Abstract:Federated learning enables training machine learning models while preserving the privacy of participants. Surprisingly, there is no differentially private distributed method for smooth, non-convex optimization problems. The reason is that standard privacy techniques require bounding the participants' contributions, usually enforced via $\textit{clipping}$ of the updates. Existing literature typically ignores the effect of clipping by assuming the boundedness of gradient norms or analyzes distributed algorithms with clipping but ignores DP constraints. In this work, we study an alternative approach via $\textit{smoothed normalization}$ of the updates motivated by its favorable performance in the single-node setting. By integrating smoothed normalization with an error-feedback mechanism, we design a new distributed algorithm $\alpha$-$\sf NormEC$. We prove that our method achieves a superior convergence rate over prior works. By extending $\alpha$-$\sf NormEC$ to the DP setting, we obtain the first differentially private distributed optimization algorithm with provable convergence guarantees. Finally, our empirical results from neural network training indicate robust convergence of $\alpha$-$\sf NormEC$ across different parameter settings.
Abstract:We provide the first proof of convergence for normalized error feedback algorithms across a wide range of machine learning problems. Despite their popularity and efficiency in training deep neural networks, traditional analyses of error feedback algorithms rely on the smoothness assumption that does not capture the properties of objective functions in these problems. Rather, these problems have recently been shown to satisfy generalized smoothness assumptions, and the theoretical understanding of error feedback algorithms under these assumptions remains largely unexplored. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, all existing analyses under generalized smoothness either i) focus on single-node settings or ii) make unrealistically strong assumptions for distributed settings, such as requiring data heterogeneity, and almost surely bounded stochastic gradient noise variance. In this paper, we propose distributed error feedback algorithms that utilize normalization to achieve the $O(1/\sqrt{K})$ convergence rate for nonconvex problems under generalized smoothness. Our analyses apply for distributed settings without data heterogeneity conditions, and enable stepsize tuning that is independent of problem parameters. Additionally, we provide strong convergence guarantees of normalized error feedback algorithms for stochastic settings. Finally, we show that due to their larger allowable stepsizes, our new normalized error feedback algorithms outperform their non-normalized counterparts on various tasks, including the minimization of polynomial functions, logistic regression, and ResNet-20 training.
Abstract:Data similarity assumptions have traditionally been relied upon to understand the convergence behaviors of federated learning methods. Unfortunately, this approach often demands fine-tuning step sizes based on the level of data similarity. When data similarity is low, these small step sizes result in an unacceptably slow convergence speed for federated methods. In this paper, we present a novel and unified framework for analyzing the convergence of federated learning algorithms without the need for data similarity conditions. Our analysis centers on an inequality that captures the influence of step sizes on algorithmic convergence performance. By applying our theorems to well-known federated algorithms, we derive precise expressions for three widely used step size schedules: fixed, diminishing, and step-decay step sizes, which are independent of data similarity conditions. Finally, we conduct comprehensive evaluations of the performance of these federated learning algorithms, employing the proposed step size strategies to train deep neural network models on benchmark datasets under varying data similarity conditions. Our findings demonstrate significant improvements in convergence speed and overall performance, marking a substantial advancement in federated learning research.
Abstract:Distributed stochastic gradient methods are gaining prominence in solving large-scale machine learning problems that involve data distributed across multiple nodes. However, obtaining unbiased stochastic gradients, which have been the focus of most theoretical research, is challenging in many distributed machine learning applications. The gradient estimations easily become biased, for example, when gradients are compressed or clipped, when data is shuffled, and in meta-learning and reinforcement learning. In this work, we establish non-asymptotic convergence bounds on distributed momentum methods under biased gradient estimation on both general non-convex and $\mu$-PL non-convex problems. Our analysis covers general distributed optimization problems, and we work out the implications for special cases where gradient estimates are biased, i.e., in meta-learning and when the gradients are compressed or clipped. Our numerical experiments on training deep neural networks with Top-$K$ sparsification and clipping verify faster convergence performance of momentum methods than traditional biased gradient descent.
