Abstract:Deep learning has shown significant potential in solving combinatorial optimization problems such as the Euclidean traveling salesman problem (TSP). However, most training and test instances for existing TSP algorithms are generated randomly from specific distributions like uniform distribution. This has led to a lack of analysis and understanding of the performance of deep learning algorithms in out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization scenarios, which has a close relationship with the worst-case performance in the combinatorial optimization field. For data-driven algorithms, the statistical properties of randomly generated datasets are critical. This study constructs a statistical measure called nearest-neighbor density to verify the asymptotic properties of randomly generated datasets and reveal the greedy behavior of learning-based solvers, i.e., always choosing the nearest neighbor nodes to construct the solution path. Based on this statistical measure, we develop interpretable data augmentation methods that rely on distribution shifts or instance perturbations and validate that the performance of the learning-based solvers degenerates much on such augmented data. Moreover, fine-tuning learning-based solvers with augmented data further enhances their generalization abilities. In short, we decipher the limitations of learning-based TSP solvers tending to be overly greedy, which may have profound implications for AI-empowered combinatorial optimization solvers.
Abstract:Attention mechanism has been extensively integrated within mainstream neural network architectures, such as Transformers and graph attention networks. Yet, its underlying working principles remain somewhat elusive. What is its essence? Are there any connections between it and traditional machine learning algorithms? In this study, we inspect the process of computing similarity using classic metrics and vector space properties in manifold learning, clustering, and supervised learning. We identify the key characteristics of similarity computation and information propagation in these methods and demonstrate that the self-attention mechanism in deep learning adheres to the same principles but operates more flexibly and adaptively. We decompose the self-attention mechanism into a learnable pseudo-metric function and an information propagation process based on similarity computation. We prove that the self-attention mechanism converges to a drift-diffusion process through continuous modeling provided the pseudo-metric is a transformation of a metric and certain reasonable assumptions hold. This equation could be transformed into a heat equation under a new metric. In addition, we give a first-order analysis of attention mechanism with a general pseudo-metric function. This study aids in understanding the effects and principle of attention mechanism through physical intuition. Finally, we propose a modified attention mechanism called metric-attention by leveraging the concept of metric learning to facilitate the ability to learn desired metrics more effectively. Experimental results demonstrate that it outperforms self-attention regarding training efficiency, accuracy, and robustness.
Abstract:Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to small adversarial perturbations of the inputs, posing a significant challenge to their reliability and robustness. Empirical methods such as adversarial training can defend against particular attacks but remain vulnerable to more powerful attacks. Alternatively, Lipschitz networks provide certified robustness to unseen perturbations but lack sufficient expressive power. To harness the advantages of both approaches, we design a novel two-step Optimal Transport induced Adversarial Defense (OTAD) model that can fit the training data accurately while preserving the local Lipschitz continuity. First, we train a DNN with a regularizer derived from optimal transport theory, yielding a discrete optimal transport map linking data to its features. By leveraging the map's inherent regularity, we interpolate the map by solving the convex integration problem (CIP) to guarantee the local Lipschitz property. OTAD is extensible to diverse architectures of ResNet and Transformer, making it suitable for complex data. For efficient computation, the CIP can be solved through training neural networks. OTAD opens a novel avenue for developing reliable and secure deep learning systems through the regularity of optimal transport maps. Empirical results demonstrate that OTAD can outperform other robust models on diverse datasets.
Abstract:In practice, deeper networks tend to be more powerful than shallow ones, but this has not been understood theoretically. In this paper, we find the analytical solution of a three-layer network with a matrix exponential activation function, i.e., $$ f(X)=W_3\exp(W_2\exp(W_1X)), X\in \mathbb{C}^{d\times d} $$ have analytical solutions for the equations $$ Y_1=f(X_1),Y_2=f(X_2) $$ for $X_1,X_2,Y_1,Y_2$ with only invertible assumptions. Our proof shows the power of depth and the use of a non-linear activation function, since one layer network can only solve one equation,i.e.,$Y=WX$.
Abstract:Neural collapse (NC) is a simple and symmetric phenomenon for deep neural networks (DNNs) at the terminal phase of training, where the last-layer features collapse to their class means and form a simplex equiangular tight frame aligning with the classifier vectors. However, the relationship of the last-layer features to the data and intermediate layers during training remains unexplored. To this end, we characterize the geometry of intermediate layers of ResNet and propose a novel conjecture, progressive feedforward collapse (PFC), claiming the degree of collapse increases during the forward propagation of DNNs. We derive a transparent model for the well-trained ResNet according to that ResNet with weight decay approximates the geodesic curve in Wasserstein space at the terminal phase. The metrics of PFC indeed monotonically decrease across depth on various datasets. We propose a new surrogate model, multilayer unconstrained feature model (MUFM), connecting intermediate layers by an optimal transport regularizer. The optimal solution of MUFM is inconsistent with NC but is more concentrated relative to the input data. Overall, this study extends NC to PFC to model the collapse phenomenon of intermediate layers and its dependence on the input data, shedding light on the theoretical understanding of ResNet in classification problems.
