue, we propose Stable PrivateLoRA that adapts the LDM by minimizing the ratio of the adaptation loss to the MI gain, which implicitly rescales the gradient and thus stabilizes the optimization. Our comprehensive empirical results corroborate that adapted LDMs via Stable PrivateLoRA can effectively defend against MI attacks while generating high-quality images. Our code is available at https://github.com/WilliamLUO0/StablePrivateLoRA.
Abstract:When concept drift is detected during classification in a data stream, a common remedy is to retrain a framework's classifier. However, this loses useful information if the classifier has learnt the current concept well, and this concept will recur again in the future. Some frameworks retain and reuse classifiers, but it can be time-consuming to select an appropriate classifier to reuse. These frameworks rarely match the accuracy of state-of-the-art ensemble approaches. For many data stream tasks, speed is important: fast, accurate frameworks are needed for time-dependent applications. We propose the Enhanced Concept Profiling Framework (ECPF), which aims to recognise recurring concepts and reuse a classifier trained previously, enabling accurate classification immediately following a drift. The novelty of ECPF is in how it uses similarity of classifications on new data, between a new classifier and existing classifiers, to quickly identify the best classifier to reuse. It always trains both a new classifier and a reused classifier, and retains the more accurate classifier when concept drift occurs. Finally, it creates a copy of reused classifiers, so a classifier well-suited for a recurring concept will not be impacted by being trained on a different concept. In our experiments, ECPF classifies significantly more accurately than a state-of-the-art classifier reuse framework (Diversity Pool) and a state-of-the-art ensemble technique (Adaptive Random Forest) on synthetic datasets with recurring concepts. It classifies real-world datasets five times faster than Diversity Pool, and six times faster than Adaptive Random Forest and is not significantly less accurate than either.