Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive success in a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks due to their extensive general knowledge of the world. Recent works discovered that the performance of LLMs is heavily dependent on the input prompt. However, prompt engineering is usually done manually in a trial-and-error fashion, which can be labor-intensive and challenging in order to find the optimal prompts. To address these problems and unleash the utmost potential of LLMs, we propose a novel LLMs-agnostic framework for prompt optimization, namely GRL-Prompt, which aims to automatically construct optimal prompts via reinforcement learning (RL) in an end-to-end manner. To provide structured action/state representation for optimizing prompts, we construct a knowledge graph (KG) that better encodes the correlation between the user query and candidate in-context examples. Furthermore, a policy network is formulated to generate the optimal action by selecting a set of in-context examples in a rewardable order to construct the prompt. Additionally, the embedding-based reward shaping is utilized to stabilize the RL training process. The experimental results show that GRL-Prompt outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods, achieving an average increase of 0.10 in ROUGE-1, 0.07 in ROUGE-2, 0.07 in ROUGE-L, and 0.05 in BLEU.
Abstract:The accurate diagnosis of machine breakdowns is crucial for maintaining operational safety in smart manufacturing. Despite the promise shown by deep learning in automating fault identification, the scarcity of labeled training data, particularly for equipment failure instances, poses a significant challenge. This limitation hampers the development of robust classification models. Existing methods like model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) do not adequately address variable working conditions, affecting knowledge transfer. To address these challenges, a Related Task Aware Curriculum Meta-learning (RT-ACM) enhanced fault diagnosis framework is proposed in this paper, inspired by human cognitive learning processes. RT-ACM improves training by considering the relevance of auxiliary working conditions, adhering to the principle of ``paying more attention to more relevant knowledge", and focusing on ``easier first, harder later" curriculum sampling. This approach aids the meta-learner in achieving a superior convergence state. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of RT-ACM framework.
Abstract:Image segmentation is a crucial vision task that groups pixels within an image into semantically meaningful segments, which is pivotal in obtaining a fine-grained understanding of real-world scenes. However, an increasing privacy concern exists regarding training large-scale image segmentation models on unauthorized private data. In this work, we exploit the concept of unlearnable examples to make images unusable to model training by generating and adding unlearnable noise into the original images. Particularly, we propose a novel Unlearnable Segmentation (UnSeg) framework to train a universal unlearnable noise generator that is capable of transforming any downstream images into their unlearnable version. The unlearnable noise generator is finetuned from the Segment Anything Model (SAM) via bilevel optimization on an interactive segmentation dataset towards minimizing the training error of a surrogate model that shares the same architecture with SAM but is trained from scratch. We empirically verify the effectiveness of UnSeg across 6 mainstream image segmentation tasks, 10 widely used datasets, and 7 different network architectures, and show that the unlearnable images can reduce the segmentation performance by a large margin. Our work provides useful insights into how to leverage foundation models in a data-efficient and computationally affordable manner to protect images against image segmentation models.
Abstract:Hypergraphs are increasingly utilized in both unimodal and multimodal data scenarios due to their superior ability to model and extract higher-order relationships among nodes, compared to traditional graphs. However, current hypergraph models are encountering challenges related to imbalanced data, as this imbalance can lead to biases in the model towards the more prevalent classes. While the existing techniques, such as GraphSMOTE, have improved classification accuracy for minority samples in graph data, they still fall short when addressing the unique structure of hypergraphs. Inspired by SMOTE concept, we propose HyperSMOTE as a solution to alleviate the class imbalance issue in hypergraph learning. This method involves a two-step process: initially synthesizing minority class nodes, followed by the nodes integration into the original hypergraph. We synthesize new nodes based on samples from minority classes and their neighbors. At the same time, in order to solve the problem on integrating the new node into the hypergraph, we train a decoder based on the original hypergraph incidence matrix to adaptively associate the augmented node to hyperedges. We conduct extensive evaluation on multiple single-modality datasets, such as Cora, Cora-CA and Citeseer, as well as multimodal conversation dataset MELD to verify the effectiveness of HyperSMOTE, showing an average performance gain of 3.38% and 2.97% on accuracy, respectively.
Abstract:Efficient data transmission scheduling within vehicular environments poses a significant challenge due to the high mobility of such networks. Contemporary research predominantly centers on crafting cooperative scheduling algorithms tailored for vehicular networks. Notwithstanding, the intricacies of orchestrating scheduling in vehicular social networks both effectively and efficiently remain formidable. This paper introduces an innovative learning-based algorithm for scheduling data transmission that prioritizes efficiency and security within vehicular social networks. The algorithm first uses a specifically constructed neural network to enhance data processing capabilities. After this, it incorporates a Q-learning paradigm during the data transmission phase to optimize the information exchange, the privacy of which is safeguarded by differential privacy through the communication process. Comparative experiments demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed Q-learning enhanced scheduling algorithm relative to existing state-of-the-art scheduling algorithms in the context of vehicular social networks.