Abstract:Motivated by the increasing popularity and importance of large-scale training under differential privacy (DP) constraints, we study distributed gradient methods with gradient clipping, i.e., clipping applied to the gradients computed from local information at the nodes. While gradient clipping is an essential tool for injecting formal DP guarantees into gradient-based methods [1], it also induces bias which causes serious convergence issues specific to the distributed setting. Inspired by recent progress in the error-feedback literature which is focused on taming the bias/error introduced by communication compression operators such as Top-$k$ [2], and mathematical similarities between the clipping operator and contractive compression operators, we design Clip21 -- the first provably effective and practically useful error feedback mechanism for distributed methods with gradient clipping. We prove that our method converges at the same $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{K}\right)$ rate as distributed gradient descent in the smooth nonconvex regime, which improves the previous best $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}\right)$ rate which was obtained under significantly stronger assumptions. Our method converges significantly faster in practice than competing methods.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning (ML) approach that allows data to be trained without being centralized. This approach is particularly beneficial for medical applications because it addresses some key challenges associated with medical data, such as privacy, security, and data ownership. On top of that, FL can improve the quality of ML models used in medical applications. Medical data is often diverse and can vary significantly depending on the patient population, making it challenging to develop ML models that are accurate and generalizable. FL allows medical data to be used from multiple sources, which can help to improve the quality and generalizability of ML models. Differential privacy (DP) is a go-to algorithmic tool to make this process secure and private. In this work, we show that the model performance can be further improved by employing local steps, a popular approach to improving the communication efficiency of FL, and tuning the number of communication rounds. Concretely, given the privacy budget, we show an optimal number of local steps and communications rounds. We provide theoretical motivations further corroborated with experimental evaluations on real-world medical imaging tasks.
Abstract:The increasing scale of distributed learning problems necessitates the development of compression techniques for reducing the information exchange between compute nodes. The level of accuracy in existing compression techniques is typically chosen before training, meaning that they are unlikely to adapt well to the problems that they are solving without extensive hyper-parameter tuning. In this paper, we propose dynamic tuning rules that adapt to the communicated gradients at each iteration. In particular, our rules optimize the communication efficiency at each iteration by maximizing the improvement in the objective function that is achieved per communicated bit. Our theoretical results and experiments indicate that the automatic tuning strategies significantly increase communication efficiency on several state-of-the-art compression schemes.
Abstract:Distributed training of massive machine learning models, in particular deep neural networks, via Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is becoming commonplace. Several families of communication-reduction methods, such as quantization, large-batch methods, and gradient sparsification, have been proposed. To date, gradient sparsification methods - where each node sorts gradients by magnitude, and only communicates a subset of the components, accumulating the rest locally - are known to yield some of the largest practical gains. Such methods can reduce the amount of communication per step by up to three orders of magnitude, while preserving model accuracy. Yet, this family of methods currently has no theoretical justification. This is the question we address in this paper. We prove that, under analytic assumptions, sparsifying gradients by magnitude with local error correction provides convergence guarantees, for both convex and non-convex smooth objectives, for data-parallel SGD. The main insight is that sparsification methods implicitly maintain bounds on the maximum impact of stale updates, thanks to selection by magnitude. Our analysis and empirical validation also reveal that these methods do require analytical conditions to converge well, justifying existing heuristics.
Abstract:Asynchronous computation and gradient compression have emerged as two key techniques for achieving scalability in distributed optimization for large-scale machine learning. This paper presents a unified analysis framework for distributed gradient methods operating with staled and compressed gradients. Non-asymptotic bounds on convergence rates and information exchange are derived for several optimization algorithms. These bounds give explicit expressions for step-sizes and characterize how the amount of asynchrony and the compression accuracy affect iteration and communication complexity guarantees. Numerical results highlight convergence properties of different gradient compression algorithms and confirm that fast convergence under limited information exchange is indeed possible.