Abstract:Target-speaker speech processing (TS) tasks, such as target-speaker automatic speech recognition (TS-ASR), target speech extraction (TSE), and personal voice activity detection (p-VAD), are important for extracting information about a desired speaker's speech even when it is corrupted by interfering speakers. While most studies have focused on training schemes or system architectures for each specific task, the auxiliary network for embedding target-speaker cues has not been investigated comprehensively in a unified cross-task evaluation. Therefore, this paper aims to address a fundamental question: what is the preferred speaker embedding for TS tasks? To this end, for the TS-ASR, TSE, and p-VAD tasks, we compare pre-trained speaker encoders (i.e., self-supervised or speaker recognition models) that compute speaker embeddings from pre-recorded enrollment speech of the target speaker with ideal speaker embeddings derived directly from the target speaker's identity in the form of a one-hot vector. To further understand the properties of ideal speaker embedding, we optimize it using a gradient-based approach to improve performance on the TS task. Our analysis reveals that speaker verification performance is somewhat unrelated to TS task performances, the one-hot vector outperforms enrollment-based ones, and the optimal embedding depends on the input mixture.
Abstract:We present a distant automatic speech recognition (DASR) system developed for the CHiME-8 DASR track. It consists of a diarization first pipeline. For diarization, we use end-to-end diarization with vector clustering (EEND-VC) followed by target speaker voice activity detection (TS-VAD) refinement. To deal with various numbers of speakers, we developed a new multi-channel speaker counting approach. We then apply guided source separation (GSS) with several improvements to the baseline system. Finally, we perform ASR using a combination of systems built from strong pre-trained models. Our proposed system achieves a macro tcpWER of 21.3 % on the dev set, which is a 57 % relative improvement over the baseline.
Abstract:Binaural target sound extraction (TSE) aims to extract a desired sound from a binaural mixture of arbitrary sounds while preserving the spatial cues of the desired sound. Indeed, for many applications, the target sound signal and its spatial cues carry important information about the sound source. Binaural TSE can be realized with a neural network trained to output only the desired sound given a binaural mixture and an embedding characterizing the desired sound class as inputs. Conventional TSE systems are trained using signal-level losses, which measure the difference between the extracted and reference signals for the left and right channels. In this paper, we propose adding explicit spatial losses to better preserve the spatial cues of the target sound. In particular, we explore losses aiming at preserving the interaural level (ILD), phase (IPD), and time differences (ITD). We show experimentally that adding such spatial losses, particularly our newly proposed ITD loss, helps preserve better spatial cues while maintaining the signal-level metrics.
Abstract:Real-time target speaker extraction (TSE) is intended to extract the desired speaker's voice from the observed mixture of multiple speakers in a streaming manner. Implementing real-time TSE is challenging as the computational complexity must be reduced to provide real-time operation. This work introduces to Conv-TasNet-based TSE a new architecture based on state space modeling (SSM) that has been shown to model long-term dependency effectively. Owing to SSM, fewer dilated convolutional layers are required to capture temporal dependency in Conv-TasNet, resulting in the reduction of model complexity. We also enlarge the window length and shift of the convolutional (TasNet) frontend encoder to reduce the computational cost further; the performance decline is compensated by over-parameterization of the frontend encoder. The proposed method reduces the real-time factor by 78% from the conventional causal Conv-TasNet-based TSE while matching its performance.
Abstract:It is challenging to improve automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance in noisy conditions with a single-channel speech enhancement (SE) front-end. This is generally attributed to the processing distortions caused by the nonlinear processing of single-channel SE front-ends. However, the causes of such degraded ASR performance have not been fully investigated. How to design single-channel SE front-ends in a way that significantly improves ASR performance remains an open research question. In this study, we investigate a signal-level numerical metric that can explain the cause of degradation in ASR performance. To this end, we propose a novel analysis scheme based on the orthogonal projection-based decomposition of SE errors. This scheme manually modifies the ratio of the decomposed interference, noise, and artifact errors, and it enables us to directly evaluate the impact of each error type on ASR performance. Our analysis reveals the particularly detrimental effect of artifact errors on ASR performance compared to the other types of errors. This provides us with a more principled definition of processing distortions that cause the ASR performance degradation. Then, we study two practical approaches for reducing the impact of artifact errors. First, we prove that the simple observation adding (OA) post-processing (i.e., interpolating the enhanced and observed signals) can monotonically improve the signal-to-artifact ratio. Second, we propose a novel training objective, called artifact-boosted signal-to-distortion ratio (AB-SDR), which forces the model to estimate the enhanced signals with fewer artifact errors. Through experiments, we confirm that both the OA and AB-SDR approaches are effective in decreasing artifact errors caused by single-channel SE front-ends, allowing them to significantly improve ASR performance.