Abstract:In recent years, the widespread adoption of distributed microservice architectures within the industry has significantly increased the demand for enhanced system availability and robustness. Due to the complex service invocation paths and dependencies at enterprise-level microservice systems, it is challenging to locate the anomalies promptly during service invocations, thus causing intractable issues for normal system operations and maintenance. In this paper, we propose a Causal Heterogeneous grAph baSed framEwork for root cause analysis, namely CHASE, for microservice systems with multimodal data, including traces, logs, and system monitoring metrics. Specifically, related information is encoded into representative embeddings and further modeled by a multimodal invocation graph. Following that, anomaly detection is performed on each instance node with attentive heterogeneous message passing from its adjacent metric and log nodes. Finally, CHASE learns from the constructed hypergraph with hyperedges representing the flow of causality and performs root cause localization. We evaluate the proposed framework on two public microservice datasets with distinct attributes and compare with the state-of-the-art methods. The results show that CHASE achieves the average performance gain up to 36.2%(A@1) and 29.4%(Percentage@1), respectively to its best counterpart.
Abstract:Learning-based methods have become increasingly popular for solving vehicle routing problems due to their near-optimal performance and fast inference speed. Among them, the combination of deep reinforcement learning and graph representation allows for the abstraction of node topology structures and features in an encoder-decoder style. Such an approach makes it possible to solve routing problems end-to-end without needing complicated heuristic operators designed by domain experts. Existing research studies have been focusing on novel encoding and decoding structures via various neural network models to enhance the node embedding representation. Despite the sophisticated approaches applied, there is a noticeable lack of consideration for the graph-theoretic properties inherent to routing problems. Moreover, the potential ramifications of inter-nodal interactions on the decision-making efficacy of the models have not been adequately explored. To bridge this gap, we propose an adaptive Graph Attention Sampling with the Edges Fusion framework (GASE),where nodes' embedding is determined through attention calculation from certain highly correlated neighbourhoods and edges, utilizing a filtered adjacency matrix. In detail, the selections of particular neighbours and adjacency edges are led by a multi-head attention mechanism, contributing directly to the message passing and node embedding in graph attention sampling networks. Furthermore, we incorporate an adaptive actor-critic algorithm with policy improvements to expedite the training convergence. We then conduct comprehensive experiments against baseline methods on learning-based VRP tasks from different perspectives. Our proposed model outperforms the existing methods by 2.08\%-6.23\% and shows stronger generalization ability, achieving state-of-the-art performance on randomly generated instances and real-world datasets.
Abstract:Sleep stage classification is crucial for detecting patients' health conditions. Existing models, which mainly use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for modelling Euclidean data and Graph Convolution Networks (GNN) for modelling non-Euclidean data, are unable to consider the heterogeneity and interactivity of multimodal data as well as the spatial-temporal correlation simultaneously, which hinders a further improvement of classification performance. In this paper, we propose a dynamic learning framework STHL, which introduces hypergraph to encode spatial-temporal data for sleep stage classification. Hypergraphs can construct multi-modal/multi-type data instead of using simple pairwise between two subjects. STHL creates spatial and temporal hyperedges separately to build node correlations, then it conducts type-specific hypergraph learning process to encode the attributes into the embedding space. Extensive experiments show that our proposed STHL outperforms the state-of-the-art models in sleep stage classification tasks.
Abstract:Graph neural network (GNN) has gained increasing popularity in recent years owing to its capability and flexibility in modeling complex graph structure data. Among all graph learning methods, hypergraph learning is a technique for exploring the implicit higher-order correlations when training the embedding space of the graph. In this paper, we propose a hypergraph learning framework named LFH that is capable of dynamic hyperedge construction and attentive embedding update utilizing the heterogeneity attributes of the graph. Specifically, in our framework, the high-quality features are first generated by the pairwise fusion strategy that utilizes explicit graph structure information when generating initial node embedding. Afterwards, a hypergraph is constructed through the dynamic grouping of implicit hyperedges, followed by the type-specific hypergraph learning process. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, we conduct comprehensive experiments on several popular datasets with eleven state-of-the-art models on both node classification and link prediction tasks, which fall into categories of homogeneous pairwise graph learning, heterogeneous pairwise graph learning, and hypergraph learning. The experiment results demonstrate a significant performance gain (average 12.5% in node classification and 13.3% in link prediction) compared with recent state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Vulnerability detection is a critical problem in software security and attracts growing attention both from academia and industry. Traditionally, software security is safeguarded by designated rule-based detectors that heavily rely on empirical expertise, requiring tremendous effort from software experts to generate rule repositories for large code corpus. Recent advances in deep learning, especially Graph Neural Networks (GNN), have uncovered the feasibility of automatic detection of a wide range of software vulnerabilities. However, prior learning-based works only break programs down into a sequence of word tokens for extracting contextual features of codes, or apply GNN largely on homogeneous graph representation (e.g., AST) without discerning complex types of underlying program entities (e.g., methods, variables). In this work, we are one of the first to explore heterogeneous graph representation in the form of Code Property Graph and adapt a well-known heterogeneous graph network with a dual-supervisor structure for the corresponding graph learning task. Using the prototype built, we have conducted extensive experiments on both synthetic datasets and real-world projects. Compared with the state-of-the-art baselines, the results demonstrate promising effectiveness in this research direction in terms of vulnerability detection performance (average F1 improvements over 10\% in real-world projects) and transferability from C/C++ to other programming languages (average F1 improvements over 11%).