Abstract:Neural operators, which use deep neural networks to approximate the solution mappings of partial differential equation (PDE) systems, are emerging as a new paradigm for PDE simulation. The neural operators could be trained in supervised or unsupervised ways, i.e., by using the generated data or the PDE information. The unsupervised training approach is essential when data generation is costly or the data is less qualified (e.g., insufficient and noisy). However, its performance and efficiency have plenty of room for improvement. To this end, we design a new loss function based on the Feynman-Kac formula and call the developed neural operator Monte-Carlo Neural Operator (MCNO), which can allow larger temporal steps and efficiently handle fractional diffusion operators. Our analyses show that MCNO has advantages in handling complex spatial conditions and larger temporal steps compared with other unsupervised methods. Furthermore, MCNO is more robust with the perturbation raised by the numerical scheme and operator approximation. Numerical experiments on the diffusion equation and Navier-Stokes equation show significant accuracy improvement compared with other unsupervised baselines, especially for the vibrated initial condition and long-time simulation settings.
Abstract:Understanding the black-box prediction for neural networks is challenging. To achieve this, early studies have designed influence function (IF) to measure the effect of removing a single training point on neural networks. However, the classic implicit Hessian-vector product (IHVP) method for calculating IF is fragile, and theoretical analysis of IF in the context of neural networks is still lacking. To this end, we utilize the neural tangent kernel (NTK) theory to calculate IF for the neural network trained with regularized mean-square loss, and prove that the approximation error can be arbitrarily small when the width is sufficiently large for two-layer ReLU networks. We analyze the error bound for the classic IHVP method in the over-parameterized regime to understand when and why it fails or not. In detail, our theoretical analysis reveals that (1) the accuracy of IHVP depends on the regularization term, and is pretty low under weak regularization; (2) the accuracy of IHVP has a significant correlation with the probability density of corresponding training points. We further borrow the theory from NTK to understand the IFs better, including quantifying the complexity for influential samples and depicting the variation of IFs during the training dynamics. Numerical experiments on real-world data confirm our theoretical results and demonstrate our findings.
Abstract:Outcome labeling ambiguity and subjectivity are ubiquitous in real-world datasets. While practitioners commonly combine ambiguous outcome labels in an ad hoc way to improve the accuracy of multi-class classification, there lacks a principled approach to guide label combination by any optimality criterion. To address this problem, we propose the information-theoretic classification accuracy (ITCA), a criterion of outcome "information" conditional on outcome prediction, to guide practitioners on how to combine ambiguous outcome labels. ITCA indicates a balance in the trade-off between prediction accuracy (how well do predicted labels agree with actual labels) and prediction resolution (how many labels are predictable). To find the optimal label combination indicated by ITCA, we develop two search strategies: greedy search and breadth-first search. Notably, ITCA and the two search strategies are adaptive to all machine-learning classification algorithms. Coupled with a classification algorithm and a search strategy, ITCA has two uses: to improve prediction accuracy and to identify ambiguous labels. We first verify that ITCA achieves high accuracy with both search strategies in finding the correct label combinations on synthetic and real data. Then we demonstrate the effectiveness of ITCA in diverse applications including medical prognosis, cancer survival prediction, user demographics prediction, and cell type classification.
Abstract:Recent studies revealed the mathematical connection of deep neural network (DNN) and dynamic system. However, the fundamental principle of DNN has not been fully characterized with dynamic system in terms of optimization and generalization. To this end, we build the connection of DNN and continuity equation where the measure is conserved to model the forward propagation process of DNN which has not been addressed before. DNN learns the transformation of the input distribution to the output one. However, in the measure space, there are infinite curves connecting two distributions. Which one can lead to good optimization and generaliztion for DNN? By diving the optimal transport theory, we find DNN with weight decay attempts to learn the geodesic curve in the Wasserstein space, which is induced by the optimal transport map. Compared with plain network, ResNet is a better approximation to the geodesic curve, which explains why ResNet can be optimized and generalize better. Numerical experiments show that the data tracks of both plain network and ResNet tend to be line-shape in term of line-shape score (LSS), and the map learned by ResNet is closer to the optimal transport map in term of optimal transport score (OTS). In a word, we conclude a mathematical principle of deep learning is to learn the geodesic curve in the Wasserstein space; and deep learning is a great engineering realization of continuous transformation in high-dimensional space.
Abstract:The information bottleneck (IB) principle has been adopted to explain deep learning in terms of information compression and prediction, which are balanced by a trade-off hyperparameter. How to optimize the IB principle for better robustness and figure out the effects of compression through the trade-off hyperparameter are two challenging problems. Previous methods attempted to optimize the IB principle by introducing random noise into learning the representation and achieved state-of-the-art performance in the nuisance information compression and semantic information extraction. However, their performance on resisting adversarial perturbations is far less impressive. To this end, we propose an adversarial information bottleneck (AIB) method without any explicit assumptions about the underlying distribution of the representations, which can be optimized effectively by solving a Min-Max optimization problem. Numerical experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate its effectiveness on learning more invariant representations and mitigating adversarial perturbations compared to several competing IB methods. In addition, we analyse the adversarial robustness of diverse IB methods contrasting with their IB curves, and reveal that IB models with the hyperparameter $\beta$ corresponding to the knee point in the IB curve achieve the best trade-off between compression and prediction, and has best robustness against various attacks.