Abstract:Pre-trained self-supervised learning (SSL) models have achieved remarkable success in various speech tasks. However, their potential in target speech extraction (TSE) has not been fully exploited. TSE aims to extract the speech of a target speaker in a mixture guided by enrollment utterances. We exploit pre-trained SSL models for two purposes within a TSE framework, i.e., to process the input mixture and to derive speaker embeddings from the enrollment. In this paper, we focus on how to effectively use SSL models for TSE. We first introduce a novel TSE downstream task following the SUPERB principles. This simple experiment shows the potential of SSL models for TSE, but extraction performance remains far behind the state-of-the-art. We then extend a powerful TSE architecture by incorporating two SSL-based modules: an Adaptive Input Enhancer (AIE) and a speaker encoder. Specifically, the proposed AIE utilizes intermediate representations from the CNN encoder by adjusting the time resolution of CNN encoder and transformer blocks through progressive upsampling, capturing both fine-grained and hierarchical features. Our method outperforms current TSE systems achieving a SI-SDR improvement of 14.0 dB on LibriMix. Moreover, we can further improve performance by 0.7 dB by fine-tuning the whole model including the SSL model parameters.
Abstract:Large-scale pre-trained self-supervised learning (SSL) models have shown remarkable advancements in speech-related tasks. However, the utilization of these models in complex multi-talker scenarios, such as extracting a target speaker in a mixture, is yet to be fully evaluated. In this paper, we introduce target speech extraction (TSE) as a novel downstream task to evaluate the feature extraction capabilities of pre-trained SSL models. TSE uniquely requires both speaker identification and speech separation, distinguishing it from other tasks in the Speech processing Universal PERformance Benchmark (SUPERB) evaluation. Specifically, we propose a TSE downstream model composed of two lightweight task-oriented modules based on the same frozen SSL model. One module functions as a speaker encoder to obtain target speaker information from an enrollment speech, while the other estimates the target speaker's mask to extract its speech from the mixture. Experimental results on the Libri2mix datasets reveal the relevance of the TSE downstream task to probe SSL models, as its performance cannot be simply deduced from other related tasks such as speaker verification and separation.
Abstract:Recently, a mask-based beamformer with attention-based spatial covariance matrix aggregator (ASA) was proposed, which was demonstrated to track moving sources accurately. However, the deep neural network model used in this algorithm is limited to a specific channel configuration, requiring a different model in case a different channel permutation, channel count, or microphone array geometry is considered. Addressing this limitation, in this paper, we investigate three approaches to improve the robustness of the ASA-based tracking method against such variations: incorporating random channel configurations during the training process, employing the transform-average-concatenate (TAC) method to process multi-channel input features (allowing for any channel count and enabling permutation invariance), and utilizing input features that are robust against variations of the channel configuration. Our experiments, conducted using the CHiME-3 and DEMAND datasets, demonstrate improved robustness against mismatches in channel permutations, channel counts, and microphone array geometries compared to the conventional ASA-based tracking method without compromising performance in matched conditions, suggesting that the mask-based beamformer with ASA integrating the proposed approaches has the potential to track moving sources for arbitrary microphone arrays.
Abstract:Array processing performance depends on the number of microphones available. Virtual microphone estimation (VME) has been proposed to increase the number of microphone signals artificially. Neural network-based VME (NN-VME) trains an NN with a VM-level loss to predict a signal at a microphone location that is available during training but not at inference. However, this training objective may not be optimal for a specific array processing back-end, such as beamforming. An alternative approach is to use a training objective considering the array-processing back-end, such as a loss on the beamformer output. This approach may generate signals optimal for beamforming but not physically grounded. To combine the advantages of both approaches, this paper proposes a multi-task loss for NN-VME that combines both VM-level and beamformer-level losses. We evaluate the proposed multi-task NN-VME on multi-talker underdetermined conditions and show that it achieves a 33.1 % relative WER improvement compared to using only real microphones and 10.8 % compared to using a prior NN-VME approach.
Abstract:Jointly training a speech enhancement (SE) front-end and an automatic speech recognition (ASR) back-end has been investigated as a way to mitigate the influence of \emph{processing distortion} generated by single-channel SE on ASR. In this paper, we investigate the effect of such joint training on the signal-level characteristics of the enhanced signals from the viewpoint of the decomposed noise and artifact errors. The experimental analyses provide two novel findings: 1) ASR-level training of the SE front-end reduces the artifact errors while increasing the noise errors, and 2) simply interpolating the enhanced and observed signals, which achieves a similar effect of reducing artifacts and increasing noise, improves ASR performance without jointly modifying the SE and ASR modules, even for a strong ASR back-end using a WavLM feature extractor. Our findings provide a better understanding of the effect of joint training and a novel insight for designing an ASR agnostic SE front-end.